Пример #1
def display_class_tree(classes, top_class=None):
    Display the list of classes as a left justified tree  in ascii to the
    click.echo output

        classes (list of :class:`~pywbem.CIMClass`)

        top_class (:term: `string`)
            The top level class to display or None if the display is
            from root.

    # build dictionary of classname : superclassname
    cn_supercn = {cl.classname: cl.superclass for cl in classes}

    # if top_class is none, create artifical root
    if top_class is None:
        for cn in cn_supercn:
            if not cn_supercn[cn]:
                cn_supercn[cn] = 'root'
        top_class = 'root'

    # Hack to build the class to subclass dictionary from the
    # superclass to class dictionary
    cn_subcn = NocaseDict()
    # pylint: disable=bad-continuation, expression-not-assigned
        cn_subcn.setdefault(v, []).append(k)
        for (k, v) in six.iteritems(cn_supercn)
    ]  # noqa: F841
    tree = build_tree(cn_subcn, top_class)

    tr = LeftAligned()
Пример #2
 def test_order_preservation(self):
     """Test order preservation of itervalues()"""
     dic = NocaseDict()
     for key, value in self.order_tuples:
         dic[key] = value
     i = 0
     for value in dic.itervalues():
         exp_value = self.order_tuples[i][1]
         self.assertEqual(value, exp_value)
         i += 1
Пример #3
 def test_order_preservation(self):
     """Test order preservation of iteritems()"""
     dic = NocaseDict()
     for key, value in self.order_tuples:
         dic[key] = value
     i = 0
     for item in dic.iteritems():
         exp_item = self.order_tuples[i]
         self.assertEqual(item, exp_item)
         i += 1
Пример #4
    def test_reliable_order(self):
        """Test that repr() has a reliable result despite different orders of
        insertion into the dictionary."""

        dic1 = NocaseDict()
        dic1['Budgie'] = 'Fish'
        dic1['Dog'] = 'Cat'
        dic1['Foo'] = 'Bla'

        dic2 = NocaseDict()
        dic2['Foo'] = 'Bla'
        dic2['Dog'] = 'Cat'
        dic2['Budgie'] = 'Fish'

        self.assertEqual(repr(dic1), repr(dic2))
Пример #5
    def test_reliable_order(self):
        """Test that repr() has a reliable result for two dicts with the same
        insertion order."""

        dic1 = NocaseDict()
        dic1['Budgie'] = 'Fish'
        dic1['Foo'] = 'Bla'
        dic1['Dog'] = 'Cat'

        dic2 = NocaseDict()
        dic2['Budgie'] = 'Fish'
        dic2['Foo'] = 'Bla'
        dic2['Dog'] = 'Cat'

        self.assertEqual(repr(dic1), repr(dic2))
Пример #6
    def test_unnamed_keys(self):
        """Test unnamed keys."""

        dic = NocaseDict()
        dic.allow_unnamed_keys = True

        dic[None] = 'a'
        assert None in dic
        assert len(dic) == 1

        a_val = dic[None]
        assert a_val == 'a'

        del dic[None]
        assert None not in dic
        assert not dic
Пример #7
 def assertCIMProperty(self,
     Verify the attributes of the CIMProperty object in `obj` against
     expected values passed as the remaining arguments.
     self.assertEqual(obj.name, name, "name attribute")
     self.assertEqual(obj.value, value, "value attribute")
     self.assertEqual(obj.type, type_, "type attribute")
     self.assertEqual(obj.class_origin, class_origin,
                      "class_origin attribute")
     self.assertEqual(obj.array_size, array_size, "array_size attribute")
     self.assertEqual(obj.propagated, propagated, "propagated attribute")
     self.assertEqual(obj.is_array, is_array, "is_array attribute")
     self.assertEqual(obj.reference_class, reference_class,
                      "reference_class attribute")
     self.assertEqual(obj.qualifiers, NocaseDict(qualifiers),
                      "qualifiers attribute")
     self.assertEqual(obj.embedded_object, embedded_object,
                      "embedded_object attribute")
Пример #8
 def test_order_preservation(self):
     """Test order preservation of for loop on dict"""
     dic = NocaseDict()
     for key, value in self.order_tuples:
         dic[key] = value
     i = 0
     for key in dic:
         item = (key, dic[key])
         exp_item = self.order_tuples[i]
         self.assertEqual(item, exp_item)
         i += 1
Пример #9
    def _tree_node(class_subclass_dict, cn):
        Build dictionary of the class/subclass relationships for class cn
        in dictionary of class_subclass names.

