Пример #1
def ordinal_logistic_fit(X, y, max_iter=10000, verbose=False, solver='TNC'):
    Ordinal logistic regression or proportional odds model.
    Uses scipy's optimize.fmin_slsqp solver.

    X : {array, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_feaures)
        Input data
    y : array-like
        Target values
    max_iter : int
        Maximum number of iterations
    verbose: bool
        Print convergence information

    w : array, shape (n_features,)
        coefficients of the linear model
    theta : array, shape (k,), where k is the different values of y
        vector of thresholds

    X = utils.safe_asarray(X)
    y = np.asarray(y)

    # .. order input ..
    idx = np.argsort(y)
    idx_inv = np.zeros_like(idx)
    idx_inv[idx] = np.arange(idx.size)
    X = X[idx]
    y = y[idx].astype(np.int)
    # make them continuous and start at zero
    unique_y = np.unique(y)
    for i, u in enumerate(unique_y):
        y[y == u] = i
    unique_y = np.unique(y)

    # .. utility arrays used in f_grad ..
    alpha = 0.
    k1 = np.sum(y == unique_y[0])
    E0 = (y[:, np.newaxis] == np.unique(y)).astype(np.int)
    E1 = np.roll(E0, -1, axis=-1)
    E1[:, -1] = 0.
    E0, E1 = map(sparse.csr_matrix, (E0.T, E1.T))

    def f_obj(x0, X, y):
        Objective function
        w, theta_0 = np.split(x0, [X.shape[1]])
        theta_1 = np.roll(theta_0, 1)
        t0 = theta_0[y]
        z = np.diff(theta_0)

        Xw = X.dot(w)
        a = t0 - Xw
        b = t0[k1:] - X[k1:].dot(w)
        c = (theta_1 - theta_0)[y][k1:]

        if np.any(c > 0):
            return BIG

        #loss = -(c[idx] + np.log(np.exp(-c[idx]) - 1)).sum()
        loss = -np.log(1 - np.exp(c)).sum()

        loss += b.sum() + log_logistic(b).sum() \
            + log_logistic(a).sum() \
            + .5 * alpha * w.dot(w) - np.log(z).sum()  # penalty
        if np.isnan(loss):
            #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
        return loss

    def f_grad(x0, X, y):
        Gradient of the objective function
        w, theta_0 = np.split(x0, [X.shape[1]])
        theta_1 = np.roll(theta_0, 1)
        t0 = theta_0[y]
        t1 = theta_1[y]
        z = np.diff(theta_0)

        Xw = X.dot(w)
        a = t0 - Xw
        b = t0[k1:] - X[k1:].dot(w)
        c = (theta_1 - theta_0)[y][k1:]

        # gradient for w
        phi_a = phi(a)
        phi_b = phi(b)
        grad_w = -X[k1:].T.dot(phi_b) + X.T.dot(1 - phi_a) + alpha * w

        # gradient for theta
        idx = c > 0
        tmp = np.empty_like(c)
        tmp[idx] = 1. / (np.exp(-c[idx]) - 1)
        tmp[~idx] = np.exp(c[~idx]) / (1 - np.exp(c[~idx])) # should not need
        grad_theta = (E1 - E0)[:, k1:].dot(tmp) \
            + E0[:, k1:].dot(phi_b) - E0.dot(1 - phi_a)

        grad_theta[:-1] += 1. / np.diff(theta_0)
        grad_theta[1:] -= 1. / np.diff(theta_0)
        out = np.concatenate((grad_w, grad_theta))
        return out

    def f_hess(x0, s, X, y):
        x0 = np.asarray(x0)
        w, theta_0 = np.split(x0, [X.shape[1]])
        theta_1 = np.roll(theta_0, 1)
        t0 = theta_0[y]
        t1 = theta_1[y]
        z = np.diff(theta_0)

        Xw = X.dot(w)
        a = t0 - Xw
        b = t0[k1:] - X[k1:].dot(w)
        c = (theta_1 - theta_0)[y][k1:]

        D = np.diag(phi(a) * (1 - phi(a)))
        D_= np.diag(phi(b) * (1 - phi(b)))
        D1 = np.diag(np.exp(-c) / (np.exp(-c) - 1) ** 2)
        Ex = (E1 - E0)[:, k1:].toarray()
        Ex0 = E0.toarray()
        H_A = X[k1:].T.dot(D_).dot(X[k1:]) + X.T.dot(D).dot(X)
        H_C = - X[k1:].T.dot(D_).dot(E0[:, k1:].T.toarray()) \
            - X.T.dot(D).dot(E0.T.toarray())
        H_B = Ex.dot(D1).dot(Ex.T) + Ex0[:, k1:].dot(D_).dot(Ex0[:, k1:].T) \
            - Ex0.dot(D).dot(Ex0.T)

        p_w = H_A.shape[0]
        tmp0 = H_A.dot(s[:p_w]) + H_C.dot(s[p_w:])
        tmp1 = H_C.T.dot(s[:p_w]) + H_B.dot(s[p_w:])
        return np.concatenate((tmp0, tmp1))

        import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
        import pylab as pl
        import numdifftools as nd
        Hess = nd.Hessian(lambda x: f_obj(x, X, y))
        H = Hess(x0)
        pl.matshow(H[H_A.shape[0]:, H_A.shape[0]:])

    def grad_hess(x0, X, y):
        grad = f_grad(x0, X, y)
        hess = lambda x: f_hess(x0, x, X, y)
        return grad, hess

    x0 = np.random.randn(X.shape[1] + unique_y.size) / X.shape[1]
    x0[X.shape[1]:] = np.sort(unique_y.size * np.random.rand(unique_y.size))

