def setup_axes(fig, header): from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid import make_axes_locatable ax0 = pywcsgrid2.subplot(111, wcs=header) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax0) gh1 = pywcsgrid2.GridHelperSimple(wcs=header, axis_nums=[0, 2]) ax_v = divider.new_vertical(1.5, pad=0.1, sharex=ax0, axes_class=pywcsgrid2.Axes, grid_helper=gh1) fig.add_axes(ax_v) gh2 = pywcsgrid2.GridHelperSimple(wcs=header, axis_nums=[2, 1]) ax_h = divider.new_horizontal(1.5, pad=0.1, sharey=ax0, axes_class=pywcsgrid2.Axes, grid_helper=gh2) fig.add_axes(ax_h) ax_h.axis["left"].toggle(label=False, ticklabels=False) ax_v.axis["bottom"].toggle(label=False, ticklabels=False) return ax0, ax_v, ax_h
def setup_axes(): ax = pywcsgrid2.subplot(111, header=co_header) #add colorbar axes divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.new_horizontal("5%", pad=0.1, axes_class=Axes) fig.add_axes(cax) return ax, cax
def plot_map(image,coords,title='title',cm ='RdPu'): """ Usage: plot_map(pixel_map,WCS_Coords) Input: 2D pixel Map, WCS object of the Map Output: Plot of The Image with a WCS Compass """ ax1 = pywcsgrid2.subplot(111, wcs=coords) im = ax1.imshow(image,origin='low',cmap=cm) ax1.add_compass(loc=5,color='black') ax1.set_title(title) plt.colorbar(im)
def show(self, filename=None): # taken from import pywcsgrid2 from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec self.imshow_args = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') self.counts_norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=self.counts_min, vmax=self.counts_max) self.norm_res = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=-5, vmax=5) # first, divide the plot in 4x4 self.fig = P.figure(self.fignum, self.figsize) P.clf() gs = GridSpec(4, 4) gs.update(wspace=1.5, hspace=1) self.ax_model = pywcsgrid2.subplot(gs[0:2, 0:2], header=self.h) self.ax_counts = pywcsgrid2.subplot(gs[0:2, 2:4], header=self.h) self.ax_res = pywcsgrid2.subplot(gs[2:4, 0:2], header=self.h) # then divide the 4th space in two. self.ax_pvals = P.subplot(gs[2, 2:4]) self.ax_pvals.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(3)) self.ax_resplot = P.subplot(gs[3, 2:4]) self.ax_resplot.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(3)) self.model_plot() self.counts_plot() self.resids_plot() self.hist_plot() for ax in [self.ax_model, self.ax_counts, self.ax_res]: ax.axis[:].set_zorder(100) ROIMapPlotter.overlay_region(self.roi, ax, self.h, **self.overlay_kwargs) if self.extra_overlay is not None: self.extra_overlay(ax) if self.title is not None: self.fig.suptitle(self.title) if filename is not None: P.savefig(filename)
def plot_skyreg(header, data, **kwargs): """ Plot sky region defined by header and data header : FITS header data : Data array """ kwargs.setdefault('cmap','binary') fig = plt.figure() ax = pywcsgrid2.subplot(111, header=header) ax.set_ticklabel_type("dms") im = ax.imshow(data, origin="center", **kwargs) ax.grid() ax.add_compass(loc=1,coord='fk5') ax.add_compass(loc=4,coord='gal') return ax, im
def plot_skyreg(header, data, **kwargs): """ Plot sky region defined by header and data header : FITS header data : Data array """ kwargs.setdefault('cmap', 'binary') fig = plt.figure() ax = pywcsgrid2.subplot(111, header=header) ax.set_ticklabel_type("dms") im = ax.imshow(data, origin="center", **kwargs) ax.grid() ax.add_compass(loc=1, coord='fk5') ax.add_compass(loc=4, coord='gal') return ax, im
def show(self, filename=None, axes=None, cax=None): import pylab as P import pywcsgrid2 from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider import make_axes_locatable d =[0].data if axes is None: fig = P.figure(self.fignum, self.figsize) P.clf() axes = pywcsgrid2.subplot(111, header=self.header) else: fig = axes.get_figure() self.axes = ax = axes im = ax.imshow(d, interpolation=self.interpolation, origin="lower", **self.imshow_kwargs()) ax.axis[:].set_zorder(100) if self.show_colorbar: if cax is None: # add colorbar axes divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) self.cax = cax = divider.new_horizontal("5%", pad="2%", axes_class=Axes) fig.add_axes(cax) self.cbar = P.colorbar(im, cax=cax) else: # See comment for ROISmoothedSources's colobar code. self.cax = cax self.cbar = cax.colorbar(im) if self.title is not None: ax.set_title(self.title) ROIMapPlotter.overlay_region(self.roi, ax, self.header, **self.overlay_kwargs) self._additional_plotting() if self.extra_overlay is not None: self.extra_overlay(ax) tight_layout(fig) if filename is not None: P.savefig(filename)
def setup_sky(header, subplt=111, delta=100, title=None, **kwargs): '''Setup a nice sky plot that handles images''' import pywcsgrid2 # slow as shit ax = pywcsgrid2.subplot(subplt, header=header) fig = pylab.gcf() fig.add_axes(ax) ax.set_display_coord_system('fk5') ax.set_ticklabel_type('absdeg', 'absdeg') ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=4) ax.grid() ax.set_xlim(-delta, delta + header['naxis1']) ax.set_ylim(-delta, delta + header['naxis2']) if title is not None: pylab.title(title) return ax
def setup_sky(header, subplt=111, delta=100, title=None, **kwargs): '''Setup a nice sky plot that handles images''' import pywcsgrid2 # slow as shit ax = pywcsgrid2.subplot(subplt, header=header) fig = pylab.gcf() fig.add_axes(ax) ax.set_display_coord_system('fk5') ax.set_ticklabel_type('absdeg', 'absdeg') ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=4) ax.grid() ax.set_xlim(-delta,delta+header['naxis1']) ax.set_ylim(-delta,delta+header['naxis2']) if title is not None: pylab.title(title) return ax
def points_inside_reg(pyfits_obj, reg_name, ra_points, dec_points, plot=False): ''' Takes an open fits file (pyfits_obj), a reg file (reg_name), ra and dec array, and returns the indices of the ra dec array inside each shape in the region file. Will also plot... inds - cumulative ''' if plot == True: ax = pywcsgrid2.subplot(111, header=pyfits_obj[0].header) ax.grid() ax.imshow(pyfits_obj[0].data, cmap=cm.gray, origin="lower") # load projection, reg shapes, and get them in python proj = wcs.Projection(pyfits_obj[0].header) r =[0].header) patch_list, artist_list = r.get_mpl_patches_texts() radec = np.column_stack((ra_points, dec_points)) # get masks of ra,dec in each shape masks = [] for p in patch_list[::-1]: if plot == True: ax.add_patch(p) verts_xy = p.get_xy() pixels = (verts_xy[:, 0], verts_xy[:, 1]) ra_v, dec_v = proj.toworld(pixels) verts = np.column_stack((ra_v, dec_v)) masks.append(nxutils.points_inside_poly(radec, verts)) # subtract masks from outside to inside to not over count. inds = [] for i in range(len(masks) - 1): isolated_mask = (masks[i] - masks[i + 1]) if len(isolated_mask) > 0: within = np.nonzero(isolated_mask)[0] inds.append(within) if plot == True: ax["fk5"].plot(ra_points[within], dec_points[within], '.', alpha=0.2, label='%i' % i, color=cols[i]) for t in artist_list: ax.add_artist(t) ax.add_compass(loc=1) ax.legend() return inds
