def axes(max_dist, axis_rad=0.25, axis_color='yellow'): """ Generate X, Y, Z axes of length max_width in the form of a pythreejs Line object. Parameters ---------- max_dist : float maximum extent of grid from origin in each dimension axis_rad : float radius of cylinder representing each axis (default: 0.25) axis_color : color color the axes are drawn in (default: 'yellow') Returns ------- Xaxis, Yaxis, Zaxis : pythreejs.Mesh*3 Three pythreejs Mesh objects representing the x, y, and z axes. """ Xaxis = p3j.Mesh(geometry=p3j.CylinderBufferGeometry(radiusTop=axis_rad, radiusBottom=axis_rad, height=max_dist, radiusSegments=12, heightSegments=1, openEnded=False, thetaStart=0, thetaLength=2*np.pi), material=p3j.MeshBasicMaterial(color=axis_color), position=[max_dist/2, 0, 0]) Xaxis.rotateZ(np.pi/2) Yaxis = p3j.Mesh(geometry=p3j.CylinderBufferGeometry(radiusTop=axis_rad, radiusBottom=axis_rad, height=max_dist, radiusSegments=12, heightSegments=1, openEnded=False, thetaStart=0, thetaLength=2*np.pi), material=p3j.MeshBasicMaterial(color=axis_color), position=[0, max_dist/2, 0]) Zaxis = p3j.Mesh(geometry=p3j.CylinderBufferGeometry(radiusTop=axis_rad, radiusBottom=axis_rad, height=max_dist, radiusSegments=12, heightSegments=1, openEnded=False, thetaStart=0, thetaLength=2*np.pi), material=p3j.MeshBasicMaterial(color=axis_color), position=[0, 0, max_dist/2]) Zaxis.rotateX(np.pi/2) return Xaxis, Yaxis, Zaxis
def traverse_func(node, trans): # Underlying mesh mesh = node.primitive.mesh if mesh is None: return # Iterate through all triangles vs = [] def process_triangle(face_index, tri): vs.append(list(tri.p1.p)) vs.append(list(tri.p2.p)) vs.append(list(tri.p3.p)) mesh.foreach_triangle(process_triangle) # Create geometry ps_attr = three.BufferAttribute(array=vs, normalized=False) geom = three.BufferGeometry(attributes={'position': ps_attr}) # Create mesh mesh = three.Mesh(geometry=geom, material=mat_default) mesh.matrixAutoUpdate = False mesh.matrix = trans.T.flatten().tolist() scene.add(mesh)
def _ipython_display_(self): # This needs to actually display, which is not the same as returning a display. cam = pythreejs.PerspectiveCamera( position=[25, 35, 100], fov=20, children=[pythreejs.AmbientLight()], ) children = [cam, pythreejs.AmbientLight(color="#dddddd")] material = pythreejs.MeshBasicMaterial(color="#ff0000", vertexColors="VertexColors", side="DoubleSide") for model in self.components: mesh = pythreejs.Mesh(geometry=model.geometry, material=material, position=[0, 0, 0]) children.append(mesh) scene = pythreejs.Scene(children=children) rendererCube = pythreejs.Renderer( camera=cam, background="white", background_opacity=1, scene=scene, controls=[pythreejs.OrbitControls(controlling=cam)], width=800, height=800, ) return rendererCube
def _make_threejs_primitive(self): geometry = pythreejs.BufferGeometry() material = pythreejs.MeshStandardMaterial( vertexColors=pythreejs.enums.Colors.VertexColors, metalness=0.05, roughness=.9) result = pythreejs.Mesh(geometry, material) return result
