Пример #1
    def solve(self, U_interact=None, J_hund=None, use_spinflip=False,
                 use_matrix = True, l=2, T=None, dim_reps=None, irep=None, deg_orbs = [], sl_int = None, **params):

        self.use_spinflip = use_spinflip
        self.U, self.Up, self.U4ind, self.offset = set_U_matrix(U_interact,J_hund,self.n_orb,l,use_matrix,T,sl_int,use_spinflip,dim_reps,irep) 

        # define mapping of indices:
        for nm in self.map:
            bl_names = self.map[nm]
            block = []
            for a,al in self.gf_struct:
                if a in bl_names: block.append(al)
            self.map_ind[nm] = range(self.n_orb)
            i = 0
            for al in block:
                cnt = 0
                for a in range(len(al)):
                    self.map_ind[nm][i] = cnt
                    i = i+1
                    cnt = cnt+1
        # set the Hamiltonian
        if (use_spinflip==False):
            Hamiltonian = self.__set_hamiltonian_density()
            if (use_matrix):
                #Hamiltonian = self.__set_full_hamiltonian_slater()
                Hamiltonian = self.__set_spinflip_hamiltonian_slater()
                Hamiltonian = self.__set_full_hamiltonian_kanamori(J_hund = J_hund)

        # set the Quantum numbers
        Quantum_Numbers = self.__set_quantum_numbers(self.gf_struct)
        # Determine if there are only blocs of size 1:
        self.blocssizeone = True
        for ib in self.gf_struct:
            if (len(ib[1])>1): self.blocssizeone = False

        nc = params.pop("n_cycles",10000)
        if ((self.blocssizeone) and (self.use_spinflip==False)):
            use_seg = True
            use_seg = False
        #gm = self.set_global_moves(deg_orbs)

        Solver.solve(self,H_local = Hamiltonian, quantum_numbers = Quantum_Numbers, n_cycles = nc, use_segment_picture = use_seg, **params)
Пример #2
S.G <<= SemiCircular(Half_Bandwidth)

# Impose Paramagnetism
g = 0.5*(S.G['up']+S.G['down'])
for name, bloc in S.G : bloc <<= g

# Compute G0
for sig,g0 in S.G0 :
  g0 <<= inverse( iOmega_n + Chemical_Potential - (Half_Bandwidth/2.0)**2  * S.G[sig] )

# Solve
#from pytriqs.applications.impurity_solvers.operators import *
from pytriqs.operators import *
S.solve(H_local = U * N('up',1) * N('down',1),
        quantum_numbers = { 'Nup' : N('up',1), 'Ndown' : N('down',1) },
        n_cycles  = 5000,
        length_cycle = 500,
        n_warmup_cycles = 5000,
        n_tau_delta = 10000,
        n_tau_g = 1000,
        random_name = "",
        n_legendre = 30,
        use_segment_picture = True)

# Calculation is done. Now save a few things
# Save into the shelve
Results = HDFArchive("single_site_bethe.output.h5",'w')
Results["G"] = S.G
Results["Gl"] = S.G_legendre

Пример #3
# Construct the impurity solver with the inverse temperature
# and the structure of the Green's functions
S = Solver(beta = beta, gf_struct = [ ('up',[1]), ('down',[1]) ])

# Initialize the non-interacting Green's function S.G0
for spin, g0 in S.G0 :
    g0 <<= inverse( iOmega_n - e_f - V**2 * Wilson(D) ) 

# Run the solver. The result will be in S.G
S.solve(H_local = U * N('up',1) * N('down',1),   # Local Hamiltonian 
        quantum_numbers = {                      # Quantum Numbers 
          'Nup' : N('up',1),                     # Operators commuting with H_Local
          'Ndown' : N('down',1) },          
        n_cycles  = 500000,                      # Number of QMC cycles
        length_cycle = 200,                      # Length of one cycle 
        n_warmup_cycles = 10000,                 # Warmup cycles
        n_legendre = 50,                         # Number of Legendre coefficients
        random_name = 'mt19937',                 # Name of the random number generator
        use_segment_picture = True,              # Use the segment picture
        measured_operators = {                   # Operators to be averaged
          'Nimp' : N('up',1)+N('down',1) }