    #print('Check grad: %s' % optimize.check_grad(f_obj, f_grad, x0, X, y))
    #print(optimize.approx_fprime(x0, f_obj, 1e-6, X, y))
    #print(f_grad(x0, X, y))
    #print(optimize.approx_fprime(x0, f_obj, 1e-6, X, y) - f_grad(x0, X, y))
    #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

    def callback(x0):
        x0 = np.asarray(x0)
        print('Check grad: %s' % optimize.check_grad(f_obj, f_grad, x0, X, y))
        if verbose:
        # check that gradient is correctly computed
            print('OBJ: %s' % f_obj(x0, X, y))

    if solver == 'TRON':
        import pytron
        out = pytron.minimize(f_obj, grad_hess, x0, args=(X, y))
        options = {'maxiter' : max_iter, 'disp': 0, 'maxfun':10000}
        out = optimize.minimize(f_obj, x0, args=(X, y), method=solver,
            jac=f_grad, hessp=f_hess, options=options, callback=callback)

    if not out.success:
    w, theta = np.split(out.x, [X.shape[1]])
    return w, theta
Пример #2
def ordinal_logistic_fit(X,
    Ordinal logistic regression or proportional odds model.
    Uses scipy's optimize.fmin_slsqp solver.

    X : {array, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_feaures)
        Input data
    y : array-like
        Target values
    max_iter : int
        Maximum number of iterations
    verbose: bool
        Print convergence information

    w : array, shape (n_features,)
        coefficients of the linear model
    theta : array, shape (k,), where k is the different values of y
        vector of thresholds

    X = np.asarray(X)
    y = np.asarray(y)
    w0 = None

    if not X.shape[0] == y.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError('Wrong shape for X and y')

    # .. order input ..
    idx = np.argsort(y)
    idx_inv = np.zeros_like(idx)
    idx_inv[idx] = np.arange(idx.size)
    X = X[idx]
    y = y[idx].astype(np.int)
    # make them continuous and start at zero
    unique_y = np.unique(y)
    for i, u in enumerate(unique_y):
        y[y == u] = i
    unique_y = np.unique(y)

    # .. utility arrays used in f_grad ..
    alpha = 0.
    k1 = np.sum(y == unique_y[0])
    E0 = (y[:, np.newaxis] == np.unique(y)).astype(np.int)
    E1 = np.roll(E0, -1, axis=-1)
    E1[:, -1] = 0.
    E0, E1 = map(sparse.csr_matrix, (E0.T, E1.T))

    def f_obj(x0, X, y):
        Objective function
        w, theta_0 = np.split(x0, [X.shape[1]])
        theta_1 = np.roll(theta_0, 1)
        t0 = theta_0[y]
        z = np.diff(theta_0)

        Xw = X.dot(w)
        a = t0 - Xw
        b = t0[k1:] - X[k1:].dot(w)
        c = (theta_1 - theta_0)[y][k1:]

        if np.any(c > 0):
            return BIG

        #loss = -(c[idx] + np.log(np.exp(-c[idx]) - 1)).sum()
        loss = -np.log(1 - np.exp(c)).sum()

        loss += b.sum() + log_logistic(b).sum() \
            + log_logistic(a).sum() \
            + .5 * alpha * w.dot(w) - np.log(z).sum()  # penalty
        if np.isnan(loss):
            #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
        return loss

    def f_grad(x0, X, y):
        Gradient of the objective function
        w, theta_0 = np.split(x0, [X.shape[1]])
        theta_1 = np.roll(theta_0, 1)
        t0 = theta_0[y]
        t1 = theta_1[y]
        z = np.diff(theta_0)

        Xw = X.dot(w)
        a = t0 - Xw
        b = t0[k1:] - X[k1:].dot(w)
        c = (theta_1 - theta_0)[y][k1:]

        # gradient for w
        phi_a = phi(a)
        phi_b = phi(b)
        grad_w = -X[k1:].T.dot(phi_b) + X.T.dot(1 - phi_a) + alpha * w

