Пример #1
def linear_1_dim():
    # uniform distribution of 1 dimension
    Linear = pytwalk.pytwalk(n=1, U=LinearU, Supp=LinearSupp)

    Linear.Run(T=1000, x0=0.5 * ones(1), xp0=1.5 * ones(1))

    ### This will do a basic output analsis

    #    Linear.Ana()

Пример #2
def linear_1_dim():
    # uniform distribution of 1 dimension
    Linear = pytwalk.pytwalk(n=1, U=LinearU, Supp=LinearSupp)
    Linear.Run( T=1000, x0=0.5*ones(1), xp0=1.5*ones(1))

    ### This will do a basic output analsis
#    Linear.Ana()
Пример #3
def normal_1_dim():
    # normal distribution of 1 dimension
    Normal = pytwalk.pytwalk(n=1)
    Normal.Run( T=10000, x0=10*ones(1), xp0=15*ones(1))

    ### This does a Random Walk Metriopolis Hastings with 10000 iterations
    ### initial point x0 and standar dev's for the normal jumps = sigma
    Normal.RunRWMH( T=10000, x0=10*ones(1), sigma=ones(1))
    ### This will do a basic output analsis
Пример #4
def normal_1_dim():
    # normal distribution of 1 dimension
    Normal = pytwalk.pytwalk(n=1)

    Normal.Run(T=10000, x0=10 * ones(1), xp0=15 * ones(1))

    ### This does a Random Walk Metriopolis Hastings with 10000 iterations
    ### initial point x0 and standar dev's for the normal jumps = sigma

    Normal.RunRWMH(T=10000, x0=10 * ones(1), sigma=ones(1))

    ### This will do a basic output analsis


Пример #5
    return rt

def SimInit():
    """ Function to simulate initial values for the gamma distribution """
    r = gamma.rvs(alp_r, scale=1 / bet_r)
    return np.array([r])

# =============================================================================
# Run the twalk MCMC with T iterations
# =============================================================================
# First, we run the chain using the exact solution for the forward mapping
# changing numeric = False

twalk = pytwalk(n=d, U=Energy, Supp=Supp)  # Open the t-walk object
T = 350000  # Number of simulations in the MCMC (Chain length)
twalk.Run(T=T, x0=SimInit(),
          xp0=SimInit())  # Run the t-walk with two initial values for theta

hpd_index = np.argsort(twalk.Output[:, -1])  # Maximum a posteriori index
MAP = twalk.Output[hpd_index[0], :-1]  # MAP

def plot_post():
    start = int(.4 * T)  # Burning
    Out_r = twalk.Output[:, 0][start:]  # Output without burning
    rt = plt.hist(Out_r, bins=20, label='Numeric',
                  density=True)  # Histogram of the simulations
    plt.axvline(theta, ymax=rt[0].max() * 0.07, color='r',
Пример #6
def Energy(x, data=data):
    return -1 * (loglikelihood(data, x) + logprior(x))

def Supp(x):
    return all(x > 0.0)

def LG_Init():  ###Simulate from the prior
    sim = gamma.rvs(alpha, scale=1 / beta)
    return sim.ravel()

d = len(alpha)  # number of parameters
LG_twalk = pytwalk(n=d, U=Energy, Supp=Supp)

LG_twalk.Run(T=500000, x0=LG_Init(), xp0=LG_Init())

# Posterior Analisys
burnin = 50000
thini = 300
Output = LG_twalk.Output[burnin::thini, :]
Output_theta = Output[:, :d]


# Estadísticas
i = np.argmax(-LG_twalk.Output[:, -1])
th_map_ = LG_twalk.Output[i, :]
Пример #7
def plumMCMC(dirt, plomo, T_mod, num_sup, det_lim, iterations, by, shape1_m,
             mean_m, shape_acc, mean_acc, fi_mean, fi_acc, As_mean, As_acc,
             resolution, seeds):
    fimean = fi_mean
    shapefi = fi_acc
    ASmaean = As_mean
    shapeAS = As_acc
    shape2_m = (shape1_m * (1 - mean_m)) / mean_m
    scale_acc = mean_acc / shape_acc
    scale_fi = fimean / shapefi
    scale_As = ASmaean / shapeAS
    Data = genfromtxt(dirt + plomo, delimiter=',')

