Пример #1
   - ComputeSleepy.py   (relies on the sumpoints)
   Script stops if one of the processes has non-zero exit state.

    import sys, os
    from pywetterturnier import utils, database
    import numpy as np

    # - Store input arguments - need them later
    #   to call the subscripts. Only for the Chain.py script.
    main_args = sys.argv[1:]
    # - Evaluating input arguments
    inputs = utils.inputcheck('Chain')
    # - Read configuration file
    config = utils.readconfig('config.conf', inputs)

    # - Initializing class and open database connection
    db = database.database(config)
    current_tdate = db.current_tournament()
    today = utils.today_tdate()

    # - Loading tdate (day since 1970-01-01) for the tournament.
    #   Normaly Friday-Tornament (tdate is then Friday) while
    #   the bet-dates are for Saturday and Sunday.
    is_latest_tournament = False
    if config['input_tdate'] == None:
        config['input_tdate'] = current_tdate
        print '  * Using latest tournament date: %d' % config['input_tdate']
        is_latest_tournament = True
Пример #2
    # - Missing input -o
    if not inputs.param:
        print parser.usage
        utils.exit("Missing required input -p/--param.")
    if not inputs.obs:
        print parser.usage
        utils.exit("Missing required input -o/--obs.")
    if not inputs.values:
        print parser.usage
        utils.exit("Missing required input -v/--values.")
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # - Reading config file
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    config = utils.readconfig('config.conf')

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # - Checking if parameter is allowed
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    from pywetterturnier import database
    if not inputs.quiet:
        print "  * Checking if parameter %s is allowed" % inputs.param
    db = database.database(config)
    paramID = db.get_parameter_id(inputs.param)
    if not paramID:
        utils.exit("[!] Parameter %s unknown! Stop." % inputs.param)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # - Helper function: comma separated inuts to numpy arrays
Пример #3
    from pywetterturnier.utils import nicename

    # Some MOS systems have been renamed. Loading conversion table.
    fid = open("data/MOSrenaming.txt", "r")
    conversion_table = {}
    for line in fid.readlines():
        if line.strip()[0] == "#": continue
        line = line.split(";")
        conversion_table[nicename(line[1].strip())] = nicename(line[0].strip())
        print line[1].strip(), nicename(line[1].strip())
        print "   - Old: %-20s  New: %-20s" % (nicename(
            line[1]), nicename(line[0]))

    # - Reading configuration file first
    inputs = utils.inputcheck('archive')
    config = utils.readconfig(inputs=inputs, conversion_table=conversion_table)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # - Because of the observations we have to compute the
    #   points city by city. Loading city data here first.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    from pywetterturnier import database
    # - Initializing class and open database connection
    db = database.database(config)

    # - Loading all different cities (active cities)
    cities = db.get_cities()
    # - If input city set, then drop all other cities.
    if not config['input_city'] == None:
        tmp = []
        for elem in cities:
Пример #4
   # - Wetterturnier specific modules
   from pywetterturnier import utils
   from pywetterturnier import importbets

      opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'-o',['--obs'])
   except getopt.GetoptError as err:
      utils.exit('Wrong input options set')
   obsonly = False
   for o, a in opts:
      if o in ['-o','--obs']:
         obsonly = True

   # - Reading configuration file first
   config = utils.readconfig()

   # - The url needed to download the data
   url_template = 'http://wetterturnier.de/wertungen/uebersicht_%s.php?p=ue0&stadt=%s'

   # ---------------------------------------------------------------
   # - No tags? No downloading shit.
   if config['migrate_citytags'] == None:
      print '  * No citytags from config file: nothing will be done.'
   # ---------------------------------------------------------------
   # - Else going trough and downloading the current wetterturnier
   #   bets.

      print '  * %s' % 'Downloading current bets now'