Пример #1
    def test_get_virtualenv_executable(self, mock_sh_which):
        Test method :meth:`~pythonforandroid.util.get_virtualenv_executable`.
        In here we test:

            - that all calls to `sh.which` are performed, so we expect the
              first two `sh.which` calls should be None and the last one should
              return the expected virtualenv (the python3 one)
            - that we don't have virtualenv installed, so all calls to
              `sh.which` should return None
        expected_venv = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),
        mock_sh_which.side_effect = [None, None, expected_venv]
        self.assertEqual(util.get_virtualenv_executable(), expected_venv)
        self.assertEqual(mock_sh_which.call_count, 3)

        # Now test that we don't have virtualenv installed, so all calls to
        # `sh.which` should return None
        mock_sh_which.side_effect = [None, None, None]
        self.assertEqual(mock_sh_which.call_count, 3)
Пример #2
    def prepare_build_environment(self, user_sdk_dir, user_ndk_dir,
                                  user_android_api, user_ndk_api):
        '''Checks that build dependencies exist and sets internal variables
        for the Android SDK etc.

        ..warning:: This *must* be called before trying any build stuff



        if self._build_env_prepared:

        ok = True

        # Work out where the Android SDK is
        sdk_dir = None
        if user_sdk_dir:
            sdk_dir = user_sdk_dir
        # This is the old P4A-specific var
        if sdk_dir is None:
            sdk_dir = environ.get('ANDROIDSDK', None)
        # This seems used more conventionally
        if sdk_dir is None:
            sdk_dir = environ.get('ANDROID_HOME', None)
        # Checks in the buildozer SDK dir, useful for debug tests of p4a
        if sdk_dir is None:
            possible_dirs = glob.glob(
                    join('~', '.buildozer', 'android', 'platform',
            possible_dirs = [
                d for d in possible_dirs
                if not (d.endswith('.bz2') or d.endswith('.gz'))
            if possible_dirs:
                info('Found possible SDK dirs in buildozer dir: {}'.format(
                    ', '.join([d.split(os.sep)[-1] for d in possible_dirs])))
                info('Will attempt to use SDK at {}'.format(possible_dirs[0]))
                warning('This SDK lookup is intended for debug only, if you '
                        'use python-for-android much you should probably '
                        'maintain your own SDK download.')
                sdk_dir = possible_dirs[0]
        if sdk_dir is None:
            raise BuildInterruptingException(
                'Android SDK dir was not specified, exiting.')
        self.sdk_dir = realpath(sdk_dir)

        # Check what Android API we're using
        android_api = None
        if user_android_api:
            android_api = user_android_api
            info('Getting Android API version from user argument: {}'.format(
        elif 'ANDROIDAPI' in environ:
            android_api = environ['ANDROIDAPI']
            info('Found Android API target in $ANDROIDAPI: {}'.format(
            info('Android API target was not set manually, using '
                 'the default of {}'.format(RECOMMENDED_TARGET_API))
            android_api = RECOMMENDED_TARGET_API
        android_api = int(android_api)
        self.android_api = android_api

        check_target_api(android_api, self.archs[0].arch)

        if exists(join(sdk_dir, 'tools', 'bin', 'avdmanager')):
            avdmanager = sh.Command(join(sdk_dir, 'tools', 'bin',
            targets = avdmanager('list',
        elif exists(join(sdk_dir, 'tools', 'android')):
            android = sh.Command(join(sdk_dir, 'tools', 'android'))
            targets = android('list').stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n')
            raise BuildInterruptingException(
                'Could not find `android` or `sdkmanager` binaries in Android SDK',
                instructions='Make sure the path to the Android SDK is correct'
        apis = [s for s in targets if re.match(r'^ *API level: ', s)]
        apis = [re.findall(r'[0-9]+', s) for s in apis]
        apis = [int(s[0]) for s in apis if s]
        info('Available Android APIs are ({})'.format(', '.join(map(str,
        if android_api in apis:
            info(('Requested API target {} is available, '
            raise BuildInterruptingException(
                ('Requested API target {} is not available, install '
                 'it with the SDK android tool.').format(android_api))