# Save the results in an hdf5 file (only on the master node)
from pytriqs.archive import HDFArchive
import pytriqs.utility.mpi as mpi

if mpi.is_master_node():
  Results = HDFArchive("solution.h5",'w')
  Results["G"] = S.G
  Results["Gl"] = S.G_legendre
Пример #4
D, V, U = 1.0, 0.2, 4.0
e_f, beta = -U / 2.0, 50

# Construct the impurity solver
S = Solver(beta=beta, gf_struct=[('up', [1]), ('down', [1])])

# Loop for two random generators
for random_name in ['mt11213b', 'lagged_fibonacci607']:

    for spin, g0 in S.G0:
        g0 <<= inverse(iOmega_n - e_f - V**2 * Wilson(D))

    # Solve using random_name as a generator
        H_local=U * N('up', 1) * N('down', 1),  # Local Hamiltonian
        quantum_numbers={  # Quantum Numbers
            'Nup': N('up', 1),  # (operators commuting with H_Local)
            'Ndown': N('down', 1)
        n_cycles=100000,  # Number of QMC cycles
        length_cycle=200,  # Length of one cycle
        n_warmup_cycles=10000,  # Warmup cycles
        random_name=random_name,  # Name of the random generator
        use_segment_picture=True)  # Use the segment picture

    # Save the results in an hdf5 file (only on the master node)
    if mpi.is_master_node():
        Results = HDFArchive("random.h5")
        Results["G_%s" % (random_name)] = S.G
        del Results
Пример #5
# Now do the DMFT loop
for IterationNumber in range(n_loops):

    # Compute S.G0 with the self-consistency condition while imposing paramagnetism
    g = 0.5 * (S.G['up'] + S.G['down'])
    for name, g0block in S.G0:
        g0block <<= inverse(iOmega_n + chemical_potential -
                            (half_bandwidth / 2.0)**2 * g)

    # Run the solver
        H_local=U * N('up', 1) * N('down', 1),  # Local Hamiltonian
            'Nup': N('up', 1),
            'Ndown': N('down', 1)
        },  # Quantum Numbers (operators commuting with H_Local)
        n_cycles=5000,  # Number of QMC cycles
        length_cycle=200,  # Length of a cycle
        n_warmup_cycles=1000,  # How many warmup cycles
        n_legendre=30,  # Use 30 Legendre coefficients to represent G(tau)
        random_name="mt19937",  # Use the Mersenne Twister 19937 random generator
        use_segment_picture=True)  # Here we can use the segment picture

    # Some intermediate saves
    if mpi.is_master_node():
        R = HDFArchive("single_site_bethe.h5")
        R["G-%s" % IterationNumber] = S.G
        del R

    # Here we would usually write some convergence test
    # if Converged : break
Пример #6
    for n2 in range(n1+1, SPINS*NCOR):
        f1 = n1 / SPINS; sp1 = spins[n1 % SPINS];
        f2 = n2 / SPINS; sp2 = spins[n2 % SPINS];
        Measured_Operators['nn_%d_%d'%(n2,n1)] = N('%s%d'%(sp1, f1), 0) * N('%s%d'%(sp2, f2), 0);
solver_parms['measured_operators'] = Measured_Operators;

solver_parms['measured_time_correlators'] = {}
if int(val_def(parms, 'MEASURE', 0)) > 0:
    if 'Sztot' in Quantum_Numbers:
        solver_parms['measured_time_correlators'] = {
                'Sztot' : [ Quantum_Numbers['Sztot'], 300 ]

# run solver

# save data
NfileMax = 100;
if mpi.is_master_node():
    R = HDFArchive(parms['HDF5_OUTPUT'], 'w');
    if accumulation == 'legendre':
        for s, gl in solver.G_legendre: solver.G[s] <<= LegendreToMatsubara(gl);
        R['G_Legendre'] = solver.G_legendre;
        Gl_out = None;
        for f in range(NCOR):
            for sp in spins:
                tmp = solver.G_legendre['%s%d'%(sp, f)]._data.array[0, 0, :];
                Gl_out = tmp if Gl_out is None else c_[Gl_out, tmp];
        for n in range(1,NfileMax):
Пример #7
# Now do the DMFT loop
for IterationNumber in range(n_loops):