def draw_cel(center, major_axes): header = equ_header(center, major_axes) l,b=center.l(),center.b() cel_ax=pywcsgrid2.subplot(122, header=header) cel_ax.set_ticklabel_type("absdeg") cel_ax.imshow(np.zeros((IMAGE_SIZE,IMAGE_SIZE)), origin="lower", cel_ax.grid() # add floating galacitc axes on top of equatorial axes cel_ax.axis["l=%.2f" % l] = cel_ax["gal"].new_floating_axis(0, l) cel_ax.axis["b=%.2f" % b] = cel_ax["gal"].new_floating_axis(1, b) cel_ax.add_compass(loc=1) return cel_ax
def draw_gal(center, major_axes): ra,dec=center.ra(),center.dec() header=gal_header(center, major_axes) global gal_ax gal_ax=pywcsgrid2.subplot(121, header=header) gal_ax.set_ticklabel_type("absdeg") gal_ax.imshow(np.zeros((IMAGE_SIZE,IMAGE_SIZE)), origin="lower", gal_ax.grid() # add floating equatorial axes on top of galactic axes gal_ax.axis["ra=%.2f" % ra] = gal_ax["fk5"].new_floating_axis(0, ra) gal_ax.axis["dec=%.2f" % dec] = gal_ax["fk5"].new_floating_axis(1, dec) gal_ax.add_compass(loc=1) return gal_ax
def setup_axes(fig, header): ax_t = pywcsgrid2.subplot(111, header=header) #gh = pywcsgrid2.GridHelper(wcs=header) #gh.locator_params(nbins=4) g = axes_grid.ImageGrid(fig, 111, nrows_ncols=(ny,nx), ngrids=None, direction='row', axes_pad=0.0, add_all=True, share_all=True, aspect=True, label_mode='L', cbar_mode=None) return g, ax_t
def points_inside_reg(pyfits_obj,reg_name,ra_points,dec_points,plot=False): ''' Takes an open fits file (pyfits_obj), a reg file (reg_name), ra and dec array, and returns the indices of the ra dec array inside each shape in the region file. Will also plot... inds - cumulative ''' if plot == True: ax=pywcsgrid2.subplot(111, header=pyfits_obj[0].header) ax.grid() ax.imshow(pyfits_obj[0].data, cmap=cm.gray, origin="lower") # load projection, reg shapes, and get them in python proj = wcs.Projection(pyfits_obj[0].header) r =[0].header) patch_list, artist_list = r.get_mpl_patches_texts() radec = np.column_stack((ra_points,dec_points)) # get masks of ra,dec in each shape masks = [] for p in patch_list[::-1]: if plot == True: ax.add_patch(p) verts_xy = p.get_xy() pixels = (verts_xy[:,0],verts_xy[:,1]) ra_v,dec_v = proj.toworld(pixels) verts = np.column_stack((ra_v,dec_v)) masks.append( nxutils.points_inside_poly(radec, verts)) # subtract masks from outside to inside to not over count. inds = [] for i in range(len(masks)-1): isolated_mask = (masks[i]-masks[i+1]) if len(isolated_mask)>0: within = np.nonzero(isolated_mask)[0] inds.append(within) if plot == True: ax["fk5"].plot(ra_points[within],dec_points[within],'.',alpha=0.2,label='%i'%i,color=cols[i]) for t in artist_list: ax.add_artist(t) ax.add_compass(loc=1) ax.legend() return inds
def plot_maps(coords,fn,cm='coolwarm',norm='log',fs=(20,10),**kwargs): """ Usage: plot_maps(maps=[list_of_maps],titles=[list_of_titles],fn=filename(put f for not saving),norm='log',fs=figsize,coords=wcs,cm=colormap) Input: 2D pixel Maps, WCS object of the Maps Output: Plot all Subplots of The Images with WCS Compass """ plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = fs nm=len(kwargs['maps']) a=[[]]*nm for i,m in enumerate(kwargs['maps']): vmax=m.max() a[i]=(pywcsgrid2.subplot(1,nm,i,wcs=coords)) a[i].grid() if norm=='log': im=a[i].imshow(m,origin='low',cmap=cm,norm=LogNorm(),aspect=1.) else: im=a[i].imshow(m,origin='low',cmap=cm,aspect=1.) a[i].set_title(kwargs['titles'][i]) a[i].add_compass(loc=5,color='black') ains = inset_axes(a[i], width='2%', height='37%', loc=1) cb=plt.colorbar(im,cax=ains) plt.tight_layout() if (fn !='f'): plt.savefig(fn,bbox_inches='tight')
pointing_pix_X = 4.096000000e03 pointing_pix_Y = 4.097000000e03 pointing_Dec = 1.96615555556e01 del_RA = -1.111111061e-07 del_Dec = 1.111111061e-07 core_A = [5427.45, 5624.77] blobs_x_A = [core_A[0], 5420.59, 5385.71] blobs_y_A = [core_A[1], 5619.15, 5626.8] core_B = [3089.05, 2511.30] jet_B = [3078.38, 2501.19] blobs_x_B = [core_B[0], jet_B[0]] blobs_y_B = [core_B[1], jet_B[1]] fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6)) axA = pywcsgrid2.subplot(121, header=h44, aspect=1, adjustable="box-forced") cA38 = axA.contourf(d38, levels=levs38, colors=cols38) cA44 = axA.contour(d44, levels=levs44, colors=cols44) plt.xlim((core_A[0]-63.13, core_A[0]+12.63)) plt.ylim((core_A[1]-37.88, core_A[1]+37.88)) axA.set_title("Image A") #plt.clabel(cA44, cA44.levels[::2])#, inline=True, fmt=fmt, fontsize=10) axB = pywcsgrid2.subplot(122, header=h44, aspect=1, adjustable="box-forced") cB38 = axB.contourf(d38, levels=levs38, colors=cols38) cB44 = axB.contour(d44, levels=levs44, colors=cols44) plt.xlim((core_B[0]-50.50, core_B[0]+25.25)) plt.ylim((core_B[1]-50.50, core_B[1]+25.25)) axB.add_beam_size(b44[0]/pxl_scl, b44[1]/pxl_scl, 0.02, loc=3, frameon=True) axB.add_beam_size(b38[0]/pxl_scl, b38[1]/pxl_scl, -5.55, loc=2, frameon=True) axB.add_size_bar(5./pxl_scl, label='5 mas', loc=1)