def __init__(self, trimesh, uvs, width=512, height=512, duration=5, textureMap = None): self.viewer = TriMeshViewer(trimesh, width, height, textureMap) flatPosArray = None if (uvs.shape[1] == 2): flatPosArray = np.array(np.pad(uvs, [(0, 0), (0, 1)], 'constant'), dtype=np.float32) else: flatPosArray = np.array(uvs, dtype=np.float32) flatPos = pythreejs.BufferAttribute(array=flatPosArray, normalized=False) flatNormals = pythreejs.BufferAttribute(array=np.repeat(np.array([[0, 0, 1]], dtype=np.float32), uvs.shape[0], axis=0), normalized=False) geom = self.viewer.currMesh.geometry mat = self.viewer.currMesh.material geom.morphAttributes = {'position': [flatPos,], 'normal': [flatNormals,]} # Both of these material settings are needed or else our target positions/normals are ignored! mat.morphTargets, mat.morphNormals = True, True flatteningMesh = pythreejs.Mesh(geometry=geom, material=mat) amplitude = np.linspace(-1, 1, 20, dtype=np.float32) times = (np.arcsin(amplitude) / np.pi + 0.5) * duration blendWeights = 0.5 * (amplitude + 1) track = pythreejs.NumberKeyframeTrack('name=.morphTargetInfluences[0]', times = times, values = blendWeights, interpolation='InterpolateSmooth') self.action = pythreejs.AnimationAction(pythreejs.AnimationMixer(flatteningMesh), pythreejs.AnimationClip(tracks=[track]), flatteningMesh, loop='LoopPingPong') self.viewer.meshes.children = [flatteningMesh] self.layout = ipywidgets.VBox() self.layout.children = [self.viewer.renderer, self.action]
def getArrows(self, visVertices, visTris, vmin = None, vmax = None, alpha = 1.0, material=None, existingMesh=None): vectors, colors, mask = self.arrowData(vmin, vmax, alpha) V, N, F = self.arrowGeometry() pos = None if (self.domainType == DomainType.PER_VTX): pos = visVertices if (self.domainType == DomainType.PER_TRI): pos = np.mean(visVertices[visTris], axis=1) # triangle barycenters pos = pos[mask] if (pos is None): raise Exception('Unhandled domainType') if (material is None): material = vis.shaders.loadShaderMaterial('vector_field') rawInstancedAttr = {'arrowColor': np.array(colors, dtype=np.float32), 'arrowVec': np.array(vectors, dtype=np.float32), 'arrowPos': np.array(pos, dtype=np.float32)} rawAttr = {'position': V, 'index': F.ravel(), 'normal': N} arrowMesh = None if (existingMesh is None): attr = {k: pythreejs.InstancedBufferAttribute(v) for k, v in rawInstancedAttr.items()} attr.update({k: pythreejs. BufferAttribute(v) for k, v in rawAttr.items()}) ibg = pythreejs.InstancedBufferGeometry(attributes=attr) arrowMesh = pythreejs.Mesh(geometry=ibg, material=material, frustumCulled=False) # disable frustum culling since our vertex shader moves arrows around. else: for k, v in rawInstancedAttr.items(): # position/index/normal should be constant... existingMesh.geometry.attributes[k].array = v arrowMesh = existingMesh existingMesh.geometry.maxInstancedCount = pos.shape[0] # threejs does not automatically update maxInstancedCount after it is initialized to the full count of the original arrays by the renderer return arrowMesh
def xyplane(max_dist, grid_space): """ Generates and returns two pythreejs items: a mesh of a flat surface and a SurfaceGrid object, both representing the xy plane. NOTE: max_dist will be rounded UP to next grid_space position (e.g. if yoru submit a max_width of 38 but a grid_space of 5, the max_width will be silently rounded up to 40 to allow an integer number of grids). Keyword arguments: max_dist (float): Maximum extent of grid from origin in each dimension grid_space (float): The grid spacing in system units. Parameters ---------- max_dist : float maximum extent of grid from origin in each dimension grid_space : float the grid spacing in system units. Returns ------- surface : pythreejs.Mesh a pythreejs Mesh object representing the xy plane. surf_grid : pythreejs.SurfaceGrid a pythreejs SurfaceGrid object for the grid on the xy plane. """ # Determine the gridsize to use, adding one additional step if necessary x_steps = int(np.ceil(max_dist / grid_space)) xmax = x_steps * grid_space # Number of vertices (subtract one for number of boxes shown) nx, ny = (2 * x_steps + 1, 2 * x_steps + 1) x = np.linspace(-xmax, xmax, nx) y = np.linspace(-xmax, xmax, ny) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) z = 0 * xx + 0 * yy # Generate the 3D surface and surface grid to return surf_g = p3j.SurfaceGeometry(z=list(z[::-1].flat), width=2 * xmax, height=2 * xmax, width_segments=nx - 1, height_segments=ny - 1) surface_material = p3j.MeshBasicMaterial(color='darkslategrey', transparent=True, opacity=0.5) surf = p3j.Mesh(geometry=surf_g, material=surface_material) grid_material = p3j.LineBasicMaterial(color='grey') # To avoid overlap, lift grid slightly above the plane scaling # by size of grid surfgrid = p3j.SurfaceGrid(geometry=surf_g, material=grid_material, position=[0, 0, 1e-2 * max_dist]) return surf, surfgrid
def draw_mesh(mesh, color=None): vertices, faces = mesh.to_vertices_and_faces() hexcolor = rgb_to_hex(color[:3]) if color else '#cccccc' vertexcolors = [hexcolor] * len(vertices) faces = [f + [None, [vertexcolors[i] for i in f], None] for f in faces] geo = p3js.Geometry(vertices=vertices, faces=faces) geo.exec_three_obj_method('computeFaceNormals') return p3js.Mesh(geometry=geo, material=p3js.MeshLambertMaterial(vertexColors='VertexColors'), position=[0, 0, 0])
def mesh(self): import numpy as np import pythreejs as js wireframe = self.view_data.get('wireframe', False) def triangles(polygon): points = polygon.points return [(points[0], points[ix], points[ix + 1]) for ix in range(1, len(polygon.points) - 1)] def _ba(vs): points = np.array(vs, dtype=np.float32) return js.BufferAttribute(array=points, normalized=False) vertices = [ list( for polygon in self.polygons for t in triangles(polygon) for p in t ] normals = [ list( for polygon in self.polygons for t in triangles(polygon) for p in t ] geometry = js.BufferGeometry( attributes={ 'position': _ba(vertices), 'normal': _ba(normals) }, ) if not wireframe: color = self.view_data.get('color', 'white') material = material=js.MeshLambertMaterial(color=color) opacity = self.view_data.get('opacity') if opacity is not None: material.opacity = opacity material.transparent = True return js.Mesh(geometry, material) else: color = self.view_data.get('color', '#00ff00') material = js.MeshBasicMaterial(color=color, wireframe=True) return js.Mesh(geometry, material)
def OldStarMesh(temp=Te_Sun, rad=1, scale=(1, 1, 1), pos=[0, 0, 0]): """ This function creates a pythreejs object that represents a star using a texture based on public domain STEREO Heliographic map made with images taken of the Sun on Dec. 30, 2011. Image downloaded from and had its brightness and resolution rescaled. Parameters ---------- temp : float temperature of star in Kelvin (default 5777) rad : float radius of the star in system units (default 1) scale : tuple pythreejs scale in each dimension as tuple (default (1, 1, 1) ) pos : list three-dimensional position as list (default [0, 0, 0] ) Returns ------- star : pythreejs.Mesh a spherical pythreejs Mesh object representing a star """ # Check is position is a list if isinstance(pos, list): # Check if this is a list of 3 items if (len(pos) != 3): raise TypeError('pos passed to StarMesh must be list of 3 numbers') # Check that all the items in the list are numbers for this_pos in pos: try: i = float(this_pos) except ValueError: raise TypeError('ValueError: pos contains list item that is not a number.') else: raise TypeError('pos passed to StarMesh must be list of 3 numbers') # Check is scale is a tuple if isinstance(scale, tuple): if (len(scale) != 3): raise TypeError('scale passed to StarMesh must be tuple of 3 numbers') else: raise TypeError('scale must be a tuple') # Define color and texture of star surface hexcolor = tc.rgb2hex(tc.temp2rgb(float(temp)))[0] StarTexture = p3j.ImageTexture(imageUri='images/sun_surface.jpg') # Create sphere using MeshBasicMaterial (which is unaffected by lighting) StarSurface = p3j.MeshBasicMaterial(color=hexcolor, map=StarTexture) StarGeom = p3j.SphereBufferGeometry(radius=rad, widthSegments=32, heightSegments=16) return p3j.Mesh(geometry=StarGeom, material=StarSurface, position=pos, scale=scale)
def test_cylinder(): cylinder = Cylinder(10.0, 5.0, name='cylinder', color='blue', material="METAL") assert == 'cylinder' assert cylinder.__str__() == \ 'Cylinder cylinder color:blue material:METAL length:10.0 radius:5.0' assert cylinder.__repr__() == 'Cylinder' assert cylinder.length == 10.0 assert cylinder.radius == 5.0 assert cylinder.color == 'blue' if p3js is not None: mesh = cylinder._p3js_mesh() expected_mesh = p3js.Mesh(p3js.CylinderBufferGeometry(radiusTop=5.0, radiusBottom=5.0, height=10.0), p3js.MeshStandardMaterial(color='blue'), name='cylinder') assert repr(mesh) == repr(expected_mesh) = 'cylinder1' assert == 'cylinder1' cylinder.length = 14.0 assert cylinder.length == 14.0 cylinder.radius = 7.0 assert cylinder.radius == 7.0 cylinder.color = 'cyan' assert cylinder.color == 'cyan' cylinder.material = 'FOIL' assert cylinder.material == 'FOIL' assert cylinder.generate_dict() == { "color": "cyan", "type": "Cylinder", "name": "cylinder1", "length": 14.0, "radius": 7.0, "material": "FOIL" } assert isinstance(cylinder, Shape) cylinder_ = Cylinder(10.0, 5.0, color='blue') assert == 'unnamed' assert cylinder_.__str__() == \ 'Cylinder unnamed color:blue material:default length:10.0 radius:5.0' assert cylinder_.__repr__() == 'Cylinder'
def showWireframe(self, shouldShow = True): if shouldShow: if self.wireframeMesh is None: # The wireframe shares geometry with the current mesh, and should automatically be updated when the current mesh is... self.wireframeMesh = pythreejs.Mesh(geometry=self.currMesh.geometry, material=self.wireframeMaterial()) if self.wireframeMesh not in self.meshes.children: self.meshes.add(self.wireframeMesh) else: # hide if self.wireframeMesh in self.meshes.children: self.meshes.remove(self.wireframeMesh) self.shouldShowWireframe = shouldShow
def draw_cylinder(cylinder, color=None, radius_segments=8): geo = p3js.CylinderBufferGeometry(,, height=cylinder.height, radiusSegments=radius_segments) mat = material_from_color(color) mesh = p3js.Mesh(geometry=geo, material=mat) mesh.position = list( mesh.quaternion = list( Frame.from_plane( return mesh
def draw_mesh(mesh, hexcolor): mesh_quads_to_triangles(mesh) vertices, faces = mesh.to_vertices_and_faces() vertexcolors = [hexcolor] * len(vertices) faces = [f + [None, [vertexcolors[i] for i in f], None] for f in faces] geo = p3js.Geometry(vertices=vertices, faces=faces) geo.exec_three_obj_method('computeFaceNormals') return p3js.Mesh( geometry=geo, material=p3js.MeshLambertMaterial(vertexColors='VertexColors'), position=[0, 0, 0])
def _create_mesh(geometry, color, wireframe, position): if wireframe: edges = p3.EdgesGeometry(geometry) mesh = p3.LineSegments(geometry=edges, material=p3.LineBasicMaterial(color=color)) else: material = p3.MeshBasicMaterial(color=color) mesh = p3.Mesh(geometry=geometry, material=material) mesh.position = tuple(position.value) return mesh
