Пример #1
    def __init__(
        cell_type: str = "LSTM",
        hidden_size: int = 10,
        rnn_layers: int = 2,
        dropout: float = 0.1,
        static_categoricals: List[str] = [],
        static_reals: List[str] = [],
        time_varying_categoricals_encoder: List[str] = [],
        time_varying_categoricals_decoder: List[str] = [],
        categorical_groups: Dict[str, List[str]] = {},
        time_varying_reals_encoder: List[str] = [],
        time_varying_reals_decoder: List[str] = [],
        embedding_sizes: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {},
        embedding_paddings: List[str] = [],
        embedding_labels: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {},
        x_reals: List[str] = [],
        x_categoricals: List[str] = [],
        n_validation_samples: int = None,
        n_plotting_samples: int = None,
        target: str = None,
        loss: DistributionLoss = None,
        logging_metrics: nn.ModuleList = None,
        DeepAR Network.

        The code is based on the article `DeepAR: Probabilistic forecasting with autoregressive recurrent networks

            cell_type (str, optional): Recurrent cell type ["LSTM", "GRU"]. Defaults to "LSTM".
            hidden_size (int, optional): hidden recurrent size - the most important hyperparameter along with
                ``rnn_layers``. Defaults to 10.
            rnn_layers (int, optional): Number of RNN layers - important hyperparameter. Defaults to 2.
            dropout (float, optional): Dropout in RNN layers. Defaults to 0.1.
            static_categoricals: integer of positions of static categorical variables
            static_reals: integer of positions of static continuous variables
            time_varying_categoricals_encoder: integer of positions of categorical variables for encoder
            time_varying_categoricals_decoder: integer of positions of categorical variables for decoder
            time_varying_reals_encoder: integer of positions of continuous variables for encoder
            time_varying_reals_decoder: integer of positions of continuous variables for decoder
            categorical_groups: dictionary where values
                are list of categorical variables that are forming together a new categorical
                variable which is the key in the dictionary
            x_reals: order of continuous variables in tensor passed to forward function
            x_categoricals: order of categorical variables in tensor passed to forward function
            embedding_sizes: dictionary mapping (string) indices to tuple of number of categorical classes and
                embedding size
            embedding_paddings: list of indices for embeddings which transform the zero's embedding to a zero vector
            embedding_labels: dictionary mapping (string) indices to list of categorical labels
            n_validation_samples (int, optional): Number of samples to use for calculating validation metrics.
                Defaults to None, i.e. no sampling at validation stage and using "mean" of distribution for logging
                metrics calculation.
            n_plotting_samples (int, optional): Number of samples to generate for plotting predictions
                during training. Defaults to ``n_validation_samples`` if not None or 100 otherwise.
            target (str, optional): Target variable. Defaults to None.
            loss (DistributionLoss, optional): Distribution loss function. Keep in mind that each distribution
                loss function might have specific requirements for target normalization.
                Defaults to :py:class:`~pytorch_forecasting.metrics.NormalDistributionLoss`.
            logging_metrics (nn.ModuleList, optional): Metrics to log during training.
                Defaults to nn.ModuleList([SMAPE(), MAE(), RMSE(), MAPE(), MASE()]).
        if loss is None:
            loss = NormalDistributionLoss()
        if logging_metrics is None:
            logging_metrics = nn.ModuleList(
                [SMAPE(), MAE(), RMSE(),
                 MAPE(), MASE()])
        if n_plotting_samples is None:
            if n_validation_samples is None:
                n_plotting_samples = n_validation_samples
                n_plotting_samples = 100
        # store loss function separately as it is a module
        super().__init__(loss=loss, logging_metrics=logging_metrics, **kwargs)

        self.embeddings = MultiEmbedding(

        assert set(self.encoder_variables) - {target} == set(
        ), "Encoder and decoder variables have to be the same apart from target variable"
        assert target in time_varying_reals_encoder, "target has to be real"  # todo: remove this restriction

        time_series_rnn = get_cell(cell_type)
        self.rnn = time_series_rnn(
            dropout=self.hparams.dropout if self.hparams.rnn_layers > 1 else 0,

        # add linear layers for argument projects
        self.distribution_projector = nn.Linear(
            self.hparams.hidden_size, len(self.loss.distribution_arguments))
Пример #2
class DecoderMLP(BaseModelWithCovariates):
    MLP on the decoder.

