Пример #1
    def get_values(self):
        """ values from windows """

        #windows = findwindows.find_windows(parent = self.window)#, class_name = 'Edit')

        win_ctrl = {}

        for hwnd in self.child_windows:

            parent = handleprops.parent(hwnd)

            parent_text = handleprops.text(parent)

            ### picked tab
            if parent_text in ['Serial Bridge', 'Proxy']:

                if parent_text not in win_ctrl:
                    win_ctrl[parent_text] = {}

                classname = handleprops.classname(hwnd)

                if classname in ['Edit']:

                    text = handleprops.text(hwnd)
                    rect = handleprops.rectangle(hwnd)

                    #log.debug("%s,%s,%s - %s" % (parent, classname, text, parent_text))
                    #log.debug("(%s,%s)" % (rect.top, rect.left))
                    #val = (rect.top, rect.left)
                    win_ctrl[parent_text][(rect.top, rect.left)] = text

        if len(win_ctrl) == 0:
            raise (NoDataException('no data found'))

        for key in win_ctrl:
            data = win_ctrl[key]

            ### sort by (top, left) #(y,x)
            vals = sorted(data.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])
            for i, item in enumerate(vals, 1):
                line = "%s:%s" % (i, item[1])
Пример #2
        def checkStuff():
            app = Application(backend="win32").connect(
            winChildren = ""

            dialogs = app.windows()
            for x in dialogs:
                if handleprops.classname(x) == "WinDevObject":
                    winChildren = handleprops.children(x)
                    topWindow = x
            for x in winChildren:
                if handleprops.text(x) == E1.get():
                    rects[0] = handleprops.rectangle(x)
                if handleprops.text(x).replace(",", "") == E2.get():
                    rects[1] = handleprops.rectangle(x)
                if handleprops.text(x) == E3.get():
                    rects[2] = handleprops.rectangle(x)
                if handleprops.text(x) == E4.get():
                    rects[3] = handleprops.rectangle(x)
Пример #3
    def get_window_info():
        all_window_handles = findwindows.enum_windows()
        for window_handle in all_window_handles:
            if handleprops.isvisible(window_handle):
                pos_x = handleprops.rectangle(window_handle).left
                pos_y = handleprops.rectangle(window_handle).top
                size_x = handleprops.rectangle(window_handle).width()
                size_y = handleprops.rectangle(window_handle).height()
                title_name = handleprops.text(window_handle)
                class_name = handleprops.classname(window_handle)
                pid = handleprops.processid(window_handle)
                date_time = datetime.datetime.now()

                # Note: Minimized windows have negative pos_x and pos_y values (and smaller sizes).

                window_info = [
                    pos_x, pos_y, size_x, size_y, title_name, class_name, pid,
                window_db_id = database.create_window_record(window_info)
                    'OpenWindow record created in database (db_id %i).' %
 def test_classname(self):
     """Make sure the classname method returns correct result"""
     self.assertEquals("Notepad", classname(self.dlghandle))
     self.assertEquals("Edit", classname(self.edit_handle))
Пример #5
    def get_values(self):
        """ values from windows """
        #windows = findwindows.find_windows(parent = self.window)#, class_name = 'Edit')        
        win_ctrl = {}
        values = []
        for hwnd in self.child_windows:
            parent = handleprops.parent(hwnd)
            parent_text = handleprops.text(parent)
            ### picked tab
            if parent_text in [ 'Serial Bridge', 'Proxy']:        

                if parent_text not in win_ctrl:
                    win_ctrl[parent_text] = {}
                classname = handleprops.classname(hwnd)
                if classname in ['Edit']:
                    text = handleprops.text(hwnd)
                    rect = handleprops.rectangle(hwnd)
                    #log.debug("%s,%s,%s - %s" % (parent, classname, text, parent_text))
                    #log.debug("(%s,%s)" % (rect.top, rect.left))
                    #val = (rect.top, rect.left)
                    win_ctrl[parent_text][(rect.top, rect.left)] = text                    
        if len(win_ctrl) == 0:
            raise(NoDataException('no data found'))
        for key in win_ctrl:
            data = win_ctrl[key]
            ### sort by (top, left) #(y,x)
            vals = sorted(data.items(),key=lambda item: item[0])
            fields = {}
            for i, item in enumerate(vals, 1):
                #line = "%s:%s" % (i, item[1])
                fields[i] = item[1]
            - action
            - occurrences [redis]            
            - client
                -- name
                -- address
                -- timestamp            
            - check
                -- name
                -- issued
                -- subscirbers []
                -- handler
                -- history []
                -- interval
                -- output
                -- command
                -- status

