Пример #1
def make_alm_bg_hdots(bclc, first_sunday, no_days, chart) :
    # horizontal dots
    # we start with the first Sunday of the year
    for sunday in range(first_sunday, no_days, 7) :
        x1 = 0
        x2 = chart.width
        y = chart.height - (sunday * chart.height / no_days)
        bclc.stroke(path.line(x1, y, x2, y),
                [color.cmyk.Gray, style.linestyle(style.linecap.round, style.dash([0, 3.248]))])
Пример #2
def make_alm_bg_vdots(bclc, first_sunday, no_days, chart) :
    # vertical dots
    # left side is 4pm, right side is 8am. We will draw dots every 1/2 hour
    nlines = int(round((chart.URcorn-chart.ULcorn)/ephem.hour*2+1))
    xincr = chart.width/(nlines-1)
    h = chart.height
    for i in range(nlines) :
        bclc.stroke(path.line(i*xincr, 0, i*xincr, h),
                [color.cmyk.Gray, style.linestyle(style.linecap.round,
                    style.dash([0, 2.6333*366.0/no_days]))])
Пример #3

w, h = 2.2, 2.4

c = canvas.canvas()

r0 = 0.4*w # second hole
r1 = 1.4*w # last hole

#st_target = st_curve+st_dashed
#st_target = [red, style.linewidth.THick, deco.earrow(size=0.2)]
#st_target = st_curve+st_dashed
st_target = st_curve+[
    style.linestyle(style.linecap.butt, style.dash([2], offset=1, rellengths=False))]

def manifold(x, y, labels, count):

    if count in [0, 2]:
        c.stroke(path.line(x-r0, y, x+r1+r0, y), st_curve)
        extra = list(st_curve)
        #if count==3:
        #    extra.append(trafo.scale(x=x, y=y, sx=1, sy=-1))
        Turtle(x-0.85*r0, y, pi/2).\
            right(0.25*pi, 0.4).left(0.50*pi, 0.73).left(0.88*pi, 0.15).\
            right(0.88*pi, 0.15).right(0.50*pi, 0.73).\
            left(0.25*pi, 0.52).goto(x+r1+r0, y).\