Пример #1
def split_matrix(parId, iterator):
    x0 = -1
    y0 = -1
    z0 = -1
    t0 =  0 
    for x in iterator:
        x0 = x[1][0]
        y0 = x[1][1]
        z0 = x[1][2]
        t0 += 1
    vol10 = npy2vol(BC_vol1.value, 3)
    vol20 = npy2vol(BC_vol2.value, 3)
    boxhalf_x1 = BC_sizeX.value / 2 
    boxhalf_y1 = BC_sizeY.value / 2 
    boxhalf_z1 = BC_sizeZ.value / 2 
    vol1_sub = subvolume(vol10, x0 - boxhalf_x1, y0 - boxhalf_y1, z0 - boxhalf_z1, BC_sizeX.value, BC_sizeY.value, BC_sizeZ.value)
    vol2_sub = subvolume(vol20, x0 - boxhalf_x1, y0 - boxhalf_y1, z0 - boxhalf_z1, BC_sizeX.value, BC_sizeY.value, BC_sizeZ.value)
    avg1 = mean(vol1_sub)
    vol1_sub1 = hanning_taper(vol1_sub, avg1)
    avg2 = mean(vol2_sub)
    vol2_sub1 = hanning_taper(vol2_sub, avg2)

    res = fsc2_v(vol1_sub1, vol2_sub1, BC_fsc_criterion.value, BC_max_resolution.value, BC_pixelSize.value, x0, y0, z0)
    tup = (round(res,6), x0, y0, z0)
    del avg1, avg2, vol1_sub1, vol2_sub1
    del vol1_sub, vol2_sub, res, vol10, vol20, boxhalf_x1, boxhalf_y1, boxhalf_z1, x0, y0, z0, t0
    return tup
Пример #2
def theta_vol_projection(vol_src, theta):

    from pytom_volume import vol
    from pytom_volume import rotate
    from pytom_volume import subvolume
    from pytom_volume import sum

    vol_src_dim_x = vol_src.sizeX()
    vol_src_dim_y = vol_src.sizeY()
    vol_src_dim_z = vol_src.sizeZ()

    vol_dst = vol(vol_src_dim_x, vol_src_dim_y, vol_src_dim_z)

    rotate(vol_src, vol_dst, 270, 90, theta)

    vol_img = vol(vol_src_dim_x, vol_src_dim_y, 1)

    for i in range(vol_src_dim_x):
        for j in range(vol_src_dim_y):

            vol_img.setV(sum(subvolume(vol_dst, i, j, 0, 1, 1, vol_src_dim_z)),
                         i, j, 0)

    return vol_img
Пример #3
def convolutionCTF(volume, defocus, pixelSize=None, voltage=None, Cs=None, sigma=None):
    @param volume: input volume to be convolved with CTF
    @type volume: L{pytom_volume.vol}
    @param defocus: Negative value = underfocus (in microns)
    @param pixelSize: Size of pixels / voxels (in Anstroms)
    @param voltage: 
    @param Cs:
    @param sigma: 
    @return: CTF filtered volume
    @rtype L{pytom_volume.vol}
    @author: FF
    from pytom_volume import subvolume, complexRealMult
    from pytom.basic.fourier import ftshift, fft, ifft
    from pytom.basic.filter import volCTF
    dimX = volume.sizeX()
    dimY = volume.sizeY()
    dimZ = volume.sizeZ()

    ctf = volCTF(defocus, dimX, dimY, dimZ, pixelSize, voltage, Cs, sigma)
    filterCTF = subvolume(ftshift(ctf,inplace=False), 0, 0, 0, dimX, dimY, (dimZ/2)+1)
    filteredVolume = ifft( complexRealMult(fft(volume), filterCTF) )
    return filteredVolume
Пример #4
def writeCroppedParticles(particleListName, output, center, cubesize):
    @param particleListName: name of particle list
    @type particleListName: str
    @param output: Name of output particles
    @type output: str
    @param center: center of output particles in template orientation
    @type center: list
    @param cubesize: Size of output particles in pixel
    @type cubesize: int

    from pytom.basic.structures import ParticleList, Particle, Shift
    from pytom_volume import transformSpline as transform
    from pytom_volume import subvolume, vol