    ##################### Data definition 210Pb
    if num_sup == 0:
        supp = Data[num_sup:, 5]
        sd_supp = Data[num_sup:, 6]
    if num_sup != 0:
        supp = Data[num_sup:, 2]
        sd_supp = Data[num_sup:, 3]

    num_sup = len(Data[:, 0]) - num_sup
    density = Data[:num_sup, 1] * 10.
    activity = Data[:num_sup, 2]
    sd_act = Data[:num_sup, 3]
    thic = Data[:num_sup, 4]
    depth = Data[:num_sup, 0]
    supp = Data[num_sup:, 2]
    sd_supp = Data[num_sup:, 3]
    print("The following data will be use to estimate the supported activity")
    print((sum(supp) / len(supp)))

    activity = activity * density
    sd_act = sd_act * density

    lam = 0.03114

    dep_time_data = append(depth - thic, depth)
    dep_time_data = list(set(dep_time_data))
    X1, X0 = [], []
    for i1 in range(len(depth)):
        for k1 in range(len(dep_time_data)):
            if depth[i1] == dep_time_data[k1]:
                X1 = append(X1, int(k1))
            if (depth - thic)[i1] == dep_time_data[k1]:
                X0 = append(X0, int(k1))

    m = 1
    breaks = array(m * by)
    while m * by < depth[-1]:
        m += 1
        breaks = append(breaks, m * by)

    #################### Functions

    def support(param):
        tmp3 = True
        for i in param:
            if i <= 0.:
                tmp3 = False
        if param[2] >= 1.:
            tmp3 = False
        if times([depth[-1]], param)[-1] > last_t(param[0]):
            tmp3 = False
        return tmp3

    def last_t(fi):
        return (1. / lam) * log(fi / det_lim)

    def ln_like_data(param):
        Asup = param[1] * density
        loglike = 0.
        tmp2 = param[0] / lam
        ts = times(dep_time_data, param)
        for i in range(len(activity)):
            A_i = Asup[i] + tmp2 * (exp(-lam * ts[int(X0[i])]) -
                                    exp(-lam * ts[int(X1[i])]))
            Tau = .5 * (sd_act[i]**(-2.))
            loglike = loglike + Tau * ((A_i - activity[i])**2.)
        return loglike

    def ln_like_T(param):
        Asup = param[1] * density
        loglike = 0.
        tmp2 = param[0] / lam
        ts = times(dep_time_data, param)
        for i in range(len(activity)):
            A_i = Asup[i] + tmp2 * (exp(-lam * ts[int(X0[i])]) -
                                    exp(-lam * ts[int(X1[i])]))
            Tau = .5 * (sd_act[i]**(-2.))
            loglike = loglike + 3.5 * log(4. + Tau * ((A_i - activity[i])**2.))
        return loglike

    def ln_like_supp(param):
        logsupp = 0.
        for i in range(len(supp)):
            Tau = .5 * (sd_supp[i]**-2.)
            logsupp = logsupp + Tau * ((param[1] - supp[i])**2.)
        return logsupp

    def times(x, param):
        w = param[2]
        a = param[3:]
        t1 = m - 1
        ms1 = array([a[m - 1]])
        while t1 > 0:
            ms1 = append(ms1, w * ms1[-1] + (1 - w) * a[t1 - 1])
            t1 -= 1
        ms = ms1[::-1]
        ages = array([])
        y_last = append([0],
                        array([sum(ms[:i + 1] * by) for i in range(len(ms))]))
        for i in range(len(x)):
            k1 = 0
            while breaks[k1] < x[i]:
                k1 += 1
            ages = append(ages,
                          y_last[k1] + (ms[k1] * (by - (breaks[k1] - x[i]))))
        return ages

    def pendi(param):
        w = param[2]
        a = param[3:]
        t1 = m - 1
        ms1 = array([a[m - 1]])
        while t1 > 0:
            ms1 = append(ms1, w * ms1[-1] + (1 - w) * a[t1 - 1])
            t1 -= 1
        ms = ms1[::-1]
        return ms

    def ln_prior_supp(param):
        prior = 0.
        prior = prior - ((shapefi - 1.) * log(param[0]) -
                         (param[0] / scale_fi))  # prior for fi
        prior = prior - ((shapeAS - 1.) * log(param[1]) -
                         (param[1] / scale_As))  # prior for supp
        prior = prior - (((1. / by) - 1.) * log(param[2]) - log(by) +
                         ((1. / by) * (shape1_m - 1.)) * log(param[2]) +
                         (shape2_m - 1.) * log(1. - param[2]**(1. / by))
                         )  # prior for w    #
        for ms in range(m):
            prior = prior - ((shape_acc - 1.) * log(param[ms + 3]) -
                             (param[ms + 3] / scale_acc))
        return prior

    if T_mod:
        log_data = ln_like_T
        log_data = ln_like_data

    def obj(param):
        objval = ln_like_supp(param) + ln_prior_supp(param) + log_data(param)
        return objval

