def main(): cam = sl.Camera() init = sl.InitParameters() init.depth_mode = sl.DEPTH_MODE.ULTRA init.coordinate_units = sl.UNIT.METER init.coordinate_system = sl.COORDINATE_SYSTEM.RIGHT_HANDED_Y_UP if len(sys.argv) == 2: filepath = sys.argv[1] print("Reading SVO file: {0}".format(filepath)) init.set_from_svo_file(filepath) status = if status != sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS: print(repr(status)) exit(1) runtime = sl.RuntimeParameters() runtime.sensing_mode = sl.SENSING_MODE.STANDARD runtime.measure3D_reference_frame = sl.REFERENCE_FRAME.WORLD spatial = sl.SpatialMappingParameters() transform = sl.Transform() tracking = sl.PositionalTrackingParameters(transform) cam.enable_positional_tracking(tracking) pymesh = sl.Mesh() pyplane = sl.Plane() reset_tracking_floor_frame = sl.Transform() found = 0 print("Processing...") i = 0 while i < 1000: if cam.grab(runtime) == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS: err = cam.find_floor_plane(pyplane, reset_tracking_floor_frame) if i > 200 and err == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS: found = 1 print('Floor found!') pymesh = pyplane.extract_mesh() break i += 1 if found == 0: print('Floor was not found, please try with another SVO.') cam.close() exit(0) cam.disable_positional_tracking() save_mesh(pymesh) cam.close() print("\nFINISH")
def main(): rospy.init_node("rosnode_zed") signalRecieved = True while not signalRecieved: pass plane = sl.Plane() data = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]) trasnform_matrix = sl.Matrix4f(data) transform = sl.Transform(trasnform_matrix) initProcessing(plane, transform) while True: grabFrames() time.sleep(0.1)
def main(): print("Running Plane Detection sample ... Press 'q' to quit") # Create a camera object zed = sl.Camera() # Set configuration parameters init = sl.InitParameters() init.coordinate_units = sl.UNIT.METER init.coordinate_system = sl.COORDINATE_SYSTEM.RIGHT_HANDED_Y_UP # OpenGL coordinate system # If applicable, use the SVO given as parameter # Otherwise use ZED live stream if len(sys.argv) == 2: filepath = sys.argv[1] print("Reading SVO file: {0}".format(filepath)) init.set_from_svo_file(filepath) # Open the camera status = if status != sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS: print(repr(status)) exit(1) # Get camera info and check if IMU data is available camera_infos = zed.get_camera_information() has_imu = camera_infos.sensors_configuration.gyroscope_parameters.is_available # Initialize OpenGL viewer viewer = gl.GLViewer() viewer.init( camera_infos.camera_configuration.calibration_parameters.left_cam, has_imu) image = sl.Mat() # current left image pose = sl.Pose() # positional tracking data plane = sl.Plane() # detected plane mesh = sl.Mesh() # plane mesh find_plane_status = sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS tracking_state = sl.POSITIONAL_TRACKING_STATE.OFF # Timestamp of the last mesh request last_call = time.time() user_action = gl.UserAction() user_action.clear() # Enable positional tracking before starting spatial mapping zed.enable_positional_tracking() runtime_parameters = sl.RuntimeParameters() runtime_parameters.measure3D_reference_frame = sl.REFERENCE_FRAME.WORLD while viewer.is_available(): if zed.grab(runtime_parameters) == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS: # Retrieve left image zed.retrieve_image(image, sl.VIEW.LEFT) # Update pose data (used for projection of the mesh over the current image) tracking_state = zed.get_position(pose) if tracking_state == sl.POSITIONAL_TRACKING_STATE.OK: # Compute elapse time since the last call of plane detection duration = time.time() - last_call # Ask for a mesh update on mouse click if user_action.hit: image_click = [ user_action.hit_coord[0] * camera_infos. camera_configuration.camera_resolution.width, user_action.hit_coord[1] * camera_infos. camera_configuration.camera_resolution.height ] find_plane_status = zed.find_plane_at_hit( image_click, plane) # Check if 500 ms have elapsed since last mesh request if duration > .5 and user_action.press_space: # Update pose data (used for projection of the mesh over the current image) reset_tracking_floor_frame = sl.Transform() find_plane_status = zed.find_floor_plane( plane, reset_tracking_floor_frame) last_call = time.time() if find_plane_status == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS: mesh = plane.extract_mesh() viewer.update_mesh(mesh, plane.type) user_action = viewer.update_view(image, pose.pose_data(), tracking_state) viewer.exit() mesh.clear() # Disable modules and close camera zed.disable_positional_tracking() zed.close()