    pl = ParticleList()
    #copy particle list for list of cropped particles
    pl_new = pl.copy()
    pvol = pl[0].getVolume()
    sizeX = pvol.sizeX() 
    sizeY = pvol.sizeY()
    sizeZ = pvol.sizeZ() 
    pvol_ali = vol(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ) 
    subV = vol(cubesize, cubesize, cubesize)

    sub_startX = center[0]-cubesize/2
    sub_startY = center[1]-cubesize/2
    sub_startZ = center[2]-cubesize/2
    if (sub_startX < 0) or (sub_startY < 0) or (sub_startZ < 0):
        raise ValueError('cubesize too large :(')

    for (ipart, part) in enumerate(pl):
        pvol = part.getVolume()
        rot = part.getRotation()
        rotinvert = rot.invert()
        shiftV = part.getShift() 
        transform(pvol, pvol_ali, rotinvert[0], rotinvert[1], rotinvert[2], 
                  sizeX/2, sizeY/2, sizeZ/2, -shiftV[0], -shiftV[1], -shiftV[2], 0, 0, 0) 
        # box out subvolume
        subV = subvolume(pvol_ali,  sub_startX, sub_startY, sub_startZ, cubesize, cubesize, cubesize)
        transform(subV, subV, rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], cubesize/2, cubesize/2, cubesize/2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        fname = part.getFilename()
        idx = fname.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0] 
        nfname = output+'_'+idx+'.em'
        print("write file " + nfname)
    return pl_new
Пример #5
def averagePlanes(volume, sliceStart, sliceEnd, sliceStep=1, axis='Z'):
    @param volume:
    @param sliceStart:
    @param sliceEnd:
    @param axis:

    from pytom_volume import subvolume

    planes = []

    for i in range(sliceStart, sliceEnd, sliceStep):

        if axis == 'X':
            v = subvolume(volume, 0, 0, i, volume.sizeX(), volume.sizeY(), 1)

        if axis == 'Y':
            v = subvolume(volume, 0, 0, i, volume.sizeX(), volume.sizeY(), 1)

        if axis == 'Z':
            v = subvolume(volume, 0, 0, i, volume.sizeX(), volume.sizeY(), 1)

    if len(planes) > 0:
        p = planes[0]

        for i in range(len(planes) - 1):

            p += planes[i + 1]

        return p


        raise RuntimeError(
            'Could not select on single plane from your parameters.')
Пример #6
def transformFourierSpline(volume,z1,z2,x,shiftX,shiftY,shiftZ,twice=False):
    transformFourierSpline: Rotate and shift a volume in fourierspace
    @param volume:
    @param z1:
    @param z2:
    @param x:
    @param shiftX: Shift after rotation
    @param shiftY: Shift after rotation 
    @param shiftZ: Shift after rotation
    @param twice: Zero pad volume into a twice sized volume and perform calculation there.
    @return: The transformed volume.   
    @author: Yuxiang Chen and Thomas Hrabe
    from pytom.basic.fourier import fft, ifft, ftshift, iftshift
    from pytom_volume import vol, pasteCenter, subvolume, transformFourierSpline
    if z1 == 0 and z2 == 0 and x == 0:
        return vol(volume)
    if twice:
        # paste into a twice sized volume
        v = vol(volume.sizeX()*2, volume.sizeY()*2, volume.sizeZ()*2)
        pasteCenter(volume, v)
        v = volume
    fvol = fft(iftshift(v, inplace=False)) # these steps have to be done in python level because of the fft

    resF = transformFourierSpline(fvol,z1,z2,x,shiftX,shiftY,shiftZ)
    res = ftshift(ifft(resF),inplace=False) / v.numelem() # reverse it back
    if twice:
        # cut the center part back
        res = subvolume(res, (volume.sizeX()+1)/2, (volume.sizeY()+1)/2, (volume.sizeZ()+1)/2, volume.sizeX(), volume.sizeY(), volume.sizeZ())
    return res
Пример #7
def particleVolume(particleList,

    from pytom_volume import vol, paste, rotate, subvolume

    if volume == None:
        volume = vol(dimX, dimY, dimZ)

    for p in particleList:

        x = p.getPickPosition().getX()
        y = p.getPickPosition().getY()
        z = p.getPickPosition().getZ()

        z1 = p.getRotation().getZ1()
        z2 = p.getRotation().getZ2()
        x1 = p.getRotation().getX()