def get_voxelgrid_pythreejs(xyz, colors): vertices = np.array(np.meshgrid([-0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, 0.5]), dtype=np.float32).T.reshape(-1, 3) faces = np.array( [ [0, 3, 2], [0, 1, 3], # front [1, 7, 3], [1, 5, 7], # right [5, 6, 7], [5, 4, 6], # back [4, 2, 6], [4, 0, 2], # left [2, 7, 6], [2, 3, 7], # top [4, 1, 0], [4, 5, 1] ], # bottom dtype=np.uint32) colors = pythreejs.InstancedBufferAttribute(array=colors, meshPerAttribute=3) offsets = pythreejs.InstancedBufferAttribute(array=xyz, meshPerAttribute=3) instanced_geometry = pythreejs.InstancedBufferGeometry( attributes={ "position": pythreejs.BufferAttribute(array=vertices), "index": pythreejs.BufferAttribute(array=faces.ravel()), "offset": offsets, "color": colors, }) material = pythreejs.ShaderMaterial(vertexShader=''' precision highp float; attribute vec3 offset; varying vec3 vPosition; varying vec4 vColor; void main(){ vPosition = position + offset; vColor = vec4( color, 1 ); gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( vPosition, 1.0 ); } ''', fragmentShader=''' precision highp float; varying vec4 vColor; void main() { gl_FragColor = vec4( vColor ); } ''', vertexColors='VertexColors', transparent=False) return pythreejs.Mesh(instanced_geometry, material, frustumCulled=False)
def test_cone(): cone = Cone(10.0, 5.0, name='cone', color='darkblue', material="CHECKERBOARD") assert == 'cone' assert cone.__str__() == \ 'Cone cone color:darkblue material:CHECKERBOARD length:10.0 radius:5.0' assert cone.__repr__() == 'Cone' assert cone.length == 10.0 assert cone.radius == 5.0 assert cone.color == 'darkblue' if p3js is not None: mesh = cone._p3js_mesh() expected_mesh = p3js.Mesh(p3js.CylinderBufferGeometry(radiusTop=0.0, radiusBottom=5.0, height=10.0), p3js.MeshStandardMaterial(color='darkblue'), name='cone') assert repr(mesh) == repr(expected_mesh) = 'cone1' assert == 'cone1' cone.length = 16.0 assert cone.length == 16.0 cone.radius = 3.0 assert cone.radius == 3.0 cone.color = 'darkcyan' assert cone.color == 'darkcyan' assert cone.generate_dict() == { "color": "darkcyan", "type": "Cone", "name": "cone1", "length": 16.0, "radius": 3.0, "material": "CHECKERBOARD" } assert isinstance(cone, Shape) cone_ = Cone(10.0, 5.0, color='darkblue') assert == 'unnamed' assert cone_.__str__() == \ 'Cone unnamed color:darkblue material:default length:10.0 radius:5.0' assert cone_.__repr__() == 'Cone'
def test_torus_knot(): torus_knot = TorusKnot(10.0, 2.0, name='torus_knot', color='red') assert == 'torus_knot' assert torus_knot.__str__() == ('TorusKnot torus_knot color:red ' 'material:default radius:10.0 ' 'tube_radius:2.0') assert torus_knot.__repr__() == 'TorusKnot' assert torus_knot.radius == 10.0 assert torus_knot.tube_radius == 2.0 assert torus_knot.color == 'red' if p3js is not None: mesh = torus_knot._p3js_mesh() expected_mesh = p3js.Mesh(p3js.TorusKnotBufferGeometry(radius=10.0, tube=2.0), p3js.MeshStandardMaterial(color='red'), name='torus_knot') assert repr(mesh) == repr(expected_mesh) = 'torus_knot1' assert == 'torus_knot1' torus_knot.radius = 12.0 assert torus_knot.radius == 12.0 torus_knot.tube_radius = 1.0 assert torus_knot.tube_radius == 1.0 torus_knot.color = 'blue' assert torus_knot.color == 'blue' assert torus_knot.generate_dict() == { "color": "blue", "type": "TorusKnot", "name": "torus_knot1", "radius": 12.0, "tube_radius": 1, "material": "default" } assert isinstance(torus_knot, Shape) torus_knot_ = TorusKnot(10.0, 2.0, color='red') assert == 'unnamed' assert torus_knot_.__str__() == ('TorusKnot unnamed color:red material:' 'default radius:10.0 tube_radius:2.0') assert torus_knot_.__repr__() == 'TorusKnot'
