def getToken(self): return auth.authenticate( self.url, self.admin, self.password, admin_auth=True )
def test_fault_non_existing_folder_genrequest_xml(self): """ Request a non existing folder, so we get a fitting fault """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean('fault_test', 'enabled'): comm = Communication(config.get('fault_test', 'url')) token = auth.authenticate(config.get('fault_test', 'url'), config.get('fault_test', 'account'), config.get('fault_test', 'preauthkey'), config.get('fault_test', 'account_by')) request = comm.gen_request(request_type="xml", token=token) request.add_request( "GetFolderRequest", { "folder": { "path": config.get('fault_test', 'folder') } }, "urn:zimbraMail" ) response = comm.send_request(request) self.check_response( response )
def test_auth_failure_xml(self): """ Send a configured auth request with a wrong password in XML format and check the result """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean('auth_test', 'enabled'): # Run only if enabled try: timestamp = config.getint('auth_test', 'timestamp') except ValueError: # If timestamp is set to a none-integer, we'll just assume # that it's unset timestamp = None response = authenticate( config.get('auth_test', 'url'), config.get('auth_test', 'account'), config.get('auth_test', 'preauthkey') + "1234", config.get('auth_test', 'account_by'), config.getint('auth_test', 'expires'), timestamp) self.assertEqual( response, None, "Authentication did not return 'None', but %s instead." % (response))
def test_auth_xml(self): """ Send a configured auth request in XML format and check a successfully returned token """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean('auth_test', 'enabled'): # Run only if enabled try: timestamp = config.getint('auth_test', 'timestamp') except ValueError: # If timestamp is set to a none-integer, we'll just assume # that it's unset timestamp = None response = authenticate(config.get('auth_test', 'url'), config.get('auth_test', 'account'), config.get('auth_test', 'preauthkey'), config.get('auth_test', 'account_by'), config.getint('auth_test', 'expires'), timestamp) self.assertNotEqual( response, None, "Authentication with the configured settings " "was not successful")
def test_admin_auth_json(self): """ Send a configured admin auth request in json format using the admin auth-method and check a successfully returned token """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("admin_auth_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled response = authenticate( config.get("admin_auth_test", "url"), config.get("admin_auth_test", "account"), config.get("admin_auth_test", "password"), config.get("admin_auth_test", "account_by"), admin_auth=True, request_type="json" ) if response is None:"Authentication with the configured settings " "was not successful")
def test_password_auth_xml(self): """ Send a configured auth request in xml format using password based authentication and check a successfully returned token """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("auth_by_password_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled response = authenticate( config.get("auth_by_password_test", "url"), config.get("auth_by_password_test", "account"), config.get("auth_by_password_test", "password"), config.get("auth_by_password_test", "account_by"), use_password=True, request_type="xml" ) if response is None:"Authentication with the configured settings " "was not ssuccessful")
def test_fault_non_existing_folder_genrequest_invalidurl(self): """ Request a non existing folder, so we get a fitting fault """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean('fault_test', 'enabled'): comm = Communication(config.get('fault_test', 'url') + "1234") token = auth.authenticate(config.get('fault_test', 'url'), config.get('fault_test', 'account'), config.get('fault_test', 'preauthkey'), config.get('fault_test', 'account_by')) request = comm.gen_request(token=token) request.add_request( "GetFolderRequest", { "folder": { "path": config.get('fault_test', 'folder') } }, "urn:zimbraMail" ) # A 404 error should by raised as an exception. self.assertRaises( Exception, comm.send_request, request )