        tempTemplate = vol(templateVolume.sizeX(), templateVolume.sizeY(),
        rotate(templateVolume, tempTemplate, z1, z2, x1)
        tempTemplate = tempTemplate + subvolume(
            volume, int(x - templateVolume.sizeX() / 2),
            int(y - templateVolume.sizeY() / 2),
            int(z - templateVolume.sizeZ() / 2), templateVolume.sizeX(),
            templateVolume.sizeY(), templateVolume.sizeZ())
        paste(tempTemplate, volume, int(x - templateVolume.sizeX() / 2),
              int(y - templateVolume.sizeY() / 2),
              int(z - templateVolume.sizeZ() / 2))

    return volume
Пример #8
    def parallelStart_splitVol(self,


        import pytom_mpi
        mpi_myid = pytom_mpi.rank()
        if mpi_myid == 0:  # manager
            # distribute the job to the workers and get the original size of the volume
            self.splitVolumes(job, splitX, splitY, splitZ, verbose)

            [vsizeX, vsizeY, vsizeZ] = self.jobInfo["originalSize"]

            # gather results and post processing
            from pytom_volume import vol
            volume = vol(vsizeX, vsizeY, vsizeZ)
            orient = vol(vsizeX, vsizeY, vsizeZ)

            i = 0
            while i < splitX * splitY * splitZ:
                mpi_msgString = getMsgStr()
                msg = self.getResMsg(mpi_msgString)
                resFromWorker = self.resFromMsg(msg)

                if verbose == True:
                    print("Manager: processing result from worker " +

                resV = resFromWorker.result.getVolume()
                resO = resFromWorker.orient.getVolume()
                jobID = resFromWorker.jobID

                [sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ] = self.jobInfo["splitSize"]

                [sub_start, start] = self.jobInfo[jobID]

                from pytom_volume import subvolume, putSubVolume
                sub_resV = subvolume(resV, sub_start[0], sub_start[1],
                                     sub_start[2], sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ)
                sub_resO = subvolume(resO, sub_start[0], sub_start[1],
                                     sub_start[2], sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ)

                putSubVolume(sub_resV, volume, start[0], start[1], start[2])
                putSubVolume(sub_resO, orient, start[0], start[1], start[2])

                i = i + 1

            # write the final result back to the disk
            volume.write(self.name + '_res.em')
            orient.write(self.name + '_orient.em')

            # delete the temporary files on the disk
            import os
            files = os.listdir('.')
            for name in files:
                if 'job' in name and '.em' in name and not 'sum' in name and not 'sqr' in name:

            # rename the result files name
            os.rename('node_0_res.em', 'scores{}{}.em'.format(suffix))
            os.rename('node_0_orient.em', 'angles{}{}.em'.format(suffix))

            # finishing, stop all workers

            if verbose == True:
                print("Manager: end")

        else:  # worker
            worker = PeakWorker()

Пример #9
    def summarize(self, result, jobID, verbose=True):
        summarize: Get the result and do the summarization accordingly.\
        (Send back, or update result, or write to the disk).

        @param result: result
        @type result: L{pytom.localization.peak_job.PeakResult}
        @param jobID: ID of job
        @type jobID: integer
        resV = result[0]
        orientV = result[1]

        if self.jobInfoPool == {}:  # leaf node
            assert self.backTo != None

            if not self.backTo is None:
                result = self.writeRes(resV, orientV, jobID)
                result.send(self.mpi_id, self.backTo)
                self.writeRes(resV, orientV, None)

        # non leaf node, update the result
        if self.jobInfoPool[jobID].splitType == "Ang":
                "numDoneJobsA"] = self.jobInfoPool["numDoneJobsA"] + 1
            offset = self.jobInfoPool[jobID].angleOffset
            #            print self.name + ': JobID ' + str(jobID) + ' Offset ' + str(offset)
            orientV = orientV + offset

            if self.resVolA == None or self.resOrientA == None:
                from pytom_volume import vol
                self.resVolA = vol(resV.sizeX(), resV.sizeY(), resV.sizeZ())
                self.resOrientA = vol(orientV.sizeX(), orientV.sizeY(),
                from pytom_volume import updateResFromVol
                updateResFromVol(self.resVolA, resV, self.resOrientA, orientV)