    #################### Initial valules
    print("Seaching initial values")
    fi_ini_1 = uniform.rvs(size=1, loc=50, scale=200)  #200.
    fi_ini_2 = uniform.rvs(size=1, loc=250, scale=150)  #100.
    supp_ini_1 = uniform.rvs(size=1, loc=15, scale=30)  #5.
    supp_ini_2 = uniform.rvs(size=1, loc=1, scale=15)  #20.
    w_ini = uniform.rvs(size=1, loc=.2, scale=.3)  #.3
    w_ini0 = uniform.rvs(size=1, loc=.3, scale=.3)  #.7
    m_ini_1 = uniform.rvs(size=m, loc=0,
                          scale=15)  #  repeat(array(3.1),m,axis=0)
    m_ini_2 = uniform.rvs(size=m, loc=0,
                          scale=15)  # repeat(array(.5),m,axis=0)

    x = append(append(append(fi_ini_1, supp_ini_1), w_ini), m_ini_1)
    xp = append(append(append(fi_ini_2, supp_ini_2), w_ini0), m_ini_2)

    while not support(x):
        m_ini_1 = uniform.rvs(size=m, loc=0, scale=3)
        x = append(append(append(fi_ini_1, supp_ini_1), w_ini), m_ini_1)

    while not support(xp):
        m_ini_2 = uniform.rvs(size=m, loc=0, scale=3)
        xp = append(append(append(fi_ini_2, supp_ini_2), w_ini0), m_ini_2)

    print("initial values were obtained")

    ################## New MCMC test
    print("the number of itrations,")
    thi = int((len(x))) * 50  #100
    burnin = 10000 * len(xp)  #20000
    print("Total iterations,")
    print(burnin + iterations * thi)

    leadchrono = pytwalk.pytwalk(n=len(x), U=obj, Supp=support)
    i, k, k0, n = 0, 0, 0, len(x)
    U, Up = obj(x), obj(xp)
    por = int(iterations / 10.)
    Output = zeros((iterations + 1, n + 1))
    Output[0, 0:n] = x.copy()
    Output[0, n] = U
    por2 = int(burnin / 5.)
    while i < iterations:
        onemove = leadchrono.onemove(x, U, xp, Up)
        k += 1
        if (all([k < burnin, k % por2 == 0])):
            print("burn in progress")
            print int(100 * (k + .0) / burnin)
        if (uniform.rvs() < onemove[3]):
            x, xp, ke, A, U, Up = onemove
            k0 += 1
            if all([k % thi == 0, k > int(burnin)]):
                Output[i + 1, 0:n] = x.copy()
                Output[i + 1, n] = U
                if any([i % por == 0, i == 0]):
                    print int(100 * (i + .0) / iterations), "%"
                i += 1
            if all([k % thi == 0, k > int(burnin)]):
                Output[i + 1, 0:n] = x.copy()
                Output[i + 1, n] = U
                if any([i % por == 0, i == 0]):
                    print int(100 * (i + .0) / iterations), "%"
                i += 1

    print("Acceptance rate")
    print(k0 / (i + .0))
    print("The twalk did", k, "iterations")

    out 0 -> Fi
    out 1 -> Supported Activity
    out 2 -> w
    out 3-n -> dates
    out -1 -> Energy
    savetxt(dirt + 'Results/Results_output.csv', Output, delimiter=',')
    estim = []
    for i in range((iterations - 1)):
        estim.append(times(breaks, Output[(i + 1), :-1]))
    estim = array(estim)
    savetxt(dirt + 'Results/dates.csv', estim)
    intervals = []

    for i in range(len(estim[1, ])):
        sort = sorted(estim[:, (i)])
        mean = sum(sort) / len(sort)
        disc = int(len(sort) * .025) + 1
        disc1 = int(len(sort) * .975)
        sort = sort[disc:disc1]
        intervals.append([breaks[i], sort[0], mean, sort[-1]])