def test_genrequest_default(self): """ Create a request only using the Communication-object """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("genrequest_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled comm = Communication(config.get("genrequest_test", "url")) token = authenticate(config.get("genrequest_test", "url"), config.get("genrequest_test", "account"), config.get("genrequest_test", "preauthkey")) self.assertNotEqual(token, None, "Cannot authenticate.") request = comm.gen_request(token=token) request.add_request("NoOpRequest", {}, "urn:zimbraMail") response = comm.send_request(request) if response.is_fault(): "Reponse failed: (%s) %s" % (response.get_fault_code(), response.get_fault_message()))
def test_auth_failure_xml(self): """ Send a configured auth request with a wrong password in XML format and check the result """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("auth_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled try: timestamp = config.getint("auth_test", "timestamp") except ValueError: # If timestamp is set to a none-integer, we'll just assume # that it's unset timestamp = None response = authenticate( config.get("auth_test", "url"), config.get("auth_test", "account"), config.get("auth_test", "preauthkey") + "1234", config.get("auth_test", "account_by"), config.getint("auth_test", "expires"), timestamp, ) self.assertEqual(response, None, "Authentication did not return 'None', but %s instead." % (response))
def set_user( self , user_name ): """ Tente de se connecter à l'API Zimbra avec un utilisateur donné. Si le nom d'utilisateur n'inclut pas un domaine, il sera rajouté. :param str user_name: le nom d'utilisateur :raises ZimbraError: une erreur de communication s'est produite """ if '@' not in user_name: user_name = '{}@{}'.format( user_name , self.domain_ ) if self.user_ is not None and self.user_ == user_name: return self.terminate( ) # ...Yes dear, you can self-terminate. from import auth from pythonzimbra.exceptions.auth import AuthenticationFailed Logging( 'zimbra' ).debug( 'Connexion pour {}'.format( user_name ) ) try: ttok = auth.authenticate( self.url_ , user_name , self.dkey_ , raise_on_error = True ) except AuthenticationFailed as e: Logging( 'zimbra' ).error( 'Échec de la connexion: {}'.format( str( e ) ) ) raise ZimbraConnectionError( e ) #FIXME Logging( 'zimbra' ).debug( 'Connexion réussie; jeton: {}'.format( ttok ) ) assert ttok is not None self.user_ = user_name self.token_ = ttok
def test_auth_xml(self): """ Send a configured auth request in XML format and check a successfully returned token """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("auth_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled try: timestamp = config.getint("auth_test", "timestamp") except ValueError: # If timestamp is set to a none-integer, we'll just assume # that it's unset timestamp = None response = authenticate( config.get("auth_test", "url"), config.get("auth_test", "account"), config.get("auth_test", "preauthkey"), config.get("auth_test", "account_by"), config.getint("auth_test", "expires"), timestamp, ) self.assertNotEqual(response, None, "Authentication with the configured settings " "was not successful")
def get_token(): url = os.environ['ZIMBRA_URL'] account = os.environ['ZIMBRA_ACCOUNT'] password = os.environ['ZIMBRA_PASSWORD'] try: token = auth.authenticate(url, account, password, admin_auth=True) except: log.exception("locals=%s", locals()) return token
def getToken(url, user, password): usr_token = auth.authenticate( url, user, password, admin_auth=True, use_password=True, ) return usr_token
def getTokenUser(self,**kwargs): return auth.authenticate( self.url, #"", kwargs.get('user'), kwargs.get('password'), admin_auth=False, use_password=True )
def auth(self): response = authenticate(self.url, self.mail_addr, self.pre_auth, by='name', expires=0, timestamp=self.timestamp, use_password=True, raise_on_error=True) return response
def generate_token(self): if self.token is None: self.token = auth.authenticate(self.url, self.mail_addr, self.pre_auth, by='name', expires=0, timestamp=self.timestamp, use_password=True, raise_on_error=True) return self.token
def connect(self): url = os.environ['ZIMBRA_URL'] account = os.environ['ZIMBRA_ACCOUNT'] password = os.environ['ZIMBRA_PASSWORD'] try: self.comm = Communication(url) self.token = auth.authenticate(url, account, password, admin_auth=True) except: log.exception("locals=%s", locals()) if not self.token: raise Exception("Authentication failed: locals=%s", locals())
