Пример #1
def FSCSum(volume, reference, numberOfBands, wedgeAngle=-1, gpu=False):
    FSCSum: Determines the sum of the Fourier Shell Correlation coefficient for a volume and reference. 
    @param volume: A volume
    @type volume: L{pytom_volume.vol}
    @param reference: A reference of same size as volume
    @type reference: L{pytom_volume.vol}
    @param numberOfBands: Number of bands
    @param wedgeAngle: A optional wedge angle
    @return: The sum FSC coefficient
    @rtype: float  
    @author: Thomas Hrabe   

    if gpu:
        import cupy as xp
        import numpy as xp

    from pytom.tompy.correlation import bandCC

    result = 0
    numberVoxels = 0

    fvolume = xp.fft.fftn(volume)
    freference = xp.fft.fftn(reference)
    numelem = volume.size

    fvolume = shiftscale(fvolume, 0, 1 / float(numelem))
    freference = shiftscale(fvolume, 0, 1 / float(numelem))

    #print '-----'
    for i in range(numberOfBands):
        #process bandCorrelation
        band = []
        band[0] = i * volume.shape[0] / numberOfBands
        band[1] = (i + 1) * volume.shape[0] / numberOfBands

        r = bandCC(fvolume, freference, band, gpu=gpu)
        cc = r[0]
        #print cc
        result = result + cc
    #print '-----'

    return result * (1 / float(numberOfBands))
Пример #2
def FSC(volume1,
    FSC - Calculates the Fourier Shell Correlation for two volumes
    @param volume1: volume one
    @type volume1: L{pytom_volume.vol}
    @param volume2: volume two
    @type volume2: L{pytom_volume.vol}
    @param numberBands: number of shells for FSC
    @type numberBands: int
    @param filename: write FSC to ascii file if specified
    @type filename: string

    @return: Returns a list of cc values 
    @author: Thomas Hrabe  
    @rtype: list[floats]

    from pytom.tompy.correlation import bandCC
    from pytom.basic.structures import Mask
    from pytom.tompy.io import read, write
    from pytom.tompy.tools import volumesSameSize
    import time
    t = time.time()

    if not volumesSameSize(volume1, volume2):
        raise RuntimeError('Volumes must have the same size!')

    numberBands = volume1.shape[0] // 2 if numberBands is None else numberBands

    if not mask is None:
        if mask.__class__ == xp.array([0]).__class__:
            volume1 = volume1 * mask
            volume2 = volume2 * mask

        elif mask.__class__ == Mask:
            mask = mask.getVolume()
            volume1 = volume1 * mask
            volume2 = volume2 * mask

        elif mask.__class__ == str:
            mask = read(mask)
            volume1 = volume1 * mask
            volume2 = volume2 * mask

            raise RuntimeError(
                'FSC: Mask must be a volume OR a Mask object OR a string path to a mask!'

    fscResult = []
    band = [-1, -1]

    increment = int(volume1.shape[0] / 2 * 1 / numberBands)
    import time

    fvolume1 = xp.fft.fftn(volume1)
    fvolume2 = xp.fft.fftn(volume2)

    for n, i in enumerate(range(0, volume1.shape[0] // 2, increment)):

        band[0] = i
        band[1] = i + increment

        if verbose:
            print('Band : ', band)

        res = bandCC(fvolume1, fvolume2, band, verbose)

        if i == 0 and increment == 1:
            #force a 1 for correlation of the zero frequency
            res = 1

        if verbose:
            print('Correlation ', res)


    if filename:
        f = open(filename, 'w')
        for item in fscResult:
            f.write("%s\n" % item)

    return fscResult
Пример #3
def weightedXCC(volume, reference, numberOfBands, wedgeAngle=-1, gpu=False):
    weightedXCC: Determines the band weighted correlation coefficient for a volume and reference. Notation according Steward/Grigorieff paper
    @param volume: A volume
    @type volume: L{pytom_volume.vol}
    @param reference: A reference of same size as volume
    @type reference: L{pytom_volume.vol}
    @param numberOfBands: Number of bands
    @param wedgeAngle: A optional wedge angle
    @return: The weighted correlation coefficient
    @rtype: float
    @author: Thomas Hrabe

    if gpu:
        import cupy as xp
        import numpy as xp

    from pytom.tompy.transform import fft, fourier_reduced2full
    from pytom.basic.structures import WedgeInfo

    result = 0
    numberVoxels = 0


    wedge = WedgeInfo(wedgeAngle)
    wedgeVolume = wedge.returnWedgeVolume(volume.shape[0], volume.shape[1],

    increment = int(volume.shape[0] / 2 * 1 / numberOfBands)
    band = [0, 100]
    for i in range(0, volume.shape[0] / 2, increment):

        band[0] = i
        band[1] = i + increment

        r = bandCC(volume, reference, band, gpu=gpu)
        cc = r[0]

        #print cc;
        filter = r[1]

        #get bandVolume
        bandVolume = filter.getWeightVolume(True)

        filterVolumeReduced = bandVolume * wedgeVolume
        filterVolume = fourier_reduced2full(filterVolumeReduced)

        #determine number of voxels != 0
        N = (filterVolume != 0).sum()

        w = xp.sqrt(1 / float(N))

        #add to number of total voxels
        numberVoxels = numberVoxels + N
        #print 'w',w;
        #print 'cc',cc;
        #print 'N',N;

        cc2 = cc * cc
        #print 'cc2',cc2;
        if cc <= 0.0:
            cc = cc2
            cc = cc2 / (cc + w)

        #print 'cc',cc;
        cc = cc * cc * cc
        #no abs
        #print 'cc',cc;

        #add up result
        result = result + cc * N

    return result * (1 / float(numberVoxels))