def mypad(x, pad, mode='constant', value=0):
    if mode == 'symmetric':
        # Horizontal only
        if pad[0] == 0 and pad[1] == 0:
            m1, m2 = pad[2], pad[3]
            l = x.shape[-2]
            xe = reflect(np.arange(-m1, l + m2, dtype='int32'), -0.5, l - 0.5)
            return x[:, :, xe]
        # Vertical only
        elif pad[2] == 0 and pad[3] == 0:
            m1, m2 = pad[0], pad[1]
            l = x.shape[-1]
            xe = reflect(np.arange(-m1, l + m2, dtype='int32'), -0.5, l - 0.5)
            return x[:, :, :, xe]
        # Both
            m1, m2 = pad[0], pad[1]
            l1 = x.shape[-1]
            xe_row = reflect(np.arange(-m1, l1 + m2, dtype='int32'), -0.5,
                             l1 - 0.5)
            m1, m2 = pad[2], pad[3]
            l2 = x.shape[-2]
            xe_col = reflect(np.arange(-m1, l2 + m2, dtype='int32'), -0.5,
                             l2 - 0.5)
            i = np.outer(xe_col, np.ones(xe_row.shape[0]))
            j = np.outer(np.ones(xe_col.shape[0]), xe_row)
            return x[:, :, i, j]
    elif mode == 'constant' or mode == 'reflect' or mode == 'replicate':
        return F.pad(x, pad, mode, value)
    elif mode == 'zero':
        return F.pad(x, pad)
        raise ValueError("Unkown pad type: {}".format(mode))
Пример #2
def mypad(x, pad, mode='constant', value=0):
    """ Function to do numpy like padding on tensors. Only works for 2-D

        x (tensor): tensor to pad
        pad (tuple): tuple of (left, right, top, bottom) pad sizes
        mode (str): 'symmetric', 'wrap', 'constant, 'reflect', 'replicate', or
            'zero'. The padding technique.
    if mode == 'symmetric':
        # Vertical only
        if pad[0] == 0 and pad[1] == 0:
            m1, m2 = pad[2], pad[3]
            l = x.shape[-2]
            xe = reflect(np.arange(-m1, l+m2, dtype='int32'), -0.5, l-0.5)
            return x[:,:,xe]
        # horizontal only
        elif pad[2] == 0 and pad[3] == 0:
            m1, m2 = pad[0], pad[1]
            l = x.shape[-1]
            xe = reflect(np.arange(-m1, l+m2, dtype='int32'), -0.5, l-0.5)
            return x[:,:,:,xe]
        # Both
            m1, m2 = pad[0], pad[1]
            l1 = x.shape[-1]
            xe_row = reflect(np.arange(-m1, l1+m2, dtype='int32'), -0.5, l1-0.5)
            m1, m2 = pad[2], pad[3]
            l2 = x.shape[-2]
            xe_col = reflect(np.arange(-m1, l2+m2, dtype='int32'), -0.5, l2-0.5)
            i = np.outer(xe_col, np.ones(xe_row.shape[0]))
            j = np.outer(np.ones(xe_col.shape[0]), xe_row)
            return x[:,:,i,j]
    elif mode == 'periodic':
        # Vertical only
        if pad[0] == 0 and pad[1] == 0:
            xe = np.arange(x.shape[-2])
            xe = np.pad(xe, (pad[2], pad[3]), mode='wrap')
            return x[:,:,xe]
        # Horizontal only
        elif pad[2] == 0 and pad[3] == 0:
            xe = np.arange(x.shape[-1])
            xe = np.pad(xe, (pad[0], pad[1]), mode='wrap')
            return x[:,:,:,xe]
        # Both
            xe_col = np.arange(x.shape[-2])
            xe_col = np.pad(xe_col, (pad[2], pad[3]), mode='wrap')
            xe_row = np.arange(x.shape[-1])
            xe_row = np.pad(xe_row, (pad[0], pad[1]), mode='wrap')
            i = np.outer(xe_col, np.ones(xe_row.shape[0]))
            j = np.outer(np.ones(xe_col.shape[0]), xe_row)
            return x[:,:,i,j]

    elif mode == 'constant' or mode == 'reflect' or mode == 'replicate':
        return F.pad(x, pad, mode, value)
    elif mode == 'zero':
        return F.pad(x, pad)
        raise ValueError("Unkown pad type: {}".format(mode))