def connect(self): try: self.comm = Communication(self.url) self.__token = auth.authenticate(self.url, self.usr, self.__password, admin_auth=True) self.request = self.comm.gen_request(token=self.__token, set_batch=True) return 'Conectado' except urllib.error.URLError as E: # catastrophic error. bail. return f'Erro na conexão: {E}'
def get_token(url): '''Get authentication token from Zimbra SOAP API''' login = os.getenv('LOGNAME') or os.getenv('USER') or os.getlogin() login = unicode(login) passwd = getpass.getpass() return auth.authenticate( url, login, passwd, use_password=True )
def test_autoresponse_xml(self): """ Create an XML-request and pass this to send_request expection a xml response. """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("autoresponse_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled token = authenticate( config.get("autoresponse_test", "url"), config.get("autoresponse_test", "account"), config.get("autoresponse_test", "preauthkey") ) self.assertNotEqual( token, None, "Cannot authenticate." ) request = RequestXml() request.set_auth_token(token) request.add_request( "NoOpRequest", { }, "urn:zimbraMail" ) comm = Communication(config.get("autoresponse_test", "url")) response = comm.send_request(request) if response.is_fault(): "Reponse failed: (%s) %s" % ( response.get_fault_code(), response.get_fault_message() ) ) self.assertEqual( response.response_type, "xml", "Invalid response type %s" % response.response_type )
def getAllInfo(url, adm, pword, domain): token = auth.authenticate(url, adm, pword, admin_auth=True) request = comm.gen_request(token=token) request.add_request("GetQuotaUsageRequest", { "domain": domain, "allServers": "1" }, "urn:zimbraAdmin") response = comm.send_request(request) if not response.is_fault(): return response.get_response()['GetQuotaUsageResponse']['account'] else: return "Error on zimbraAdmin: " + response.get_fault_message()
def test_genrequest_fail(self): """ Create a request only using the Communication-object """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("genrequest_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled comm = Communication(config.get("genrequest_test", "url")) token = authenticate( config.get("genrequest_test", "url"), config.get("genrequest_test", "account"), config.get("genrequest_test", "preauthkey") ) self.assertNotEqual( token, None, "Cannot authenticate." ) self.assertRaises( UnknownRequestType, comm.gen_request, request_type="INVALID", token=token ) request = comm.gen_request(token=token) request.add_request( "NoOpRequest", { }, "urn:zimbraMail" ) # Deliberately break the request request.request_type = "INVALID" self.assertRaises( UnknownRequestType, comm.send_request, request )
def test_genrequest_check_response_xml(self): """ Create a request only using the Communication-object, send it and check the response """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("genrequest_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled comm = Communication(config.get("genrequest_test", "url")) token = authenticate( config.get("genrequest_test", "url"), config.get("genrequest_test", "account"), config.get("genrequest_test", "preauthkey") ) self.assertNotEqual( token, None, "Cannot authenticate." ) request = comm.gen_request(request_type="xml", token=token) request.add_request( "GetInfoRequest", { }, "urn:zimbraAccount" ) response = comm.send_request(request) if response.is_fault(): "Reponse failed: (%s) %s" % ( response.get_fault_code(), response.get_fault_message() ) ) self.assertEqual( response.get_response()["GetInfoResponse"]["name"], config.get("genrequest_test", "account"), "Request returned unexpected response" )
def test_genrequest_xml(self): """ Create a request only using the Communication-object """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("genrequest_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled comm = Communication(config.get("genrequest_test", "url")) token = authenticate( config.get("genrequest_test", "url"), config.get("genrequest_test", "account"), config.get("genrequest_test", "preauthkey") ) self.assertNotEqual( token, None, "Cannot authenticate." ) request = comm.gen_request(request_type="xml", token=token) request.add_request( "NoOpRequest", { }, "urn:zimbraMail" ) response = comm.send_request(request) if response.is_fault(): "Reponse failed: (%s) %s" % ( response.get_fault_code(), response.get_fault_message() ) ) self.assertEqual( response.response_type, "xml", "Invalid response type %s" % response.response_type )
