def run(load_train_dir, save_train_dir): start_time = print(load_train_dir) print(save_train_dir) print("creating session") sess = tf.Session() print("running") print("reading in data") text_file = open("./data/squad/train.span", "r") labels ="\n") text_file.close() num_entries = int(len(labels)/1)-1 #take out the /1000 when you run for real. ?? ? ? ?marks are just to remind me to do that #labels = tf.convert_to_tensor(labels) print("num entries = ", num_entries) print("num epochs = ", num_epochs) print("batch size = ", batch_size) print("creating model") input_q_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = (None, max_q_words, embed_size), name='input_q_placeholder') input_c_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = (None, max_c_words, embed_size), name='input_c_placeholder') start_answer_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape = (None, max_c_words), name='start_answer_placeholder') end_answer_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape = (None, max_c_words), name='end_answer_placeholder') mask_q_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, shape = (None, max_q_words), name='mask_q_placeholder') mask_c_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, shape = (None, max_c_words), name='mask_q_placeholder') print("reading labels") #start_answer = [] #end_answer = [] start_true = [] end_true = [] #start_index = [] #end_index =[] for i in range(num_entries): #batch_size*batch_num, batch_size*(batch_num+1) #if (i%1 == 0): # print("Label # ", i ," of ", num_entries) nums = labels[i].split() start_true.append(int(nums[0])) end_true.append(int(nums[1])) #start_true.append(start_index) #end_true.append(end_index) start_answer = (tf.one_hot(indices = start_true, depth = max_c_words, dtype = tf.int32).eval(session = sess)) end_answer = (tf.one_hot(indices = end_true, depth = max_c_words, dtype = tf.int32).eval(session = sess)) text_file = open("./data/squad/train.ids.question", "r") inputs_q ="\n") text_file.close() print("reading questions") myMatrix_q = [] for i in range(num_entries): #if (i%1000 == 0): # print("Question # ", i ," of ", num_entries) nums = inputs_q[i].split() myArray = [] for j in range(len(nums)): myArray.append(int(nums[j])) myMatrix_q.append(myArray) text_file = open("./data/squad/train.ids.context", "r") inputs_c ="\n") text_file.close() print("reading contexts") myMatrix_c = [] for i in range(num_entries): #if (i%1000 == 0): # print("Context index # ", i ," of ", num_entries) nums = inputs_c[i].split() myArray = [] for j in range(len(nums)): myArray.append(int(nums[j])) myMatrix_c.append(myArray) text_file = open("./data/squad/train.context", "r") inputs_c_text ="\n") text_file.close() #print(inputs_c_text[1]) c_text = [] for i in range(num_entries): words = inputs_c_text[i].split(" ") myArray = [] for j in range(len(words)): myArray.append(words[j]) c_text.append(myArray) padded_q_inputs, masks_q = zip(*pad_sequences(data = myMatrix_q, max_length = max_q_words)) padded_c_inputs, masks_c = zip(*pad_sequences(data = myMatrix_c, max_length = max_c_words)) print("loading embeddings") embed_path = "./data/squad/glove.trimmed.100.npz" pretrained_embeddings = np.load(embed_path)"Keys")"Initialized embeddings.") pretrained_embeddings = tf.constant(pretrained_embeddings.f.glove) embedded_q = (tf.nn.embedding_lookup(pretrained_embeddings, padded_q_inputs).eval(session = sess)) embedded_c = (tf.nn.embedding_lookup(pretrained_embeddings, padded_c_inputs).eval(session = sess)) print("Done Embedding") print("encoding") mask_int_q = tf.cast(mask_q_placeholder, tf.int32) srclen_q = tf.reduce_sum(mask_int_q, 1) mask_int_c = tf.cast(mask_c_placeholder, tf.int32) srclen_c = tf.reduce_sum(mask_int_c, 1) scope_q = "scope_q" scope_c = "scope_c" scope_decode = "scope_decode" LSTM_cell_q = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(num_units = hidden_size) LSTM_cell_c = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(num_units = hidden_size) LSTM_cell_decode = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(num_units = hidden_size) print("filtering") normed_q = tf.nn.l2_normalize(input_q_placeholder, dim=2) normed_c = tf.nn.l2_normalize(input_c_placeholder, dim=2) matrix = tf.matmul(normed_q, normed_c, transpose_b = True) attention = tf.reduce_max(matrix, axis = 1) attention = tf.expand_dims(attention, axis = 2) filtered_c = input_c_placeholder*attention outputs_q, state_q = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(LSTM_cell_q, LSTM_cell_q, input_q_placeholder, srclen_q, scope = scope_q, time_major = False, dtype = tf.float32) outputs_c, state_c = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(LSTM_cell_c, LSTM_cell_c, filtered_c, srclen_c, scope = scope_c, time_major = False, dtype = tf.float32) hidden_q = (state_q[0][1], state_q[1][1]) hidden_q = tf.concat(1, hidden_q) q_piazza_int = hidden_q q_piazza = tf.expand_dims(q_piazza_int, axis = 2) X_piazza = tf.concat(2, outputs_c) X_piazza = tf.transpose(X_piazza, [0,2,1]) intermediate = q_piazza*X_piazza #AREA OF INTEREST W_s = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([hidden_size*2, max_c_words])) b_s = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[max_c_words])) W_e = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([hidden_size*2, max_c_words])) b_e = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[max_c_words])) p_s_true = intermediate*W_s+b_s #starting place probabilities p_s_true = tf.reduce_sum(p_s_true, axis = 1) p_s_true = tf.nn.softmax(p_s_true) p_s_false = 1-p_s_true p_s = tf.pack([p_s_false, p_s_true], axis = 2) print("shape of p_s: ", p_s.get_shape()) p_e_true = intermediate*W_e+b_e p_e_true = tf.reduce_sum(p_e_true, axis = 1) p_e_true = tf.nn.softmax(p_e_true) p_e_false = 1-p_e_true p_e = tf.pack([p_e_false, p_e_true], axis = 2) a_s = tf.argmax(p_s_true, axis=1) a_e = tf.argmax(p_e_true, axis=1) a_e = tf.maximum(a_s, a_e) l1 = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = p_s, labels = start_answer_placeholder) l2 = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = p_e, labels = end_answer_placeholder) loss = l1+l2 loss_by_question = tf.reduce_sum(loss, axis = 1) avgLoss = tf.reduce_mean(loss_by_question) train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(avgLoss) tf.global_variables_initializer().run(session = sess) print("training") num_batches = int(np.floor(num_entries/batch_size)) print("num batches: ", num_batches) print("Creating saver") saver = tf.train.Saver() for j in range (num_epochs): #epochs batch_error_total = 0 print("epoch %d of %d" % (j+1, num_epochs)) print("not shuffling yet") for i in range(num_batches): if (i%100 == 0): print("Batch # ", i ," of ", num_batches) batch_q = embedded_q[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size] batch_c = embedded_c[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size] batch_mask_q = masks_q[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size] batch_mask_c = masks_c[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size] start_batch = [] end_batch = [] for k in range(batch_size): start_batch.append(start_answer[i*batch_size+k]) end_batch.append(end_answer[i*batch_size+k]) _, batch_error, p_s_true_ =[train_step, avgLoss, p_s_true], feed_dict={input_q_placeholder: batch_q, input_c_placeholder: batch_c, start_answer_placeholder: start_batch, end_answer_placeholder: end_batch, mask_q_placeholder: batch_mask_q, mask_c_placeholder: batch_mask_c}) batch_error_total += float(batch_error)/num_batches avg_train_error = batch_error_total print("epoch %d has average