        # gradient for theta
        idx = c > 0
        tmp = np.empty_like(c)
        tmp[idx] = 1. / (np.exp(-c[idx]) - 1)
        tmp[~idx] = np.exp(c[~idx]) / (1 - np.exp(c[~idx]))  # should not need
        grad_theta = (E1 - E0)[:, k1:].dot(tmp) \
            + E0[:, k1:].dot(phi_b) - E0.dot(1 - phi_a)

        grad_theta[:-1] += 1. / np.diff(theta_0)
        grad_theta[1:] -= 1. / np.diff(theta_0)
        out = np.concatenate((grad_w, grad_theta))
        return out

    def f_hess(x0, s, X, y):
        x0 = np.asarray(x0)
        w, theta_0 = np.split(x0, [X.shape[1]])
        theta_1 = np.roll(theta_0, 1)
        t0 = theta_0[y]
        t1 = theta_1[y]
        z = np.diff(theta_0)

        Xw = X.dot(w)
        a = t0 - Xw
        b = t0[k1:] - X[k1:].dot(w)
        c = (theta_1 - theta_0)[y][k1:]

        D = np.diag(phi(a) * (1 - phi(a)))
        D_ = np.diag(phi(b) * (1 - phi(b)))
        D1 = np.diag(np.exp(-c) / (np.exp(-c) - 1)**2)
        Ex = (E1 - E0)[:, k1:].toarray()
        Ex0 = E0.toarray()
        H_A = X[k1:].T.dot(D_).dot(X[k1:]) + X.T.dot(D).dot(X)
        H_C = - X[k1:].T.dot(D_).dot(E0[:, k1:].T.toarray()) \
            - X.T.dot(D).dot(E0.T.toarray())
        H_B = Ex.dot(D1).dot(Ex.T) + Ex0[:, k1:].dot(D_).dot(Ex0[:, k1:].T) \
            - Ex0.dot(D).dot(Ex0.T)

        p_w = H_A.shape[0]
        tmp0 = H_A.dot(s[:p_w]) + H_C.dot(s[p_w:])
        tmp1 = H_C.T.dot(s[:p_w]) + H_B.dot(s[p_w:])
        return np.concatenate((tmp0, tmp1))

        import ipdb
        import pylab as pl
        import numdifftools as nd
        Hess = nd.Hessian(lambda x: f_obj(x, X, y))
        H = Hess(x0)
        pl.matshow(H[H_A.shape[0]:, H_A.shape[0]:])

    def grad_hess(x0, X, y):
        grad = f_grad(x0, X, y)
        hess = lambda x: f_hess(x0, x, X, y)
        return grad, hess

    x0 = np.random.randn(X.shape[1] + unique_y.size) / X.shape[1]
    if w0 is not None:
        x0[:X.shape[1]] = w0
        x0[:X.shape[1]] = 0.
    x0[X.shape[1]:] = np.sort(unique_y.size * np.random.rand(unique_y.size))

    #print('Check grad: %s' % optimize.check_grad(f_obj, f_grad, x0, X, y))
    #print(optimize.approx_fprime(x0, f_obj, 1e-6, X, y))
    #print(f_grad(x0, X, y))
    #print(optimize.approx_fprime(x0, f_obj, 1e-6, X, y) - f_grad(x0, X, y))
    #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

    def callback(x0):
        x0 = np.asarray(x0)
        # print('Check grad: %s' % optimize.check_grad(f_obj, f_grad, x0, X, y))
        if verbose:
            # check that gradient is correctly computed
            print('OBJ: %s' % f_obj(x0, X, y))

    if solver == 'TRON':
        import pytron
        out = pytron.minimize(f_obj, grad_hess, x0, args=(X, y))
        options = {'maxiter': max_iter, 'disp': 0, 'maxfun': 10000}
        out = optimize.minimize(f_obj,
                                args=(X, y),

    if not out.success:
    w, theta = np.split(out.x, [X.shape[1]])
    return w, theta
Пример #3
# set the data
n_samples, n_features = 100, 10
X = np.random.randn(n_samples, n_features)
y = np.sign(X.dot(5 * np.random.randn(n_features)))
alpha = 1.
x0 = np.zeros(n_features)

def callback(x0):
    print(loss(x0, X, y, alpha))

# call the solver
res = minimize(loss,
               args=(X, y, alpha),

from sklearn import linear_model
clf = linear_model.LogisticRegression(C=1. / alpha, fit_intercept=False)
clf.fit(X, y)

print('Solution using TRON:         %s' % res.x)
print('Solution using scikit-learn: %s' % clf.coef_)
        wa = d * X.dot(s)
        return X.T.dot(wa) + alpha * s

    return grad, Hs

# set the data
n_samples, n_features = 100, 10
X = np.random.randn(n_samples, n_features)
y = np.sign(X.dot(5 * np.random.randn(n_features)))
alpha = 1.0
x0 = np.zeros(n_features)

def callback(x0):
    print(loss(x0, X, y, alpha))

# call the solver
res = minimize(loss, grad_hess, x0, args=(X, y, alpha), max_iter=15, gtol=1e-3, tol=1e-12, callback=callback)

from sklearn import linear_model

clf = linear_model.LogisticRegression(C=1.0 / alpha, fit_intercept=False)
clf.fit(X, y)

print("Solution using TRON:         %s" % res.x)
print("Solution using scikit-learn: %s" % clf.coef_)