def test_fault_non_existing_folder_batch_json(self): """ Request a non existing folder multiple times to get multiple faults """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean('fault_test', 'enabled'): comm = Communication(config.get('fault_test', 'url')) token = auth.authenticate(config.get('fault_test', 'url'), config.get('fault_test', 'account'), config.get('fault_test', 'preauthkey'), config.get('fault_test', 'account_by')) request = RequestJson() request.set_auth_token(token) request.enable_batch() request.add_request( "GetFolderRequest", { "folder": { "path": config.get('fault_test', 'folder') } }, "urn:zimbraMail" ) request.add_request( "GetFolderRequest", { "folder": { "path": config.get('fault_test', 'folder') } }, "urn:zimbraMail" ) response = ResponseJson() comm.send_request(request, response) self.check_response( response )
def __init__(self, admin_url, admin_user, admin_pass): self.admin_url = admin_url self.admin_user = admin_user self.admin_pass = admin_pass self.admin_account_by = 'name' self.request = None self.token = authenticate(self.admin_url, self.admin_user, self.admin_pass, self.admin_account_by, admin_auth=True, request_type="json") self.comm = Communication(self.admin_url)
def getAllInfo(url, adm, pword, domain): token = auth.authenticate(url, adm, pword, admin_auth=True) request = comm.gen_request(token=token, set_batch=True) request.add_request("GetAllCosRequest", {}, "urn:zimbraAdmin") request.add_request("GetAllAccountsRequest", {"domain": { "_content": domain, "by": "name" }}, "urn:zimbraAdmin") response = comm.send_request(request) if not response.is_fault(): resp = [response.get_response(1), response.get_response(2)] return resp else: print "Error on zimbraAdmin: " + str(response.get_fault_message()) sys.exit(3)
def __init__(self, admin_url, admin_user, admin_pass): self.admin_url = admin_url self.admin_user = admin_user self.admin_pass = admin_pass self.admin_account_by = 'name' self.request = None self.token = authenticate( self.admin_url, self.admin_user, self.admin_pass, self.admin_account_by, admin_auth=True, request_type="json" ) self.comm = Communication(self.admin_url)
def getUserToken(url, adm, acc, pword): token = auth.authenticate(url, adm, pword, admin_auth=True) request = comm.gen_request(token=token) request.add_request( "DelegateAuthRequest", { "account": { "_content": acc, "by": "name" } }, "urn:zimbraAdmin" ) response = comm.send_request(request) if not response.is_fault(): return response.get_response()['DelegateAuthResponse'][ 'authToken']['_content'] else: print "Error on zimbraAdmin: " + response.get_fault_message() sys.exit(3)
def test_admin_auth_xml(self): """ Send a configured admin auth request in xml format using the admin auth-method and check a successfully returned token """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("admin_auth_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled response = authenticate( config.get("admin_auth_test", "admin_url"), config.get("admin_auth_test", "admin_account"), config.get("admin_auth_test", "admin_password"), config.get("admin_auth_test", "admin_account_by"), admin_auth=True, request_type="xml", ) self.assertNotEqual(response, None, "Authentication with the configured settings " "was not successful")
def test_password_auth_json(self): """ Send a configured auth request in json format using password based authentication and check a successfully returned token """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("auth_by_password_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled response = authenticate( config.get("auth_by_password_test", "url"), config.get("auth_by_password_test", "account"), config.get("auth_by_password_test", "password"), config.get("auth_by_password_test", "account_by"), use_password=True, request_type="json", ) self.assertNotEqual(response, None, "Authentication with the configured settings " "was not successful")
def test_password_auth_failure_json(self): """ Send a configured auth request in json format using password based authentication and a wrong password and check the error """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("auth_by_password_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled response = authenticate( config.get("auth_by_password_test", "url"), config.get("auth_by_password_test", "account"), config.get("auth_by_password_test", "password") + "1234", config.get("auth_by_password_test", "account_by"), use_password=True, request_type="json", ) self.assertEqual(response, None, "Authentication with a bad password" "was successful")
