Пример #1
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyts.preprocessing import InterpolationImputer

# Parameters
n_samples, n_timestamps = 100, 48

# Toy dataset
rng = np.random.RandomState(41)
X = rng.randn(n_samples, n_timestamps)
missing_idx = rng.choice(np.arange(1, 47), size=14, replace=False)
X[:, missing_idx] = np.nan

# Show the results for different strategies for the first time series
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10))
for i, strategy in enumerate(['linear', 'quadratic', 'cubic', 'nearest']):
    imputer = InterpolationImputer(strategy=strategy)
    X_imputed = imputer.transform(X)

    plt.subplot(2, 2, i + 1)
    plt.plot(X_imputed[0], 'o--', color='C1', label='Imputed')
    plt.plot(X[0], 'o--', color='C0', label='Original')
    plt.title("{0} Interpolation".format(strategy.capitalize()), fontsize=16)
    plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=14)

plt.suptitle('Interpolating missing values with different strategies',
Пример #2
def load_skeleton(VIDEO_ROOT_DIR, folder, video):
    file_dir = os.path.join(VIDEO_ROOT_DIR, folder, video[:-4])
    joint_data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(file_dir, "jointdata.csv"))
    joint_data["data"] = joint_data["data"].apply(json.loads)
    index = pd.read_csv(file_dir + "primer.csv", header=None)[0][0]

    index_1 = len(joint_data) // 3
    index_2 = len(joint_data) // 3 * 2

    if joint_data.iloc[index_1]["data"][8][0] > joint_data.iloc[index_2][
        # walking towards image left
        Direction = "L"
        Direction = "R"

    # flip the x coordinate, according to walk direction
    if Direction == "L":
        for i in range(len(joint_data)):
            for j in range(25):
                    0] = IMAGE_W - joint_data["data"][i][j][0]

    # calculate speed    pixel/second
    Neck_1 = joint_data["data"][index_1][1]
    Neck_2 = joint_data["data"][index_2][1]
    MidHip_1 = joint_data["data"][index_1][8]
    MidHip_2 = joint_data["data"][index_2][8]
    delta_x_OP = (Neck_2[0] + MidHip_2[0]) / 2 - (Neck_1[0] + MidHip_1[0]) / 2
    delta_t = abs(joint_data["time"][index_2] -
                  joint_data["time"][index_1]) / 1000
    if delta_t == 0:
        print("error in speed calculation")
        return -1
        SpeedOPose = abs(delta_x_OP / delta_t)

    # calculate 3 angles
    Neck = joint_data["data"][index][1]
    MidHip = joint_data["data"][index][8]
    Nose = joint_data["data"][index][0]

    Body_Lean = calculate_angles(Nose, MidHip)
    Back_Lean = calculate_angles(Neck, MidHip)
    Neck_Lean = calculate_angles(Nose, Neck)

    # index in the original when it starts to have valid skeleton data
    idx_start = int(round(joint_data["time"][0] * 30 / 1000))
    # index of the last frame with valid skeleton data
    idx_end = int(
        round(joint_data["time"][joint_data.shape[0] - 1] * 30 / 1000))

    seq_len = idx_end - idx_start + 1

    left_seq = [None] * seq_len
    right_seq = [None] * seq_len
    index_seq = [None] * seq_len

    for i in range(joint_data.shape[0]):
        # calculate the index of the original video, according to the "time" time stamp
        original_index = int(round(joint_data["time"][i] * 30 / 1000))

        # left lower leg's sequence (KNEE_LEFT, ANKLE_LEFT)
        left_seq[original_index - idx_start] = calculate_angles(
            joint_data["data"][i][13], joint_data["data"][i][14])
        # right lower leg's sequence (KNEE_RIGHT, ANKLE_RIGHT)
        right_seq[original_index - idx_start] = calculate_angles(
            joint_data["data"][i][10], joint_data["data"][i][11])

        # save the relative index compared to idx_start
        index_seq[original_index - idx_start] = i

    imputer = InterpolationImputer()
    impute_index = list(range(idx_start, idx_end + 1))
    left = np.array(imputer.transform([impute_index, left_seq])[1])
    right = np.array(imputer.transform([impute_index, right_seq])[1])
    # plt.plot(impute_index,left_seq)
    # plt.show()

    # plt.plot(impute_index,left)
    # plt.show()

    peaks_left, bottom_left = sequence_extrema(left)
    peaks_right, bottom_right = sequence_extrema(right)

    left_stance, left_swing = stance_swing(peaks_left, bottom_left)
    right_stance, right_swing = stance_swing(peaks_right, bottom_right)