def get_ground_plane(self): ground = sl.Plane() transform = sl.Transform() result = self.zed.find_floor_plane(ground, transform) return [result, ground, transform]
def main(): cam = sl.Camera() init = sl.InitParameters() init.depth_mode = sl.DEPTH_MODE.ULTRA init.coordinate_units = sl.UNIT.METER init.coordinate_system = sl.COORDINATE_SYSTEM.RIGHT_HANDED_Y_UP if len(sys.argv) == 2: filepath = sys.argv[1] print("Reading SVO file: {0}".format(filepath)) init.set_from_svo_file(filepath) status = if status != sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS: print(repr(status)) exit(1) runtime = sl.RuntimeParameters() runtime.sensing_mode = sl.SENSING_MODE.STANDARD runtime.measure3D_reference_frame = sl.REFERENCE_FRAME.WORLD spatial = sl.SpatialMappingParameters() transform = sl.Transform() tracking = sl.PositionalTrackingParameters(transform) cam.enable_positional_tracking(tracking) pymesh = sl.Mesh() pyplane = sl.Plane() reset_tracking_floor_frame = sl.Transform() found = 0 print("Processing...") i = 0 calibration_params = cam.get_camera_information().calibration_parameters # Focal length of the left eye in pixels focal_left_x = calibration_params.left_cam.fx focal_left_y = calibration_params.left_cam.fy # First radial distortion coefficient # k1 = calibration_params.left_cam.disto[0] # Translation between left and right eye on z-axis # tz = calibration_params.T.z # Horizontal field of view of the left eye in degrees # h_fov = calibration_params.left_cam.h_fov print("fx", focal_left_x) print("fy", focal_left_y) print("cx", print("cy", print("distortion", calibration_params.left_cam.disto) cloud = sl.Mat() while i < 1000: if cam.grab(runtime) == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS : err = cam.find_floor_plane(pyplane, reset_tracking_floor_frame) if err == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS: # if i > 200 and err == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS: found = 1 print('Floor found!') pymesh = pyplane.extract_mesh() #get gound plane info print("floor normal",pyplane.get_normal()) #print normal of plane print("floor equation", pyplane.get_plane_equation()) print("plane center", pyplane.get_center()) print("plane pose", pyplane.get_pose()) # camera_pose = sl.Pose() # py_translation = sl.Translation() # tracking_state = cam.get_position(camera_pose) # # if tracking_state == sl.POSITIONAL_TRACKING_STATE.OK: # rotation = camera_pose.get_rotation_vector() # rx = round(rotation[0], 2) # ry = round(rotation[1], 2) # rz = round(rotation[2], 2) # translation = camera_pose.get_translation(py_translation) # tx = round(translation.get()[0], 2) # ty = round(translation.get()[1], 2) # tz = round(translation.get()[2], 2) # text_translation = str((tx, ty, tz)) # text_rotation = str((rx, ry, rz)) # pose_data = camera_pose.pose_data(sl.Transform()) # print("translation",text_translation) # print("rotation",text_rotation) cam.retrieve_measure(cloud, sl.MEASURE.XYZRGBA) break i+=1 if found == 0: print('Floor was not found, please try with another SVO.') cam.close() exit(0) #load image path = "/home/hcl/Documents/ZED/pics/Explorer_HD1080_SN14932_16-24-06.png" im = cv2.imread(path) h, w = im.shape[0], im.shape[1] print("orignal image shape", h,w) im = im[:,:int(w/2),:] #get left image # im = cv2.resize(im,(int(im.shape[1]/2),int(im.shape[0]/2))) #warped img warped = np.zeros((h,w,3)) roll = -80 roll *= np.pi/180 Rx = np.matrix([ [1, 0,0], [0, np.cos(roll), -np.sin(roll)], [0, np.sin(roll), np.cos(roll)] ]) #point cloud # i = 500 # j = 355 if False: point_cloud = sl.Mat() cam.retrieve_measure(point_cloud, sl.MEASURE.XYZRGBA) for i in range(100): for j in range(1000): point3D = point_cloud.get_value(i,j) # x = point3D[0] # y = point3D[1] # z = point3D[2] color = point3D[1][3] if ~np.isnan(color) and ~np.isinf(color): xyz = point3D[1][:3].reshape((-1,1)) # xyz_hom = np.vstack((xyz,1)) print('point3D',point3D) warped_index = Rx @ xyz #NEED TO USE H**O COORDINATES? divide by last column? print('warped_index',warped_index) RGB = im[j,i,:] RGB = np.dstack(([255],[255],[255])) print('RGB',RGB) warped[int(np.round(warped_index[0]+10)),int(np.round(warped_index[1])),:] = RGB cam.disable_positional_tracking() # save_mesh(pymesh) cam.close() print("\nFINISH")