    MLP that predicts output only based on information available in the decoder.

    def __init__(
        activation_class: str = "ReLU",
        hidden_size: int = 300,
        n_hidden_layers: int = 3,
        dropout: float = 0.1,
        norm: bool = True,
        static_categoricals: List[str] = [],
        static_reals: List[str] = [],
        time_varying_categoricals_encoder: List[str] = [],
        time_varying_categoricals_decoder: List[str] = [],
        categorical_groups: Dict[str, List[str]] = {},
        time_varying_reals_encoder: List[str] = [],
        time_varying_reals_decoder: List[str] = [],
        embedding_sizes: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {},
        embedding_paddings: List[str] = [],
        embedding_labels: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {},
        x_reals: List[str] = [],
        x_categoricals: List[str] = [],
        output_size: Union[int, List[int]] = 1,
        target: Union[str, List[str]] = None,
        loss: MultiHorizonMetric = None,
        logging_metrics: nn.ModuleList = None,
            activation_class (str, optional): PyTorch activation class. Defaults to "ReLU".
            hidden_size (int, optional): hidden recurrent size - the most important hyperparameter along with
                ``n_hidden_layers``. Defaults to 10.
            n_hidden_layers (int, optional): Number of hidden layers - important hyperparameter. Defaults to 2.
            dropout (float, optional): Dropout. Defaults to 0.1.
            norm (bool, optional): if to use normalization in the MLP. Defaults to True.
            static_categoricals: integer of positions of static categorical variables
            static_reals: integer of positions of static continuous variables
            time_varying_categoricals_encoder: integer of positions of categorical variables for encoder
            time_varying_categoricals_decoder: integer of positions of categorical variables for decoder
            time_varying_reals_encoder: integer of positions of continuous variables for encoder
            time_varying_reals_decoder: integer of positions of continuous variables for decoder
            categorical_groups: dictionary where values
                are list of categorical variables that are forming together a new categorical
                variable which is the key in the dictionary
            x_reals: order of continuous variables in tensor passed to forward function
            x_categoricals: order of categorical variables in tensor passed to forward function
            embedding_sizes: dictionary mapping (string) indices to tuple of number of categorical classes and
                embedding size
            embedding_paddings: list of indices for embeddings which transform the zero's embedding to a zero vector
            embedding_labels: dictionary mapping (string) indices to list of categorical labels
            output_size (Union[int, List[int]], optional): number of outputs (e.g. number of quantiles for
                QuantileLoss and one target or list of output sizes).
            target (str, optional): Target variable or list of target variables. Defaults to None.
            loss (MultiHorizonMetric, optional): loss: loss function taking prediction and targets.
                Defaults to QuantileLoss.
            logging_metrics (nn.ModuleList, optional): Metrics to log during training.
                Defaults to nn.ModuleList([SMAPE(), MAE(), RMSE(), MAPE(), MASE()]).
        if loss is None:
            loss = QuantileLoss()
        if logging_metrics is None:
            logging_metrics = nn.ModuleList([SMAPE(), MAE(), RMSE(), MAPE(), MASE()])
        # store loss function separately as it is a module
        super().__init__(loss=loss, logging_metrics=logging_metrics, **kwargs)

        self.input_embeddings = MultiEmbedding(
                name: val
                for name, val in embedding_sizes.items()
                if name in self.decoder_variables + self.static_variables
        # define network
        if isinstance(self.hparams.output_size, int):
            mlp_output_size = self.hparams.output_size
            mlp_output_size = sum(self.hparams.output_size)

        cont_size = len(self.decoder_reals_positions)
        cat_size = sum([emb.embedding_dim for emb in self.input_embeddings.values()])
        input_size = cont_size + cat_size

        self.mlp = FullyConnectedModule(
            activation_class=getattr(nn, self.hparams.activation_class),

    def decoder_reals_positions(self) -> List[int]:
        return [
            for name in self.reals
            if name in self.decoder_variables + self.static_variables

    def forward(self, x: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], n_samples: int = None) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
        Forward network
        # x is a batch generated based on the TimeSeriesDataset
        batch_size = x["decoder_lengths"].size(0)
        embeddings = self.input_embeddings(x["decoder_cat"])  # returns dictionary with embedding tensors
        network_input = torch.cat(
            [x["decoder_cont"][..., self.decoder_reals_positions]] + list(embeddings.values()),
        prediction = self.mlp(network_input.view(-1, self.mlp.input_size)).view(
            batch_size, network_input.size(1), self.mlp.output_size