            if self.jobInfoPool["numDoneJobsA"] == self.jobInfoPool[
                    "numJobsA"] and self.jobInfoPool["numJobsV"] > 0:
                self.summarize([self.resVolA, self.resOrientA],
                               self.jobInfoPool[jobID].originalJobID, verbose)
        elif self.jobInfoPool[jobID].splitType == "Vol":
                "numDoneJobsV"] = self.jobInfoPool["numDoneJobsV"] + 1
            [originX, originY, originZ] = self.jobInfoPool[jobID].origin
            if self.resVol == None or self.resOrient == None:
                from pytom_volume import vol
                [vsizeX, vsizeY, vsizeZ] = self.jobInfoPool[jobID].originalSize

                self.resVol = vol(vsizeX, vsizeY, vsizeZ)
                self.resOrient = vol(vsizeX, vsizeY, vsizeZ)

            [vsizeX, vsizeY, vsizeZ] = self.jobInfoPool[jobID].originalSize
            [sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ] = self.jobInfoPool[jobID].splitSize
            sub_start = self.jobInfoPool[jobID].sub_start
            start = self.jobInfoPool[jobID].whole_start

            stepSizeX = min(vsizeX - sub_start[0], sizeX)
            stepSizeY = min(vsizeY - sub_start[1], sizeY)
            stepSizeZ = min(vsizeZ - sub_start[2], sizeZ)

            from pytom_volume import subvolume, putSubVolume
            sub_resV = subvolume(resV, sub_start[0], sub_start[1],
                                 sub_start[2], stepSizeX, stepSizeY, stepSizeZ)
            sub_resO = subvolume(orientV, sub_start[0], sub_start[1],
                                 sub_start[2], stepSizeX, stepSizeY, stepSizeZ)

            putSubVolume(sub_resV, self.resVol, start[0] - originX,
                         start[1] - originY, start[2] - originZ)
            putSubVolume(sub_resO, self.resOrient, start[0] - originX,
                         start[1] - originY, start[2] - originZ)
            raise RuntimeError("Unclear split type!")

        # if all results are there, write back to disk and return to high level
        if self.jobInfoPool["numDoneJobsA"] + self.jobInfoPool[
                "numDoneJobsV"] == self.jobInfoPool[
                    "numJobsA"] + self.jobInfoPool["numJobsV"]:
            if self.jobInfoPool["numJobsV"] == 0:
                self.resVol = self.resVolA
                self.resOrient = self.resOrientA

            if self.backTo != None:
                result = self.writeRes(self.resVol, self.resOrient,
                if verbose == True:
                    print(self.name + ': sending back result to ' +
                result.send(self.mpi_id, self.backTo)
                # write the final result to the disk
                self.writeRes(self.resVol, self.resOrient)
Пример #10
def subPixelPeak(scoreVolume,
    subPixelPeak: Will determine the sub pixel area of peak. Utilizes spline, fourier or parabolic interpolation.

    @param verbose: be talkative
    @type verbose: L{str}
    @param scoreVolume: The score volume
    @param coordinates: [x,y,z] coordinates where the sub pixel peak will be determined
    @param cubeLength: length of cube - only used for Spline and Fourier interpolation
    @type cubeLength: int (even)
    @param interpolation: interpolation type: 'Spline', 'Quadratic', or 'Fourier'
    @type interpolation: str
    @return: Returns [peakValue,peakCoordinates] with sub pixel accuracy

    last change: 02/07/2013 FF: 2D functionality added
    assert type(
        interpolation) == str, 'subPixelPeak: interpolation must be str'
    if (interpolation.lower() == 'quadratic') or (interpolation.lower()
                                                  == 'parabolic'):
         peakCoordinates) = subPixelPeakParabolic(scoreVolume=scoreVolume,
        return [peakValue, peakCoordinates]

    if gpu:
        import cupy as xp
        import numpy as xp

    from pytom_volume import vol, subvolume, rescaleSpline, peak
    from pytom.basic.transformations import resize