# Get SDSS r image pix, hdr, im = None, None, None xid = SDSS.query_region(pos) if xid is not None: one_match = table.Table(xid[0]) im = SDSS.get_images(matches=one_match, band='r') pix = im[0][0].data hdr = im[0][0].header # Plot K2 image # Set up the GridHelper to merge the axes grid_helper = pywcsgrid2.GridHelper(wcs=w2) # Plot the pixel stamp as usual, except with the WCS ax1 = pywcsgrid2.subplot(441, grid_helper=grid_helper, aspect=1, adjustable="box-forced") ax1.matshow(coadd, origin="lower", cmap=cmap, norm=colors.LogNorm()) if pix is not None: median = np.median(pix) stdev = np.std(pix) levels = np.linspace(median + stdev, np.max(pix), 20) #grey = ax1[hdr].contour(pix,, levels=levels) # Plot the SDSS image rotated into the same frame as the pixel stamp ax2 = pywcsgrid2.subplot(445, grid_helper=grid_helper, aspect=1, adjustable="box-forced", sharex=ax1,
def plot_av_images(cloud_dict, title=None, boxes=False, savedir='./', filename=None, show=True, rh2_limits=None, hi_sd_limits=None): # Import external modules import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib import numpy as np from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid import pyfits as pf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pywcsgrid2 import pywcs from pylab import cm # colormaps from matplotlib.patches import Polygon from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec # Set up plot aesthetics plt.clf() plt.rcdefaults() colormap = #color_cycle = [colormap(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 0.9, len(flux_list))] font_scale = 20 params = {#'backend': .pdf', 'axes.labelsize': font_scale, 'axes.titlesize': font_scale, 'text.fontsize': font_scale, 'legend.fontsize': font_scale*3/4, 'xtick.labelsize': font_scale, 'ytick.labelsize': font_scale, 'font.weight': 500, 'axes.labelweight': 500, 'text.usetex': True, 'figure.figsize': (20, 10), 'figure.titlesize': font_scale #'axes.color_cycle': color_cycle # colors of different plots } plt.rcParams.update(params) fig = pywcsgrid2.plt.figure() fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1) gs1 = GridSpec(1, 2) #gs1.update(left=0.02, right=0.6, bottom=0.02, top=0.98, wspace=0.00, # hspace=0.12) #grid_helper = pywcsgrid2.GridHelper(wcs=cloud_dict[cloud]['av_header']) grid_pos = 0 cloud_list = [] cloud_dict = {'taurus':cloud_dict['taurus'], 'california':cloud_dict['california']} for i, cloud in enumerate(cloud_dict): av_image = cloud_dict[cloud]['av_data'] av_header = cloud_dict[cloud]['av_header'] ax = pywcsgrid2.subplot(gs1[grid_pos], header=av_header) # create axes cmap = # colormap cmap.set_bad(color='w') # show the image vmin, vmax = cloud_dict[cloud]['color_scale_limits'] im = ax.imshow(av_image, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, #norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm() ) # Set limits limits = cloud_dict[cloud]['limit_pixels'] ax.set_xlim([limits[0][0], limits[1][0]]) ax.set_ylim([limits[0][1], limits[1][1]]) # Asthetics ax.set_display_coord_system("fk5") ax.set_ticklabel_type("hms", "dms") if i != 0: ax.set_xlabel('') else: ax.set_xlabel('Right Ascension (J2000)',) ax.set_xlabel('Right Ascension (J2000)',) ax.set_ylabel('Declination (J2000)',) ax.annotate(cloud.capitalize(), xy=[0.02, 0.9], textcoords='axes fraction', xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=font_scale * 1.5, color='w') # Convert sky to pix coordinates cores = cloud_dict[cloud]['cores'] ''' # Colorbar if cloud == 'perseus': cb = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) # Write label to colorbar cb.set_label(r'A$_V$ (Mag)',) else: cb = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) # Write label to colorbar cb.set_label(r'A$_V$ (Mag)',) ''' for core in cores: if core in cloud_dict[cloud]['plot_cores']: scale = 1.1 linewidth=3 linestyle='solid' else: scale = 0.8 linewidth=1 linestyle='dashed' pix_coords = cores[core]['center_pixel'] anno_color = (0.3, 0.5, 1) ax.scatter(pix_coords[0],pix_coords[1], color=anno_color, s=200, marker='+', linewidths=2) ax.annotate(core, xy=[pix_coords[0], pix_coords[1]], xytext=(5,10), textcoords='offset points', fontsize=font_scale*scale, #arrowprops=dict(facecolor='w'), color='w') if boxes: vertices = np.copy(cores[core]['box_vertices_rotated']) #[:, ::-1] rect = ax.add_patch(Polygon( vertices[:, ::-1], facecolor='none', edgecolor=anno_color, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle)) cloud_list.append(cloud) grid_pos += 1 #plt.tight_layout() if title is not None: fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=font_scale) if filename is not None: plt.savefig(savedir + filename, bbox_inches='tight') if show:
def remove_field_overlaps(photfiles,drzs,footprints,base_fits=m31,plot=False,fake=False,matched_only=False,qc=True): ''' This only works for field 3,4,5,9,10,11,15,16,17. It can be adapted for all fields though, 3 is now the top left field, 9 and 15 are the left most fields on the next rows. footprints is a region file from exposure_coverage.csv pre-processing: 1. grep UVIS exposure_coverage.csv > poop 2. grep F336W poop > poop1 3. grep 550 poop1 > poop2 4. Then some hard coding in the file: I decided to update the exposure footprints file since full bricks are on their way... the problem is that chip 1 vs chip 2 flip their orientation on fields 1,2,3 from those of 4,5,6 such that chip 1 of field 3 overlaps with chip 1 of field 4 while chip 2 of field 4 and 5 overlap with chip 1 of 5 and 6. I swapped the chip values of 1,2,3,7,8,9,13,14,15 so it's consistent with 4,5,6,10,11,12,16,17,18. 5. Then I cut out all fields BUT 3,4,5,9,10,11,15,16,17 Hacked adaptability for all.fake files. If .fake files are coming in, just say they are photfiles and set the fake kwarg to True. For all.fake: need to run twice (ug). Once with qc=True and once with qc=False. adding more fields? Check the if statements and the [i-*]s. ''' clrs = discrete_colors(len(photfiles)) if plot == True: ax=pywcsgrid2.subplot(111, header=f_header) ax.grid() ax.imshow(f_data, cmap=cm.gray, origin="lower") r = # a is the left chip of the field (see # 4 in comment) r1a = pyregion.ShapeList([rr for rr in r if'550-1',rr.attr[1].get("tag"))]) # b is the right chip of the field (see # 4 in comment) r1b = pyregion.ShapeList([rr for rr in r if'550-2',rr.attr[1].get("tag"))]) patch_list1a, artist_list1a = r1a.get_mpl_patches_texts() patch_list1b, artist_list1b = r1b.get_mpl_patches_texts(fixed_color) if plot == True: for p in patch_list1a + patch_list1b: ax.add_patch(p) for i in range(len(photfiles)): inds1,inds2 = '','' print 'reading',photfiles[i] if fake==True: if qc == False: x,y,mag1,mag2,xxx,yyy,qc_ind1,qc_ind2 = read_all_fake(photfiles[i]) else: x,y,mag1,mag2,xxx,yyy,qc_ind1,qc_ind2 = read_all_fake(photfiles[i],mag1_cut=999.,mag2_cut=999.) else: x,y,mag1,mag2,qc_ind1,qc_ind2,matches = read_phot(photfiles[i]) # HACK!!! This is to only use the phot stars found in both filters (with qc) if matched_only == True: qc_ind1 = matches qc_ind2 = matches d =[i]) # get out of image coords ra,dec = XY2radec(d,x,y) # currect for chip gap and edges: within = in_chips(ra,dec,patch_list1a[i],patch_list1b[i]) # field 3 is the chosen one to sit on top: if'F03',photfiles[i]): inds1 = match_2inds(within,qc_ind1) inds2 = match_2inds(within,qc_ind2) if qc == False: inds1 = within inds2 = within Mag1 = mag1[inds1] Mag2 = mag2[inds2] Ra1 = ra[inds1] Dec1 = dec[inds1] Ra2 = ra[inds2] Dec2 = dec[inds2] # top row will only overlap with one to the right elif'F0',photfiles[i]) or'F05',photfiles[i]) or'F06',photfiles[i]): not_overlapped = poly_over_under(ra,dec,patch_list1b[i-1],patch_list1a[i]) inds1 = match_3inds(within,qc_ind1,not_overlapped) inds2 = match_3inds(within,qc_ind2,not_overlapped) if qc == False: inds1 = match_2inds(within,not_overlapped) inds2 = match_2inds(within,not_overlapped) # next two rows will overlap above and to the right else: # correct for overlap by field in above row # by left chip top_a_a = poly_over_under(ra,dec,patch_list1a[i-4],patch_list1a[i]) top_a_b = poly_over_under(ra,dec,patch_list1a[i-4],patch_list1b[i]) top_b_b = poly_over_under(ra,dec,patch_list1b[i-4],patch_list1b[i]) tops = list(set(top_a_a) & set(top_a_b) & set(top_b_b)) # correct for overlap by field to the left, F09 is the left-most. if'F09',photfiles[i]) or'F15',photfiles[i]): inds1 = list(set(qc_ind1) & set(within) & set(tops)) inds2 = list(set(qc_ind2) & set(within) & set(tops)) else: top_left_b_a = poly_over_under(ra,dec,patch_list1b[i-5],patch_list1a[i]) the_left = poly_over_under(ra,dec,patch_list1b[i-1],patch_list1a[i]) inds1 = list(set(qc_ind1) & set(within) & set(tops) & set(top_left_b_a) & set(the_left)) inds2 = list(set(qc_ind2) & set(within) & set(tops) & set(top_left_b_a) & set(the_left)) if qc == False: inds1 = list(set(within) & set(tops) & set(top_left_b_a) & set(the_left)) inds2 = list(set(within) & set(tops) & set(top_left_b_a) & set(the_left)) if plot==True: ax['fk5'].plot(ra[inds1],dec[inds1],'o',ms=4,mec=clrs[i],color=clrs[i]) Mag1 = np.append(Mag1,mag1[inds1]) Mag2 = np.append(Mag2,mag2[inds2]) Ra1 = np.append(Ra1,ra[inds1]) Dec1 = np.append(Dec1,dec[inds1]) Ra2 = np.append(Ra2,ra[inds2]) Dec2 = np.append(Dec2,dec[inds2]) return Ra1,Dec1,Ra2,Dec2,Mag1,Mag2
import pyfits import matplotlib.pyplot as plt f ="data/lmc.fits") d, h = f[0].data, f[0].header plt.figure(1, [6,3.5]) plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(d, origin="low", vmin=0, vmax=2000, plt.title("Original MPL") import pywcsgrid2 pywcsgrid2.subplot(122, header=h) plt.imshow(d, origin="low", vmin=0, vmax=2000, plt.title("pywcsgrid2") plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.95, top=0.95, wspace=0.5)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm import pyregion try: from import fits as pyfits except ImportError: import pyfits # read in the image cluster_name = "a383_mosaic_065mas_acs_wfc3ir_total_drz_20110825.fits" f_cluster = try: import pywcsgrid2 ax = pywcsgrid2.subplot(111, header=f_cluster[0].header) except ImportError: ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.imshow(f_cluster[0].data, cmap=cm.gray, vmin=0., vmax=0.00038, origin="lower") reg_name = "abell383_wfc3ir_outline.reg" r =[0].header) from pyregion.mpl_helper import properties_func_default
def plot_av_images(cloud_dict, title=None, boxes=False, savedir='./', filename=None, show=True, rh2_limits=None, hi_sd_limits=None): # Import external modules import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib import numpy as np from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid import pyfits as pf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pywcsgrid2 import pywcs from pylab import cm # colormaps from matplotlib.patches import Polygon from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec # Set up plot aesthetics plt.clf() plt.rcdefaults() colormap = #color_cycle = [colormap(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 0.9, len(flux_list))] font_scale = 20 params = { #'backend': .pdf', 'axes.labelsize': font_scale, 'axes.titlesize': font_scale, 'text.fontsize': font_scale, 'legend.fontsize': font_scale * 3 / 4, 'xtick.labelsize': font_scale, 'ytick.labelsize': font_scale, 'font.weight': 500, 'axes.labelweight': 500, 'text.usetex': True, 'figure.figsize': (19, 20), 'figure.titlesize': font_scale #'axes.color_cycle': color_cycle # colors of different plots } plt.rcParams.update(params) fig = pywcsgrid2.plt.figure() fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1) gs1 = GridSpec(3, 1) gs1.update(left=0.02, right=0.6, bottom=0.02, top=0.98, wspace=0.00, hspace=0.12) #grid_helper = pywcsgrid2.GridHelper(wcs=cloud_dict[cloud]['av_header']) grid_pos = 0 cloud_list = [] for i, cloud in enumerate(cloud_dict): av_image = cloud_dict[cloud]['av_data'] av_header = cloud_dict[cloud]['av_header'] ax = pywcsgrid2.subplot(gs1[grid_pos], header=av_header) # create axes cmap = # colormap cmap.set_bad(color='w') # show the image vmin, vmax = cloud_dict[cloud]['color_scale_limits'] im = ax.imshow( av_image, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, #norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm() ) # Set limits limits = cloud_dict[cloud]['limit_pixels'] ax.set_xlim([limits[0][0], limits[1][0]]) ax.set_ylim([limits[0][1], limits[1][1]]) # Asthetics ax.set_display_coord_system("fk5") ax.set_ticklabel_type("hms", "dms") if i != 0: ax.set_xlabel('') else: ax.set_xlabel('Right Ascension (J2000)', ) ax.set_xlabel('Right Ascension (J2000)', ) ax.set_ylabel('Declination (J2000)', ) ax.annotate(cloud.capitalize(), xy=[0.02, 0.9], textcoords='axes fraction', xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=font_scale * 1.5, color='w') # Convert sky to pix coordinates cores = cloud_dict[cloud]['cores'] # Colorbar if cloud == 'perseus': cb = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) # Write label to colorbar cb.set_label(r'A$_V$ (Mag)', ) else: cb = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) # Write label to colorbar cb.set_label(r'A$_V$ (Mag)', ) for core in cores: if core in cloud_dict[cloud]['plot_cores']: scale = 1.1 linewidth = 3 linestyle = 'solid' else: scale = 0.8 linewidth = 1 linestyle = 'dashed' pix_coords = cores[core]['center_pixel'] anno_color = (0.3, 0.5, 1) ax.scatter(pix_coords[0], pix_coords[1], color=anno_color, s=200, marker='+', linewidths=2) ax.annotate( core, xy=[pix_coords[0], pix_coords[1]], xytext=(5, 10), textcoords='offset points', fontsize=font_scale * scale, #arrowprops=dict(facecolor='w'), color='w') if boxes: vertices = np.copy(cores[core]['box_vertices_rotated']) #[:, ::-1] rect = ax.add_patch( Polygon(vertices[:, ::-1], facecolor='none', edgecolor=anno_color, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle)) cloud_list.append(cloud) grid_pos += 1 # Plot RH2 and HISD vs. HSD plot_rh2_hi_vs_h(cloud_dict, fig, font_scale=font_scale, rh2_limits=rh2_limits, cloud_list=cloud_list, hi_sd_limits=hi_sd_limits) #plt.tight_layout() if title is not None: fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=font_scale) if filename is not None: plt.savefig(savedir + filename, bbox_inches='tight') if show:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm import pyregion try: from import fits as pyfits except ImportError: import pyfits # read in the image xray_name= "pspc_skyview.fits" f_xray = try: import pywcsgrid2 ax=pywcsgrid2.subplot(111, header=f_xray[0].header) except ImportError: ax=plt.subplot(111) ax.imshow(f_xray[0].data, cmap=cm.gray, vmin=0., vmax=0.00038, origin="lower") reg_name = "test.reg" r =[0].header) from pyregion.mpl_helper import properties_func_default # Use custom function for patch attribute def fixed_color(shape, saved_attrs): attr_list, attr_dict = saved_attrs attr_dict["color"] = "red"
image = image[600:1400, 200:1400] * 60. # Scale input image bottom, top = 0., 150. data = (((top - bottom) * (image - image.min())) / (image.max() - image.min())) + bottom # Determine image size tam = data.shape # Define plot size xsize = 15 ysize = xsize * tam[0] / tam[1] # Setup plot and custom axes fig = plt.figure(figsize=(ysize, xsize)) ax = pywcsgrid2.subplot(111, header=hdr) # Select image colormap cmap = cm.get_cmap('gray_r') # Setup axes ticks and labels ax.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=6) ax.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=14) ax.set_xlabel('RIGHT ASCENSION') ax.set_ylabel('DECLINATION') # Display background image im = ax.imshow(data, cmap=cmap, vmax=7.) # Calculate contours contour_x = np.arange(tam[1])
def setup_axes(fig): ax=pywcsgrid2.subplot(111,header=f[0].header) divider=make_axes_locatable(ax) # cax=divider.new_horizontal('5%',pad=0.05,axes_class=Axes) # fig.add_axes(cax) return ax #,cax
def plot_four(epic, filename, coadd, maskmap, maskheader, init, coords, sources, ap=None, campaign=4):"Plot four %s", epic) logging.debug(base_path) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) hdu2 = dataheader = hdu2[1].header hdu2.close() keysel = np.empty(13, "S6") keysel[:] = "binary" w2 = WCS(dataheader, colsel=[5], keysel=keysel) # Plot DSS/SDSS image if available dssname = "{0}/ss_finders/{1}d/fc_{1}d_dssdss2red.fits".format(base_path, epic) sdssname = "{0}/ss_finders/{1}d/fc_{1}d_sdss (dr7)z.fits".format(base_path, epic) if os.path.exists(dssname): # Open image file hdu = pix, hdr = hdu[0].data, hdu[0].header hdu.close() elif os.path.exists(sdssname): # Open image file hdu = pix, hdr = hdu[0].data, hdu[0].header hdu.close() else: pix = None # Set up the GridHelper to merge the axes grid_helper = pywcsgrid2.GridHelper(wcs=w2) # Plot the pixel stamp as usual, except with the WCS ax1 = pywcsgrid2.subplot(221, grid_helper=grid_helper, aspect=1, adjustable="box-forced") ax1.matshow(coadd, origin="lower", cmap="Greys", norm=colors.LogNorm()) if ap is not None: ap_circle = plt.Circle(coords, ap, color="k", fill=False, linewidth=1.5) ax1.add_artist(ap_circle) # ax1.axis["bottom","left","top","right"].toggle(ticklabels=False) if pix is not None: median = np.median(pix) stdev = np.std(pix) levels = np.linspace(median + stdev, np.max(pix), 5) ax1[hdr].contour(pix, colors="r", levels=levels) # ax1.set_ticklabel_type("delta","delta", # dict(offset=np.float64(dataheader["1CRVL5"]), # latitude=np.float64(dataheader["2CRVL5"]))) # Plot the DSS image rotated into the same frame as the pixel stamp ax2 = pywcsgrid2.subplot( 222, grid_helper=grid_helper, aspect=1, adjustable="box-forced", sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1 ) ax2[hdr].imshow_affine(pix, origin="lower", cmap="Greys", norm=colors.LogNorm()) median2 = np.median(coadd) stdev2 = np.std(coadd) levels2 = np.linspace(median, np.max(coadd), 5) # ax2[w2].contour(coadd,3, colors="r") # ax2.set_ticklabel_type("delta","delta") # ax2.axis["bottom","left","top","right"].toggle(ticklabels=False) # Then the pixel motion across the CCD ax3 = plt.subplot(223) divider3 = make_axes_locatable(ax3) cax3 = divider3.append_axes("bottom", size="5%", pad=0.35) stamp(coadd, maskmap, ax=ax3, cmap="gray") lcs ="{}/lcs/ktwo{}-c0{}.csv".format(base_path, epic, campaign)) ax3.set_xlim(np.floor(min(lcs["x"])), np.ceil(max(lcs["x"]))) ax3.set_ylim(np.floor(min(lcs["y"])), np.ceil(max(lcs["y"]))) xyt = ax3.scatter( lcs["x"], lcs["y"], c=lcs["t"], edgecolor="none", alpha=0.5, vmin=np.percentile(lcs["t"], 5), vmax=np.percentile(lcs["t"], 95), cmap="gnuplot", ) cbar_ticks = np.asarray(np.percentile(lcs["t"], np.arange(10, 100, 40)), int) cbar1 = fig.colorbar(xyt, cax=cax3, ticks=cbar_ticks, orientation="horizontal") cbar1.set_label("Time (d)", fontsize="small") # Then sky coordinates with the object position overlaid ax4 = plt.subplot(224) plot_chips(ax4, campaign) setup_k2_axes(ax4) plt.plot(maskheader["RA_OBJ"], maskheader["DEC_OBJ"], "*", color="Purple", ms=25, alpha=0.8) plt.setp(ax4.get_xticklabels()[::2], visible=False) plt.setp(ax4.get_yticklabels()[::2], visible=False) plt.suptitle("EPIC {}".format(epic)) # , fontsize="large") # plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.95, hspace=0.5, wspace=0.8)
def plot(self,subplot=111,catalog=None,cmap='jet',**kwargs): from matplotlib.colors import NoNorm, LogNorm, Normalize kwargs_contour = { 'levels' : None, 'colors' : ['k'], 'linewidths' : None, 'origin' : 'lower' } kwargs_imshow = { 'interpolation' : 'nearest', 'origin' : 'lower','norm' : None, 'vmin' : None, 'vmax' : None } zscale = kwargs.get('zscale',None) gamma = kwargs.get('gamma',0.5) beam_size = kwargs.get('beam_size',None) if zscale == 'pow': kwargs_imshow['norm'] = PowerNorm(gamma=gamma) elif zscale == 'sqrt': kwargs_imshow['norm'] = PowerNorm(gamma=0.5) elif zscale == 'log': kwargs_imshow['norm'] = LogNorm() else: kwargs_imshow['norm'] = Normalize() # ax = kwargs.get('ax',None) # if ax is None: ax = pywcsgrid2.subplot(subplot, header=self._wcs.to_header()) # ax = pywcsgrid2.axes(header=self._wcs.to_header()) load_ds9_cmap() colormap = colormap.set_under('white') counts = copy.copy(self._counts) if np.any(self._roi_msk): kwargs_imshow['vmin'] = 0.8*np.min(self._counts[~self._roi_msk.T]) counts[self._roi_msk.T] = -np.inf # vmax = np.max(self._counts[~self._roi_msk]) # c = self._counts[~self._roi_msk] # if logz: vmin = np.min(c[c>0]) update_dict(kwargs_imshow,kwargs) update_dict(kwargs_contour,kwargs) im = ax.imshow(counts.T,**kwargs_imshow) im.set_cmap(colormap) if kwargs_contour['levels']: cs = ax.contour(counts.T,**kwargs_contour) # plt.clabel(cs, fontsize=5, inline=0) # im.set_clim(vmin=np.min(self._counts[~self._roi_msk]), # vmax=np.max(self._counts[~self._roi_msk])) ax.set_ticklabel_type("d", "d") if self._axes[0]._coordsys == 'gal': ax.set_xlabel('GLON') ax.set_ylabel('GLAT') else: ax.set_xlabel('RA') ax.set_ylabel('DEC') xlabel = kwargs.get('xlabel',None) ylabel = kwargs.get('ylabel',None) if xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) # plt.colorbar(im,orientation='horizontal',shrink=0.7,pad=0.15, # fraction=0.05) ax.grid() if catalog: cat = Catalog.get(catalog) kwargs_cat = {'src_color' : 'k' } if cmap == 'ds9_b': kwargs_cat['src_color'] = 'w' cat.plot(self,ax=ax,**kwargs_cat) # ax.add_compass(loc=1) # ax.set_display_coord_system("gal") # ax.locator_params(axis="x", nbins=12) ax.add_size_bar(1./self._axes[0]._delta, # 30' in in pixel r"$1^{\circ}$",loc=3,color='w') if beam_size is not None: ax.add_beam_size(2.0*beam_size[0]/self._axes[0]._delta, 2.0*beam_size[1]/self._axes[1]._delta, beam_size[2],beam_size[3], patch_props={'fc' : "none", 'ec' : "w"}) self._ax = ax return im
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm import pyregion try: from import fits as pyfits except ImportError: import pyfits # read in the image cluster_name="a383_mosaic_065mas_acs_wfc3ir_total_drz_20110825.fits" f_cluster = try: import pywcsgrid2 ax=pywcsgrid2.subplot(111, header=f_cluster[0].header) except ImportError: ax=plt.subplot(111) ax.imshow(f_cluster[0].data, cmap=cm.gray, vmin=0., vmax=0.00038, origin="lower") reg_name = "abell383_wfc3ir_outline.reg" r =[0].header) from pyregion.mpl_helper import properties_func_default # Use custom function for patch attribute def fixed_color(shape, saved_attrs): attr_list, attr_dict = saved_attrs attr_dict["color"] = "red"
from import fits as pyfits import matplotlib.pyplot as plt f ="data/lmc.fits") d, h = f[0].data, f[0].header plt.figure(1, [6, 3.5]) plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(d, origin="low", vmin=0, vmax=2000, plt.title("Original MPL") import pywcsgrid2 pywcsgrid2.subplot(122, header=h) plt.imshow(d, origin="low", vmin=0, vmax=2000, plt.title("pywcsgrid2") plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.95, top=0.95, wspace=0.5)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm import pyregion try: from import fits as pyfits except ImportError: import pyfits # read in the image xray_name = "pspc_skyview.fits" f_xray = try: import pywcsgrid2 ax = pywcsgrid2.subplot(111, header=f_xray[0].header) except ImportError: ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.imshow(f_xray[0].data, cmap=cm.gray, vmin=0., vmax=0.00038, origin="lower") reg_name = "test.reg" r =[0].header) from pyregion.mpl_helper import properties_func_default # Use custom function for patch attribute def fixed_color(shape, saved_attrs): attr_list, attr_dict = saved_attrs
bs = bs38 bpa = bpa38 filename = 'jetmedian38' elif fitsfile == fitsfile44: bs = bs44 bpa = bpa44 filename = 'jetmedian44' fhdr, fdata, dmean, dstd, dmax, ddrng = read_stats(fitsfile) cl1 = dstd*8. n = np.arange(0, 10) levs = cl1*2.**n cmap = brewer2mpl.get_map('OrRd', 'sequential', 9, reverse=True) cols = np.array(cmap.mpl_colors) fig = plt.figure() axA = pywcsgrid2.subplot(121, aspect=1, header=fhdr) axB = pywcsgrid2.subplot(122, aspect=1, header=fhdr) core_A = [5427.45, 5624.77] core_B = [3089.05, 2511.30] if dataset == 8.4: imA = fdata imB = fdata elif dataset == 5: imA=fdata[core_A[1]-40:core_A[1]+40, core_A[0]-60:core_A[0]+40] imB=fdata[core_B[1]-30:core_B[1]+25, core_B[0]-30:core_B[0]+25] axA.contour(imA, levels=levs, orogin='lower', colors='k', alpha=0.5) c = ['#1f78b4', '#33a02c', '#fb9a99', '#e31a1c', '#fdbf6f', '#ff7f00', '#cab2d6', '#a6cee3', '#b2df8a', 'k'] for l in range(1,2):
h = demo_header() nx, ny = h["naxis1"], h["naxis2"], labtypes = [ ("hms", {}), ("h", {}), ("dms", {}), ("absdeg", {}), ("delta", dict(offset=h["crval1"], latitude=h["crval2"])), ("arcmin", dict(offset=h["crval1"], latitude=h["crval2"])), ("manual", dict(locs=[70, 65, 60], labels=["A", "B", "C"])), ] n = len(labtypes) plt.figure(figsize=(5, 1 * n)) for i, (labtyp1, labtyp1_kwargs) in enumerate(labtypes): ax = pywcsgrid2.subplot(n, 1, i + 1, header=h, frameon=False) ax.set_aspect(1.) ax.set_xlim(-0.5, nx - 0.5) ax.set_ylim(-0.5, 4.5) ax.axis["left", "right", "top"].set_visible(False) ax.annotate(labtyp1, (0., 0), (0, 2), xycoords="axes fraction", textcoords="offset points") ax.set_ticklabel1_type(labtyp1, **labtyp1_kwargs) ax.set_default_label(labtyp1, None)
gh2 = ax_h.get_grid_helper() gh2.set_ticklabel1_type("absval", scale=0.001, nbins=5) ax_h.axis["bottom"].label.set_text(r"$v_{\mathrm{LSR}}$ [km s$^{-1}$]") ax_v.axis["left"].label.set_text(r"$v_{\mathrm{LSR}}$ [km s$^{-1}$]") ax_h.set(xlim=(kcut1,kcut2+1)) ax_v.set(ylim=(kcut1,kcut2+1)) fname_o = "P-V_area.eps" savefig(fname_o, bbox_inches='tight') # if 0: gh1 = pywcsgrid2.GridHelperSimple(wcs=co_header, axis_nums=[2, 0]) gh2 = pywcsgrid2.GridHelperSimple(wcs=co_header, axis_nums=[2, 1]) fig_n = figure(2) ax1 = pywcsgrid2.subplot(211, grid_helper=gh1) im1 = ax1.imshow(vv1.transpose(), origin='lower', aspect='auto') ax2 = pywcsgrid2.subplot(212, grid_helper=gh2) im2 = ax2.imshow(vv2, origin='lower', aspect='auto') fname_o_new = 'P-V_%f_%f.eps'%(pick_x,pick_y) ax1.set(xlim=(kcut1,kcut2+1)) ax2.set(xlim=(kcut1,kcut2+1)) cont1 = ax1.contour(vv1.transpose(), levels=arange(2.,6.,2.), colors='w', linewidths=0.5) cont2 = ax2.contour(vv2, levels=arange(2.,6.,2.), colors='w', linewidths=0.5) savefig(fname_o_new, bbox_inches='tight')
h = demo_header() nx, ny = h["naxis1"], h["naxis2"], labtypes = [("hms", {}), ("h", {}), ("dms", {}), ("absdeg", {}), ("delta", dict(offset=h["crval1"], latitude=h["crval2"])), ("arcmin", dict(offset=h["crval1"], latitude=h["crval2"])), ("manual", dict(locs=[70, 65, 60], labels=["A","B","C"])), ] n = len(labtypes) plt.figure(figsize=(5, 1*n)) for i, (labtyp1, labtyp1_kwargs) in enumerate(labtypes): ax = pywcsgrid2.subplot(n, 1, i+1, header=h, frameon=False) ax.set_aspect(1.) ax.set_xlim(-0.5, nx-0.5) ax.set_ylim(-0.5, 4.5) ax.axis["left","right","top"].set_visible(False) ax.annotate(labtyp1, (0.,0), (0, 2), xycoords="axes fraction", textcoords="offset points") ax.set_ticklabel1_type(labtyp1, **labtyp1_kwargs) ax.set_default_label(labtyp1, None)