def test_password_auth_failure_json(self): """ Send a configured auth request in json format using password based authentication and a wrong password and check the error """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("auth_by_password_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled response = authenticate( config.get("auth_by_password_test", "url"), config.get("auth_by_password_test", "account"), config.get("auth_by_password_test", "password") + "1234", config.get("auth_by_password_test", "account_by"), use_password=True, request_type="json") self.assertEqual( response, None, "Authentication with a bad password" "was successful")
def test_auth_json(self): """ Send a configured auth request in json format and check a successfully returned token """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean('auth_test', 'enabled'): # Run only if enabled try: timestamp = config.getint('auth_test', 'timestamp') except ValueError: # If timestamp is set to a none-integer, we'll just assume # that it's unset timestamp = None response = authenticate( config.get('auth_test', 'url'), config.get('auth_test', 'account'), config.get('auth_test', 'preauthkey'), config.get('auth_test', 'account_by'), config.getint('auth_test', 'expires'), timestamp, request_type='json' ) if response is None:"Authentication with the configured settings " "was not successful")
def test_admin_auth_json(self): """ Send a configured admin auth request in json format using the admin auth-method and check a successfully returned token """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("admin_auth_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled response = authenticate(config.get("admin_auth_test", "admin_url"), config.get("admin_auth_test", "admin_account"), config.get("admin_auth_test", "admin_password"), config.get("admin_auth_test", "admin_account_by"), admin_auth=True, request_type="json") self.assertNotEqual( response, None, "Authentication with the configured settings " "was not successful")
def test_password_auth_xml(self): """ Send a configured auth request in xml format using password based authentication and check a successfully returned token """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("auth_by_password_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled response = authenticate(config.get("auth_by_password_test", "url"), config.get("auth_by_password_test", "account"), config.get("auth_by_password_test", "password"), config.get("auth_by_password_test", "account_by"), use_password=True, request_type="xml") self.assertNotEqual( response, None, "Authentication with the configured settings " "was not successful")
# Calculate the epoch-timestamps for Zimbra (in milliseconds) expand_start_epoch = calendar.timegm(expand_start.utctimetuple()) * 1000 expand_end_epoch = calendar.timegm(expand_end.utctimetuple()) * 1000 # Build up Zimbra communication url = "https://%s:7071/service/admin/soap" % server_name user_url = "https://%s/service/soap" % server_name comm = Communication(url) user_comm = Communication(user_url) token = auth.authenticate(url, admin_account, admin_password, admin_auth=True) if token is None: logging.error("Cannot login into zimbra with the supplied credentials.") exit(1) # Search for groupcal dictionaries search_request = comm.gen_request(token=token) search_request.add_request( "SearchDirectoryRequest", {"query": "uid=%s*" % options.prefix, "types": "distributionlists"}, "urn:zimbraAdmin" )
def run_admin_test(self, request_type): """ Actually do the work """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("admin_request_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled token = authenticate( config.get("admin_request_test", "url"), config.get("admin_request_test", "account"), config.get("admin_request_test", "password"), config.get("admin_request_test", "account_by"), admin_auth=True, request_type=request_type ) if token is None:"Authentication with the configured settings " "was not successful") # Create an account comm = Communication(config.get("admin_request_test", "url")) if request_type == "xml": request = RequestXml() else: request = RequestJson() request.set_auth_token(token) request.add_request( "CreateAccountRequest", { "name": config.get("admin_request_test", "test_account"), "password": config.get( "admin_request_test", "test_password" ) }, "urn:zimbraAdmin" ) if request_type == "xml": response = ResponseXml() else: response = ResponseJson() comm.send_request(request, response) if response.is_fault(): "CreateAccount faulted. %s" % (response.get_response()) ) account_id = response.get_response( )["CreateAccountResponse"]["account"]["id"] # Try to log in as the new account user_token = authenticate( config.get("admin_request_test", "user_url"), config.get("admin_request_test", "test_account"), config.get("admin_request_test", "test_password"), "name", request_type=request_type, use_password=True ) if user_token is None:"Cannot log in as the test user.") # Remove account request.clean() response.clean() request.set_auth_token(token) request.add_request( "DeleteAccountRequest", { "id": account_id }, "urn:zimbraAdmin" ) comm.send_request(request, response) if response.is_fault(): "Cannot remove test account. %s" % response.get_response() )
def get_token(self, url, user, secret, admin_auth): return auth.authenticate( url, user, secret, admin_auth=admin_auth)
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) elif options.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logging.debug("Starting followup-agent.") logging.debug("Authenticating as administrator to get users and domain " "preauth") server_url = "https://%s:7071/service/admin/soap" % server_name comm = Communication(server_url) token = auth.authenticate(server_url, admin_account, admin_password, admin_auth=True) users = [] if options.distlist: logging.debug("Retrieving distribution list members from list %s" % ( options.distlist )) get_members_request = comm.gen_request(token=token) get_members_request.add_request( "GetDistributionListRequest", { "dl": { "_content": options.distlist,
def test_genrequest_batch_xml(self): """ Create a batch-request only using the Communication-object ( xml-version) """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("genrequest_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled comm = Communication(config.get("genrequest_test", "url")) token = authenticate( config.get("genrequest_test", "url"), config.get("genrequest_test", "account"), config.get("genrequest_test", "preauthkey") ) self.assertNotEqual( token, None, "Cannot authenticate." ) request = comm.gen_request( request_type="xml", token=token, set_batch=True ) self.assertEqual( type(request), RequestXml, "Generated request wasn't an xml-request" ) request.add_request( "NoOpRequest", { }, "urn:zimbraMail" ) request.add_request( "NoOpRequest", { }, "urn:zimbraMail" ) response = comm.send_request(request) if response.is_fault(): "Reponse failed: (%s) %s" % ( response.get_fault_code(), response.get_fault_message() ) ) self.assertEqual( response.is_batch(), True, "Batch-request didn't return a Batch response." ) expected_batch = { 'nameToId': { 'NoOpResponse': [ '1', '2' ] }, 'hasFault': False, 'idToName': { '1': 'NoOpResponse', '2': 'NoOpResponse' } } self.assertEqual( response.get_batch(), expected_batch, "Batch-dictionary wasn't expected" )
def test_genrequest_check_response_batch_xml(self): """ Create a batch-request only using the Communication-object """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("genrequest_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled comm = Communication(config.get("genrequest_test", "url")) token = authenticate( config.get("genrequest_test", "url"), config.get("genrequest_test", "account"), config.get("genrequest_test", "preauthkey") ) self.assertNotEqual( token, None, "Cannot authenticate." ) request = comm.gen_request( request_type="xml", token=token, set_batch=True ) self.assertEqual( type(request), RequestXml, "Generated request wasn't an json-request, which should be " "the default." ) request.add_request( "NoOpRequest", { }, "urn:zimbraMail" ) request.add_request( "GetInfoRequest", { }, "urn:zimbraAccount" ) response = comm.send_request(request) if response.is_fault(): "Reponse failed: (%s) %s" % ( response.get_fault_code(), response.get_fault_message() ) ) self.assertEqual( response.get_response(2)["GetInfoResponse"]["name"], config.get("genrequest_test", "account"), "Request returned unexpected response" )