        Returns dictionary of dictionaries in form suitable for asciitree
        node_dict = NocaseDict()
        # If there is no subclass, the class will not exist in this dictionary
        if cn in class_subclass_dict:
            cn_list = class_subclass_dict[cn]
            # This should not be necessary if end nodes are not in the dict.
            if cn_list:
                for key in cn_list:
                    node_dict[key] = _tree_node(class_subclass_dict, key)
                node_dict = NocaseDict()
            return {}

        return node_dict
Пример #10
    def setUp(self):
        """unittest setUp creates NoCaseDict"""

        self.dic = NocaseDict()
        self.dic['Dog'] = 'Cat'
        self.dic['Budgie'] = 'Fish'

        self.order_tuples = (
            ('Dog', 'Cat'),
            ('Budgie', 'Fish'),
            ('Ham', 'Jam'),
            ('Sofi', 'Blue'),
            ('Gabi', 'Red'),
Пример #11
    def test_all(self):

        # Basic init

        dic = NocaseDict()
        self.assertTrue(len(dic) == 0)

        # Initialise from sequence object

        dic = NocaseDict([('Dog', 'Cat'), ('Budgie', 'Fish')])
        self.assertTrue(len(dic) == 2)
        self.assertTrue(dic['Dog'] == 'Cat' and dic['Budgie'] == 'Fish')

        # Initialise from mapping object

        dic = NocaseDict({'Dog': 'Cat', 'Budgie': 'Fish'})
        self.assertTrue(len(dic) == 2)
        self.assertTrue(dic['Dog'] == 'Cat' and dic['Budgie'] == 'Fish')

        # Initialise from kwargs

        dic = NocaseDict(Dog='Cat', Budgie='Fish')
        self.assertTrue(len(dic) == 2)
        self.assertTrue(dic['Dog'] == 'Cat' and dic['Budgie'] == 'Fish')
Пример #12
 def assert_CIMProperty_attrs(
         self, obj, name, value, type_=None, class_origin=None,
         array_size=None, propagated=None, is_array=False,
         reference_class=None, qualifiers=None, embedded_object=None):
     Verify the attributes of the CIMProperty object in `obj` against
     expected values passed as the remaining arguments.
     self.assertEqual(obj.name, name)
     self.assertEqual(obj.value, value)
     self.assertEqual(obj.type, type_)
     self.assertEqual(obj.class_origin, class_origin)
     self.assertEqual(obj.array_size, array_size)
     self.assertEqual(obj.propagated, propagated)
     self.assertEqual(obj.is_array, is_array)
     self.assertEqual(obj.reference_class, reference_class)
     self.assertEqual(obj.qualifiers, NocaseDict(qualifiers))
     self.assertEqual(obj.embedded_object, embedded_object)
Пример #13
 def setUp(self):
     self.dic = NocaseDict()
     self.dic['Dog'] = 'Cat'
     self.dic['Budgie'] = 'Fish'
Пример #14
    def test_all(self):

        # The base dictionary that is used for all comparisons
        base_dict = dict({'Budgie': 'Fish', 'Dog': 'Cat'})

        # Test dictionaries to test against the base dict, as a list of
        # tuple(dict, relation, comment), with relation being the expected
        # comparison relation, and one of ('eq', 'ne').
        test_dicts = [
                'Budgie': 'Fish',
                'Dog': 'Cat'
            }), 'eq', 'Same'),
                   'Fish'}), 'ne', 'Higher key missing, shorter size'),
            (dict({'Dog': 'Cat'}), 'ne', 'Lower key missing, shorter size'),
                'Budgie': 'Fish',
                'Curly': 'Snake',
                'Cozy': 'Dog'
            }), 'ne', 'First non-matching key is less. But longer size!'),
                'Alf': 'F',
                'Anton': 'S',
                'Aussie': 'D'
            }), 'ne',
             'Only non-matching keys that are less. But longer size!'),
            (dict({'Budgio': 'Fish'}), 'ne',
             'First non-matching key is greater. But shorter size!'),
            (dict({'Zoe': 'F'}), 'ne',
             'Only non-matching keys that are greater. But shorter size!'),
                'Budgie': 'Fish',
                'Curly': 'Snake'
            }), 'ne', 'Same size. First non-matching key is less'),
                'Alf': 'F',
                'Anton': 'S'
            }), 'ne', 'Same size. Only non-matching keys that are less'),
                'Zoe': 'F',
                'Zulu': 'S'
            }), 'ne', 'Same size. Only non-matching keys that are greater'),
                'Budgie': 'Fish',
                'Dog': 'Car'
            }), 'ne',
             'Same size, only matching keys. First non-matching value is less'
                'Budgie': 'Fish',
                'Dog': 'Caz'
            }), 'ne',
             'Same size, only matching keys. First non-matching value is grt.'