    # Asymmetry Stance phase
    AStP = calculate_asymmetry(left_stance, right_stance)
    # Asymmetry Swing phase
    ASwP = calculate_asymmetry(left_swing, right_swing)

    cadence = calculate_cadence(peaks_left, peaks_right)

    left_peak_amp = np.mean([left[i] for i in peaks_left])
    left_bottom_amp = np.mean([left[i] for i in bottom_left])
    right_peak_amp = np.mean([right[i] for i in peaks_right])
    right_bottom_amp = np.mean([right[i] for i in bottom_right])

    # Asymmetry Peak Amplitude
    APA = calculate_asymmetry(left_peak_amp, right_peak_amp)
    # Asymmetry Bottom Amplitude
    ABA = calculate_asymmetry(left_bottom_amp, right_bottom_amp)

    L_index = ceil(len(peaks_left) / 2) - 1
    R_index = ceil(len(peaks_right) / 2) - 1

    # left lower leg:  peaks_left[L_index] to peaks_left[L_index+1]
    # right lower leg:  peaks_right[R_index] to peaks_right[R_index+1]
    # step length stride length: distance between the heel contact point of one foot and that of the other foot.

    left_step_length = abs(
        joint_data["data"][index_seq[peaks_left[L_index]]][21][0] -
    right_step_length = abs(
        joint_data["data"][index_seq[peaks_left[R_index]]][21][0] -
        joint_data["data"][index_seq[peaks_left[R_index + 1]]][24][0])

    # Asymmetry Step length
    ASl = calculate_asymmetry(left_step_length, right_step_length)

    stride_length = abs(
        joint_data["data"][index_seq[peaks_left[L_index]]][21][0] -

    falling_risk = abs(
        joint_data["data"][index_seq[peaks_left[L_index]]][0][0] -
        (joint_data["data"][index_seq[peaks_left[L_index]]][21][0] +
         joint_data["data"][index_seq[peaks_left[L_index]]][24][0]) / 2
    ) / (abs(joint_data["data"][index_seq[peaks_left[L_index]]][19][0] -
             joint_data["data"][index_seq[peaks_left[L_index]]][24][0]) / 2)

    features = [
        SpeedOPose, Body_Lean, Back_Lean, Neck_Lean, left_stance, left_swing,
        right_stance, right_swing, AStP, ASwP, cadence, left_peak_amp,
        right_peak_amp, left_bottom_amp, right_bottom_amp, APA, ABA,
        left_step_length, right_step_length, ASl, stride_length, falling_risk

    return features
Пример #3
def load_skeleton(VIDEO_ROOT_DIR, folder, video):
    load the skeleton data from csv files
    :param VIDEO_ROOT_DIR: video's root directory
    :param folder: video folder
    :param video: video file name

    # number of time steps to crop

    file_dir = os.path.join(VIDEO_ROOT_DIR, folder, video[:-4])
    joint_data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(file_dir, "jointdata.csv"))
    joint_data["data"] = joint_data["data"].apply(json.loads)

    index_1 = len(joint_data) // 3
    index_2 = len(joint_data) // 3 * 2
    if joint_data.iloc[index_1]["data"][8][0] > joint_data.iloc[index_2][
        # walking towards image left
        Direction = "L"
        Direction = "R"

    # flip the x coordinate, according to walk direction
    if Direction == "L":
        for i in range(len(joint_data)):
            for j in range(25):
                    0] = IMAGE_W - joint_data["data"][i][j][0]

    # index in the original when it starts to have valid skeleton data
    idx_start = int(round(joint_data["time"][0] * 30 / 1000))
    # index of the last frame with valid skeleton data
    idx_end = int(
        round(joint_data["time"][joint_data.shape[0] - 1] * 30 / 1000))

    seq_len = idx_end - idx_start + 1

    left_seq = [None] * seq_len
    right_seq = [None] * seq_len
    back_seq = [None] * seq_len
    index_seq = [None] * seq_len

    for i in range(joint_data.shape[0]):
        # calculate the index of the original video, according to the "time" time stamp
        original_index = int(round(joint_data["time"][i] * 30 / 1000))