training error of %f" % (j+1, avg_train_error)) print("saving") tf.add_to_collection('vars2', a_e) tf.add_to_collection('vars2', a_s) tf.add_to_collection('vars2', input_q_placeholder) tf.add_to_collection('vars2', input_c_placeholder) tf.add_to_collection('vars2', mask_q_placeholder) tf.add_to_collection('vars2', mask_c_placeholder), 'my-model') print("Evaluating EM and f1 scores") test_samples = np.minimum(num_entries, 100) test_q = embedded_q[0:test_samples] test_c = embedded_c[0:test_samples] batch_mask_q = masks_q[0:test_samples] batch_mask_c = masks_c[0:test_samples] start_pred, end_pred =[a_s, a_e], feed_dict={input_q_placeholder: test_q, input_c_placeholder: test_c, mask_q_placeholder: batch_mask_q, mask_c_placeholder: batch_mask_c}) their_f1 = [] their_em = [] my_f1 = [] my_em = [] for i in range(test_samples): p = c_text[i] answer = p[start_pred[i]: end_pred[i]+1] answer = ' '.join(answer) true_answer = p[start_true[i]: end_true[i]+1] true_answer = ' '.join(true_answer) their_f1.append(f1_score(answer, true_answer)) their_em.append(exact_match_score(answer, true_answer)) my_f1.append(my_f1_score(start_pred[i], end_pred[i], start_true[i], end_true[i])) my_em.append(my_em_score(start_pred[i], end_pred[i], start_true[i], end_true[i])) their_f1_score = np.average(their_f1) their_em_score = np.average(their_em) f1 = np.average(my_f1) em = np.average(my_em) print("Their f1 train score: ", their_f1_score, " em score: ", their_em_score, " on ", test_samples, " samples") print("My f1 train score: ", f1, " em score: ", em, " on ", test_samples, " samples") print("Evaluating EM and f1 scores on Validation set") test_samples = np.minimum(num_entries, 100) print("reading labels") text_file = open("./data/squad/val.span", "r") labels ="\n") text_file.close() start_true_val = [] end_true_val = [] for i in range(test_samples): #batch_size*batch_num, batch_size*(batch_num+1) nums = labels[i].split() start_true_val.append(int(nums[0])) end_true_val.append(int(nums[1])) text_file = open("./data/squad/val.ids.question", "r") inputs_q ="\n") text_file.close() print("reading questions") myMatrix_q = [] for i in range(test_samples): nums = inputs_q[i].split() myArray = [] for j in range(len(nums)): myArray.append(int(nums[j])) myMatrix_q.append(myArray) text_file = open("./data/squad/val.ids.context", "r") inputs_c ="\n") text_file.close() print("reading contexts") myMatrix_c = [] for i in range(test_samples): nums = inputs_c[i].split() myArray = [] for j in range(len(nums)): myArray.append(int(nums[j])) myMatrix_c.append(myArray) text_file = open("./data/squad/val.context", "r") inputs_c_text ="\n") text_file.close() c_text_val = [] for i in range(test_samples): words = inputs_c_text[i].split(" ") myArray = [] for j in range(len(words)): myArray.append(words[j]) c_text_val.append(myArray) padded_q_inputs_val, masks_q_val = zip(*pad_sequences(data = myMatrix_q, max_length = max_q_words)) padded_c_inputs_val, masks_c_val = zip(*pad_sequences(data = myMatrix_c, max_length = max_c_words)) embedded_q_val = (tf.nn.embedding_lookup(pretrained_embeddings, padded_q_inputs_val).eval(session = sess)) embedded_c_val = (tf.nn.embedding_lookup(pretrained_embeddings, padded_c_inputs_val).eval(session = sess)) test_q = embedded_q_val test_c = embedded_c_val batch_mask_q = masks_q_val batch_mask_c = masks_c_val start_pred_val, end_pred_val =[a_s, a_e], feed_dict={input_q_placeholder: test_q, input_c_placeholder: test_c, mask_q_placeholder: batch_mask_q, mask_c_placeholder: batch_mask_c}) their_f1 = [] their_em = [] my_f1 = [] my_em = [] print(test_samples) print(len(end_true_val)) for i in range(test_samples): p = c_text_val[i] answer = p[start_pred_val[i]: end_pred_val[i]+1] answer = ' '.join(answer) true_answer = p[start_true_val[i]: end_true_val[i]+1] true_answer = ' '.join(true_answer) their_f1.append(f1_score(answer, true_answer)) their_em.append(exact_match_score(answer, true_answer)) my_f1.append(my_f1_score(start_pred_val[i], end_pred_val[i], start_true_val[i], end_true_val[i])) my_em.append(my_em_score(start_pred_val[i], end_pred_val[i], start_true_val[i], end_true_val[i])) their_f1_score = np.average(their_f1) their_em_score = np.average(their_em) f1 = np.average(my_f1) em = np.average(my_em) print("Their f1 valscore: ", their_f1_score, " em score: ", their_em_score, " on ", test_samples, " samples") print("My f1 val score: ", f1, " em score: ", em, " on ", test_samples, " samples") end_time = print("Elapsed Time: ", end_time-start_time)
def run(load_train_dir, save_train_dir): print(load_train_dir) print(save_train_dir) print("creating session") sess = tf.Session() print("running") print("reading in data") text_file = open("./data/squad/train.span", "r") labels ="\n") text_file.close() num_entries = int( len(labels) / 1000 ) - 1 #take out the /1000 when you run for real. ?? ? ? ?marks are just to remind me to do that #labels = tf.convert_to_tensor(labels) print("num entries = ", num_entries) print("num epochs = ", num_epochs) print("batch size = ", batch_size) print("creating model") input_q_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, max_q_words, embed_size), name='input_q_placeholder') input_c_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, max_c_words, embed_size), name='input_c_placeholder') start_answer_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None, max_c_words), name='start_answer_placeholder') end_answer_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None, max_c_words), name='end_answer_placeholder') mask_q_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, shape=(None, max_q_words), name='mask_q_placeholder') mask_c_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, shape=(None, max_c_words), name='mask_q_placeholder') print("reading labels") #start_answer = [] #end_answer = [] start_true = [] end_true = [] #start_index = [] #end_index =[] for i in range( num_entries): #batch_size*batch_num, batch_size*(batch_num+1) #if (i%1 == 0): # print("Label # ", i ," of ", num_entries) nums = labels[i].split() start_true.append(int(nums[0])) end_true.append(int(nums[1])) #start_true.append(start_index) #end_true.append(end_index) start_answer = (tf.one_hot(indices=start_true, depth=max_c_words, dtype=tf.int32).eval(session=sess)) end_answer = (tf.one_hot(indices=end_true, depth=max_c_words, dtype=tf.int32).eval(session=sess)) text_file = open("./data/squad/train.ids.question", "r") inputs_q ="\n") text_file.close() print("reading questions") myMatrix_q = [] for i in range(num_entries): #if (i%1000 == 0): # print("Question # ", i ," of ", num_entries) nums = inputs_q[i].split() myArray = [] for j in range(len(nums)): myArray.append(int(nums[j])) myMatrix_q.append(myArray) text_file = open("./data/squad/train.ids.context", "r") inputs_c ="\n") text_file.close() print("reading contexts") myMatrix_c = [] for i in range(num_entries): #if (i%1000 == 0): # print("Context index # ", i ," of ", num_entries) nums = inputs_c[i].split() myArray = [] for j in range(len(nums)): myArray.append(int(nums[j])) myMatrix_c.append(myArray) text_file = open("./data/squad/train.context", "r") inputs_c_text ="\n") text_file.close() #print(inputs_c_text[1]) c_text = [] for i in range(num_entries): #if (i%1000 == 0): # print("Context word # ", i ," of ", num_entries) words = inputs_c_text[i].split(" ") myArray = [] for j in range(len(words)): myArray.append(words[j]) #print("words j") #print(words[j]) #print(myArray) c_text.append(myArray) #print("c_text") #print(c_text) padded_q_inputs, masks_q = zip( *pad_sequences(data=myMatrix_q, max_length=max_q_words)) padded_c_inputs, masks_c = zip( *pad_sequences(data=myMatrix_c, max_length=max_c_words)) print("loading embeddings") embed_path = "./data/squad/glove.trimmed.100.npz" pretrained_embeddings = np.load(embed_path)"Keys")"Initialized embeddings.") pretrained_embeddings = tf.constant(pretrained_embeddings.f.glove) embedded_q = (tf.nn.embedding_lookup(pretrained_embeddings, padded_q_inputs).eval(session=sess)) embedded_c = (tf.nn.embedding_lookup(pretrained_embeddings, padded_c_inputs).eval(session=sess)) print("Done Embedding") print("encoding") mask_int_q = tf.cast(mask_q_placeholder, tf.int32) srclen_q = tf.reduce_sum(mask_int_q, 1) mask_int_c = tf.cast(mask_c_placeholder, tf.int32) srclen_c = tf.reduce_sum(mask_int_c, 1) scope_q = "scope_q" scope_c = "scope_c" scope_decode = "scope_decode" LSTM_cell_q = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(num_units=hidden_size) LSTM_cell_c = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(num_units=hidden_size) LSTM_cell_decode = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(num_units=hidden_size) outputs_q, state_q = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(LSTM_cell_q, LSTM_cell_q, input_q_placeholder, srclen_q, scope=scope_q, time_major=False, dtype=tf.float32) outputs_c, state_c = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(LSTM_cell_c, LSTM_cell_c, input_c_placeholder, srclen_c, scope=scope_c, time_major=False, dtype=tf.float32) #state_q = tf.concat(state_q, 2) #state_q[0] is an LSTMStateTuple #state_q[0][1] is the hidden state I think #state_q[0][0] is c #output_states: A tuple (output_state_fw, output_state_bw) containing the forward and the backward final states of bidirectional rnn. #print("shape of state_q[0][1]") #print(state_q[0][1].get_shape()) #print("shape of state_q[1][1]") #print(state_q[1][1].get_shape()) #print("shape of state_q[0][1]") #print(state_q[0][1].get_shape()) #print("shape of state_q[1][1]") #print(state_q[1][1].get_shape()) hidden_q = (state_q[0][1], state_q[1][1]) hidden_q = tf.concat(1, hidden_q) print("shape of hidden_q") print(hidden_q.get_shape()) """ outputs_q = tf.concat(2, outputs_q) print("shape of outputs_q") print(outputs_q.get_shape()) outputs_q = tf.transpose(outputs_q, [1, 0, 2]) #puts sequence size up front instead of batch print("shape of outputs_q") print(outputs_q.get_shape()) """ q_piazza_int = hidden_q q_piazza = tf.expand_dims(q_piazza_int, axis=2) print("shape of q_piazza") print(q_piazza.get_shape()) X_piazza = tf.concat(2, outputs_c) X_piazza = tf.transpose(X_piazza, [0, 2, 1]) print("shape of X_piazza") print(X_piazza.get_shape()) #print("shape of X_piazza") #print(X_piazza.get_shape()) intermediate = q_piazza * X_piazza #print("shape of intermediate") #print(intermediate.get_shape()) #softmax instead? p_s_true = tf.reduce_sum(intermediate, axis=1) #starting place probabilities p_s_true = tf.nn.softmax(p_s_true) print("shape of p_s_true") print(p_s_true.get_shape()) assert False p_s_false = 1 - p_s_true p_s = tf.pack([p_s_false, p_s_true], axis=2) #print("shape of p_s") #print(p_s.get_shape()) p_e_true = p_s_true p_e_true = tf.nn.softmax(p_e_true) p_e_false = 1 - p_e_true p_e = tf.pack([p_e_false, p_e_true], axis=2) a_s = tf.argmax(p_s_true, axis=1) a_e = tf.argmax(p_e_true, axis=1) a_e = tf.maximum(a_s, a_e) #print("shape of a_s") #print(a_s.get_shape()) #print("label shape") #print(start_answer_placeholder.get_shape()) l1 = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=p_s, labels=start_answer_placeholder) l2 = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=p_e, labels=end_answer_placeholder) loss = l1 + l2 #print("shape of loss") #print(loss.get_shape()) loss_by_question = tf.reduce_sum(loss, axis=1) #print("shape of