        # Find the Android NDK
        # Could also use ANDROID_NDK, but doesn't look like many tools use this
        ndk_dir = None
        if user_ndk_dir:
            ndk_dir = user_ndk_dir
            info('Getting NDK dir from from user argument')
        if ndk_dir is None:  # The old P4A-specific dir
            ndk_dir = environ.get('ANDROIDNDK', None)
            if ndk_dir is not None:
                info('Found NDK dir in $ANDROIDNDK: {}'.format(ndk_dir))
        if ndk_dir is None:  # Apparently the most common convention
            ndk_dir = environ.get('NDK_HOME', None)
            if ndk_dir is not None:
                info('Found NDK dir in $NDK_HOME: {}'.format(ndk_dir))
        if ndk_dir is None:  # Another convention (with maven?)
            ndk_dir = environ.get('ANDROID_NDK_HOME', None)
            if ndk_dir is not None:
                info('Found NDK dir in $ANDROID_NDK_HOME: {}'.format(ndk_dir))
        if ndk_dir is None:  # Checks in the buildozer NDK dir, useful
            #                # for debug tests of p4a
            possible_dirs = glob.glob(
                    join('~', '.buildozer', 'android', 'platform',
            if possible_dirs:
                info('Found possible NDK dirs in buildozer dir: {}'.format(
                    ', '.join([d.split(os.sep)[-1] for d in possible_dirs])))
                info('Will attempt to use NDK at {}'.format(possible_dirs[0]))
                warning('This NDK lookup is intended for debug only, if you '
                        'use python-for-android much you should probably '
                        'maintain your own NDK download.')
                ndk_dir = possible_dirs[0]
        if ndk_dir is None:
            raise BuildInterruptingException(
                'Android NDK dir was not specified')
        self.ndk_dir = realpath(ndk_dir)


        ndk_api = None
        if user_ndk_api:
            ndk_api = user_ndk_api
                'Getting NDK API version (i.e. minimum supported API) from user argument'
        elif 'NDKAPI' in environ:
            ndk_api = environ.get('NDKAPI', None)
            info('Found Android API target in $NDKAPI')
            ndk_api = min(self.android_api, RECOMMENDED_NDK_API)
                'NDK API target was not set manually, using '
                'the default of {} = min(android-api={}, default ndk-api={})'.
                format(ndk_api, self.android_api, RECOMMENDED_NDK_API))
        ndk_api = int(ndk_api)
        self.ndk_api = ndk_api

        check_ndk_api(ndk_api, self.android_api)

        virtualenv = get_virtualenv_executable()
        if virtualenv is None:
            raise IOError('Couldn\'t find a virtualenv executable, '
                          'you must install this to use p4a.')
        self.virtualenv = virtualenv
        info('Found virtualenv at {}'.format(virtualenv))

        # path to some tools
        self.ccache = sh.which("ccache")
        if not self.ccache:
            info('ccache is missing, the build will not be optimized in the '
        for cython_fn in ("cython", "cython3", "cython2", "cython-2.7"):
            cython = sh.which(cython_fn)
            if cython:
                self.cython = cython
            raise BuildInterruptingException('No cython binary found.')
        if not self.cython:
            ok = False
            warning("Missing requirement: cython is not installed")

        # This would need to be changed if supporting multiarch APKs
        arch = self.archs[0]
        platform_dir = arch.platform_dir
        toolchain_prefix = arch.toolchain_prefix
        toolchain_version = None
        self.ndk_platform = join(self.ndk_dir, 'platforms',
        if not exists(self.ndk_platform):
            warning('ndk_platform doesn\'t exist: {}'.format(
            ok = False

        py_platform = sys.platform
        if py_platform in ['linux2', 'linux3']:
            py_platform = 'linux'

        toolchain_versions = []
        toolchain_path = join(self.ndk_dir, 'toolchains')
        if isdir(toolchain_path):
            toolchain_contents = glob.glob('{}/{}-*'.format(
                toolchain_path, toolchain_prefix))
            toolchain_versions = [
                split(path)[-1][len(toolchain_prefix) + 1:]
                for path in toolchain_contents
            warning('Could not find toolchain subdirectory!')
            ok = False

        toolchain_versions_gcc = []
        for toolchain_version in toolchain_versions:
            if toolchain_version[0].isdigit():
                # GCC toolchains begin with a number

        if toolchain_versions:
            info('Found the following toolchain versions: {}'.format(
            info('Picking the latest gcc toolchain, here {}'.format(
            toolchain_version = toolchain_versions_gcc[-1]
            warning('Could not find any toolchain for {}!'.format(
            ok = False

        self.toolchain_prefix = toolchain_prefix
        self.toolchain_version = toolchain_version
        # Modify the path so that sh finds modules appropriately
        environ['PATH'] = (

        for executable in ("pkg-config", "autoconf", "automake", "libtoolize",
                           "tar", "bzip2", "unzip", "make", "gcc", "g++"):
            if not sh.which(executable):
                warning("Missing executable: {} is not installed".format(

        if not ok:
            raise BuildInterruptingException(
                'python-for-android cannot continue due to the missing executables above'
Пример #3
    def prepare_build_environment(self,
        '''Checks that build dependencies exist and sets internal variables
        for the Android SDK etc.