        # cut prediction into pieces for multiple targets
        if self.n_targets > 1:
            prediction = torch.split(prediction, self.hparams.output_size, dim=-1)

        # We need to return a dictionary that at least contains the prediction
        # The parameter can be directly forwarded from the input.
        return self.to_network_output(prediction=prediction)

    def from_dataset(cls, dataset: TimeSeriesDataSet, **kwargs):
        new_kwargs = cls.deduce_default_output_parameters(dataset, kwargs, QuantileLoss())
        return super().from_dataset(dataset, **kwargs)
Пример #3
    def __init__(
        activation_class: str = "ReLU",
        hidden_size: int = 300,
        n_hidden_layers: int = 3,
        dropout: float = 0.1,
        norm: bool = True,
        static_categoricals: List[str] = [],
        static_reals: List[str] = [],
        time_varying_categoricals_encoder: List[str] = [],
        time_varying_categoricals_decoder: List[str] = [],
        categorical_groups: Dict[str, List[str]] = {},
        time_varying_reals_encoder: List[str] = [],
        time_varying_reals_decoder: List[str] = [],
        embedding_sizes: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {},
        embedding_paddings: List[str] = [],
        embedding_labels: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {},
        x_reals: List[str] = [],
        x_categoricals: List[str] = [],
        output_size: Union[int, List[int]] = 1,
        target: Union[str, List[str]] = None,
        loss: MultiHorizonMetric = None,
        logging_metrics: nn.ModuleList = None,
            activation_class (str, optional): PyTorch activation class. Defaults to "ReLU".
            hidden_size (int, optional): hidden recurrent size - the most important hyperparameter along with
                ``n_hidden_layers``. Defaults to 10.
            n_hidden_layers (int, optional): Number of hidden layers - important hyperparameter. Defaults to 2.
            dropout (float, optional): Dropout. Defaults to 0.1.
            norm (bool, optional): if to use normalization in the MLP. Defaults to True.
            static_categoricals: integer of positions of static categorical variables
            static_reals: integer of positions of static continuous variables
            time_varying_categoricals_encoder: integer of positions of categorical variables for encoder
            time_varying_categoricals_decoder: integer of positions of categorical variables for decoder
            time_varying_reals_encoder: integer of positions of continuous variables for encoder
            time_varying_reals_decoder: integer of positions of continuous variables for decoder
            categorical_groups: dictionary where values
                are list of categorical variables that are forming together a new categorical
                variable which is the key in the dictionary
            x_reals: order of continuous variables in tensor passed to forward function
            x_categoricals: order of categorical variables in tensor passed to forward function
            embedding_sizes: dictionary mapping (string) indices to tuple of number of categorical classes and
                embedding size
            embedding_paddings: list of indices for embeddings which transform the zero's embedding to a zero vector
            embedding_labels: dictionary mapping (string) indices to list of categorical labels
            output_size (Union[int, List[int]], optional): number of outputs (e.g. number of quantiles for
                QuantileLoss and one target or list of output sizes).
            target (str, optional): Target variable or list of target variables. Defaults to None.
            loss (MultiHorizonMetric, optional): loss: loss function taking prediction and targets.
                Defaults to QuantileLoss.
            logging_metrics (nn.ModuleList, optional): Metrics to log during training.
                Defaults to nn.ModuleList([SMAPE(), MAE(), RMSE(), MAPE(), MASE()]).
        if loss is None:
            loss = QuantileLoss()
        if logging_metrics is None:
            logging_metrics = nn.ModuleList(
                [SMAPE(), MAE(), RMSE(),
                 MAPE(), MASE()])
        # store loss function separately as it is a module
        super().__init__(loss=loss, logging_metrics=logging_metrics, **kwargs)

        self.input_embeddings = MultiEmbedding(
                name: val
                for name, val in embedding_sizes.items()
                if name in self.decoder_variables + self.static_variables
        # define network
        if isinstance(self.hparams.output_size, int):
            mlp_output_size = self.hparams.output_size
            mlp_output_size = sum(self.hparams.output_size)

        cont_size = len(self.decoder_reals_positions)
        cat_size = sum(
            [emb.embedding_dim for emb in self.input_embeddings.values()])
        input_size = cont_size + cat_size

        self.mlp = FullyConnectedModule(
            activation_class=getattr(nn, self.hparams.activation_class),