loss_by_question") #print(loss_by_question.get_shape()) avgLoss = tf.reduce_mean(loss_by_question) #print("shape of avgLoss") #print(avgLoss.get_shape()) train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(avgLoss) tf.global_variables_initializer().run(session=sess) print("training") num_batches = int(np.floor(num_entries / batch_size)) print("num batches: ", num_batches) print("Creating saver") saver = tf.train.Saver() for j in range(num_epochs): #epochs batch_error_total = 0 print("epoch %d of %d" % (j + 1, num_epochs)) print("not shuffling yet") for i in range(num_batches): if (i % 100 == 0): print("Batch # ", i, " of ", num_batches) batch_q = embedded_q[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size] #print(batch_q) batch_c = embedded_c[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size] batch_mask_q = masks_q[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size] batch_mask_c = masks_c[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size] start_batch = [] end_batch = [] for k in range(batch_size): start_batch.append(start_answer[i * batch_size + k]) end_batch.append(end_answer[i * batch_size + k]) #q_piazza_int_, X_piazza_, intermediate_ , outputs_q_, hidden_q_=[q_piazza_int, X_piazza, intermediate, outputs_q, hidden_q], feed_dict={input_q_placeholder: batch_q, input_c_placeholder: batch_c, start_answer_placeholder: start_batch, end_answer_placeholder: end_batch, mask_q_placeholder: batch_mask_q, mask_c_placeholder: batch_mask_c}) _, batch_error, p_s_true_ = [train_step, avgLoss, p_s_true], feed_dict={ input_q_placeholder: batch_q, input_c_placeholder: batch_c, start_answer_placeholder: start_batch, end_answer_placeholder: end_batch, mask_q_placeholder: batch_mask_q, mask_c_placeholder: batch_mask_c }) #print("p_s_true_ first question: ") #print(p_s_true_[1]) #print(hidden_q_) #print(np.shape(hidden_q_)) batch_error_total += float(batch_error) / num_batches avg_train_error = batch_error_total print("epoch %d has average training error of %f" % (j + 1, avg_train_error)) print("saving") tf.add_to_collection('vars2', a_e) tf.add_to_collection('vars2', a_s) tf.add_to_collection('vars2', input_q_placeholder) tf.add_to_collection('vars2', input_c_placeholder) tf.add_to_collection('vars2', mask_q_placeholder) tf.add_to_collection('vars2', mask_c_placeholder), 'my-model') """ new_saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('my-model.meta') print(tf.train.latest_checkpoint('./')) new_saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint('./'))"Reading model parameters from my-model.meta") all_vars = tf.get_collection('indexes') a_e = tf.get_collection('indexes')[0] a_s = tf.get_collection('indexes')[1] """ print("Evaluating EM and f1 scores") test_samples = np.minimum(num_entries, 100) #em = 0 #f1 = 0 #num_pred = 0 #num_true = 0 #num_same = 0 test_q = embedded_q[0:test_samples] test_c = embedded_c[0:test_samples] batch_mask_q = masks_q[0:test_samples] batch_mask_c = masks_c[0:test_samples] start_pred, end_pred = [a_s, a_e], feed_dict={ input_q_placeholder: test_q, input_c_placeholder: test_c, mask_q_placeholder: batch_mask_q, mask_c_placeholder: batch_mask_c }) their_f1 = [] their_em = [] my_f1 = [] my_em = [] for i in range(test_samples): #Their Evaluation p = c_text[i] #print(p) #print("length p = ", len(p)) #p = np.asarray(p) #print("start pred = ", start_pred[i]) #print("end pred = ", end_pred[i]) #start = np.minimum(start_pred[i], len(p)-1) #end = np.minimum(end_pred[i], len(p)-1) answer = p[start_pred[i]:end_pred[i] + 1] answer = ' '.join(answer) #print("predicted answer = ", answer) #print("start true = ", start_true[i]) #print("end true = ", end_true[i]) true_answer = p[start_true[i]:end_true[i] + 1] true_answer = ' '.join(true_answer) #print("true answer = ", true_answer) their_f1.append(f1_score(answer, true_answer)) their_em.append(exact_match_score(answer, true_answer)) my_f1.append( my_f1_score(start_pred[i], end_pred[i], start_true[i], end_true[i])) my_em.append( my_em_score(start_pred[i], end_pred[i], start_true[i], end_true[i])) """ if (their_f1[i]!