            ### msg
        return values
Пример #6
 def test_classname(self):
     "Make sure the classname method returns correct result"
     self.assertEquals("Notepad", classname(self.dlghandle))
     self.assertEquals("Edit", classname(self.edit_handle))
Пример #7
 def test_classname(self):
     """Make sure the classname method returns correct result"""
     self.assertEqual("Notepad", classname(self.dlghandle))
     self.assertEqual("Edit", classname(self.edit_handle))
     self.assertEqual("", classname(sys.maxsize))
     self.assertEqual(None, classname(None))
Пример #8
    moveTo, moveRel, click, hotkey
from pywinauto import \
    handleprops, win32functions, keyboard

__author__ = '墨焓 <*****@*****.**>'
__program__ = 'dota2 lib'
__version__ = 'demo'

_logger = logging.getLogger(__program__)

button_of_accept = 'button_of_accept.png'
box_of_game_ready = 'box_of_game_ready.png'

fg_window = win32functions.GetForegroundWindow
fgw_title = lambda: handleprops.text(fg_window())
fgw_class = lambda: handleprops.classname(fg_window())

def dota2_accept_game_and_switch_back():
    hotkey('alt', 'tab')

class Dota2Controller:
    TIME_SLOT = 0.1
    WINDOW_INFO = {'title': 'Dota 2', 'class': 'SDL_app', 'program': 'dota2.exe'}
    #    WINDOW_INFO = {'class': 'HoneyviewClassX'}

    poll_interval = TIME_SLOT
    last_fg = float()
Пример #9
def setupDM(container):
    rects = readRects()
    app = Application(backend="win32").connect(

    #     top_windows = []
    #     EnumWindows(windowEnumerationHandler, top_windows)
    #     for i in top_windows:
    #         if 'Dispatch-Mate' in i[1]:
    #             SetWindowPos(i[0], None, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, SWP_SHOWWINDOW)
    #             SetForegroundWindow(i[0])

    winChildren = ""

    dialogs = app.windows()

    click(50, 365)
    fore = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()
    DMFore = "Dispatch-Mate" in win32gui.GetWindowText(fore)
    while not DMFore:
        top = Tk()
        L1 = Label(
            text="Please maximize DispatchMate and the PB in the left monitor")
        L1.grid(row=0, column=0)

        def callbackDM():

        MyButton4 = Button(top, text="OK", width=10, command=callbackDM)
        MyButton4.grid(row=1, column=0)

        popUp(top, w=350, h=50, widget=MyButton4)

        click(50, 350)
        fore = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()
        DMFore = "Dispatch-Mate" in win32gui.GetWindowText(fore)
#     moveTo(2000, 550)
#     def windowEnumerationHandler(hwnd, top_windows):
#         top_windows.append((hwnd, win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd)))
# #     results = []
#     top_windows = []
#     win32gui.EnumWindows(windowEnumerationHandler, top_windows)
#     for i in top_windows:
#         if "Dispatch-Mate" in i[1].lower():
# #             win32gui.ShowWindow(i[0],5)
#             win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(i[0])
#             break

    for x in dialogs:
        if handleprops.classname(x) == "WinDevObject":
            winChildren = handleprops.children(x)
            topWindow = x

#     description = ""
#     weight = ""
#     pieces = ""
#     terminal = ""
#     containerNumber = ""
#     bond = ""
#     PB = ""
#     sleep(5)
#     topWindowWrap = app.window(handle=topWindow)
#     topWindowWrap.MoveWindow(0,0,1920,1080)
#     topWindowWrap.Maximize()