        ..warning:: This *must* be called before trying any build stuff



        if self._build_env_prepared:

        ok = True

        # Work out where the Android SDK is
        sdk_dir = None
        if user_sdk_dir:
            sdk_dir = user_sdk_dir
        # This is the old P4A-specific var
        if sdk_dir is None:
            sdk_dir = environ.get('ANDROIDSDK', None)
        # This seems used more conventionally
        if sdk_dir is None:
            sdk_dir = environ.get('ANDROID_HOME', None)
        # Checks in the buildozer SDK dir, useful for debug tests of p4a
        if sdk_dir is None:
            possible_dirs = glob.glob(expanduser(join(
                '~', '.buildozer', 'android', 'platform', 'android-sdk-*')))
            possible_dirs = [d for d in possible_dirs if not
                             (d.endswith('.bz2') or d.endswith('.gz'))]
            if possible_dirs:
                info('Found possible SDK dirs in buildozer dir: {}'.format(
                    ', '.join([d.split(os.sep)[-1] for d in possible_dirs])))
                info('Will attempt to use SDK at {}'.format(possible_dirs[0]))
                warning('This SDK lookup is intended for debug only, if you '
                        'use python-for-android much you should probably '
                        'maintain your own SDK download.')
                sdk_dir = possible_dirs[0]
        if sdk_dir is None:
            raise BuildInterruptingException('Android SDK dir was not specified, exiting.')
        self.sdk_dir = realpath(sdk_dir)

        # Check what Android API we're using
        android_api = None
        if user_android_api:
            android_api = user_android_api
            info('Getting Android API version from user argument: {}'.format(android_api))
        elif 'ANDROIDAPI' in environ:
            android_api = environ['ANDROIDAPI']
            info('Found Android API target in $ANDROIDAPI: {}'.format(android_api))
            info('Android API target was not set manually, using '
                 'the default of {}'.format(RECOMMENDED_TARGET_API))
            android_api = RECOMMENDED_TARGET_API
        android_api = int(android_api)
        self.android_api = android_api

        check_target_api(android_api, self.archs[0].arch)

        if exists(join(sdk_dir, 'tools', 'bin', 'avdmanager')):
            avdmanager = sh.Command(join(sdk_dir, 'tools', 'bin', 'avdmanager'))
            targets = avdmanager('list', 'target').stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n')
        elif exists(join(sdk_dir, 'tools', 'android')):
            android = sh.Command(join(sdk_dir, 'tools', 'android'))
            targets = android('list').stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n')
            raise BuildInterruptingException(
                'Could not find `android` or `sdkmanager` binaries in Android SDK',
                instructions='Make sure the path to the Android SDK is correct')
        apis = [s for s in targets if re.match(r'^ *API level: ', s)]
        apis = [re.findall(r'[0-9]+', s) for s in apis]
        apis = [int(s[0]) for s in apis if s]
        info('Available Android APIs are ({})'.format(
            ', '.join(map(str, apis))))
        if android_api in apis:
            info(('Requested API target {} is available, '
            raise BuildInterruptingException(
                ('Requested API target {} is not available, install '
                 'it with the SDK android tool.').format(android_api))