def remove_field_overlaps(photfiles, drzs, footprints, base_fits=m31, plot=False, fake=False, matched_only=False, qc=True): ''' This only works for field 3,4,5,9,10,11,15,16,17. It can be adapted for all fields though, 3 is now the top left field, 9 and 15 are the left most fields on the next rows. footprints is a region file from exposure_coverage.csv pre-processing: 1. grep UVIS exposure_coverage.csv > poop 2. grep F336W poop > poop1 3. grep 550 poop1 > poop2 4. Then some hard coding in the file: I decided to update the exposure footprints file since full bricks are on their way... the problem is that chip 1 vs chip 2 flip their orientation on fields 1,2,3 from those of 4,5,6 such that chip 1 of field 3 overlaps with chip 1 of field 4 while chip 2 of field 4 and 5 overlap with chip 1 of 5 and 6. I swapped the chip values of 1,2,3,7,8,9,13,14,15 so it's consistent with 4,5,6,10,11,12,16,17,18. 5. Then I cut out all fields BUT 3,4,5,9,10,11,15,16,17 Hacked adaptability for all.fake files. If .fake files are coming in, just say they are photfiles and set the fake kwarg to True. For all.fake: need to run twice (ug). Once with qc=True and once with qc=False. adding more fields? Check the if statements and the [i-*]s. ''' clrs = discrete_colors(len(photfiles)) if plot == True: ax = pywcsgrid2.subplot(111, header=f_header) ax.grid() ax.imshow(f_data, cmap=cm.gray, origin="lower") r = # a is the left chip of the field (see # 4 in comment) r1a = pyregion.ShapeList( [rr for rr in r if'550-1', rr.attr[1].get("tag"))]) # b is the right chip of the field (see # 4 in comment) r1b = pyregion.ShapeList( [rr for rr in r if'550-2', rr.attr[1].get("tag"))]) patch_list1a, artist_list1a = r1a.get_mpl_patches_texts() patch_list1b, artist_list1b = r1b.get_mpl_patches_texts(fixed_color) if plot == True: for p in patch_list1a + patch_list1b: ax.add_patch(p) for i in range(len(photfiles)): inds1, inds2 = '', '' print 'reading', photfiles[i] if fake == True: if qc == False: x, y, mag1, mag2, xxx, yyy, qc_ind1, qc_ind2 = read_all_fake( photfiles[i]) else: x, y, mag1, mag2, xxx, yyy, qc_ind1, qc_ind2 = read_all_fake( photfiles[i], mag1_cut=999., mag2_cut=999.) else: x, y, mag1, mag2, qc_ind1, qc_ind2, matches = read_phot( photfiles[i]) # HACK!!! This is to only use the phot stars found in both filters (with qc) if matched_only == True: qc_ind1 = matches qc_ind2 = matches d =[i]) # get out of image coords ra, dec = XY2radec(d, x, y) # currect for chip gap and edges: within = in_chips(ra, dec, patch_list1a[i], patch_list1b[i]) # field 3 is the chosen one to sit on top: if'F03', photfiles[i]): inds1 = match_2inds(within, qc_ind1) inds2 = match_2inds(within, qc_ind2) if qc == False: inds1 = within inds2 = within Mag1 = mag1[inds1] Mag2 = mag2[inds2] Ra1 = ra[inds1] Dec1 = dec[inds1] Ra2 = ra[inds2] Dec2 = dec[inds2] # top row will only overlap with one to the right elif'F0', photfiles[i]) or 'F05', photfiles[i]) or'F06', photfiles[i]): not_overlapped = poly_over_under(ra, dec, patch_list1b[i - 1], patch_list1a[i]) inds1 = match_3inds(within, qc_ind1, not_overlapped) inds2 = match_3inds(within, qc_ind2, not_overlapped) if qc == False: inds1 = match_2inds(within, not_overlapped) inds2 = match_2inds(within, not_overlapped) # next two rows will overlap above and to the right else: # correct for overlap by field in above row # by left chip top_a_a = poly_over_under(ra, dec, patch_list1a[i - 4], patch_list1a[i]) top_a_b = poly_over_under(ra, dec, patch_list1a[i - 4], patch_list1b[i]) top_b_b = poly_over_under(ra, dec, patch_list1b[i - 4], patch_list1b[i]) tops = list(set(top_a_a) & set(top_a_b) & set(top_b_b)) # correct for overlap by field to the left, F09 is the left-most. if'F09', photfiles[i]) or 'F15', photfiles[i]): inds1 = list(set(qc_ind1) & set(within) & set(tops)) inds2 = list(set(qc_ind2) & set(within) & set(tops)) else: top_left_b_a = poly_over_under(ra, dec, patch_list1b[i - 5], patch_list1a[i]) the_left = poly_over_under(ra, dec, patch_list1b[i - 1], patch_list1a[i]) inds1 = list( set(qc_ind1) & set(within) & set(tops) & set(top_left_b_a) & set(the_left)) inds2 = list( set(qc_ind2) & set(within) & set(tops) & set(top_left_b_a) & set(the_left)) if qc == False: inds1 = list( set(within) & set(tops) & set(top_left_b_a) & set(the_left)) inds2 = list( set(within) & set(tops) & set(top_left_b_a) & set(the_left)) if plot == True: ax['fk5'].plot(ra[inds1], dec[inds1], 'o', ms=4, mec=clrs[i], color=clrs[i]) Mag1 = np.append(Mag1, mag1[inds1]) Mag2 = np.append(Mag2, mag2[inds2]) Ra1 = np.append(Ra1, ra[inds1]) Dec1 = np.append(Dec1, dec[inds1]) Ra2 = np.append(Ra2, ra[inds2]) Dec2 = np.append(Dec2, dec[inds2]) return Ra1, Dec1, Ra2, Dec2, Mag1, Mag2
def _make_axis(self): if self.fig is None: self.fig = plt.figure() if self.cmap is None: self.cmap = if self.twin and not self.right: if gs = else: gs = 121 = pywcsgrid2.subplot(gs, wcs=self.h1, aspect=self.aspect,adjustable='box',) elif self.twin and self.right: if gs = else: gs = 122 = pywcsgrid2.subplot(gs, wcs=self.h1, aspect=self.aspect,adjustable='box') elif if 'PACS' in self.filename: = plt.subplot(,projection=self.w0) else: = pywcsgrid2.subplot(, wcs=self.h1, aspect=self.aspect,adjustable='box') #if self.h0['CTYPE1'] == 'GLON-CAR': #'fk5') else: = pywcsgrid2.axes(wcs=self.h1, aspect=self.aspect) #aspect=1, 5*self.nx/4), 5*self.ny/4) if self.interp is None: if 'PACS' in self.filename: =,origin='lower',vmin=self.vmin,vmax=self.vmax,cmap=self.cmap,norm=self.norm) else: =[self.h0].imshow_affine(,origin='lower',vmin=self.vmin,vmax=self.vmax,cmap=self.cmap,norm=self.norm) else: =[self.h0].imshow(,origin='lower',vmin=self.vmin,vmax=self.vmax,cmap=self.cmap,interpolation=self.interp,norm=self.norm) if self.xlim: if self.ylim:'black', alpha=0.2, linestyle='dashed') if self.right:['left'].major_ticklabels.set_visible(False)['right'].major_ticklabels.set_visible(True)['right'].label.set_text(r"$\delta_{2000}$") plt.setp(['right'].label,fontsize=14)['left'].label.set_text('') else: try: plt.setp(['left'].label,fontsize=14) except TypeError: plt.setp(,fontsize=14) try: plt.setp(['bottom'].label,fontsize=14) except TypeError: plt.setp(,fontsize=14) return