        # First, run these tests against a standard dictionary to verify
        # that the test case definitions conform to that
        self.run_test_dicts(base_dict, test_dicts)

        # Then, transform these tests to NocaseDict and run them again
        base_ncdict = NocaseDict(base_dict)
        test_ncdicts = []
        for test_dict, relation, comment in test_dicts:
            test_ncdict = NocaseDict()
            for key in test_dict:
                if TEST_CASE_INSENSITIVITY:
                    nc_key = swapcase2(key)
                    nc_key = key
                test_ncdict[nc_key] = test_dict[key]
            test_ncdicts.append((test_ncdict, relation, comment))
        self.run_test_dicts(base_ncdict, test_ncdicts)
Пример #15
    def runtestcase(self, testcase):
        """Run a single test case."""

        tc_name = tc_getattr("", testcase, "name")
        tc_desc = tc_getattr(tc_name, testcase, "description", None)
        tc_ignore = tc_getattr(tc_name, testcase, "ignore_python_version",
        tc_ignore_test = tc_getattr(tc_name, testcase, "ignore_test", None)

        # Test to determine if execute this testcase
        # 1. If the RUN_ONE_TESTCASE option set and this is not the one
        # 2. if ingore_python_version set and version does not match
        if RUN_ONE_TESTCASE is not None:
            if tc_name != RUN_ONE_TESTCASE:
            if tc_ignore_test is not None:
                print("IGNORE  test case: %s: %s. Ignore_test: set" %
                      (tc_name, tc_desc))
            if six.PY2 and tc_ignore == 2 or six.PY3 and tc_ignore == 3:
                print("IGNORE  test case: %s: %s for python version %s" %
                      (tc_name, tc_desc, tc_ignore))

        print("Process test case: %s: %s" % (tc_name, tc_desc))

        httpretty.httpretty.allow_net_connect = False

        pywbem_request = tc_getattr(tc_name, testcase, "pywbem_request")
        exp_http_request = tc_getattr(tc_name, testcase, "http_request", None)
        http_response = tc_getattr(tc_name, testcase, "http_response", None)
        exp_pywbem_response = tc_getattr(tc_name, testcase, "pywbem_response")

        # Setup HTTPretty for one WBEM operation
        if exp_http_request is not None:
            exp_http_exception = tc_getattr(tc_name, http_response,
                                            "exception", None)
            if exp_http_exception is None:
                params = {
                    tc_getattr(tc_name, http_response, "data"),
                    tc_getattr(tc_name, http_response, "headers", None),
                    tc_getattr(tc_name, http_response, "status")
                callback_name = exp_http_exception
                    callback_func = getattr(Callback(), callback_name)
                except AttributeError:
                    raise ClientTestError("Error in testcase %s: Unknown "
                                          "exception callback specified: %s" %
                                          (tc_name, callback_name))
                params = {"body": callback_func}

            method = tc_getattr(tc_name, exp_http_request, "verb")
            uri = tc_getattr(tc_name, exp_http_request, "url")

            httpretty.register_uri(method=method, uri=uri, **params)

        conn = pywbem.WBEMConnection(
            url=tc_getattr(tc_name, pywbem_request, "url"),
            creds=tc_getattr(tc_name, pywbem_request, "creds"),
            default_namespace=tc_getattr(tc_name, pywbem_request, "namespace"),
            timeout=tc_getattr(tc_name, pywbem_request, "timeout"),
            enable_stats=tc_getattr(tc_name, pywbem_request, "enable-stats",

        conn.debug = tc_getattr(tc_name, pywbem_request, "debug", False)

        op = tc_getattr(tc_name, pywbem_request, "operation")
        # Example:
        #  "operation": {
        #      "pywbem_method": "GetInstance",
        #      "InstanceName": {
        #          "pywbem_object": "CIMInstanceName",
        #          "classname": "PyWBEM_Person",
        #          "keybindings": {
        #              "Name": "Fritz"
        #          }
        #      },
        #      "LocalOnly": False
        #  }

        op_name = tc_getattr(tc_name, op, "pywbem_method")
        op_args = {}
        for arg_name in op:
            if arg_name == "pywbem_method":
            op_args[arg_name] = obj(op[arg_name], tc_name)
            op_call = getattr(conn, op_name)

        except AttributeError as exc:
            raise ClientTestError("Error in definition of testcase %s: "
                                  "Unknown operation name: %s" %
                                  (tc_name, op_name))

