Пример #1
    def __call__(self, stream):
        boolean_attrs = self._BOOLEAN_ATTRS
        empty_elems = self._EMPTY_ELEMS
        noescape_elems = self._NOESCAPE_ELEMS
        have_doctype = False
        noescape = False

        for filter_ in self.filters:
            stream = filter_(stream)
        for kind, data, pos in stream:

            if kind is START or kind is EMPTY:
                tag, attrib = data
                buf = ['<', tag]
                for attr, value in attrib:
                    if attr in boolean_attrs:
                        if value:
                            buf += [' ', attr]
                    elif ':' in attr:
                        if attr == 'xml:lang' and u'lang' not in attrib:
                            buf += [' lang="', escape(value), '"']
                    elif attr != 'xmlns':
                        buf += [' ', attr, '="', escape(value), '"']
                if kind is EMPTY:
                    if tag not in empty_elems:
                        buf.append('</%s>' % tag)
                yield Markup(u''.join(buf))
                if tag in noescape_elems:
                    noescape = True

            elif kind is END:
                yield Markup('</%s>' % data)
                noescape = False

            elif kind is TEXT:
                if noescape:
                    yield data
                    yield escape(data, quotes=False)

            elif kind is COMMENT:
                yield Markup('<!--%s-->' % data)

            elif kind is DOCTYPE and not have_doctype:
                name, pubid, sysid = data
                buf = ['<!DOCTYPE %s']
                if pubid:
                    buf.append(' PUBLIC "%s"')
                elif sysid:
                    buf.append(' SYSTEM')
                if sysid:
                    buf.append(' "%s"')
                yield Markup(u''.join(buf)) % filter(None, data)
                have_doctype = True

            elif kind is PI:
                yield Markup('<?%s %s?>' % data)
Пример #2
    def __call__(self, stream):
        boolean_attrs = self._BOOLEAN_ATTRS
        empty_elems = self._EMPTY_ELEMS
        noescape_elems = self._NOESCAPE_ELEMS
        have_doctype = False
        noescape = False

        for filter_ in self.filters:
            stream = filter_(stream)
        for kind, data, pos in stream:

            if kind is START or kind is EMPTY:
                tag, attrib = data
                buf = ['<', tag]
                for attr, value in attrib:
                    if attr in boolean_attrs:
                        if value:
                            buf += [' ', attr]
                    elif ':' in attr:
                        if attr == 'xml:lang' and u'lang' not in attrib:
                            buf += [' lang="', escape(value), '"']
                    elif attr != 'xmlns':
                        buf += [' ', attr, '="', escape(value), '"']
                if kind is EMPTY:
                    if tag not in empty_elems:
                        buf.append('</%s>' % tag)
                yield Markup(u''.join(buf))
                if tag in noescape_elems:
                    noescape = True

            elif kind is END:
                yield Markup('</%s>' % data)
                noescape = False

            elif kind is TEXT:
                if noescape:
                    yield data
                    yield escape(data, quotes=False)

            elif kind is COMMENT:
                yield Markup('<!--%s-->' % data)

            elif kind is DOCTYPE and not have_doctype:
                name, pubid, sysid = data
                buf = ['<!DOCTYPE %s']
                if pubid:
                    buf.append(' PUBLIC "%s"')
                elif sysid:
                    buf.append(' SYSTEM')
                if sysid:
                    buf.append(' "%s"')
                yield Markup(u''.join(buf)) % filter(None, data)
                have_doctype = True

            elif kind is PI:
                yield Markup('<?%s %s?>' % data)
Пример #3
    def __call__(self,
                 trim_trailing_space=re.compile('[ \t]+(?=\n)').sub,
        mjoin = Markup('').join
        preserve_elems = self.preserve
        preserve = 0
        noescape_elems = self.noescape
        noescape = False

        textbuf = []
        push_text = textbuf.append
        pop_text = textbuf.pop
        for kind, data, pos in chain(stream, [(None, None, None)]):

            if kind is TEXT:
                if noescape:
                    data = Markup(data)
                if textbuf:
                    if len(textbuf) > 1:
                        text = mjoin(textbuf, escape_quotes=False)
                        del textbuf[:]
                        text = escape(pop_text(), quotes=False)
                    if not preserve:
                        text = collapse_lines('\n',
                                              trim_trailing_space('', text))
                    yield TEXT, Markup(text), pos

                if kind is START:
                    tag, attrs = data
                    if preserve or (tag in preserve_elems
                                    or attrs.get(space) == 'preserve'):
                        preserve += 1
                    if not noescape and tag in noescape_elems:
                        noescape = True

                elif kind is END:
                    noescape = False
                    if preserve:
                        preserve -= 1

