Пример #1
def CompareToRefFontTest(windows):
    "Compare the font to the font of the reference control"

    bugs = []
    for win in windows:
        # if no reference then skip the control
        if not win.ref:

        # find each of the bugs
        for font_attrib in _font_attribs:

            loc_value = getattr(win.Font(), font_attrib)
            # get the reference value
            ref_value = getattr(win.ref.Font(), font_attrib)

            # If they are different
            if loc_value != ref_value:

                # Add the bug information
                        "ValueType": font_attrib,
                        "Ref": six.text_type(ref_value),
                        "Loc": six.text_type(loc_value),
    return bugs
def CompareToRefFontTest(windows):
    "Compare the font to the font of the reference control"

    bugs = []
    for win in windows:
        # if no reference then skip the control
        if not win.ref:

        # find each of the bugs
        for font_attrib in _font_attribs:

            loc_value = getattr(win.Font(), font_attrib)
            # get the reference value
            ref_value = getattr(win.ref.Font(), font_attrib)

            # If they are different
            if loc_value != ref_value:

                # Add the bug information
                    [win, ],
                        "ValueType": font_attrib,
                        "Ref": six.text_type(ref_value),
                        "Loc": six.text_type(loc_value),
    return bugs
Пример #3
def TruncationTest(windows):
    "Actually do the test"

    truncations = []

    # for each of the windows in the dialog
    for win in windows:

        truncIdxs, truncStrings = _FindTruncations(win)

        isInRef = -1

        # if there were any truncations for this control
        if truncIdxs:

            # now that we know there was at least one truncation
            # check if the reference control has truncations
            if win.ref:
                isInRef = 0
                refTruncIdxs, refTruncStrings = _FindTruncations(win.ref)

                if refTruncIdxs:
                    isInRef = 1

            truncIdxs = ",".join([six.text_type(index) for index in truncIdxs])
            truncStrings = '"%s"' % ",".join([six.text_type(string) for string in truncStrings])
            truncations.append(([win], {"StringIndices": truncIdxs, "Strings": truncStrings}, testname, isInRef))

    # return all the truncations
    return truncations
Пример #4
def TranslationTest(windows):
    "Returns just one bug for each control"

    bugs = []
    for win in windows:
        if not win.ref:

        # get if any items are untranslated
        untranTitles, untranIndices = _GetUntranslations(win)

        if untranTitles:
            indicesAsString = ",".join([six.text_type(idx) for idx in untranIndices])

                    "StringIndices": indicesAsString,
                    "Strings": ('"%s"' % '","'.join(untranTitles))

    return bugs
Пример #5
def _GetMinimumRect(text, font, usableRect, drawFlags):
    """Return the minimum rectangle that the text will fit into

    Uses font, usableRect and drawFlags information to find how
    how to do it accurately

    # try to create the font
    # create a Display DC (compatible to the screen)
    txtDC = win32functions.CreateDC(u"DISPLAY", None, None, None)

    hFontGUI = win32functions.CreateFontIndirect(ctypes.byref(font))

    #    # Maybe we could not get the font or we got the system font
    #    if not hFontGUI:
    #        # So just get the default system font
    #        hFontGUI = win32functions.GetStockObject(win32defines.DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
    #        # if we still don't have a font!
    #        # ----- ie, we're on an antiquated OS, like NT 3.51
    #        if not hFontGUI:
    #            # ----- On Asian platforms, ANSI font won't show.
    #            if win32functions.GetSystemMetrics(win32defines.SM_DBCSENABLED):
    #                # ----- was...(SYSTEM_FONT)
    #                hFontGUI = win32functions.GetStockObject(
    #                    win32defines.SYSTEM_FONT)
    #            else:
    #                # ----- was...(SYSTEM_FONT)
    #                hFontGUI = win32functions.GetStockObject(
    #                    win32defines.ANSI_VAR_FONT)

    # put our font into the Device Context
    win32functions.SelectObject(txtDC, hFontGUI)

    modifiedRect = RECT(usableRect)
    # Now write the text to our DC with our font to get the
    # rectangle that the text needs to fit in
        txtDC,  # The DC
        six.text_type(text),  # The Title of the control
        -1,  # -1 because sTitle is NULL terminated
        ctypes.byref(modifiedRect),  # The Rectangle to be calculated to
        # truncCtrlData.drawTextFormat |
        win32defines.DT_CALCRECT | drawFlags,

    # elif modifiedRect.right == usableRect.right and \
    # 	modifiedRect.bottom == usableRect.bottom:
    # 	print "Oh so you thought you were perfect!!!"