def draw_box(self, box, color=None): geo = p3js.BoxBufferGeometry(width=box.xsize, height=box.zsize, depth=box.ysize, widthSegments=box.xsize, heightSegments=box.zsize, depthSegments=box.ysize) mat = material_from_color(color) mesh = p3js.Mesh(geometry=geo, material=mat) Tinit = Translation([box.xsize/2, box.ysize/2, box.zsize/2]) Sc, Sh, R, T, P = (Transformation.from_frame(box.frame) * Tinit).decompose() mesh.quaternion = R.quaternion.xyzw mesh.position = list(T.translation) self.geometry.append(mesh) return mesh
def __init__(self): # TODO: arguments for width/height self._width = 600 self._height = 400 self._ball = _three.Mesh( geometry=_three.SphereGeometry( radius=1, widthSegments=30, heightSegments=20, ), material=_three.MeshLambertMaterial(color='lightgray'), ) self._axes = _three.AxesHelper(size=1.2) self._ambient_light = _three.AmbientLight( intensity=0.5, ) self._directional_light1 = _three.DirectionalLight( position=[0, 0, 1], intensity=0.6, ) self._directional_light2 = _three.DirectionalLight( position=[0, 0, -1], intensity=0.6, ) self._scene = _three.Scene( children=[ self._ball, self._axes, self._ambient_light, self._directional_light1, self._directional_light2, ], ) self._camera = _three.PerspectiveCamera( position=[0, 0, 2.4], up=[0, 0, 1], aspect=self._width/self._height, ) self._controls = _three.OrbitControls(controlling=self._camera) self._renderer = _three.Renderer( camera=self._camera, scene=self._scene, controls=[self._controls], width=self._width, height=self._height, #alpha=True, #clearOpacity=0.5, )
def test_plane(): plane = Plane(10.0, 20.0, name='plane', color='lightcyan') assert == 'plane' assert plane.__str__() == \ 'Plane plane color:lightcyan material:default length:10.0 width:20.0' assert plane.__repr__() == 'Plane' assert plane.length == 10.0 assert plane.width == 20.0 assert plane.color == 'lightcyan' if p3js is not None: mesh = plane._p3js_mesh() expected_mesh = p3js.Mesh(p3js.PlaneBufferGeometry(height=10.0, width=20.0), p3js.MeshStandardMaterial(color='lightcyan', side='DoubleSide'), name='plane') assert repr(mesh) == repr(expected_mesh) = 'plane1' assert == 'plane1' plane.length = 30.0 assert plane.length == 30.0 plane.width = 10.0 assert plane.width == 10.0 plane.color = 'lavender' assert plane.color == 'lavender' assert plane.generate_dict() == { "color": "lavender", "type": "Plane", "name": "plane1", "width": 10.0, "length": 30.0, "material": "default" } assert isinstance(plane, Shape) plane_ = Plane(10.0, 20.0, color='indigo') assert == 'unnamed' assert plane_.__str__() == \ 'Plane unnamed color:indigo material:default length:10.0 width:20.0' assert plane_.__repr__() == 'Plane'
def test_torus(): torus = Torus(10.0, 2.0, name='torus', color='red') assert == 'torus' assert torus.__str__() == \ 'Torus torus color:red material:default radius:10.0 tube_radius:2.0' assert torus.