                elif kind is START_CDATA:
                    noescape = True

                elif kind is END_CDATA:
                    noescape = False

                if kind:
                    yield kind, data, pos
Пример #4
    def __call__(self, stream, ctxt=None, space=XML_NAMESPACE['space'],
                 trim_trailing_space=re.compile('[ \t]+(?=\n)').sub,
        mjoin = Markup('').join
        preserve_elems = self.preserve
        preserve = 0
        noescape_elems = self.noescape
        noescape = False

        textbuf = []
        push_text = textbuf.append
        pop_text = textbuf.pop
        for kind, data, pos in chain(stream, [(None, None, None)]):

            if kind is TEXT:
                if noescape:
                    data = Markup(data)
                if textbuf:
                    if len(textbuf) > 1:
                        text = mjoin(textbuf, escape_quotes=False)
                        del textbuf[:]
                        text = escape(pop_text(), quotes=False)
                    if not preserve:
                        text = collapse_lines('\n', trim_trailing_space('', text))
                    yield TEXT, Markup(text), pos

                if kind is START:
                    tag, attrs = data
                    if preserve or (tag in preserve_elems or
                                    attrs.get(space) == 'preserve'):
                        preserve += 1
                    if not noescape and tag in noescape_elems:
                        noescape = True

                elif kind is END:
                    noescape = False
                    if preserve:
                        preserve -= 1

                elif kind is START_CDATA:
                    noescape = True

                elif kind is END_CDATA:
                    noescape = False

                if kind:
                    yield kind, data, pos
Пример #5
    def __call__(self, stream):
        boolean_attrs = self._BOOLEAN_ATTRS
        empty_elems = self._EMPTY_ELEMS
        drop_xml_decl = self.drop_xml_decl
        have_decl = have_doctype = False
        in_cdata = False

        for filter_ in self.filters:
            stream = filter_(stream)
        for kind, data, pos in stream:

            if kind is START or kind is EMPTY:
                tag, attrib = data
                buf = ['<', tag]
                for attr, value in attrib:
                    if attr in boolean_attrs:
                        value = attr
                    elif attr == u'xml:lang' and u'lang' not in attrib:
                        buf += [' lang="', escape(value), '"']
                    elif attr == u'xml:space':
                    buf += [' ', attr, '="', escape(value), '"']
                if kind is EMPTY:
                    if tag in empty_elems:
                        buf.append(' />')
                        buf.append('></%s>' % tag)
                yield Markup(u''.join(buf))

            elif kind is END:
                yield Markup('</%s>' % data)

            elif kind is TEXT:
                if in_cdata:
                    yield data
                    yield escape(data, quotes=False)

            elif kind is COMMENT:
                yield Markup('<!--%s-->' % data)

            elif kind is DOCTYPE and not have_doctype:
                name, pubid, sysid = data
                buf = ['<!DOCTYPE %s']
                if pubid:
                    buf.append(' PUBLIC "%s"')
                elif sysid:
                    buf.append(' SYSTEM')
                if sysid:
                    buf.append(' "%s"')
                yield Markup(u''.join(buf)) % filter(None, data)
                have_doctype = True

            elif kind is XML_DECL and not have_decl and not drop_xml_decl:
                version, encoding, standalone = data
                buf = ['<?xml version="%s"' % version]
                if encoding:
                    buf.append(' encoding="%s"' % encoding)
                if standalone != -1:
                    standalone = standalone and 'yes' or 'no'
                    buf.append(' standalone="%s"' % standalone)
                yield Markup(u''.join(buf))
                have_decl = True

            elif kind is START_CDATA:
                yield Markup('<![CDATA[')
                in_cdata = True

            elif kind is END_CDATA:
                yield Markup(']]>')
                in_cdata = False

            elif kind is PI:
                yield Markup('<?%s %s?>' % data)
Пример #6
    def __call__(self, stream):
        have_decl = have_doctype = False
        in_cdata = False

        for filter_ in self.filters:
            stream = filter_(stream)
        for kind, data, pos in stream:

            if kind is START or kind is EMPTY:
                tag, attrib = data
                buf = ['<', tag]
                for attr, value in attrib:
                    buf += [' ', attr, '="', escape(value), '"']
                buf.append(kind is EMPTY and '/>' or '>')
                yield Markup(u''.join(buf))

            elif kind is END:
                yield Markup('</%s>' % data)

            elif kind is TEXT:
                if in_cdata:
                    yield data
                    yield escape(data, quotes=False)

            elif kind is COMMENT:
                yield Markup('<!--%s-->' % data)

            elif kind is XML_DECL and not have_decl:
                version, encoding, standalone = data
                buf = ['<?xml version="%s"' % version]
                if encoding:
                    buf.append(' encoding="%s"' % encoding)
                if standalone != -1:
                    standalone = standalone and 'yes' or 'no'
                    buf.append(' standalone="%s"' % standalone)
                yield Markup(u''.join(buf))
                have_decl = True