        # Invoke the PyWBEM operation to be tested
            result = op_call(**op_args)
            raised_exception = None

        except Exception as exc:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            raised_exception = exc
            stringio = six.StringIO()
            raised_traceback_str = stringio.getvalue()
            result = None

        # Validate PyWBEM result and exceptions.
        # We validate exceptions before validating the HTTP request, because
        # an exception might have been raised on the way down before the
        # request was actually made.

        exp_exception = tc_getattr(tc_name, exp_pywbem_response, "exception",
        exp_cim_status = tc_getattr(tc_name, exp_pywbem_response, "cim_status",

        # get the optional expected request and reply sizes if specified. The
        # default is None if not specified
        exp_request_len = tc_getattr_list(tc_name, exp_pywbem_response,
                                          "request_len", None)
        exp_reply_len = tc_getattr_list(tc_name, exp_pywbem_response,
                                        "reply_len", None)
        # get the expected result.  This may be either the the definition
        # of a value or cimobject or a list of values or cimobjects or
        # a named tuple of results.
        exp_result = tc_getattr_list(tc_name, exp_pywbem_response, "result",

        exp_pull_result = tc_getattr(tc_name, exp_pywbem_response,
                                     "pullresult", None)

        if exp_pull_result and exp_result:
            raise ClientTestError("Error in definition of testcase %s: "
                                  "result and pull result attributes "
                                  "are exclusive.")

        if exp_exception is not None and exp_result is not None:
            raise ClientTestError("Error in definition of testcase %s: "
                                  "'result' and 'exception' attributes in "
                                  "'pywbem_result' are not compatible." %
        if exp_cim_status != 0 and exp_result is not None:
            raise ClientTestError("Error in definition of testcase %s: "
                                  "'result' and 'cim_status' attributes in "
                                  "'pywbem_result' are not compatible." %

        if exp_cim_status != 0:
            exp_exception = 'CIMError'

        if exp_exception is not None:
            if raised_exception is None:
                raise AssertionError("Testcase %s: A %s exception was "
                                     "expected to be raised by PyWBEM "
                                     "operation %s, but no exception was "
                                     "actually raised." %
                                     (tc_name, exp_exception, op_name))
            elif raised_exception.__class__.__name__ != exp_exception:
                raise AssertionError(
                    "Testcase %s: A %s exception was "
                    "expected to be raised by PyWBEM "
                    "operation %s, but a different "
                    "exception was actually raised:\n"
                    "%s\n" %
                    (tc_name, exp_exception, op_name, raised_traceback_str))
            if raised_exception is not None:
                raise AssertionError("Testcase %s: No exception was "
                                     "expected to be raised by PyWBEM "
                                     "operation %s, but an exception was "
                                     "actually raised:\n"
                                     "%s\n" %
                                     (tc_name, op_name, raised_traceback_str))

        # Validate HTTP request produced by PyWBEM

        if exp_http_request is not None:
            http_request = httpretty.last_request()
                not isinstance(http_request, HTTPrettyRequestEmpty),
                "HTTP request is empty")
            exp_verb = tc_getattr(tc_name, exp_http_request, "verb")
                http_request.method, exp_verb,
                "Verb in HTTP request is: %s (expected: %s)" %
                (http_request.method, exp_verb))
            exp_headers = tc_getattr(tc_name, exp_http_request, "headers", {})
            for header_name in exp_headers:
                    "Value of %s header in HTTP request is: %s "
                    "(expected: %s)" %
                    (header_name, http_request.headers[header_name],
            exp_data = tc_getattr(tc_name, exp_http_request, "data", None)
            self.assertXMLEqual(http_request.body, exp_data,
                                "Unexpected CIM-XML payload in HTTP request")
        if exp_request_len is not None:
                exp_request_len, conn.last_request_len,
                'request lengths do not match. exp %s rcvd %s' %
                (exp_request_len, conn.last_request_len))

            if conn.stats_enabled:
                snapshot = conn.statistics.snapshot()
                self.assertEqual(len(snapshot), 1)  # one operation; one stat

                for name, stats in snapshot:  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
                    stat = stats
                self.assertEqual(stat.count, 1, "Expected a single statistic")
                self.assertEqual(stat.min_request_len, stat.max_request_len)
                self.assertEqual(stat.min_request_len, exp_request_len)