def plot_four(epic, filename, coadd, maskmap, maskheader, init, coords, sources, ap=None, campaign=4):"Plot four %s", epic) logging.debug(base_path) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) hdu2 = dataheader = hdu2[1].header hdu2.close() keysel = np.empty(13, "S6") keysel[:] = "binary" w2 = WCS(dataheader, colsel=[5], keysel=keysel) # Plot DSS/SDSS image if available dssname = "{0}/ss_finders/{1}d/fc_{1}d_dssdss2red.fits".format( base_path, epic) sdssname = "{0}/ss_finders/{1}d/fc_{1}d_sdss (dr7)z.fits".format( base_path, epic) if os.path.exists(dssname): # Open image file hdu = pix, hdr = hdu[0].data, hdu[0].header hdu.close() elif os.path.exists(sdssname): # Open image file hdu = pix, hdr = hdu[0].data, hdu[0].header hdu.close() else: pix = None # Set up the GridHelper to merge the axes grid_helper = pywcsgrid2.GridHelper(wcs=w2) # Plot the pixel stamp as usual, except with the WCS ax1 = pywcsgrid2.subplot(221, grid_helper=grid_helper, aspect=1, adjustable="box-forced") ax1.matshow(coadd, origin="lower", cmap='Greys', norm=colors.LogNorm()) if ap is not None: ap_circle = plt.Circle(coords, ap, color="k", fill=False, linewidth=1.5) ax1.add_artist(ap_circle) #ax1.axis["bottom","left","top","right"].toggle(ticklabels=False) if pix is not None: median = np.median(pix) stdev = np.std(pix) levels = np.linspace(median + stdev, np.max(pix), 5) ax1[hdr].contour(pix, colors="r", levels=levels) # ax1.set_ticklabel_type("delta","delta", # dict(offset=np.float64(dataheader["1CRVL5"]), # latitude=np.float64(dataheader["2CRVL5"]))) # Plot the DSS image rotated into the same frame as the pixel stamp ax2 = pywcsgrid2.subplot(222, grid_helper=grid_helper, aspect=1, adjustable="box-forced", sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) ax2[hdr].imshow_affine(pix, origin="lower", cmap='Greys', norm=colors.LogNorm()) median2 = np.median(coadd) stdev2 = np.std(coadd) levels2 = np.linspace(median, np.max(coadd), 5) #ax2[w2].contour(coadd,3, colors="r") # ax2.set_ticklabel_type("delta","delta") # ax2.axis["bottom","left","top","right"].toggle(ticklabels=False) # Then the pixel motion across the CCD ax3 = plt.subplot(223) divider3 = make_axes_locatable(ax3) cax3 = divider3.append_axes("bottom", size="5%", pad=0.35) stamp(coadd, maskmap, ax=ax3, cmap="gray") lcs ="{}/lcs/ktwo{}-c0{}.csv".format(base_path, epic, campaign)) ax3.set_xlim(np.floor(min(lcs["x"])), np.ceil(max(lcs["x"]))) ax3.set_ylim(np.floor(min(lcs["y"])), np.ceil(max(lcs["y"]))) xyt = ax3.scatter(lcs["x"], lcs["y"], c=lcs["t"], edgecolor="none", alpha=0.5, vmin=np.percentile(lcs["t"], 5), vmax=np.percentile(lcs["t"], 95), cmap="gnuplot") cbar_ticks = np.asarray(np.percentile(lcs["t"], np.arange(10, 100, 40)), int) cbar1 = fig.colorbar(xyt, cax=cax3, ticks=cbar_ticks, orientation="horizontal") cbar1.set_label("Time (d)", fontsize="small") # Then sky coordinates with the object position overlaid ax4 = plt.subplot(224) plot_chips(ax4, campaign) setup_k2_axes(ax4) plt.plot(maskheader["RA_OBJ"], maskheader["DEC_OBJ"], '*', color="Purple", ms=25, alpha=0.8) plt.setp(ax4.get_xticklabels()[::2], visible=False) plt.setp(ax4.get_yticklabels()[::2], visible=False) plt.suptitle("EPIC {}".format(epic)) #, fontsize="large") #plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.95, hspace=0.5, wspace=0.8)
def line_stages(sname, linename, fancyname=None, stampdir="Stamps", drange=None, sky=0, pmax=None, psmooth=None, doublet=False): """ Plot all the stages in the reduction of a normal or doublet line """ SINGLET_TABLE = [ ["", 0, 231, "Original"], ["-nc", 0, 232, "Line"], ["-nc", "CONT", 235, "Continuum"], ["-nc", "PROP", 233, "Proplyd"], ["-nc", "NEB", 236, ["", "Sky + "][sky] + "Nebula"]] DOUBLET_TABLE = [ ["", 0, 241, "Original"], ["-nc", 0, 242, "Line"], ["-nc", "CONT", 246, "Continuum"], ["-nc-dd", 0, 243, "Deconvolved"], ["-nc-dd", "PROP", 244, "Proplyd"], ["-nc-dd", "NEB", 248, "Nebula"]] if doublet: table = DOUBLET_TABLE ncolumns = 4 outid = "-doublet" else: table = SINGLET_TABLE ncolumns = 3 outid = "-line" stampname = os.path.join(stampdir, "-".join([sname, linename, "stamp"])) fig = plt.figure(figsize=[4*ncolumns, 7]) h = None for suff, index, win, title in table: hdu = + suff + ".fits")[index] if index != "CONT": h = hdu.header d = ax = pywcsgrid2.subplot(win, header=h) im = ax.imshow(d, vmin=drange[0], vmax=drange[1], origin="low",, aspect="auto", interpolation="nearest") if index == "PROP" and pmax is not None: if psmooth is None: pd = d else: pd = ni.gaussian_filter(d.astype("d"), psmooth/FWHM) cs = ax.contour(pd, pmax*2**(-0.5*np.arange(NPCONT)), colors="r", alpha=0.5) plt.clabel(cs, cs.levels[::2], inline=True, fmt="%.0d", inline_spacing=1, fontsize=6) ax.set_ticklabel2_type("arcsec", scale=1./3600, nbins=8) ax.set_ticklabel1_type("absval", scale=1./1000, nbins=7) ax.set_xlim(*kms2xpix(h, [-30.0, 60.0])) ax.set_title(title) ax.grid() ax.axis["bottom"].label.set_text( r"$V_{\mathrm{top}}\ \mathrm{(km\,s^{-1})}$") # Make a separate axis on the second row just for the line label # Use 10 times as many horizontal divisions ax = plt.subplot(2, 10*ncolumns, 10*ncolumns+1, frameon=False) ax.axis("off") ax.text(0.0, 0.5, fancyname or linename, fontsize="x-large", horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) # And another one for the color bar cb_ax = plt.subplot(2, 10*ncolumns, 10*ncolumns+6) cb = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cb_ax, orientation="vertical") cb.set_label("Intensity") fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.08, top=0.95, left=0.05, right=0.99, wspace=0.25, hspace=0.4) fig.savefig(stampname + outid + "-stages.pdf") plt.close(fig)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patheffects import withStroke import pywcsgrid2 import pyfits f ="Hen_3-519.Ha.fits") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4)) ax = pywcsgrid2.subplot(121, wcs=f[0].header) ax.set_default_path_effects([withStroke(foreground="w", linewidth=3)]) im = ax.imshow(f[0].data, origin="lower", cmap="gray_r") im.set_clim(2941, 15000) ax.set(xlim=(149.5, 290.5), ylim=(149.5, 295.5)) ax.axis[:].toggle(all=False) it = ax.add_inner_title(r"(a) Hen 3-519 : H$\alpha$", loc=2) it.patch.set_ec("none") pixels_of_30_arcmin = 0.5/60./f[0].header["CD2_2"] ax.add_size_bar(pixels_of_30_arcmin, r"$30^{\prime\prime}$", loc=8) ax.add_compass(loc=4) f2 ="G26.47+0.02.24um.fits")