def parse_wp2(self, idx): """ query the wp2 and transformation matrix from the given {G, H, wp1} """ #print("trans", idx) #print(self.wyc['transformation']) trans = self.wyc['transformation'][idx] subgroup_relations = self.wyc['relations'][idx] subgroup_relations = [ele for ele in reversed(subgroup_relations)] self.R = np.zeros([4, 4]) self.R[:3, :3] += trans[:3, :3] self.R[3, 3] = 1 self.inv_R = np.linalg.inv(self.R) inv_t =[:3, :3], trans[:, 3].T) self.inv_R[:3, 3] = -inv_t.T self.R[:3, 3] = trans[:3, 3] wp2_lists = [] for wp1_index in self.wp1_indices: wp2_list = [] for letter in subgroup_relations[wp1_index]: id = sym.index_from_letter(letter[-1], self.H) wp2_list.append(self.H[id]) wp2_lists.append(wp2_list) self.wp2_lists = wp2_lists self.index = self.wyc['index'][idx]
def __init__(self, G=197, idx=None, wp1=[0, 1], group_type='t', elements=None): self.error = False self.elements = elements self.G = sym.Group(G) # Group object if group_type == 't': self.wyc = self.G.get_max_t_subgroup() else: self.wyc = self.G.get_max_k_subgroup() id_lists = [] for wp in wp1: if type(wp) == int: id_lists.append(wp) else: id_lists.append(sym.index_from_letter(wp[-1], self.G)) self.wp1_indices = id_lists self.wp1_lists = [self.G[id] for id in id_lists] # a WP object # choose a random spliting option if idx is not specified if idx is None: ids = [id for id in range(len(self.wyc['subgroup']))] idx = choice(ids) #print(G, idx, len(self.wyc['subgroup'])) H = self.wyc['subgroup'][idx] self.H = sym.Group(H) # Group object #print(G, H) self.parse_wp2(idx) if (self.G.lattice_type == self.H.lattice_type): self.valid_split = False for wps in self.wp2_lists: for wp in wps: rotation = np.array(wp[0].as_dict()['matrix'])[:3, :3] if np.linalg.matrix_rank(rotation) > 0: self.valid_split = True break else: self.valid_split = True #if self.valid_split: self.G1_orbits = [] self.G2_orbits = [] self.H_orbits = [] for i, wp1 in enumerate(self.wp1_lists): self.counter = 0 self.current_wp1_size = len(wp1) self.H_orbits.append([wp2.ops for wp2 in self.wp2_lists[i]]) if group_type == 't': G1_orbits, G2_orbits = self.split_t(wp1, self.wp2_lists[i]) else: G1_orbits, G2_orbits = self.split_k(wp1, self.wp2_lists[i]) self.G1_orbits.append(G1_orbits) self.G2_orbits.append(G2_orbits)
def test_modules(): print("====== Testing functionality for pyXtal version 0.1dev ======") global failed_package failed_package = False # Record if errors occur at any level reset() print("Importing sys...") try: import sys print("Success!") except Exception as e: fail(e) sys.exit(0) print("Importing numpy...") try: import numpy as np print("Success!") except Exception as e: fail(e) sys.exit(0) I = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) print("Importing pymatgen...") try: import pymatgen print("Success!") except Exception as e: fail(e) sys.exit(0) try: from pymatgen.core.operations import SymmOp except Exception as e: fail(e) sys.exit(0) print("Importing pandas...") try: import pandas print("Success!") except Exception as e: fail(e) sys.exit(0) print("Importing spglib...") try: import spglib print("Success!") except Exception as e: fail(e) sys.exit(0) print("Importing openbabel...") try: import ase print("Success!") except: print( "Error: could not import openbabel. Try reinstalling the package.") print("Importing pyxtal...") try: import pyxtal print("Success!") except Exception as e: fail(e) sys.exit(0) print("=== Testing modules ===") # =====database.element===== print("pyxtal.database.element") reset() try: import pyxtal.database.element except Exception as e: fail(e) print(" class Element") try: from pyxtal.database.element import Element except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): for i in range(1, 95): if passed(): try: ele = Element(i) except: fail("Could not access Element # " + str(i)) try: y = ele.sf y = ele.z y = ele.short_name y = ele.long_name y = ele.valence y = ele.valence_electrons y = ele.covalent_radius y = ele.vdw_radius y = ele.get_all(0) except: fail("Could not access attribute for element # " + str(i)) try: ele.all_z() ele.all_short_names() ele.all_long_names() ele.all_valences() ele.all_valence_electrons() ele.all_covalent_radii() ele.all_vdw_radii() except: fail("Could not access class methods") check() # =====database.hall===== print("pyxtal.database.hall") reset() try: import pyxtal.database.hall except Exception as e: fail(e) print(" hall_from_hm") try: from pyxtal.database.hall import hall_from_hm except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): for i in range(1, 230): if passed(): try: hall_from_hm(i) except: fail("Could not access hm # " + str(i)) check() # =====database.collection===== print("pyxtal.database.collection") reset() try: import pyxtal.database.collection except Exception as e: fail(e) print(" Collection") try: from pyxtal.database.collection import Collection except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): for i in range(1, 230): if passed(): try: molecule_collection = Collection("molecules") except: fail("Could not access hm # " + str(i)) check() # =====operations===== print("pyxtal.operations") reset() try: import pyxtal.operations except Exception as e: fail(e) print(" random_vector") try: from pyxtal.operations import random_vector except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: for i in range(10): random_vector() except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" angle") try: from pyxtal.operations import angle except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: for i in range(10): v1 = random_vector() v2 = random_vector() angle(v1, v2) except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" random_shear_matrix") try: from pyxtal.operations import random_shear_matrix except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: for i in range(10): random_shear_matrix() except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" is_orthogonal") try: from pyxtal.operations import is_orthogonal except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: a = is_orthogonal([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) b = is_orthogonal([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]]) if a is True and b is False: pass else: fail() except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" aa2matrix") try: from pyxtal.operations import aa2matrix except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: for i in range(10): aa2matrix(1, 1, random=True) except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" matrix2aa") try: from pyxtal.operations import matrix2aa except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: for i in range(10): m = aa2matrix(1, 1, random=True) aa = matrix2aa(m) except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" rotate_vector") try: from pyxtal.operations import rotate_vector except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: for i in range(10): v1 = random_vector() v2 = random_vector() rotate_vector(v1, v2) except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" are_equal") try: from pyxtal.operations import are_equal except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: op1 = SymmOp.from_xyz_string("x,y,z") op2 = SymmOp.from_xyz_string("x,y,z+1") a = are_equal(op1, op2, PBC=[0, 0, 1]) b = are_equal(op1, op2, PBC=[1, 0, 0]) if a is True and b is False: pass else: fail() except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" class OperationAnalyzer") try: from pyxtal.operations import OperationAnalyzer except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: for i in range(10): m = aa2matrix(1, 1, random=True) t = random_vector() op1 = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(m, t) OperationAnalyzer(op1) except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" class Orientation") try: from pyxtal.operations import Orientation except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: for i in range(10): v1 = random_vector() c1 = random_vector() o = Orientation.from_constraint(v1, c1) except Exception as e: fail(e) check() # =====symmetry===== print("pyxtal.symmetry") reset() try: import pyxtal.symmetry except Exception as e: fail(e) print(" get_wyckoffs (may take a moment)") try: from pyxtal.symmetry import get_wyckoffs except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: for i in [1, 2, 229, 230]: get_wyckoffs(i) get_wyckoffs(i, organized=True) except: fail(" Could not access Wyckoff positions for space group # " + str(i)) check() print(" get_wyckoff_symmetry (may take a moment)") try: from pyxtal.symmetry import get_wyckoff_symmetry except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: for i in [1, 2, 229, 230]: get_wyckoff_symmetry(i) get_wyckoff_symmetry(i, molecular=True) except: fail("Could not access Wyckoff symmetry for space group # " + str(i)) check() print(" get_wyckoffs_generators (may take a moment)") try: from pyxtal.symmetry import get_wyckoff_generators except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: for i in [1, 2, 229, 230]: get_wyckoff_generators(i) except: fail("Could not access Wyckoff generators for space group # " + str(i)) check() print(" letter_from_index") try: from pyxtal.symmetry import letter_from_index except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: if letter_from_index(0, get_wyckoffs(47)) == "A": pass else: fail() except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" index_from_letter") try: from pyxtal.symmetry import index_from_letter except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: if index_from_letter("A", get_wyckoffs(47)) == 0: pass else: fail() except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" jk_from_i") try: from pyxtal.symmetry import jk_from_i except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: w = get_wyckoffs(2, organized=True) j, k = jk_from_i(1, w) if j == 1 and k == 0: pass else: print(j, k) fail() except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" i_from_jk") try: from pyxtal.symmetry import i_from_jk except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: w = get_wyckoffs(2, organized=True) j, k = jk_from_i(1, w) i = i_from_jk(j, k, w) if i == 1: pass else: print(j, k) fail() except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" ss_string_from_ops") try: from pyxtal.symmetry import ss_string_from_ops except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: strings = ["1", "4 . .", "2 3 ."] for i, sg in enumerate([1, 75, 195]): ops = get_wyckoffs(sg)[0] ss_string_from_ops(ops, sg, dim=3) except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" Wyckoff_position") try: from pyxtal.symmetry import Wyckoff_position except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: wp = Wyckoff_position.from_group_and_index(20, 1) except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" Group") try: from pyxtal.symmetry import Group except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: g3 = Group(230) g2 = Group(80, dim=2) g1 = Group(75, dim=1) except Exception as e: fail(e) check() # =====crystal===== print("pyxtal.crystal") reset() try: import pyxtal.crystal except Exception as e: fail(e) print(" random_crystal") try: from pyxtal.crystal import random_crystal except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: c = random_crystal(1, ["H"], [1], 10.0) if c.valid is True: pass else: fail() except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" random_crystal_2D") try: from pyxtal.crystal import random_crystal_2D except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: c = random_crystal_2D(1, ["H"], [1], 10.0) if c.valid is True: pass else: fail() except Exception as e: fail(e) check() # =====molecule===== print("pyxtal.molecule") reset() try: import pyxtal.molecule except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" Collections") try: from pyxtal.molecule import mol_from_collection except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: h2o = mol_from_collection("H2O") ch4 = mol_from_collection("CH4") except Exception as e: fail(e) print(" get_inertia_tensor") try: from pyxtal.molecule import get_inertia_tensor except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: get_inertia_tensor(h2o) get_inertia_tensor(ch4) except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" get_moment_of_inertia") try: from pyxtal.molecule import get_moment_of_inertia except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: v = random_vector() get_moment_of_inertia(h2o, v) get_moment_of_inertia(ch4, v) except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" reoriented_molecule") try: from pyxtal.molecule import reoriented_molecule except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: reoriented_molecule(h2o) reoriented_molecule(ch4) except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" orientation_in_wyckoff_position") try: from pyxtal.molecule import orientation_in_wyckoff_position except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: w = get_wyckoffs(20) ws = get_wyckoff_symmetry(20, molecular=True) wp = Wyckoff_position.from_group_and_index(20, 1) orientation_in_wyckoff_position(h2o, wp) orientation_in_wyckoff_position(ch4, wp) except Exception as e: fail(e) check() # =====molecular_crystal===== print("pyxtal.molecular_crystal") reset() try: import pyxtal.crystal except Exception as e: fail(e) print(" molecular_crystal") try: from pyxtal.molecular_crystal import molecular_crystal except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: c = molecular_crystal(1, ["H2O"], [1], 10.0) if c.valid is True: pass else: fail() except Exception as e: fail(e) check() print(" molecular_crystal_2D") try: from pyxtal.molecular_crystal import molecular_crystal_2D except Exception as e: fail(e) if passed(): try: c = molecular_crystal_2D(1, ["H2O"], [1], 10.0) if c.valid is True: pass else: fail() except Exception as e: fail(e) check() end(condition=2)