def stash_data_to_disk(step): world.stashfile_pathname = os.path.abspath('scratch/bare.csv') #remove any preexisting/leftover stash instance with this file pathname if os.path.exists(world.stashfile_pathname): os.remove(world.stashfile_pathname) import pywqp_client client_instance = pywqp_client.RESTClient() client_instance.stash_response(world.response, world.stashfile_pathname) assert os.path.exists(world.stashfile_pathname)
def stash_message_to_disk(step): world.stashfile_pathname = os.path.abspath('scratch/bare.csv') #remove any preexisting/leftover stash instance with this EXPECTED file pathname expected_stashfile_pathname = world.stashfile_pathname + '.http' if os.path.exists(expected_stashfile_pathname): os.remove(expected_stashfile_pathname) import pywqp_client client_instance = pywqp_client.RESTClient() client_instance.stash_response(world.response, world.stashfile_pathname, raw_http=True) # did the method call do the expected thing? assert os.path.exists(expected_stashfile_pathname)
def make_call(step, verb): verb = verb.lower() # use pywqp_client setup_target_path() import pywqp_client client_instance = pywqp_client.RESTClient() # params params = {} params['countrycode'] = world.countrycode params['statecode'] = world.statecode params['countycode'] = world.countycode params['characteristicName'] = world.characteristic # default contenttype = 'text/csv' if hasattr(world, 'contenttype'): contenttype = world.contenttype world.response = client_instance.request_wqp_data(verb, world.wqpserver, world.resourcetype, params, contenttype)
print('\n\n' + color_green + 'calling dataframe irow(' + str(row_to_display) + ')' + color_stop) print(dataframe.irow(row_to_display)) print(color_green + 'done with irow(' + str(row_to_display) + ')' + color_stop) # make pandas.DataFrame from the other data structure (rows-first) if datadict2: dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(data=datadict2, columns=wqx_mappings.tabular_defs[table_type]) print('\n\n' + color_yellow + 'calling dataframe irow(' + str(row_to_display) + ')' + color_stop) print(dataframe.irow(row_to_display)) print(color_yellow + 'done with irow(' + str(row_to_display) + ')' + color_stop) print('\n\n') # use pywqp_client to fetch as dataframe import pywqp_client client_instance = pywqp_client.RESTClient() # params params = {} params['countrycode'] = 'US' params['statecode'] = 'US:55' params['countycode'] = 'US:55:015' params['characteristicName'] = 'pH' response = client_instance.request_wqp_data('get', '', 'station', params, 'text/xml') print('status code: ' + str(response.status_code)) for header in response.headers: print(header + ': ' + response.headers[header]) print
than the date on which a particular measurement is actually obtained.) startDateHi sampleMedia characteristicType characteristicName pCode (An NWIS-only classification scheme for sampling procedures. Non-NWIS data sources will not provide any results to a query with a pCode parameter.) analyticalMethod (a classification of analytical protocols curated by NEMI (see [] for more information.) The value of this parameter is a published NEMI URI, _fully urlencoded_.) ''' # paramfile is a listing of parameters, one per line, empty lines ignored. # each parameter is of the form <name>=<value> (no angle brackets in real life.) client = pywqp_client.RESTClient() validator = pywqp_validator.WQPValidator() def paramfile_args(filename): paramfile = open(filename, 'r') paramexprs = paramfile.readlines() paramfile.close() retval = {} for paramexpr in paramexprs: # process commandline arguments #if sys.argv['paramfile']: # do nothing so far if sys.argv['wqpResourceType']: for label in ('station', 'result', 'simplestation', 'bio'): print('label: ' + label + '; response type path: ' +