__repr__() == 'Torus' assert torus.radius == 10.0 assert torus.tube_radius == 2.0 assert torus.color == 'red' if p3js is not None: mesh = torus._p3js_mesh() expected_mesh = p3js.Mesh(p3js.TorusBufferGeometry(radius=10.0, tube=2.0), p3js.MeshStandardMaterial(color='red'), name='torus') assert repr(mesh) == repr(expected_mesh) = 'torus1' assert == 'torus1' torus.radius = 15.0 assert torus.radius == 15.0 torus.tube_radius = 4.0 assert torus.tube_radius == 4.0 torus.color = 'tan' assert torus.color == 'tan' assert torus.generate_dict() == { "color": "tan", "type": "Torus", "name": "torus1", "radius": 15.0, "tube_radius": 4.0, "material": "default" } assert isinstance(torus, Shape) torus_ = Torus(10.0, 2.0, color='red') assert == 'unnamed' assert torus_.__str__() == \ 'Torus unnamed color:red material:default radius:10.0 tube_radius:2.0' assert torus_.__repr__() == 'Torus'
def __initialize_mesh(self): drawable_geometry = self.__get_drawable_from_boundary() material = three.MeshLambertMaterial( polygonOffset=True, polygonOffsetFactor=1, polygonOffsetUnits=1, flatShading=True, color="white", opacity=1., transparent=False, side='DoubleSide', wireframe=False, vertexColors='FaceColors', ) return three.Mesh(geometry=drawable_geometry, material=material, position=[0, 0, 0])
def _get_mesh(self, u): if self.codim == 2: u = u[self.entity_map] elif self.grid.reference_element == triangle: u = np.repeat(u, 3) else: u = np.tile(np.repeat(u, 3), 2) data = p3js.BufferAttribute(_normalize(u, self.vmin, self.vmax), normalized=True) geo = p3js.BufferGeometry( index=self.buffer_faces, attributes=dict(position=self.buffer_vertices, data=data)) mesh = p3js.Mesh(geometry=geo, material=self.material) mesh.visible = False # translate to origin where the camera is looking by default, avoids camera not updating in nbconvert run mesh.position = tuple(p - i for p, i in zip(mesh.position, self.mesh_center)) return mesh
def display_portal(th_scene, portal): """Display portal.""" def portal_vertices(portal): p1 = np.array(portal[0]) p2 = np.array(portal[1]) p4 = np.array(portal[2]) p3 = p1 + (p2 - p1) + (p4 - p1) return [p1, p2, p3, p1, p3, p4] ps_attr = three.BufferAttribute(array=portal_vertices(portal), normalized=False) geom = three.BufferGeometry(attributes={'position': ps_attr}) mat = three.MeshBasicMaterial(color='#ff0000', transparent=True, opacity=0.1, side='DoubleSide') mesh = three.Mesh(geometry=geom, material=mat) th_scene.add(mesh)
def _p3js_mesh(self, constant_map={}): """Returns a PyThreeJS mesh object that corresponds to this shape.""" if p3js is None: raise ImportError('pythreejs is not installed.') data = self.generate_dict(constant_map=constant_map) attrs = dict() for k, v in self._p3js_attribute_map.items(): try: attrs[k] = data[v] except KeyError: attrs[k] = v try: geom_attr = '{}BufferGeometry'.format(self._p3js_geometry_type) Geometry = getattr(p3js, geom_attr) except AttributeError: geom_attr = '{}Geometry'.format(self._p3js_geometry_type) Geometry = getattr(p3js, geom_attr) geometry = Geometry(**attrs) # NOTE : For some reason traitlets doesn't think 'grey' is a valid HTML # color. This workaround should be removed, but deprecation will likely # be needed. if data['color'] == 'grey': color = 'gray' else: color = data['color'] material = p3js.MeshStandardMaterial(color=color, **self._p3js_material_attributes) mesh = p3js.Mesh(name=data['name'], geometry=geometry, material=material) self._mesh = mesh return mesh