    #extend function for 2D
    twoD = (scoreVolume.shape) == 2

    cubeStart = cubeLength // 2
    sizeX = scoreVolume.sizeX()
    sizeY = scoreVolume.sizeY()
    sizeZ = scoreVolume.sizeZ()

    if twoD:
        if (coordinates[0]-cubeStart < 1 or coordinates[1]-cubeStart < 1) or\
            (coordinates[0]-cubeStart + cubeLength >= sizeX or coordinates[1]-cubeStart + cubeLength >= sizeY):
            if verbose:
                    "SubPixelPeak: position too close to border for sub-pixel")
            return [
                scoreVolume(coordinates[0], coordinates[1], coordinates[2]),

        subVolume = subvolume(scoreVolume, coordinates[0] - cubeStart,
                              coordinates[1] - cubeStart, 0, cubeLength,
                              cubeLength, 1)
        if (coordinates[0]-cubeStart < 1 or coordinates[1]-cubeStart < 1 or coordinates[2]-cubeStart < 1) or \
                (coordinates[0]-cubeStart + cubeLength >= sizeX or coordinates[1]-cubeStart + cubeLength >= sizeY or \
                 coordinates[2]-cubeStart + cubeLength >= sizeZ):
            if verbose:
                    "SubPixelPeak: position too close to border for sub-pixel")
            return [
                scoreVolume(coordinates[0], coordinates[1], coordinates[2]),

        subVolume = subvolume(scoreVolume, coordinates[0] - cubeStart,
                              coordinates[1] - cubeStart,
                              coordinates[2] - cubeStart, cubeLength,
                              cubeLength, cubeLength)

    #size of interpolated volume
    scaleSize = 10 * cubeLength

    #ratio between interpolation area and large volume
    scaleRatio = 1.0 * cubeLength / scaleSize

    #resize into bigger volume
    if interpolation == 'Spline':
        if twoD:
            subVolumeScaled = vol(scaleSize, scaleSize, 1)
            subVolumeScaled = vol(scaleSize, scaleSize, scaleSize)
        rescaleSpline(subVolume, subVolumeScaled)
        subVolumeScaled = resize(volume=subVolume, factor=10)[0]

    peakCoordinates = peak(subVolumeScaled)

    peakValue = subVolumeScaled(peakCoordinates[0], peakCoordinates[1],

    #calculate sub pixel coordinates of interpolated peak
        0] = peakCoordinates[0] * scaleRatio - cubeStart + coordinates[0]
        1] = peakCoordinates[1] * scaleRatio - cubeStart + coordinates[1]
    if twoD:
        peakCoordinates[2] = 0
            2] = peakCoordinates[2] * scaleRatio - cubeStart + coordinates[2]
    if (peakCoordinates[0] > scoreVolume.sizeX()
            or peakCoordinates[1] > scoreVolume.sizeY()
            or peakCoordinates[2] > scoreVolume.sizeZ()):
        if verbose:
                "SubPixelPeak: peak position too large :( return input value")
        #something went awfully wrong here. return regular value
        return [
            scoreVolume(coordinates[0], coordinates[1], coordinates[2]),

    return [peakValue, peakCoordinates]
Пример #11
        pi = particle.getPickPosition()
            x = int(pi.getX() - cubeSize / 2)
            y = int(pi.getY() - cubeSize / 2)
            z = int(pi.getZ() - cubeSize / 2)

            if x < cubeSize or y < cubeSize or z < cubeSize or\
               x+cubeSize > volX or y+cubeSize > volY or z+cubeSize > volZ:
                print('Coordinate out of bounds (', x, y, z, ') for ')
                print('Particle could not be cut out from origin volume!')

            v = subvolume(vol, x, y, z, cubeSize, cubeSize,
                          cubeSize)  # faster this way

                particle)  # this part should be inside the try block
            print('Error for')
            print('Particle could not be cut out from origin volume!')

    if len(particleList) != len(newParticleList):
        new_plFilename = None
        if '/' in plFilename:
            new_plFilename = plFilename[:-4] + 'New.xml'
Пример #12
def readSubvolumeFromFourierspaceFile(filename, sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ):
    readSubvolumeFromFourierspaceFile: This function is required when data \
    (in real space) is read in binned mode and a related fourier space file 
    like a wedge needs to be read alongside. 
    Works only if fourier file is reduced complex without any shift applied.      
    @param filename: The fourier space file name
    @param sizeX: X final size of subvolume if it was complete 
    (what L{pytom.basic.structures.Wedge.returnWedgeVolume} with 
    humanUnderstandable == True returns)
    @param sizeY: Y final size of subvolume if it was complete 
    (what L{pytom.basic.structures.Wedge.returnWedgeVolume} 
    with humanUnderstandable == True returns)
    @param sizeZ: Z final size of subvolume if it was complete 
    (what L{pytom.basic.structures.Wedge.returnWedgeVolume} 
    with humanUnderstandable == True returns)
    @return: A subvolume 
    @author: Thomas Hrabe
    from pytom_volume import vol, subvolume, paste
    from pytom.basic.fourier import fourierSizeOperation
    [newX, newY, newZ] = fourierSizeOperation(sizeX,
    newVolume = vol(newX, newY, newZ)
    newX = newX / 2
    newY = newY / 2