    for x in winChildren:
        #         print(handleprops.text(x))
        #         if handleprops.classname(x)=="ListBox":
        # #             for y in handleprops.children(x):
        # #                 print(handleprops.text(x))
        #             topWindowWrap = app.window(handle=topWindow)
        #             boxWrap = topWindowWrap.child_window(handle=x).wrapper_object()
        #         if handleprops.text(x)=="Description":
        #             print("desc   " + str(handleprops.rectangle(x)))
        #         if "CUT - 7/13" in handleprops.text(x):
        #             print(handleprops.rectangle(x))
        #         if handleprops.classname(x)=="ComboBox":
        if handleprops.rectangle(x) == RECT(232, 917, 443, 939):
            topWindowWrap = app.window(handle=topWindow)
            boxWrap = topWindowWrap.child_window(handle=x).wrapper_object()
            #             print(boxWrap.texts())
            #             print(boxWrap.selected_index())
            #             print(len(boxWrap.children()))
            #             print(boxWrap.get_properties()['texts'])
            #             for y in boxWrap.texts():
            #                 if y !="":
            #                     print(boxWrap.ItemData(y))
            num = boxWrap.ItemData(boxWrap.texts()[1])
            if num < 6:
                container.size = "20"
                container.size = "40"
#             else:
#                 container.size = "getInput"
#             if boxWrap.texts()[1]==r"\x0c":
#                 container.size = '40'
#             elif boxWrap.texts()[1]==r"\n":
#                 container.size = '40'
#             elif boxWrap.texts()[1]==r"\x04":
#                 container.size = '20'
#             elif boxWrap.texts()[1]==r"\x03":
#                 container.size = '20'
#             elif boxWrap.texts()[1]==r"\x0b":
#                 container.size = '40'
# #             elif boxWrap.texts()[1]==r"\r":
# #                 container.size = '45'
#             elif boxWrap.texts()[1]==r"\x07":
#                 container.size = '40'
# #         elif handleprops.rectangle(x)==RECT(197, 342, 256, 360):
#         elif handleprops.rectangle(x)==RECT(2090, 146, 2219, 168):
#             weight = x
# #         elif handleprops.rectangle(x)==RECT(512, 342, 569, 360):
#         elif handleprops.rectangle(x)==RECT(2089, 233, 2191, 255):
#             pieces = x
#         elif handleprops.rectangle(x)==RECT(625, 342, 722, 360):
#             containerNumber = x
#         elif handleprops.rectangle(x)==RECT(14, 295, 73, 313):
#             terminal = x
#         elif handleprops.rectangle(x)==RECT(1645, 136, 1818, 171):
#             bond = x
#         elif handleprops.rectangle(x)==RECT(182, 991, 250, 1015):
#             PB = x
        elif handleprops.rectangle(x) == rects[0]:
            container.description = handleprops.text(x)
#         elif handleprops.rectangle(x)==RECT(197, 342, 256, 360):
        elif handleprops.rectangle(x) == rects[1]:
            container.weight = handleprops.text(x)
#         elif handleprops.rectangle(x)==RECT(512, 342, 569, 360):
        elif handleprops.rectangle(x) == rects[2]:
            container.pieces = handleprops.text(x)
        elif handleprops.rectangle(x) == rects[3]:
            container.containerNumber = handleprops.text(x)
        elif handleprops.rectangle(x) == RECT(282, 295, 341, 313):
            container.terminal = handleprops.text(x)
#         elif handleprops.rectangle(x)==RECT(1645, 136, 1818, 171):
#             container.bond = handleprops.text(x)
        elif handleprops.rectangle(x) == RECT(182, 991, 250, 1015):
            container.PB = handleprops.text(x)
        elif handleprops.rectangle(x) == RECT(554, 295, 613, 313):
            container.customer = handleprops.text(x)
        elif handleprops.rectangle(x) == RECT(14, 891, 231, 985):
            container.extraText = handleprops.text(x)
        elif handleprops.rectangle(x) == RECT(14, 128, 265, 146):
            container.shipper = handleprops.text(x)
        elif handleprops.rectangle(x) == RECT(14, 176, 265, 194):
            container.shipperAdd1 = handleprops.text(x)
        elif handleprops.rectangle(x) == RECT(14, 224, 265, 242):
            container.shipperCity = handleprops.text(x)
        elif handleprops.rectangle(x) == RECT(183, 248, 227, 266):
            if "CDA" in handleprops.text(x):
                container.shipperCountry = "CA"
            elif "USA" in handleprops.text(x):
                container.shipperCountry = "US"
                container.shipperCountry = handleprops.text(x)
        elif handleprops.rectangle(x) == RECT(14, 248, 54, 266):
            container.shipperStateProv = handleprops.text(x)
        elif handleprops.rectangle(x) == RECT(55, 248, 182, 266):
            container.shipperZipPost = handleprops.text(x)
        elif handleprops.rectangle(x) == RECT(282, 128, 533, 146):
            container.consignee = handleprops.text(x)
        elif handleprops.rectangle(x) == RECT(282, 176, 533, 194):
            container.consigneeAdd1 = handleprops.text(x)
        elif handleprops.rectangle(x) == RECT(282, 224, 533, 242):
            container.consigneeCity = handleprops.text(x)
        elif handleprops.rectangle(x) == RECT(452, 248, 496, 266):
            if "CDA" in handleprops.text(x):
                container.consigneeCountry = "CA"
            elif "USA" in handleprops.text(x):
                container.consigneeCountry = "US"
                container.consigneeCountry = handleprops.text(x)
        elif handleprops.rectangle(x) == RECT(282, 248, 323, 266):
            container.consigneeStateProv = handleprops.text(x)
        elif handleprops.rectangle(x) == RECT(324, 248, 451, 266):
            container.consigneeZipPost = handleprops.text(x)