        if exp_reply_len is not None:
                exp_reply_len, conn.last_reply_len,
                'Reply lengths do not match. exp %s rcvd %s' %
                (exp_reply_len, conn.last_reply_len))

            if conn.stats_enabled:
                snapshot = conn.statistics.snapshot()
                self.assertEqual(len(snapshot), 1)  # one operation; one stat

                for name, stats in snapshot:
                    stat = stats
                self.assertEqual(stat.count, 1, "Expected a single statistic")
                self.assertEqual(stat.min_reply_len, stat.max_reply_len)
                self.assertEqual(stat.min_reply_len, exp_reply_len)

        # Continue with validating the result

        if isinstance(raised_exception, pywbem.CIMError):
            cim_status = raised_exception.args[0]
            cim_status = 0
        self.assertEqual(cim_status, exp_cim_status,
                         "WBEMConnection operation CIM status code")

        # Returns either exp_result or exp_pull_result
        if exp_result is not None:
            exp_result_obj = obj(exp_result, tc_name)

            # The testcase can only specify lists but not tuples, so we
            # tolerate tuple/list mismatches:
            act_type = type(result)
            if act_type == tuple:
                act_type = list
            exp_type = type(exp_result_obj)
            # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
            if act_type != exp_type:
                show_diff(None, type(exp_result_obj), type(result), 'type')
                raise AssertionError("PyWBEM CIM result type is not"
                                     " as expected.")

            # The testcase can only specify dicts but not NocaseDicts, so we
            # tolerate such mismatches (in case of InvokeMethod):
            if isinstance(exp_result_obj, list) and \
               len(exp_result_obj) == 2 and \
               isinstance(exp_result_obj[1], dict):
                _exp_result_obj = (exp_result_obj[0],
                _exp_result_obj = exp_result_obj

            # If result items are tuple, convert to lists. This is for
            # class ref and assoc results.
            if isinstance(result, list) and \
                    result and isinstance(result[0], tuple):
                _result = []
                for item in result:
                    if isinstance(item, tuple):
                _result = result

            if _result != _exp_result_obj:
                # TODO 2016/07 AM: Improve the presentation of the difference
                show_diff(conn, repr(exp_result_obj), repr(_result), 'data')
                raise AssertionError("WBEMConnection operation method result "
                                     "is not as expected.")

        # if this is a pull result, compare the components of expected
        # and actual results. Pull results return a tuple
        elif exp_pull_result is not None:
            exp_pull_result_obj = result_tuple(exp_pull_result, tc_name)

            # Result length should be the same as expected result
            if len(result) != len(exp_pull_result_obj):
                show_diff(conn, len(conn, exp_pull_result_obj), len(result),
                          'tuple size')
                raise AssertionError("PyWBEM CIM result type is not"
                                     " as expected.")
            # eos is required result
            if result.eos != exp_pull_result_obj.eos:
                show_diff(conn, exp_pull_result_obj.eos, result.eos,
                raise AssertionError("WBEMConnection operation method result "
                                     "is not as expected.")

            # Context is required result
            # NOTE: pyaml does not natively support tuples. It supports very
            #   simple tuples but only with single objects and in block mode.
            exp_context = tuple(exp_pull_result_obj.context) \
                if exp_pull_result_obj.context \
                else None
            if result.context != exp_context:
                show_diff(conn, repr(str_tuple(exp_context)),
                          repr(str_tuple(result.context)), 'result.context')
                raise AssertionError("WBEMConnection operation method result "
                                     "is not as expected.")

            if "instances" in exp_pull_result:
                _result = result.instances
                _exp_result = exp_pull_result_obj.instances
            elif "paths" in exp_pull_result:
                _result = result.paths
                _exp_result = exp_pull_result_obj.paths
                raise AssertionError("WBEMConnection operation method result "
                                     "is not as expected. No 'instances' "
                                     "or 'paths' component.")

            if _result != _exp_result:
                # TODO 2016/07 AM: Improve the presentation of the diff.
                show_diff(conn, repr(_exp_result), repr(_result),
                          'result data')
                raise AssertionError("WBEMConnection operation method "
                                     "result is not as expected.")