    if filename.__class__ == str:
        originalVolume = read(filename)
    elif filename.__class__ == vol:
        # open a backdoor for this function to take volumes, but
        # this should be rather an exception -> not fully documented
        originalVolume = filename
        raise TypeError('Filename must be a string')

    originalSizeX = int(originalVolume.sizeX())
    originalSizeY = int(originalVolume.sizeY())

    # the original volume is reduced complex without shift ->
    # zero frequency is in outer corner (0,0,0)
    # read a subvolume around every corner with a subvolume
    # of half x,y of the final volume with constant z

    if filename.__class__ == str:
        firstSubvolume = read(filename, subregion=[0, 0, 0, newX, newY, newZ])
        firstSubvolume = subvolume(filename, 0, 0, 0, newX, newY, newZ)

    if filename.__class__ == str:
        secondSubvolume = read(
            filename, subregion=[originalSizeX - newX, 0, 0, newX, newY, newZ])
        secondSubvolume = subvolume(filename, originalSizeX - newX, 0, 0, newX,
                                    newY, newZ)

    if filename.__class__ == str:
        thirdSubvolume = read(
            filename, subregion=[0, originalSizeY - newY, 0, newX, newY, newZ])
        thirdSubvolume = subvolume(filename, 0, originalSizeY - newY, 0, newX,
                                   newY, newZ)

    if filename.__class__ == str:
        fourthSubvolume = read(filename,
                                   originalSizeX - newX, originalSizeY - newY,
                                   0, newX, newY, newZ
        fourthSubvolume = subvolume(filename, originalSizeX - newX,
                                    originalSizeY - newY, 0, newX, newY, newZ)

    # merge the volumes to the final volume
    paste(firstSubvolume, newVolume, 0, 0, 0)
    paste(secondSubvolume, newVolume, newX, 0, 0)
    paste(thirdSubvolume, newVolume, 0, newY, 0)
    paste(fourthSubvolume, newVolume, newX, newY, 0)

    return newVolume
Пример #13
    def maskOut(self, mask, center, size):
        maskOut: Set part of mask volume to all zero. The region is specified by center and size.
        @param mask: volume that you handle with
        @type mask: L{pytom_volume.vol}
        @param center: center of the region
        @type center: [x,y,z]
        @param size: size of the region
        @type size: [sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ] or radius

        from pytom_volume import vol, putSubVolume

        if size.__class__ == list:
            p_sizeX = size[0]
            p_sizeY = size[1]
            p_sizeZ = size[2]
        elif size.__class__ == vol:
            mm = size
            p_sizeX = mm.sizeX()
            p_sizeY = mm.sizeY()
            p_sizeZ = mm.sizeZ()
            radius = size
            p_sizeX = radius * 2
            p_sizeY = radius * 2
            p_sizeZ = radius * 2

        maskSize = [mask.sizeX(), mask.sizeY(), mask.sizeZ()]

        if maskSize < center:
            raise RuntimeError('Center out of range!')

        # [)
        # mask out double size. CHANGED!!!
        startX = int(center[0] - p_sizeX / 2)
        endX = int(center[0] + p_sizeX / 2)
        startY = int(center[1] - p_sizeY / 2)
        endY = int(center[1] + p_sizeY / 2)
        startZ = int(center[2] - p_sizeZ / 2)
        endZ = int(center[2] + p_sizeZ / 2)