        # Find the Android NDK
        # Could also use ANDROID_NDK, but doesn't look like many tools use this
        ndk_dir = None
        if user_ndk_dir:
            ndk_dir = user_ndk_dir
            info('Getting NDK dir from from user argument')
        if ndk_dir is None:  # The old P4A-specific dir
            ndk_dir = environ.get('ANDROIDNDK', None)
            if ndk_dir is not None:
                info('Found NDK dir in $ANDROIDNDK: {}'.format(ndk_dir))
        if ndk_dir is None:  # Apparently the most common convention
            ndk_dir = environ.get('NDK_HOME', None)
            if ndk_dir is not None:
                info('Found NDK dir in $NDK_HOME: {}'.format(ndk_dir))
        if ndk_dir is None:  # Another convention (with maven?)
            ndk_dir = environ.get('ANDROID_NDK_HOME', None)
            if ndk_dir is not None:
                info('Found NDK dir in $ANDROID_NDK_HOME: {}'.format(ndk_dir))
        if ndk_dir is None:  # Checks in the buildozer NDK dir, useful
            #                # for debug tests of p4a
            possible_dirs = glob.glob(expanduser(join(
                '~', '.buildozer', 'android', 'platform', 'android-ndk-r*')))
            if possible_dirs:
                info('Found possible NDK dirs in buildozer dir: {}'.format(
                    ', '.join([d.split(os.sep)[-1] for d in possible_dirs])))
                info('Will attempt to use NDK at {}'.format(possible_dirs[0]))
                warning('This NDK lookup is intended for debug only, if you '
                        'use python-for-android much you should probably '
                        'maintain your own NDK download.')
                ndk_dir = possible_dirs[0]
        if ndk_dir is None:
            raise BuildInterruptingException('Android NDK dir was not specified')
        self.ndk_dir = realpath(ndk_dir)


        ndk_api = None
        if user_ndk_api:
            ndk_api = user_ndk_api
            info('Getting NDK API version (i.e. minimum supported API) from user argument')
        elif 'NDKAPI' in environ:
            ndk_api = environ.get('NDKAPI', None)
            info('Found Android API target in $NDKAPI')
            ndk_api = min(self.android_api, RECOMMENDED_NDK_API)
            warning('NDK API target was not set manually, using '
                    'the default of {} = min(android-api={}, default ndk-api={})'.format(
                        ndk_api, self.android_api, RECOMMENDED_NDK_API))
        ndk_api = int(ndk_api)
        self.ndk_api = ndk_api

        check_ndk_api(ndk_api, self.android_api)

        virtualenv = get_virtualenv_executable()
        if virtualenv is None:
            raise IOError('Couldn\'t find a virtualenv executable, '
                          'you must install this to use p4a.')
        self.virtualenv = virtualenv
        info('Found virtualenv at {}'.format(virtualenv))

        # path to some tools
        self.ccache = sh.which("ccache")
        if not self.ccache:
            info('ccache is missing, the build will not be optimized in the '
        for cython_fn in ("cython", "cython3", "cython2", "cython-2.7"):
            cython = sh.which(cython_fn)
            if cython:
                self.cython = cython
            raise BuildInterruptingException('No cython binary found.')
        if not self.cython:
            ok = False
            warning("Missing requirement: cython is not installed")

        # This would need to be changed if supporting multiarch APKs
        arch = self.archs[0]
        platform_dir = arch.platform_dir
        toolchain_prefix = arch.toolchain_prefix
        toolchain_version = None
        self.ndk_platform = join(
        if not exists(self.ndk_platform):
            warning('ndk_platform doesn\'t exist: {}'.format(
            ok = False

        py_platform = sys.platform
        if py_platform in ['linux2', 'linux3']:
            py_platform = 'linux'

        toolchain_versions = []
        toolchain_path = join(self.ndk_dir, 'toolchains')
        if isdir(toolchain_path):
            toolchain_contents = glob.glob('{}/{}-*'.format(toolchain_path,
            toolchain_versions = [split(path)[-1][len(toolchain_prefix) + 1:]
                                  for path in toolchain_contents]
            warning('Could not find toolchain subdirectory!')
            ok = False

        toolchain_versions_gcc = []
        for toolchain_version in toolchain_versions:
            if toolchain_version[0].isdigit():
                # GCC toolchains begin with a number

        if toolchain_versions:
            info('Found the following toolchain versions: {}'.format(
            info('Picking the latest gcc toolchain, here {}'.format(
            toolchain_version = toolchain_versions_gcc[-1]
            warning('Could not find any toolchain for {}!'.format(
            ok = False

        self.toolchain_prefix = toolchain_prefix
        self.toolchain_version = toolchain_version
        # Modify the path so that sh finds modules appropriately
        environ['PATH'] = (
                sdk_dir=self.sdk_dir, ndk_dir=self.ndk_dir,
                py_platform=py_platform, path=environ.get('PATH'))

        for executable in ("pkg-config", "autoconf", "automake", "libtoolize",
                           "tar", "bzip2", "unzip", "make", "gcc", "g++"):
            if not sh.which(executable):
                warning("Missing executable: {} is not installed".format(

        if not ok:
            raise BuildInterruptingException(
                'python-for-android cannot continue due to the missing executables above')