3: u"триста", 4: u"четыреста", 5: u"пятьсот", 6: u"шестьсот", 7: u"семьсот", 8: u"восемьсот", 9: u"девятьсот", } #: Hundreds MALE = 1 #: sex - male FEMALE = 2 #: sex - female NEUTER = 3 #: sex - neuter @takes((int, long, float, Decimal), optional(int), signs=optional(int)) def _get_float_remainder(fvalue, signs=9): """ Get remainder of float, i.e. 2.05 -> '05' @param fvalue: input value @type fvalue: C{int}, C{long}, C{float} or C{Decimal} @param signs: maximum number of signs @type signs: C{int} or C{long} @return: remainder @rtype: C{str} @raise L{pytils.err.InputParameterError}: input parameters' check failed
(u"ноя", u"ноябрь", u"ноября"), (u"дек", u"декабрь", u"декабря"), ) #: Month names (abbreviated, full, inflected) DAY_NAMES = ((u"пн", u"понедельник", u"понедельник", u"в\xa0"), (u"вт", u"вторник", u"вторник", u"во\xa0"), (u"ср", u"среда", u"среду", u"в\xa0"), (u"чт", u"четверг", u"четверг", u"в\xa0"), (u"пт", u"пятница", u"пятницу", u"в\xa0"), (u"сб", u"суббота", u"субботу", u"в\xa0"), (u"вск", u"воскресенье", u"воскресенье", u"в\xa0") ) #: Day names (abbreviated, full, inflected, preposition) @takes((int, float, datetime.datetime), optional(int), optional((int, float, datetime.datetime)), accuracy=optional(int), to_time=optional((int, float, datetime.datetime))) @returns(unicode) def distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, accuracy=1, to_time=None): """ Represents distance of time in words @param from_time: source time (in seconds from epoch) @type from_time: C{int}, C{float} or C{datetime.datetime} @param accuracy: level of accuracy (1..3), default=1 @type accuracy: C{int} @param to_time: target time (in seconds from epoch),
2: u"двести", 3: u"триста", 4: u"четыреста", 5: u"пятьсот", 6: u"шестьсот", 7: u"семьсот", 8: u"восемьсот", 9: u"девятьсот", } #: Hundreds MALE = 1 #: sex - male FEMALE = 2 #: sex - female NEUTER = 3 #: sex - neuter @takes((int, long, float), optional(int), signs=optional(int)) def _get_float_remainder(fvalue, signs=9): """ Get remainder of float, i.e. 2.05 -> '05' @param fvalue: input value @type fvalue: C{int}, C{long} or C{float} @param signs: maximum number of signs @type signs: C{int} or C{long} @return: remainder @rtype: C{str} @raise L{pytils.err.InputParameterError}: input parameters' check failed (fvalue neither C{int}, no C{float})
(u"ноя", u"ноябрь", u"ноября"), (u"дек", u"декабрь", u"декабря"), ) #: Month names (abbreviated, full, inflected) DAY_NAMES = ( (u"пн", u"понедельник", u"понедельник", u"в\xa0"), (u"вт", u"вторник", u"вторник", u"во\xa0"), (u"ср", u"среда", u"среду", u"в\xa0"), (u"чт", u"четверг", u"четверг", u"в\xa0"), (u"пт", u"пятница", u"пятницу", u"в\xa0"), (u"сб", u"суббота", u"субботу", u"в\xa0"), (u"вск", u"воскресенье", u"воскресенье", u"в\xa0") ) #: Day names (abbreviated, full, inflected, preposition) @takes((int, float, datetime.datetime), optional(int), optional((int, float, datetime.datetime)), accuracy=optional(int), to_time=optional((int, float, datetime.datetime))) @returns(unicode) def distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, accuracy=1, to_time=None): """ Represents distance of time in words @param from_time: source time (in seconds from epoch) @type from_time: C{int}, C{float} or C{datetime.datetime} @param accuracy: level of accuracy (1..3), default=1 @type accuracy: C{int} @param to_time: target time (in seconds from epoch),