    # Delete the font we created

    # delete the Display context that we created

    return modifiedRect
Пример #6
def _GetMinimumRect(text, font, usableRect, drawFlags):
    """Return the minimum rectangle that the text will fit into

    Uses font, usableRect and drawFlags information to find how
    how to do it accurately

    # try to create the font
    # create a Display DC (compatible to the screen)
    txtDC = win32functions.CreateDC(u"DISPLAY", None, None, None)

    hFontGUI = win32functions.CreateFontIndirect(ctypes.byref(font))

    #    # Maybe we could not get the font or we got the system font
    #    if not hFontGUI:
    #        # So just get the default system font
    #        hFontGUI = win32functions.GetStockObject(win32defines.DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
    #        # if we still don't have a font!
    #        # ----- ie, we're on an antiquated OS, like NT 3.51
    #        if not hFontGUI:
    #            # ----- On Asian platforms, ANSI font won't show.
    #            if win32functions.GetSystemMetrics(win32defines.SM_DBCSENABLED):
    #                # ----- was...(SYSTEM_FONT)
    #                hFontGUI = win32functions.GetStockObject(
    #                    win32defines.SYSTEM_FONT)
    #            else:
    #                # ----- was...(SYSTEM_FONT)
    #                hFontGUI = win32functions.GetStockObject(
    #                    win32defines.ANSI_VAR_FONT)

    # put our font into the Device Context
    win32functions.SelectObject(txtDC, hFontGUI)

    modifiedRect = win32structures.RECT(usableRect)
    # Now write the text to our DC with our font to get the
    # rectangle that the text needs to fit in
        txtDC,  # The DC
        six.text_type(text),  # The Title of the control
        -1,  # -1 because sTitle is NULL terminated
        ctypes.byref(modifiedRect),  # The rectangle to be calculated to
        #truncCtrlData.drawTextFormat |
        win32defines.DT_CALCRECT | drawFlags)

    #elif modifiedRect.right == usableRect.right and \
    #	modifiedRect.bottom == usableRect.bottom:
    #	print "Oh so you thought you were perfect!!!"

    # Delete the font we created

    # delete the Display context that we created

    return modifiedRect
Пример #7
def MiscValuesTest(windows):
    "Return the bugs from checking miscelaneous values of a control"
    bugs = []
    for win in windows:
        if not win.ref:

        diffs = {}

        if win.class_name() != win.ref.class_name():
            diffs[u"class_name"] = (win.class_name(), win.ref.class_name())

        if win.style() != win.ref.style():
            diffs[u"style"] = (win.style(), win.ref.style())

        if win.exstyle() != win.ref.exstyle():
            diffs[u"exstyle"] = (win.exstyle(), win.ref.exstyle())

        if win.context_help_id() != win.ref.context_help_id():
            diffs[u"help_id"] = (win.context_help_id(),

        if win.control_id() != win.ref.control_id():
            diffs[u"control_id"] = (win.control_id(), win.ref.control_id())

        if win.is_visible() != win.ref.is_visible():
            diffs[u"Visibility"] = (win.is_visible(), win.ref.is_visible())

        if win.user_data() != win.ref.user_data():
            diffs[u"user_data"] = (win.user_data(), win.ref.user_data())

        for diff, vals in diffs.items():
                    "ValueType": diff,
                    "Ref": six.text_type(vals[1]),
                    "Loc": six.text_type(vals[0]),
    return bugs
Пример #8
def MiscValuesTest(windows):
    "Return the bugs from checking miscelaneous values of a control"
    bugs = []
    for win in windows:
        if not win.ref:

        diffs = {}

        if win.Class() != win.ref.Class():
            diffs[u"Class"] = (win.Class(), win.ref.Class())

        if win.Style() != win.ref.Style():
            diffs[u"Style"] = (win.Style(), win.ref.Style())

        if win.ExStyle() != win.ref.ExStyle():
            diffs[u"ExStyle"] = (win.ExStyle(), win.ref.ExStyle())