        # only used for radius
        sub_startX = 0
        sub_startY = 0
        sub_startZ = 0

        if startX < 0:
            sub_startX = -startX
            startX = 0
        if endX > maskSize[0]:
            endX = maskSize[0]
        if startY < 0:
            sub_startY = -startY
            startY = 0
        if endY > maskSize[1]:
            endY = maskSize[1]
        if startZ < 0:
            sub_startZ = -startZ
            startZ = 0
        if endZ > maskSize[2]:
            endZ = maskSize[2]

        sizeX = endX - startX
        sizeY = endY - startY
        sizeZ = endZ - startZ

        if size.__class__ == list:
            subV = vol(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ)
        elif size.__class__ == vol:
            from pytom_volume import limit, subvolume
            subV = (mm - 1) / -1
            limit(subV, 0.999, 0, 0, 0, True, False)
            subV = subvolume(subV, sub_startX, sub_startY, sub_startZ, sizeX,
                             sizeY, sizeZ)
            tempV = subvolume(mask, startX, startY, startZ, sizeX, sizeY,
            subV = subV * tempV  # AND operation
            from pytom_volume import initSphere, subvolume
            subV = vol(radius * 2, radius * 2, radius * 2)
            initSphere(subV, radius, 0, 0, radius, radius, radius)
            tempV = vol(radius * 2, radius * 2, radius * 2)
            subV = tempV - subV
            subV = subvolume(subV, sub_startX, sub_startY, sub_startZ, sizeX,
                             sizeY, sizeZ)
            tempV = subvolume(mask, startX, startY, startZ, sizeX, sizeY,
            subV = subV * tempV  # AND operation

        putSubVolume(subV, mask, startX, startY, startZ)
Пример #14
 if not dest_dir:
     dest_dir = '.'
 from pytom_volume import read, subvolume
 v = read(vol_filename)
 from pytom.basic.structures import ParticleList, Particle, WedgeInfo
 pl = ParticleList("./")
 def regulaize(xx, dim):
     if xx*binning-radius < 0:
         if 2*radius > dim:
             raise Exception("Volume size to be cut is too big!")
         return 0
     if xx*binning+radius > dim:
         if dim-2*radius < 0:
             raise Exception("Volume size to be cut is too big!")
         return dim-2*radius
     return xx*binning-radius
 res = ParticleList(dest_dir)
 for p in pl:
     x,y,z = p.getPickPosition().toVector()
     x = regulaize(int(x), v.sizeX()); y = regulaize(int(y), v.sizeY()); z = regulaize(int(z), v.sizeZ())
     new_vol = subvolume(v, x, y, z, 2*radius, 2*radius, 2*radius)
     name = dest_dir+'/'+p.getFilename()
     new_vol.write(name) # write the subtomograms to the disk
     res.append(Particle(name, p.getRotation(), None, WedgeInfo(w), 1, p.getPickPosition(), p.getScore())) # append it to the particle list for alignment
Пример #15
def _display(volume, sliceNumber=0, projectionAxis='z'):
    _display: Generate image for volume display
    @author: Thomas Hrabe
    @param volume: The image / volume
    @param sliceNumber: Slice number at which the volume will be cut
    @param projectionAxis: Defines the axis. Default is z, means you look on the xy plane. (x equals to 'yz' plane, y to 'xz') 
    import Image
    from pytom_volume import min, max, mean, variance, limit, subvolume
    from math import sqrt

    if projectionAxis == 'x':
        size1 = volume.sizeY()
        size2 = volume.sizeZ()
    if projectionAxis == 'y':
        size1 = volume.sizeX()
        size2 = volume.sizeZ()
    if projectionAxis == 'z':
        size1 = volume.sizeX()
        size2 = volume.sizeY()

    img = Image.new('L', (size1, size2))

    if sliceNumber > 0:

        if projectionAxis == 'x':
            volume = subvolume(volume, sliceNumber, 0, 0, 1, size1, size2)
        elif projectionAxis == 'y':
            volume = subvolume(volume, 0, sliceNumber, 0, size1, 1, size2)
        elif projectionAxis == 'z':
            volume = subvolume(volume, 0, 0, sliceNumber, size1, size2, 1)

    elif sliceNumber == 0 and volume.sizeZ() > 1:
        sliceNumber = int(volume.sizeZ() / 2)

        if projectionAxis == 'x':
            volume = subvolume(volume, sliceNumber, 0, 0, 1, size1, size2)
        elif projectionAxis == 'y':
            volume = subvolume(volume, 0, sliceNumber, 0, size1, 1, size2)
        elif projectionAxis == 'z':
            volume = subvolume(volume, 0, 0, sliceNumber, size1, size2, 1)