def run_admin_test(self, request_type): """ Actually do the work """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("admin_request_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled token = authenticate( config.get("admin_request_test", "admin_url"), config.get("admin_request_test", "admin_account"), config.get("admin_request_test", "admin_password"), config.get("admin_request_test", "admin_account_by"), admin_auth=True, request_type=request_type ) if token is None:"Authentication with the configured settings " "was not successful") # Create an account comm = Communication(config.get("admin_request_test", "admin_url")) if request_type == "xml": request = RequestXml() else: request = RequestJson() request.set_auth_token(token) test_account = config.get("admin_request_test", "test_account") if "TEMP" in test_account: # Generate a random number and add it to the test account random.seed() temp_account = random.randint(1000000, 5000000) test_account = test_account.replace("TEMP", str(temp_account)) test_displayname = config.get( "admin_request_test", "test_displayname" ) if sys.version < '3': # Create unicode string for py2 test_displayname = test_displayname.decode("utf-8") request.add_request( "CreateAccountRequest", { "name": test_account, "password": config.get( "admin_request_test", "test_password" ), "a": { "n": "displayName", "_content": test_displayname } }, "urn:zimbraAdmin" ) if request_type == "xml": response = ResponseXml() else: response = ResponseJson() comm.send_request(request, response) if response.is_fault(): "CreateAccount faulted. (%s) %s" % ( response.get_fault_code(), response.get_fault_message() ) ) account_id = response.get_response( )["CreateAccountResponse"]["account"]["id"] # Get account from database and compare display name to the setting request.clean() request.set_auth_token(token) response.clean() request.add_request( "GetAccountRequest", { "account": { "by": "name", "_content": test_account } }, "urn:zimbraAdmin" ) comm.send_request(request, response) if response.is_fault(): "GetAccount faulted. (%s) %s" % ( response.get_fault_code(), response.get_fault_message() ) ) returned_name = get_value( response.get_response()["GetAccountResponse"]["account"]["a"], "displayName" ) self.assertEqual( returned_name, test_displayname, "Zimbra didn't save the display name as requested." ) # Try to log in as the new account user_token = authenticate( config.get("admin_request_test", "url"), test_account, config.get("admin_request_test", "test_password"), "name", request_type=request_type, use_password=True ) if user_token is None:"Cannot log in as the test user.") # Remove account request.clean() response.clean() request.set_auth_token(token) request.add_request( "DeleteAccountRequest", { "id": account_id }, "urn:zimbraAdmin" ) comm.send_request(request, response) if response.is_fault(): "Cannot remove test account: (%s) %s" % ( response.get_fault_code(), response.get_fault_message() ) )
def default(self):"Starting process.") self.url = if self.url == "": self.url = "https://%s:7071/service/admin/soap" % \ self.user_url = if self.user_url == "": self.user_url = "https://%s/service/soap" % if password = else: password = self.token = auth.authenticate( self.url,, password, admin_auth=True ) if self.token is None:"Cannot login into zimbra") exit(1) # Read in approved file approved = self._read_approved() # Read in users userlist = self._get_scope() disapproved = {} for user in userlist: # Fetch the devices of the user devices = self._get_devices(user) # Check against approved devices for device in devices: found = False for approved_test in approved: if["value"], device[ approved_test["selector"]]): found = True if not found:"Found disapproved device: %s" % device) # Add device to the disapproved list if user not in disapproved.keys(): disapproved[user] = [] disapproved[user].append(device) if len(disapproved.keys()) > 0: for key in disapproved.keys(): print "=== %s ===\n" % key for device in disapproved[key]: for device_key in device.keys(): print "%s: %s" % (device_key, device[device_key]) print ""