        if win.ContextHelpID() != win.ref.ContextHelpID():
            diffs[u"HelpID"] = (win.ContextHelpID(), win.ref.ContextHelpID())

        if win.ControlID() != win.ref.ControlID():
            diffs[u"ControlID"] = (win.ControlID(), win.ref.ControlID())

        if win.IsVisible() != win.ref.IsVisible():
            diffs[u"Visibility"] = (win.IsVisible(), win.ref.IsVisible())

        if win.UserData() != win.ref.UserData():
            diffs[u"UserData"] = (win.UserData(), win.ref.UserData())

        for diff, vals in diffs.items():
                    "ValueType": diff,
                    "Ref": six.text_type(vals[1]),
                    "Loc": six.text_type(vals[0]),
    return bugs
Пример #9
def MiscValuesTest(windows):
    "Return the bugs from checking miscelaneous values of a control"
    bugs = []
    for win in windows:
        if not win.ref:

        diffs = {}

        if win.Class() != win.ref.Class():
            diffs[u"Class"] = (win.Class(), win.ref.Class())

        if win.Style() != win.ref.Style():
            diffs[u"Style"] = (win.Style(), win.ref.Style())

        if win.ExStyle() != win.ref.ExStyle():
            diffs[u"ExStyle"] = (win.ExStyle(), win.ref.ExStyle())

        if win.ContextHelpID() != win.ref.ContextHelpID():
            diffs[u"HelpID"] = (win.ContextHelpID(), win.ref.ContextHelpID())

        if win.ControlID() != win.ref.ControlID():
            diffs[u"ControlID"] = (win.ControlID(), win.ref.ControlID())

        if win.IsVisible() != win.ref.IsVisible():
            diffs[u"Visibility"] = (win.IsVisible(), win.ref.IsVisible())

        if win.UserData() != win.ref.UserData():
            diffs[u"UserData"] = (win.UserData(), win.ref.UserData())

        for diff, vals in diffs.items():
                [win, ],
                    "ValueType": diff,
                    "Ref": six.text_type(vals[1]),
                    "Loc": six.text_type(vals[0]),
    return bugs
Пример #10
def MiscValuesTest(windows):
    "Return the bugs from checking miscelaneous values of a control"
    bugs = []
    for win in windows:
        if not win.ref:

        diffs = {}

        if win.class_name() != win.ref.class_name():
            diffs[u"class_name"] = (win.class_name(), win.ref.class_name())

        if win.style() != win.ref.style():
            diffs[u"style"] = (win.style(), win.ref.style())

        if win.exstyle() != win.ref.exstyle():
            diffs[u"exstyle"] = (win.exstyle(), win.ref.exstyle())

        if win.context_help_id() != win.ref.context_help_id():
            diffs[u"help_id"] = (win.context_help_id(), win.ref.context_help_id())

        if win.control_id() != win.ref.control_id():
            diffs[u"control_id"] = (win.control_id(), win.ref.control_id())

        if win.is_visible() != win.ref.is_visible():
            diffs[u"Visibility"] = (win.is_visible(), win.ref.is_visible())

        if win.user_data() != win.ref.user_data():
            diffs[u"user_data"] = (win.user_data(), win.ref.user_data())

        for diff, vals in diffs.items():
                [win, ],
                    "ValueType": diff,
                    "Ref": six.text_type(vals[1]),
                    "Loc": six.text_type(vals[0]),
    return bugs
Пример #11
def TruncationTest(windows):
    "Actually do the test"

    truncations = []

    # for each of the windows in the dialog
    for win in windows:

        truncIdxs, truncStrings = _FindTruncations(win)

        isInRef = -1

        # if there were any truncations for this control
        if truncIdxs:

            # now that we know there was at least one truncation
            # check if the reference control has truncations
            if win.ref:
                isInRef = 0
                refTruncIdxs, refTruncStrings = _FindTruncations(win.ref)

                if refTruncIdxs:
                    isInRef = 1

            truncIdxs = ",".join([six.text_type(index) for index in truncIdxs])
            truncStrings = '"%s"' % ",".join(
                [six.text_type(string) for string in truncStrings])
            ], {
                "StringIndices": truncIdxs,
                "Strings": truncStrings,
            }, testname, isInRef))

    # return all the truncations
    return truncations