#         Pb 362000 is used for widths
#         if handleprops.text(x)=="MAEU 463991 2":
#             print("desc")
#             print(handleprops.rectangle(x))
#         elif handleprops.text(x)=="7,660.00":
#             print("we")
#             print(handleprops.rectangle(x))
#         elif handleprops.text(x)=="6":
#             print("pi")
#             print(handleprops.rectangle(x))
#         elif handleprops.text(x)=="MAEU 411606 4":
#             print(handleprops.rectangle(x))
#     print(container.containerNumber)
#     exit()
    container.containerNumber = container.containerNumber.replace(' ', '')
    if (container.description == "" or container.weight == ""
            or container.pieces == "" or container.containerNumber == ""
            or container.terminal == "" or
            #         container.bond == "" or
            container.PB == ""):
        top = Tk()
        L0 = Label(
            "Some of the information is missing. Either fill it in below, or ensure \n that your Dispatch-mate is properly formatted and hit \"Try again\". \n To do so, go to PB362000 and double click on the line between \n the boxes that read \"Description\" and \"Weight\""
        L0.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2)
        L1 = Label(top, text="Description:")
        L1.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=constants.E)
        E1 = Entry(top, bd=5)
        E1.grid(row=1, column=1)
        E1.insert(0, container.description)
        L2 = Label(top, text="Weight:")
        L2.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=constants.E)
        E2 = Entry(top, bd=5)
        E2.grid(row=2, column=1)
        E2.insert(0, container.weight)
        L3 = Label(top, text="Piece Count:")
        L3.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=constants.E)
        E3 = Entry(top, bd=5)
        E3.grid(row=3, column=1)
        E3.insert(0, container.pieces)
        L4 = Label(top, text="Container Number:")
        L4.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=constants.E)
        E4 = Entry(top, bd=5)
        E4.grid(row=4, column=1)
        E4.insert(0, container.containerNumber)
        L5 = Label(top, text="Consignee:")
        L5.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky=constants.E)
        E5 = Entry(top, bd=5)
        E5.grid(row=5, column=1)
        E5.insert(0, container.terminal)
        #         L6 = Label(top, text="Bond #:")
        #         L6.grid(row=6, column=0, sticky=constants.E)
        #         E6 = Entry(top, bd = 5)
        #         E6.grid(row=6, column=1)
        #         E6.insert(0, container.bond)
        L7 = Label(top, text="PB #:")
        L7.grid(row=6, column=0, sticky=constants.E)
        E7 = Entry(top, bd=5)
        E7.grid(row=6, column=1)
        E7.insert(0, container.PB)

        def callbackGoAhead(container):
            container.description = E1.get()
            container.weight = E2.get()
            container.pieces = E3.get()
            container.containerNumber = E4.get()
            container.terminal = E5.get()
            #             container.bond = E6.get()
            container.PB = E7.get()

        def checkStuff():
            app = Application(backend="win32").connect(
            winChildren = ""

            dialogs = app.windows()
            for x in dialogs:
                if handleprops.classname(x) == "WinDevObject":
                    winChildren = handleprops.children(x)
                    topWindow = x
            for x in winChildren:
                if handleprops.text(x) == E1.get():
                    rects[0] = handleprops.rectangle(x)
                if handleprops.text(x).replace(",", "") == E2.get():
                    rects[1] = handleprops.rectangle(x)
                if handleprops.text(x) == E3.get():
                    rects[2] = handleprops.rectangle(x)
                if handleprops.text(x) == E4.get():
                    rects[3] = handleprops.rectangle(x)

#             top.lift()
#             top.attributes('-topmost',True)
#             top.after_idle(top.attributes,'-topmost',False)
#             widget = E1
#             moveTo(widget.winfo_rootx()+widget.winfo_width()/2, widget.winfo_rooty()+5+widget.winfo_height()/2)

        def callbackDetect():

        def callbackTryAgain(container):

        MyButton4 = Button(top,
                           text="Use these values",
                           command=lambda: callbackGoAhead(container))
        MyButton4.grid(row=8, column=1)

        MyButton5 = Button(top,
                           text="Try again",
                           command=lambda: callbackTryAgain(container))
        MyButton5.grid(row=8, column=0)

        MyButton5 = Button(
            "Set box locations: \n (copy description, weight, piece and cont# \n into the boxes above then hit this button)",
                       sticky=constants.W + constants.E)

        popUp(top, w=380, h=340, widget=E1)