def run_admin_test(self, request_type): """ Actually do the work """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("admin_request_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled token = authenticate(config.get("admin_request_test", "admin_url"), config.get("admin_request_test", "admin_account"), config.get("admin_request_test", "admin_password"), config.get("admin_request_test", "admin_account_by"), admin_auth=True, request_type=request_type) if token is None:"Authentication with the configured settings " "was not successful") # Create an account comm = Communication(config.get("admin_request_test", "admin_url")) if request_type == "xml": request = RequestXml() else: request = RequestJson() request.set_auth_token(token) request.add_request( "CreateAccountRequest", { "name": config.get("admin_request_test", "test_account"), "password": config.get("admin_request_test", "test_password") }, "urn:zimbraAdmin") if request_type == "xml": response = ResponseXml() else: response = ResponseJson() comm.send_request(request, response) if response.is_fault(): "CreateAccount faulted. (%s) %s" % (response.get_fault_code(), response.get_fault_message())) account_id = response.get_response( )["CreateAccountResponse"]["account"]["id"] # Try to log in as the new account user_token = authenticate(config.get("admin_request_test", "url"), config.get("admin_request_test", "test_account"), config.get("admin_request_test", "test_password"), "name", request_type=request_type, use_password=True) if user_token is None:"Cannot log in as the test user.") # Remove account request.clean() response.clean() request.set_auth_token(token) request.add_request("DeleteAccountRequest", {"id": account_id}, "urn:zimbraAdmin") comm.send_request(request, response) if response.is_fault(): "Cannot remove test account: (%s) %s" % (response.get_fault_code(), response.get_fault_message()))
def test_genrequest_batch_invalid_xml(self): """ Create a batchrequest only using the Communication-object, send it and request an invalid request id (xml) """ config = get_config() if config.getboolean("genrequest_test", "enabled"): # Run only if enabled comm = Communication(config.get("genrequest_test", "url")) token = authenticate( config.get("genrequest_test", "url"), config.get("genrequest_test", "account"), config.get("genrequest_test", "preauthkey") ) self.assertNotEqual( token, None, "Cannot authenticate." ) request = comm.gen_request( request_type="xml", token=token, set_batch=True ) self.assertEqual( type(request), RequestXml, "Generated request wasn't an json-request, which should be " "the default." ) request.add_request( "NoOpRequest", { }, "urn:zimbraMail" ) request.add_request( "NoOpRequest", { }, "urn:zimbraMail" ) response = comm.send_request(request) if response.is_fault(): "Reponse failed: (%s) %s" % ( response.get_fault_code(), response.get_fault_message() ) ) self.assertIsNone( response.get_response(3), "Querying an invalid requestId didn't return None" )
def _get_devices(self, user):"Fetching devices of user %s" % user) (local_part, domain_part) = user.split("@") if domain_part not in self.preauth_cache: # No preauth key cached. Fetch one"Fetch preauth key for domain %s" % domain_part) comm = Communication(self.url) preauthkey_request = comm.gen_request(token=self.token) preauthkey_request.add_request( "GetDomainRequest", { "domain": { "by": "name", "_content": domain_part } }, "urn:zimbraAdmin" ) preauthkey_response = comm.send_request(preauthkey_request) if preauthkey_response.is_fault(): "Cannot fetch preauth key for domain %s" % domain_part, preauthkey_response.get_fault_code(), preauthkey_response.get_fault_message(), ) exit(1) preauth = get_value( preauthkey_response.get_response()["GetDomainResponse"][ "domain"]["a"], "zimbraPreAuthKey" ) if preauth is None: "Domain %s has no preauthkey. Please use zmprov gdpak " "<domain> first." % domain_part ) exit(1) self.preauth_cache[domain_part] = preauth else: preauth = self.preauth_cache[domain_part] user_token = auth.authenticate( self.user_url, user, preauth ) if user_token is None:"Cannot login as user %s" % user) exit(1) user_comm = Communication(self.user_url) get_device_status_request = user_comm.gen_request(token=user_token) get_device_status_request.add_request( "GetDeviceStatusRequest", {}, "urn:zimbraSync" ) get_device_status_response = user_comm.send_request( get_device_status_request) if get_device_status_response.is_fault(): "Cannot fetch devices for user %s: (%s) %s" % ( user, get_device_status_response.get_fault_code(), get_device_status_response.get_fault_message() ) ) exit(1) devices = [] if "device" in get_device_status_response.get_response()[ "GetDeviceStatusResponse"]: devices = get_device_status_response.get_response()[ "GetDeviceStatusResponse"]["device"] if type(devices) == dict: devices = [devices] return devices