            # TODO redo as indexed loop to compare all items.

                result, None,
                "PyWBEM CIM result is not None: %s" % repr(result))
Пример #16
 def test_all(self):
     dic2 = NocaseDict({'dog': 'Cat', 'Budgie': 'Fish'})
     self.assertTrue(self.dic == dic2)
     dic2['Budgie'] = 'fish'
     self.assertTrue(self.dic != dic2)
Пример #17
    def test_all(self):
        """Test all init options"""
        # Empty

        dic = NocaseDict()
        self.assertTrue(len(dic) == 0)

        dic = NocaseDict(None)
        self.assertTrue(len(dic) == 0)

        dic = NocaseDict(list())
        self.assertTrue(len(dic) == 0)

        dic = NocaseDict(tuple())
        self.assertTrue(len(dic) == 0)

        dic = NocaseDict(dict())
        self.assertTrue(len(dic) == 0)

        dic = NocaseDict(dic)
        self.assertTrue(len(dic) == 0)

        # Initialise from iterable

        dic = NocaseDict([('Dog', 'Cat'), ('Budgie', 'Fish')])
        self.assertTrue(len(dic) == 2)
        self.assertTrue(dic['Dog'] == 'Cat' and dic['Budgie'] == 'Fish')

        dic = NocaseDict((('Dog', 'Cat'), ('Budgie', 'Fish')))
        self.assertTrue(len(dic) == 2)
        self.assertTrue(dic['Dog'] == 'Cat' and dic['Budgie'] == 'Fish')

        # Initialise from dictionary

        with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as rec_warnings:
            dic = NocaseDict({'Dog': 'Cat', 'Budgie': 'Fish'})
        assert len(rec_warnings) == 1
        self.assertTrue(len(dic) == 2)
        self.assertTrue(dic['Dog'] == 'Cat' and dic['Budgie'] == 'Fish')

        # Initialise from kwargs

        with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as rec_warnings:
            dic = NocaseDict(Dog='Cat', Budgie='Fish')
        assert len(rec_warnings) == 1
        self.assertTrue(len(dic) == 2)
        self.assertTrue(dic['Dog'] == 'Cat' and dic['Budgie'] == 'Fish')

        # Initialise from iterable and kwargs

        dic = NocaseDict([('Dog', 'Cat'), ], Budgie='Fish')
        self.assertTrue(len(dic) == 2)
        self.assertTrue(dic['Dog'] == 'Cat' and dic['Budgie'] == 'Fish')

        dic = NocaseDict((('Dog', 'Cat'),), Budgie='Fish')
        self.assertTrue(len(dic) == 2)
        self.assertTrue(dic['Dog'] == 'Cat' and dic['Budgie'] == 'Fish')

        # Initialise from dictionary and kwargs

        dic = NocaseDict({'Dog': 'Cat'}, Budgie='Fish')
        self.assertTrue(len(dic) == 2)
        self.assertTrue(dic['Dog'] == 'Cat' and dic['Budgie'] == 'Fish')

        # Initialise from unsupported object type

            dic = NocaseDict('illegal')
        except TypeError:
            self.fail("TypeError was unexpectedly not thrown.")

        # Initialise with too many positional arguments

            dic = NocaseDict(list(), list())
        except TypeError:
            self.fail("TypeError was unexpectedly not thrown.")
Пример #18

    # Each testcase tuple has these items:
    # * desc: Short testcase description.
    # * kwargs: Input arguments for test function, as a dict:
    #   * obj1: CIMInstanceName object #1 to use.
    #   * obj2: CIMInstanceName object #2 to use.
    #   * exp_obj_equal: Expected equality of the objects.
    # * exp_exc_types: Expected exception type(s), or None.
    # * exp_warn_types: Expected warning type(s), or None.
    # * condition: Boolean condition for testcase to run, or 'pdb' for debugger

        "Empty dictionary",
        None, None, True
        "One item, keys and values equal",
            obj1=NocaseDict([('k1', 'v1')]),
            obj2=NocaseDict([('k1', 'v1')]),
        None, None, True
Пример #19
            exp_result="{'a': 1}",
        None, None, True
        "OrderedDict of strings",
            value=OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2)]),
            exp_result="OrderedDict({'a': 1, 'b': 2})",
        None, None, True
        "NocaseDict of strings",
            value=NocaseDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2)]),
            exp_result="NocaseDict({'a': 1, 'b': 2})",
        None, None, True

    "desc, kwargs, exp_exc_types, exp_warn_types, condition",
def test_ascii2(testcase, value, exp_result):
    Test function for _ascii2().
Пример #20
 def setUp(self):
     """unittest setUp creates NoCaseDict"""
     self.dic = NocaseDict()
     self.dic['Dog'] = 'Cat'
     self.dic['Budgie'] = 'Fish'