    minValue = min(volume)
    volume.shiftscale(-minValue, 1)
    maxValue = max(volume)
    if maxValue == 0:
        maxValue = 1
    volume.shiftscale(0, 255.0 / maxValue)

    for i in range(size1):
        for j in range(size2):
            if projectionAxis == 'x':
                value = volume(0, i, j)
            elif projectionAxis == 'y':
                value = volume(i, 0, j)
            elif projectionAxis == 'z':
                value = volume(i, j, 0)

            img.putpixel((i, j), int(value))

    return img
Пример #16
def _dspcub(volume, sigma=None, projectionAxis='z'):
    _dspcub: Creates a dspcub image
    dspcub2PNG: display z-slices in 2D image
    @param volume: The input volume
    @type volume: L{pytom_volume.vol}
    @parameter sigma: thresholding as multiples of standard deviation sigma
    @type sigma: float
    @param projectionAxis: Defines the axis. Default is z, means you look on the xy plane. (x equals to 'yz' plane, y to 'xz') 
    @return: Image
    @rtype: Image
    @@author: Pia Unverdorben 

    if volume.sizeZ() == 1:
        raise Exception('You can use ')

    import Image
    from pytom_volume import min, max, mean, variance, limit, subvolume
    from math import sqrt, ceil, floor

    sizeX = volume.sizeX()
    sizeY = volume.sizeY()
    sizeZ = volume.sizeZ()

    if projectionAxis == 'x':
        imagesPerRow = int(floor(sqrt(sizeX)))
        size1 = float(sizeX)
        sizeI = sizeY
        sizeJ = sizeZ
    elif projectionAxis == 'y':
        imagesPerRow = int(floor(sqrt(sizeY)))
        size1 = float(sizeY)
        sizeI = sizeX
        sizeJ = sizeZ
    elif projectionAxis == 'z':
        imagesPerRow = int(floor(sqrt(sizeZ)))
        size1 = float(sizeZ)
        sizeI = sizeX
        sizeJ = sizeY

    numberIterations = imagesPerRow * imagesPerRow

    if size1 < numberIterations:
        iterationSteps = float(numberIterations / size1)
        iterationSteps = float(size1 / numberIterations)

    iterationSteps = int(iterationSteps)

    if projectionAxis == 'x':
        img = Image.new('L', (sizeY * imagesPerRow, sizeZ * imagesPerRow))
    elif projectionAxis == 'y':
        img = Image.new('L', (sizeX * imagesPerRow, sizeZ * imagesPerRow))
    elif projectionAxis == 'z':
        img = Image.new('L', (sizeX * imagesPerRow, sizeY * imagesPerRow))

    # normalize according to standard deviation if sigma is specified
    if sigma:
        meanv = mean(volume)
        stdv = sqrt(variance(volume, False))
        minValue = meanv - float(sigma) * stdv
        maxValue = meanv + float(sigma) * stdv
        minValue = min(volume)
        maxValue = max(volume)

    for sliceNumber in range(0, numberIterations, iterationSteps):

        if projectionAxis == 'x':
            png = Image.new('L', (sizeY, sizeZ))
        elif projectionAxis == 'y':
            png = Image.new('L', (sizeX, sizeZ))
        elif projectionAxis == 'z':
            png = Image.new('L', (sizeX, sizeY))

        (yvalue, xvalue) = divmod(sliceNumber, imagesPerRow)

        if projectionAxis == 'x':
            vol = subvolume(volume, sliceNumber, 0, 0, 1, sizeY, sizeZ)
        elif projectionAxis == 'y':
            vol = subvolume(volume, 0, sliceNumber, 0, sizeX, 1, sizeZ)
        elif projectionAxis == 'z':
            vol = subvolume(volume, 0, 0, sliceNumber, sizeX, sizeY, 1)

        vol.shiftscale(-minValue, 1)
        vol.shiftscale(0, 255 / maxValue)

        for i in range(sizeI):
            for j in range(sizeJ):

                if projectionAxis == 'x':
                    value = vol(0, i, j)
                elif projectionAxis == 'y':
                    value = vol(i, 0, j)
                elif projectionAxis == 'z':
                    value = vol(i, j, 0)

                png.putpixel((i, j), int(value))

        img.paste(png, (xvalue * sizeI, yvalue * sizeJ))

    return img