def test_circle(): circle = Circle(10.0, name='circle', color='gold') assert == 'circle' assert circle.__str__() == \ 'Circle circle color:gold material:default radius:10.0' assert circle.__repr__() == 'Circle' assert circle.radius == 10.0 assert circle.color == 'gold' if p3js is not None: mesh = circle._p3js_mesh() expected_mesh = p3js.Mesh(p3js.CircleBufferGeometry(radius=10.0), p3js.MeshStandardMaterial(color='gold'), name='circle') assert repr(mesh) == repr(expected_mesh) = 'circle1' assert == 'circle1' circle.radius = 12.0 assert circle.radius == 12.0 circle.color = 'black' assert circle.color == 'black' assert circle.generate_dict() == { "color": "black", "type": "Circle", "name": "circle1", "radius": 12.0, "material": "default" } assert isinstance(circle, Shape) circle = Circle(10.0, color='gold') assert == 'unnamed' assert circle.__str__() == \ 'Circle unnamed color:gold material:default radius:10.0' assert circle.__repr__() == 'Circle'
def test_tetrahedron(): # Tetrahedron, Octahedron and Icosahedron geometry is defined by the # radius of the circumscribed sphere. It would be mentioned explicitly # in the docstrings tetrahedron = Tetrahedron(5.0, name='tetrahedron', color='maroon') assert == 'tetrahedron' assert tetrahedron.__str__() == \ 'Tetrahedron tetrahedron color:maroon material:default radius:5.0' assert tetrahedron.__repr__() == 'Tetrahedron' assert tetrahedron.radius == 5.0 assert tetrahedron.color == 'maroon' if p3js is not None: mesh = tetrahedron._p3js_mesh() expected_mesh = p3js.Mesh(p3js.TetrahedronGeometry(radius=5.0), p3js.MeshStandardMaterial(color='maroon'), name='tetrahedron') assert repr(mesh) == repr(expected_mesh) = 'tetrahedron1' assert == 'tetrahedron1' tetrahedron.radius = 7.0 assert tetrahedron.radius == 7.0 tetrahedron.color = 'orange' assert tetrahedron.color == 'orange' assert tetrahedron.generate_dict() == { "color": "orange", "type": "Tetrahedron", "name": "tetrahedron1", "radius": 7.0, "material": "default" } assert isinstance(tetrahedron, Shape) tetrahedron_ = Tetrahedron(5.0, color='maroon') assert == 'unnamed' assert tetrahedron_.__str__() == \ 'Tetrahedron unnamed color:maroon material:default radius:5.0' assert tetrahedron_.__repr__() == 'Tetrahedron'
def test_box(): box = Box(10.0, 20.0, 30.0, name='box', color='blue', material="WATER") assert == 'box' assert box.__str__() == 'Box box color:blue material:WATER depth:30.0 height:20.0 width:10.0' assert box.__repr__() == 'Box' assert box.width == 10.0 assert box.height == 20.0 assert box.depth == 30.0 assert box.color == 'blue' if p3js is not None: mesh = box._p3js_mesh() expected_mesh = p3js.Mesh(p3js.BoxBufferGeometry(width=10.0, height=20.0, depth=30.0), p3js.MeshStandardMaterial(color='blue'), name='box') assert repr(mesh) == repr(expected_mesh)
def test_icosahedron(): icosahedron = Icosahedron(11.0, name='icosahedron', color='blue') assert == 'icosahedron' assert icosahedron.__str__() == \ 'Icosahedron icosahedron color:blue material:default radius:11.0' assert icosahedron.__repr__() == 'Icosahedron' assert icosahedron.radius == 11.0 assert icosahedron.color == 'blue' if p3js is not None: mesh = icosahedron._p3js_mesh() expected_mesh = p3js.Mesh(p3js.IcosahedronGeometry(radius=11.0), p3js.MeshStandardMaterial(color='blue'), name='icosahedron') assert repr(mesh) == repr(expected_mesh) = 'icosahedron1' assert == 'icosahedron1' icosahedron.radius = 3.0 assert icosahedron.radius == 3.0 icosahedron.color = 'blue' assert icosahedron.color == 'blue' assert icosahedron.generate_dict() == { "color": "blue", "type": "Icosahedron", "name": "icosahedron1", "radius": 3.0, "material": "default" } assert isinstance(icosahedron, Shape) icosahedron_ = Icosahedron(11.0, color='blue') assert == 'unnamed' assert icosahedron_.__str__() == \ 'Icosahedron unnamed color:blue material:default radius:11.0' assert icosahedron_.__repr__() == 'Icosahedron'