        # left lower leg's sequence (KNEE_LEFT, ANKLE_LEFT)
        left_seq[original_index - idx_start] = (calculate_angles(
            joint_data["data"][i][13], joint_data["data"][i][14]))
        # right lower leg's sequence (KNEE_RIGHT, ANKLE_RIGHT)
        right_seq[original_index - idx_start] = (calculate_angles(
            joint_data["data"][i][10], joint_data["data"][i][11]))
        # back angle's sequence (Neck, MidHip)
        back_seq[original_index - idx_start] = (calculate_angles(
            joint_data["data"][i][1], joint_data["data"][i][8]))

        # save the relative index compared to idx_start
        index_seq[original_index - idx_start] = i

    # # visualize the original left lower leg's sequence
    # plt.plot(left_seq)
    # plt.show()

    # interpolate the missing data in the sequences
    imputer = InterpolationImputer()
    impute_index = list(range(idx_start, idx_end + 1))
    left = np.array(imputer.transform([impute_index, left_seq])[1])
    right = np.array(imputer.transform([impute_index, right_seq])[1])
    back = np.array(imputer.transform([impute_index, back_seq])[1])

    # # visualize the left lower leg's sequence after interpolation
    # plt.plot(left)
    # plt.show()

    # peaks, properties = find_peaks(left, prominence=(10, None))
    # peaks_left, _ = find_peaks(left,prominence=(30, None))
    peaks_right, _ = find_peaks(right, prominence=(30, None))

    # prominences_left = peak_prominences(left, peaks_left)[0]
    # prominences_right = peak_prominences(right, peaks_right)[0]

    # peak_left_index = [index_seq[i] for i in peaks_left]
    # peak_right_index = [index_seq[i] for i in peaks_right]

    # # period of each cycle
    # T_left = [peak_left_index[i+1] - peak_left_index[i]  for i in range(len(peak_left_index)-1) ]
    # T_right = [peak_right_index[i+1] - peak_right_index[i]  for i in range(len(peak_right_index)-1) ]

    # # average period
    # T_L = sum(T_left)/len(T_left)
    # T_R = sum(T_right)/len(T_right)

    # start cropping from the first peak point of the right sequence
    start = peaks_right[0]

    # crop from the first peak point
    CROP = True

    if CROP:
        if len(joint_data) - start < NUM_TIMESTEPS:
            print("not enough data, sequence length: {}".format(
                len(joint_data) - start))
        seqs = np.array([
            left[start:start + NUM_TIMESTEPS],
            right[start:start + NUM_TIMESTEPS],
            back[start:start + NUM_TIMESTEPS]

        # # blue line - left lower leg
        # plt.plot(left[start:start+NUM_TIMESTEPS])
        # plt.show()
        # # orange line - right lower leg
        # plt.plot(right[start:start+NUM_TIMESTEPS])
        # plt.plot(back[start:start+NUM_TIMESTEPS])
        # plt.ylim(-90, 90)
        # plt.show()
        if len(joint_data) < NUM_TIMESTEPS:
            print("not enough data, sequence length: {}".format(
                len(joint_data) - start))
        seqs = np.array([
            left[:NUM_TIMESTEPS], right[:NUM_TIMESTEPS], back[:NUM_TIMESTEPS]

        # # blue line - left lower leg
        # plt.plot(left[:NUM_TIMESTEPS])
        # plt.show()
        # # orange line - right lower leg
        # plt.plot(right[:NUM_TIMESTEPS])
        # plt.plot(back[:NUM_TIMESTEPS])
        # plt.ylim(-90, 90)
        # plt.show()

    return seqs
from app.ml.objects.imputation import Imputation
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from pyts.preprocessing import InterpolationImputer

imputer_factory_dict = {
    lambda: SimpleImputer(strategy="mean"),
    lambda: InterpolationImputer(strategy="zero"),
    lambda: InterpolationImputer(strategy="linear"),
    lambda: InterpolationImputer(strategy="quadratic"),
    lambda: InterpolationImputer(strategy="cubic")
    # TODO add these imputations

def get_imputer(imputation: Imputation):
    return imputer_factory_dict[imputation]()
Пример #5
def test_actual_results(params, X, arr_desired):
    """Test that the actual results are the expected ones."""
    imputer = InterpolationImputer(**params)
    arr_actual = imputer.fit_transform(X)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(arr_actual, arr_desired, rtol=0, atol=1e-5)
Пример #6
def test_parameter_check(params, error, err_msg):
    """Test parameter validation."""
    imputer = InterpolationImputer(**params)
    with pytest.raises(error, match=re.escape(err_msg)):