            elif kind is DOCTYPE and not have_doctype:
                name, pubid, sysid = data
                buf = ['<!DOCTYPE %s']
                if pubid:
                    buf.append(' PUBLIC "%s"')
                elif sysid:
                    buf.append(' SYSTEM')
                if sysid:
                    buf.append(' "%s"')
                yield Markup(u''.join(buf)) % filter(None, data)
                have_doctype = True

            elif kind is START_CDATA:
                yield Markup('<![CDATA[')
                in_cdata = True

            elif kind is END_CDATA:
                yield Markup(']]>')
                in_cdata = False

            elif kind is PI:
                yield Markup('<?%s %s?>' % data)
Пример #7
    def __call__(self, stream):
        boolean_attrs = self._BOOLEAN_ATTRS
        empty_elems = self._EMPTY_ELEMS
        drop_xml_decl = self.drop_xml_decl
        have_decl = have_doctype = False
        in_cdata = False

        for filter_ in self.filters:
            stream = filter_(stream)
        for kind, data, pos in stream:

            if kind is START or kind is EMPTY:
                tag, attrib = data
                buf = ['<', tag]
                for attr, value in attrib:
                    if attr in boolean_attrs:
                        value = attr
                    elif attr == u'xml:lang' and u'lang' not in attrib:
                        buf += [' lang="', escape(value), '"']
                    elif attr == u'xml:space':
                    buf += [' ', attr, '="', escape(value), '"']
                if kind is EMPTY:
                    if tag in empty_elems:
                        buf.append(' />')
                        buf.append('></%s>' % tag)
                yield Markup(u''.join(buf))

            elif kind is END:
                yield Markup('</%s>' % data)

            elif kind is TEXT:
                if in_cdata:
                    yield data
                    yield escape(data, quotes=False)

            elif kind is COMMENT:
                yield Markup('<!--%s-->' % data)

            elif kind is DOCTYPE and not have_doctype:
                name, pubid, sysid = data
                buf = ['<!DOCTYPE %s']
                if pubid:
                    buf.append(' PUBLIC "%s"')
                elif sysid:
                    buf.append(' SYSTEM')
                if sysid:
                    buf.append(' "%s"')
                yield Markup(u''.join(buf)) % filter(None, data)
                have_doctype = True

            elif kind is XML_DECL and not have_decl and not drop_xml_decl:
                version, encoding, standalone = data
                buf = ['<?xml version="%s"' % version]
                if encoding:
                    buf.append(' encoding="%s"' % encoding)
                if standalone != -1:
                    standalone = standalone and 'yes' or 'no'
                    buf.append(' standalone="%s"' % standalone)
                yield Markup(u''.join(buf))
                have_decl = True

            elif kind is START_CDATA:
                yield Markup('<![CDATA[')
                in_cdata = True

            elif kind is END_CDATA:
                yield Markup(']]>')
                in_cdata = False

            elif kind is PI:
                yield Markup('<?%s %s?>' % data)
Пример #8
    def __call__(self, stream):
        have_decl = have_doctype = False
        in_cdata = False

        for filter_ in self.filters:
            stream = filter_(stream)
        for kind, data, pos in stream:

            if kind is START or kind is EMPTY:
                tag, attrib = data
                buf = ['<', tag]
                for attr, value in attrib:
                    buf += [' ', attr, '="', escape(value), '"']
                buf.append(kind is EMPTY and '/>' or '>')
                yield Markup(u''.join(buf))

            elif kind is END:
                yield Markup('</%s>' % data)

            elif kind is TEXT:
                if in_cdata:
                    yield data
                    yield escape(data, quotes=False)

            elif kind is COMMENT:
                yield Markup('<!--%s-->' % data)

            elif kind is XML_DECL and not have_decl:
                version, encoding, standalone = data
                buf = ['<?xml version="%s"' % version]
                if encoding:
                    buf.append(' encoding="%s"' % encoding)
                if standalone != -1:
                    standalone = standalone and 'yes' or 'no'
                    buf.append(' standalone="%s"' % standalone)
                yield Markup(u''.join(buf))
                have_decl = True

            elif kind is DOCTYPE and not have_doctype:
                name, pubid, sysid = data
                buf = ['<!DOCTYPE %s']
                if pubid:
                    buf.append(' PUBLIC "%s"')
                elif sysid:
                    buf.append(' SYSTEM')
                if sysid:
                    buf.append(' "%s"')
                yield Markup(u''.join(buf)) % filter(None, data)
                have_doctype = True

            elif kind is START_CDATA:
                yield Markup('<![CDATA[')
                in_cdata = True

            elif kind is END_CDATA:
                yield Markup(']]>')
                in_cdata = False

            elif kind is PI:
                yield Markup('<?%s %s?>' % data)