    savetxt(dirt + 'Results/intervals.csv', intervals, delimiter=',')
    depths = array([append([0.0], breaks)])
    savetxt(dirt + "Results/depths.csv", depths, delimiter=',')

    grafdepts = linspace(0, breaks[-1], resolution)
    grafdepts2 = grafdepts + (grafdepts[1] - grafdepts[0]) / 2
    grafdepts2 = grafdepts2[0:(len(grafdepts2) - 1)]

    grafage = linspace(0, (max(estim[:, -1]) + .10), resolution)
    y = []
    for i in range(len(depths[0, :]) - 1):
        logvect = array(grafdepts2 > depths[0, i]) * array(
            grafdepts2 <= depths[0, i + 1])
        for k in range(len(logvect)):
            if logvect[k]:
                if i != 0:
                    y1 = estim[:, i - 1] + (
                        (estim[:, i] - estim[:, i - 1]) /
                        (depths[0, i + 1] - depths[0, i])) * (grafdepts[k] -
                                                              depths[0, i])
                    porc = []
                    for posi in range(len(grafage) - 1):
                                array(y1 >= grafage[posi]) *
                                array(y1 < grafage[posi + 1])))
                    y.append(porc / (max(porc) + 0.0))
                    y1 = ((estim[:, i] / depths[0, i + 1]) * (grafdepts[k]))
                    porc = []
                    for posi in range(len(grafage) - 1):
                                array(y1 >= grafage[posi]) *
                                array(y1 < grafage[posi + 1])))
                    y.append(porc / (max(porc) + 0.0))

    savetxt(dirt + "Results/Graphs.csv", array(y), delimiter=',')
    slopes = []
    for i in range(iterations - 1):
        slopes.append(pendi(Output[(i + 1), :-1]))
    savetxt(dirt + "Results/Slopes.csv", array(slopes), delimiter=',')
Пример #8
    Res = Sol_Climate(theta=theta, nmrec=k)
    C1M = Res[0]
    V1M = Res[1]
    T2M = Res[3]
    ## Cálculo de la energía
    U = 0.99*( log(theta[0]) + log(theta[1]) + log(theta[2]) ) \
    + (1 / (2*0.08**2))*sum( (T2M - T2)**2 ) + (1 / (2*0.08**2))*sum( (V1M - V1)**2 ) + (1 / (2*5**2))*sum( (C1M - C1)**2 ) \
    + 3.3e-6*theta[0] + 5e-4*theta[1] + 4.34783e-8*theta[2]
    return U

## Ejecución del MCMC ###
#Init0 = array([1000, 5, 1.3e5])    
#Init1 = array([5000, 40, 3.3e5]) # Init0 y Init1 son valores iniciales cercanos a los nominales
Init0 = array([2000, 15, 1.9e5])    
Init1 = array([4000, 25, 2.7e5]) # Init0 y Init1 son valores iniciales cercanos a los nominales
Climate = pytwalk.pytwalk( n=3, U=ClimateU, Supp=ClimateSupp)
Climate.Run( T=3, x0=Init0, xp0=Init1)
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
# Análsis resultados
## Extracción de resultados
param = Climate.Output() # Las primeras columnas son los paramétros y la última los valores de la energía
#param = loadtxt('param_1k')
alpha1 = param[: , 0]
phi2 = param[: , 1]
psi2 = param[: , 2]
U = param[: , 3]

## Se guardan los resultados  -- Los datos pueden cargarse con la funcion loadtxt de numpy
savetxt('alpha1_1k', alpha1)
Пример #9
 def __init__(self, problem):
     self.twalk = pytwalk.pytwalk(n=len(problem.parameters), U=problem.nllf, Supp=problem.valid)
Пример #10
    k = di
    Res = Sol_Pdn(theta=theta)
    m = Res[0]
    n = Res[1]
    h = Res[2]
    ## Cálculo de la energía
    U = 0.99*log(theta[1]) + (k - 15)*log(theta[3]) + 3.03e-3*theta[1] + 16*theta[3] \
    + sum( (16*n)/(m + 1e-6) ) + 0.5*sum( ( (h - 380*n)/( sqrt(n + 1e-6)*theta[3] ) )**2 ) \
    + sum( 16*log(m + 1e-6) - 14.5*log(n + 1e-6) )
    return U