    # Compute S.G0 with the self-consistency condition while imposing paramagnetism
    g = 0.5 * (S.G["up"] + S.G["down"])
    for name, g0block in S.G0:
        g0block <<= inverse(iOmega_n + chemical_potential - (half_bandwidth / 2.0) ** 2 * g)

    # Run the solver
        H_local=U * N("up", 1) * N("down", 1),  # Local Hamiltonian
            "Nup": N("up", 1),
            "Ndown": N("down", 1),
        },  # Quantum Numbers (operators commuting with H_Local)
        n_cycles=5000,  # Number of QMC cycles
        length_cycle=200,  # Length of a cycle
        n_warmup_cycles=1000,  # How many warmup cycles
        n_legendre=30,  # Use 30 Legendre coefficients to represent G(tau)
        random_name="mt19937",  # Use the Mersenne Twister 19937 random generator
    )  # Here we can use the segment picture

    # Some intermediate saves
    if mpi.is_master_node():
        R = HDFArchive("single_site_bethe.h5")
        R["G-%s" % IterationNumber] = S.G
        del R

    # Here we would usually write some convergence test
    # if Converged : break
Пример #8
import pytriqs.utility.mpi as mpi

D, V, U = 1.0, 0.2, 4.0
e_f, beta = -U/2.0, 50

# Construct the impurity solver
S = Solver(beta = beta, gf_struct = [ ('up',[1]), ('down',[1]) ])

# Loop for two random generators
for random_name in ['mt11213b','lagged_fibonacci607']:

  for spin, g0 in S.G0 :
    g0 <<= inverse( iOmega_n - e_f - V**2 * Wilson(D) )

  # Solve using random_name as a generator
  S.solve(H_local = U * N('up',1) * N('down',1), # Local Hamiltonian
          quantum_numbers = {                    # Quantum Numbers
               'Nup' : N('up',1),                # (operators commuting with H_Local)
               'Ndown' : N('down',1) },
          n_cycles = 100000,                     # Number of QMC cycles
          length_cycle = 200,                    # Length of one cycle
          n_warmup_cycles = 10000,               # Warmup cycles
          random_name = random_name,             # Name of the random generator
          use_segment_picture = True)            # Use the segment picture

  # Save the results in an hdf5 file (only on the master node)
  if mpi.is_master_node():
    Results = HDFArchive("random.h5")
    Results["G_%s"%(random_name)] = S.G
    del Results
Пример #9
for name, bloc in S.G:
    bloc <<= g

# Compute G0
for sig, g0 in S.G0:
    g0 <<= inverse(iOmega_n + Chemical_Potential -
                   (Half_Bandwidth / 2.0)**2 * S.G[sig])

# Solve
#from pytriqs.applications.impurity_solvers.operators import *
from pytriqs.operators import *
S.solve(H_local=U * N('up', 1) * N('down', 1),
            'Nup': N('up', 1),
            'Ndown': N('down', 1)

# Calculation is done. Now save a few things
# Save into the shelve
Results = HDFArchive("single_site_bethe.output.h5", 'w')
Results["G"] = S.G
Results["Gl"] = S.G_legendre
Пример #10
# Initialize the non-interacting Green's function S.G0
for spin, g0 in S.G0:
    g0 <<= inverse(iOmega_n - e_f - V**2 * Wilson(D))

# run the solver. The result will be in S.G
    H_local=U * N('up', 1) * N('down', 1),  # Local Hamiltonian 
    quantum_numbers={  # Quantum Numbers 
        'Nup': N('up', 1),  # Operators commuting with H_Local
        'Ndown': N('down', 1)
    n_cycles=20000,  # Number of QMC cycles
    length_cycle=20,  # Length of one cycle 
    n_warmup_cycles=1000,  # Warmup cycles
    n_legendre=50,  # Number of Legendre coefficients
    random_name='mt19937',  # Name of the random number generator
    use_segment_picture=True,  # Use the segment picture
    measured_operators={  # Operators to be averaged
        'Nimp': N('up', 1) + N('down', 1)
    global_moves=[(0.05, lambda (a, alpha, dag): ({
        'up': 'down',
        'down': 'up'
    }[a], alpha, dag))])

# Save the results in an hdf5 file (only on the master node)
from pytriqs.archive import HDFArchive
import pytriqs.utility.mpi as mpi

if mpi.is_master_node():