Пример #1
def _from_zotero_library(engine,
    library_type_id = "zot_%s_%i" % (library_type[:1], library_id)

    # Every library gets a separate schema within the database
    item_type_schema = schema.for_library(engine, library_type_id, verbose)
    # returns dictionary of item table fields.

    # Setup the Zotero connection through pyzotero
    z = Zotero(library_id, library_type, api_key)
    check_access = z.items(limit=1, format="json", includeTrashed=1)
    library_name = check_access[0]['library']['name']

    print("\n%s %s ¶" % (library_type_id, library_name))

    # Start the engine and fetch items from the cloud!
    with engine.connect() as db:
        # Start sync timer and log attempt to sync.
        # Duration and latest version will be updated when finished.
        query = """
        INSERT INTO logs.zot_fetch (timestamp, library, name)
        VALUES ( DEFAULT, :lib, :name) RETURNING id,timestamp;
        sync = db.execute(text(query), lib=library_type_id,
                          name=library_name).fetchone()  # ( Int, datetime )
        print("Sync #%i was started at %s" % (sync[0], sync[1].strftime('%c')))

        # Get current local library version
        query = """
        SELECT version FROM logs.zot_fetch WHERE library='%s' AND duration IS NOT NULL ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1;
        """ % library_type_id
        res_last_sync_version = db.execute(
            text(query)).fetchone()  # ( Int, ) or None
        if res_last_sync_version:
            last_sync_version = res_last_sync_version[0]
            query = """
            SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s.items WHERE NOT deleted ;
            """ % library_type_id
            local_count = db.execute(
                text(query)).fetchone()  # ( Int, ) or None
            print("local mirror is at version %i and contains %i items" %
                  (last_sync_version, local_count[0]))
            last_sync_version = 0
            print("Starting initial sync of library %s" % library_type_id)

        # Get current remote library count and version
        z.top(limit=1, format='keys')
        remote_count = int(z.request.headers.get('total-results', 0))
        library_version = int(z.request.headers.get('last-modified-version',
        print("remote cloud is at version %i and contains %i items" %
              (library_version, remote_count))

        if last_sync_version < library_version:
            # Get list of local item keys and their versions
            query = """
            SELECT key,version FROM %s.items ;
            """ % library_type_id
            local_versions = dict(db.execute(
                text(query)).fetchall())  # { String: Int, }

            def _fetch_updates_and_inserts(start=0):
                start_round = _start_duration()
                inserts = 0
                update_list = z.top(limit=100,
                total_results = int(z.request.headers.get('Total-Results'))
                # Maybe there are only deletions to handle, so checking number of updates to handle
                if len(update_list) > 0:
                    for item in update_list:
                        data = {}
                        for field, value in item['data'].items():
                            data[field] = schema._typeset_for_db(
                                field, value, item['data']['itemType'])
                            if field == 'version':
                                update_string = '"version"=:version'
                                insert_field_string = '"key", "version"'
                                insert_value_string = ':key, :version'
                            elif field != 'key':
                                update_string += ', "%s"=:%s' % (field, field)
                                insert_field_string += ', "%s"' % field
                                insert_value_string += ', :%s' % field
                            if field == 'note':
                                data['customJSON'] = schema._typeset_for_db(
                                    json.loads(re.findall(r'{.*}', value)[0]),
                                update_string += ', "%s"=:%s' % ("customJSON",
                                insert_field_string += ', "%s"' % "customJSON"
                                insert_value_string += ', :%s' % "customJSON"
                        for field, value in item['meta'].items():
                            data[field] = schema._typeset_for_db(
                                field, value, item['data']['itemType'])
                            update_string += ', "%s"=:%s' % (field, field)
                            insert_field_string += ', "%s"' % field
                            insert_value_string += ', :%s' % field
                        item_type = item['data']['itemType']
                        if item['key'] in local_versions:
                            query = """
                            UPDATE %s."%s"
                            SET %s
                            WHERE key=:key ;
                            """ % (library_type_id, item_type, update_string)
                            db.execute(text(query), **data)
                            query = """
                            INSERT INTO %s."%s" (%s)
                            VALUES ( %s ) ;
                            """ % (library_type_id, item_type,
                                   insert_field_string, insert_value_string)
                            db.execute(text(query), **data)
                            inserts += 1
                    round_duration = _duration(start_round)
                    print("Finished processing %i updates in %s seconds." %
                          (len(update_list), str(round_duration)))
                    if len(update_list) == 100 and start + 100 < total_results:
                            "%i of %i updates done: fetching more updates now."
                            % (start + 100, total_results))
                        inserts = inserts + _fetch_updates_and_inserts(
                            start=start + 100)
                        print("%i of %i updates have been processed." %
                              (total_results, total_results))
                    round_duration = _duration(start_round)
                        "Zero updates to process (it took %s seconds to figure that out)"
                        % str(round_duration))
                return inserts

            # fetch all updates in batches of 100 (includes updates to existing items and new items)
            inserts = _fetch_updates_and_inserts()

            def _fetch_deletions(since_version):
                deletions = 0
                start_round = _start_duration()
                print("Fetching list of deletions since last successful sync.")
                # Get list of deleted items from cloud
                delete_list = z.deleted(since=since_version)
                if len(delete_list['items']) > 0:
                    for item in delete_list['items']:
                        if item in local_versions:
                            query = """
                            DELETE FROM %s.items WHERE key=:key ;
                            """ % library_type_id
                            db.execute(text(query), key=item)
                            deletions += 1
                                "Tried to DELETE item with key %s, but this item is not in local library..."
                                % item)
                round_duration = _duration(start_round)
                print("Finished processing %i deletions in %s seconds" %
                      (len(delete_list['items']), str(round_duration)))
                return deletions

            # if this is not the initial sync, there's nothing to delete...
            if last_sync_version > 0:
                deletions = _fetch_deletions(last_sync_version)
                final_count = local_count[0] + inserts - deletions
                    "Initial sync has been successful. Next time atomic updates will be performed!"
            print("Nothing to sync, everything is up to date.")

        duration = _duration(sync[1])
        query = """
        UPDATE logs.zot_fetch
        SET duration=:duration, version=:version
        WHERE id=:id ;
        # Closing connection to database ༺ with engine.connect() as db : ༻
    print("Syncing library %s took %s seconds\n" %
          (library_type_id, str(duration)))