## Ejecución del MCMC ###
Init0 = array([0.8, 3.5, 0.3, 1.2])
Init1 = array([0.6, 3.1, 0.2, 0.8])
Production = pytwalk.pytwalk(n=4, U=ProductionU, Supp=ProductionSupp)
Production.Run(T=1200, x0=Init0, xp0=Init1)

# Análsis resultados
## Extracción de resultados
param = Production.Output  # Las primeras columnas son los paramétros y la última los valores de la energía
#Production.Save('param_10k', start=1000) # se esta haciendo un burn-in de 1000
#param = loadtxt('param_10k')
start = 200
nu = param[start:, 0]
a = param[start:, 1]
b = param[start:, 2]
sigma_F = param[start:, 3]
U = param[start:, 4]

def fU(parametros):   #Distribucion log  posterior
  eta, mu2, tau = parametros[0:8],parametros[8], parametros[9] 
  log_prior = -np.sum(scipy.stats.norm(0, 1).logpdf(parametros))    
  log_likelihood = -np.sum(scipy.stats.norm(mu2 + eta *tau, desviacion_ejemplo).logpdf(y))  
  return(log_prior + log_likelihood)

def fUSupp(x):
	return all( x)

###          we define the objective function with the U function
###          which is -log of the density function.
###          The support is defined in a separate function.
###   The dimension of the parameter space is n
hh= pt.pytwalk( n=5, U=fU, Supp=fUSupp)

A=pt.pytwalk( n=10, U=fU, Supp=fUSupp)

t0 = time.time()
A.Run( T=500000, x0=3*np.ones(10), xp0=2*np.ones(10))
t1 = time.time()
print("--- %s segundos ---" % (t1- t0))



vector_verosim2 = np.zeros(1000)
    rt &= 0.0 < q[4] <1.0
    return rt

def init():
    q = np.zeros(5)
    q[0] = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=0.1)
    q[1] = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=0.1)
    q[2] = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=0.1)
    q[3] = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0)
    q[4] = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0)
    return q

burnin = 1000000
T = 2000000

covid = pytwalk.pytwalk(n=5,U=energy,Supp=support)


chain = covid.Output

energy = chain[:,-1]
### Computing the MAP estimate
energy_MAP = min(energy)
Пример #13
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     import pytwalk
     super(TWalkSampler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.walker = pytwalk.pytwalk(n=1, U=self.ll, Supp=self.supp)
Пример #14
import pytwalk

from numpy import ones, zeros, log, array
from numpy.random import uniform

## You may get the inline help:
# pytwalk.pytwalk?
# pytwalk.pytwalk.Run?

### This sets a MCMC for n=10 independent normals (default)

Normal = pytwalk.pytwalk(n=10)

## This would run the twalk

#Normal.Run( T=10000, x0=10*ones(10), xp0=15*ones(10))

### This does a Random Walk Metriopolis Hastings with 10000 iterations
### initial point x0 and standar dev's for the normal jumps = sigma

#Normal.RunRWMH( T=10000, x0=10*ones(10), sigma=ones(10))

### This will do a basic output analsis


Пример #15
                        np.append([sdab, sdab], scl_dat[:, 1] / 15))
ini2 = np.random.normal(np.append([0, 0], scl_dat[:, 0]),
                        np.append([sdab, sdab], scl_dat[:, 1] / 15))

scl_dat[:, 1] = .5 * (scl_dat[:, 1] + (scl_center / scl_scale))**-2

###### Ini MCMC
n = len(ini1)
burnin, thin = 200000, 100

#get burnin
if Run == True:
    twalk = pytwalk.pytwalk(n=len(ini1),
                            ww=[0.0, 0.4918, 0.4918, 0.0082 + 0.082, 0.0])  #

    output = np.array([])
    energy = np.array([])
    i, k, k0, n, x0, xp0, U, Up = 0, 0, 0, len(ini1), ini1, ini2, obj(
        ini1), obj(ini2)

    while i < it:
        onemove = twalk.onemove(x0, obj(x0), xp0, obj(xp0))
        k += 1
        if (sp.stats.uniform.rvs() < onemove[3]):
            x0, xp0, ke, A, U, Up = onemove
            k0 += 1
            if all([k % thin == 0,
                    k > int(burnin)]):  #This indicates the burnin