Пример #1
 def asHomography(self,forward=True):
     Get the transformation as a homography.
     @keyword forward: switch between the forward and reverse transform.
     @ktype forward: True|False
     fw,fh = self.frame_size
     tw,th = self.frame_size
     if forward:
         if self.homography == None:
             matrix = np.eye(3)
             matrix = np.linalg.inv(pv.OpenCVToNumpy(self.homography))
         matrix = np.dot(np.diag([tw/fw,th/fh,1.0]),matrix)
         perspective = pv.PerspectiveTransform(matrix,self.frame_size)
         if self.homography_rev == None:
             matrix = np.eye(3)
             matrix = np.linalg.inv(pv.OpenCVToNumpy(self.homography_rev))
         matrix = np.dot(np.diag([tw/fw,th/fh,1.0]),matrix)
         perspective = pv.PerspectiveTransform(matrix,self.frame_size)
     return perspective
Пример #2
def PerspectiveFromPoints(source,
    Calls the OpenCV function: cvFindHomography.  This method has
    additional options to use the CV_RANSAC or CV_LMEDS methods to
    find a robust homography.  Method=0 appears to be similar to 
    assert len(source) == len(dest)

    n_points = len(source)

    s = cv.CreateMat(n_points, 2, cv.CV_32F)
    d = cv.CreateMat(n_points, 2, cv.CV_32F)
    p = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_32F)

    for i in range(n_points):
        s[i, 0] = source[i].X()
        s[i, 1] = source[i].Y()

        d[i, 0] = dest[i].X()
        d[i, 1] = dest[i].Y()

    results = cv.FindHomography(s, d, p, method, ransacReprojThreshold)

    matrix = pv.OpenCVToNumpy(p)

    return PerspectiveTransform(matrix, new_size)
Пример #3
    def annotateFrame(self,frame,color='white'):
        Renders optical flow information to the frame.
        @param frame: the frame that will be annotated
        @type frame: pv.Image
        @keyword type:
        @ktype type: "TRACKING" 
        w,h = self.tile_size
        rect = pv.Rect(0,0,w,h)
        affine = pv.AffineFromRect(rect,frame.size)
        for pt in affine.transformPoints(self.tracks[:self.n]):

        for pt in affine.transformPoints(self.tracks[self.n:]):
        for pt in affine.transformPoints(self.bad_points):
        if self.homography != None:
            matrix = pv.OpenCVToNumpy(self.homography)
            perspective = pv.PerspectiveTransform(matrix,frame.size)

            for pt in self.tracks[:self.n]:
                # Transform the point multiple times to amplify the track 
                # for visualization
                old = perspective.invertPoint(pt)
                old = perspective.invertPoint(old)
                old = perspective.invertPoint(old)
Пример #4
 def _preprocess(self,image_tile):
     preprocess an image tile.
     # TODO: This function has problems in opencv 2.2.  There appears to be a bug. 
     image_tile = pv.OpenCVToNumpy(image_tile)
     self.image = pv.NumpyToOpenCV(np.log(image_tile + 1.0).astype(np.float32))
     return self.image
Пример #5
    def locateEyes(self, im, face_rects, ilog=None):
        Finds the eyes in the image.  
        @param im: full sized image
        @param face_rects: list of rectangle which are the output from the cascade face detector.
        cvim = im.asOpenCVBW()

        faces = []

        for rect in face_rects:
            faceim = cv.GetSubRect(cvim, rect.asOpenCV())
            cv.Resize(faceim, self.bwtile)

            affine = pv.AffineFromRect(rect, (128, 128))

            #cv.cvCvtColor( self.cvtile, self.bwtile, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY )

            leye, reye, lcp, rcp = self.fel.locateEyes(self.bwtile)
            le = pv.Point(leye)
            re = pv.Point(reye)

            leye = affine.invertPoint(le)
            reye = affine.invertPoint(re)

            faces.append([rect, leye, reye])

            if ilog != None:
                ilog.log(pv.Image(self.bwtile), label="FaceDetection")
                lcp = pv.OpenCVToNumpy(lcp).transpose()
                lcp = lcp * (lcp > 0.0)
                rcp = pv.OpenCVToNumpy(rcp).transpose()
                rcp = rcp * (rcp > 0.0)
                ilog.log(pv.Image(lcp), label="Left_Corr")
                ilog.log(pv.Image(rcp), label="Right_Corr")
                tmp = pv.Image(self.bwtile)
                ilog.log(tmp, "EyeLocations")

        return faces
Пример #6
 def test_MatConvertOpenCVToNumpy(self):
     r, c = 10, 20
     cvmat = cv.CreateMat(r, c, cv.CV_32F)
     for i in range(r):
         for j in range(c):
             cvmat[i, j] = i * j
     mat = pv.OpenCVToNumpy(cvmat)
     self.assert_(mat.shape == (r, c))
     for i in range(r):
         for j in range(c):
             self.assert_(mat[i, j] == cvmat[i, j])
Пример #7
def loadFilterEyeLocator(filename, ilog=None):
    Loads the eye locator from a file.'

    # open the file
    f = open(filename, 'rb')

    # Check the first line
    line = f.readline().strip()
    assert line == "CFEL"

    # read past the comment and copyright.

    # get the width and the height
    r, c = f.readline().split()
    r, c = int(r), int(c)

    # read in the left bounding rectangle
    x, y, w, h = f.readline().split()
    left_rect = (int(x), int(y), int(w), int(h))

    # read in the right bounding rectangle
    x, y, w, h = f.readline().split()
    right_rect = (int(x), int(y), int(w), int(h))

    # read the magic number
    magic_number = f.readline().strip()
    assert len(magic_number) == 4
    magic_number = struct.unpack('i', magic_number)[0]

    # Read in the filter data
    lf = array.array('f')
    rf = array.array('f')

    lf.fromfile(f, r * c)
    rf.fromfile(f, r * c)

    # Test the magic number and byteswap if necessary.
    if magic_number == 0x41424344:
    elif magic_number == 0x44434241:
        raise ValueError("Bad Magic Number: Unknown byte ordering in file")

    # Create the left and right filters
    left_filter = cv.CreateMat(r, c, cv.CV_32F)
    right_filter = cv.CreateMat(r, c, cv.CV_32F)

    # Copy data into the left and right filters
    cv.SetData(left_filter, lf.tostring())
    cv.SetData(right_filter, rf.tostring())

    tmp = pv.OpenCVToNumpy(left_filter)
    t1 = tmp.mean()
    t2 = tmp.std()
    cv.Scale(left_filter, left_filter, 1.0 / t2, -t1 * 1.0 / t2)

    tmp = pv.OpenCVToNumpy(right_filter)
    t1 = tmp.mean()
    t2 = tmp.std()
    cv.Scale(right_filter, right_filter, 1.0 / t2, -t1 * 1.0 / t2)

    #tmp = pv.OpenCVToNumpy(left_filter)
    #print tmp.mean(),tmp.std()

    if ilog != None:
        #lf = cv.cvCreateMat(r,c,cv.CV_8U)
        #rf = cv.cvCreateMat(r,c,cv.CV_8U)

        lf = pv.OpenCVToNumpy(left_filter)
        rf = pv.OpenCVToNumpy(right_filter)

        lf = np.fft.fftshift(lf).transpose()
        rf = np.fft.fftshift(rf).transpose()

        ilog.log(pv.Image(lf), label="LeftEyeFilter")
        ilog.log(pv.Image(rf), label="RightEyeFilter")

    # Return the eye locator
    return OpenCVFilterEyeLocator(left_filter, right_filter, left_rect,