=my_f1[i]) or (their_em[i]!=my_em[i]): print("F1s (theirs first)") print(their_f1[i]) print(my_f1[i]) print("EMs (theirs first)") print(their_em[i]) print(my_em[i]) print("Answer (pred first)") print(answer) print(true_answer) print("start pred = ", start_pred[i]) print("end pred = ", end_pred[i]) print("start true = ", start_true[i]) print("end true = ", end_true[i]) """ #if (em_one == 1): #print(start_true[i]) #print("My answer: ", answer) #print("True answer: ", true_answer) #My evaluation their_f1_score = np.average(their_f1) their_em_score = np.average(their_em) f1 = np.average(my_f1) em = np.average(my_em) print("Their f1 train score: ", their_f1_score, " em score: ", their_em_score, " on ", test_samples, " samples") print("My f1 train score: ", f1, " em score: ", em, " on ", test_samples, " samples") print("Evaluating EM and f1 scores on Validation set") test_samples = np.minimum(num_entries, 100) print("reading labels") text_file = open("./data/squad/val.span", "r") labels ="\n") text_file.close() start_true_val = [] end_true_val = [] for i in range( test_samples): #batch_size*batch_num, batch_size*(batch_num+1) nums = labels[i].split() start_true_val.append(int(nums[0])) end_true_val.append(int(nums[1])) text_file = open("./data/squad/val.ids.question", "r") inputs_q ="\n") text_file.close() print("reading questions") myMatrix_q = [] for i in range(test_samples): nums = inputs_q[i].split() myArray = [] for j in range(len(nums)): myArray.append(int(nums[j])) myMatrix_q.append(myArray) text_file = open("./data/squad/val.ids.context", "r") inputs_c ="\n") text_file.close() print("reading contexts") myMatrix_c = [] for i in range(test_samples): nums = inputs_c[i].split() myArray = [] for j in range(len(nums)): myArray.append(int(nums[j])) myMatrix_c.append(myArray) text_file = open("./data/squad/val.context", "r") inputs_c_text ="\n") text_file.close() c_text_val = [] for i in range(test_samples): words = inputs_c_text[i].split(" ") myArray = [] for j in range(len(words)): myArray.append(words[j]) c_text_val.append(myArray) padded_q_inputs_val, masks_q_val = zip( *pad_sequences(data=myMatrix_q, max_length=max_q_words)) padded_c_inputs_val, masks_c_val = zip( *pad_sequences(data=myMatrix_c, max_length=max_c_words)) embedded_q_val = (tf.nn.embedding_lookup( pretrained_embeddings, padded_q_inputs_val).eval(session=sess)) embedded_c_val = (tf.nn.embedding_lookup( pretrained_embeddings, padded_c_inputs_val).eval(session=sess)) test_q = embedded_q_val test_c = embedded_c_val batch_mask_q = masks_q_val batch_mask_c = masks_c_val start_pred_val, end_pred_val = [a_s, a_e], feed_dict={ input_q_placeholder: test_q, input_c_placeholder: test_c, mask_q_placeholder: batch_mask_q, mask_c_placeholder: batch_mask_c }) their_f1 = [] their_em = [] my_f1 = [] my_em = [] print(test_samples) print(len(end_true_val)) for i in range(test_samples): p = c_text_val[i] #print(len(p)) #print(end_true_val[i]) #print(start_true_val[i]) answer = p[start_pred_val[i]:end_pred_val[i] + 1] answer = ' '.join(answer) true_answer = p[start_true_val[i]:end_true_val[i] + 1] true_answer = ' '.join(true_answer) their_f1.append(f1_score(answer, true_answer)) their_em.append(exact_match_score(answer, true_answer)) my_f1.append( my_f1_score(start_pred_val[i], end_pred_val[i], start_true_val[i], end_true_val[i])) my_em.append( my_em_score(start_pred_val[i], end_pred_val[i], start_true_val[i], end_true_val[i])) their_f1_score = np.average(their_f1) their_em_score = np.average(their_em) f1 = np.average(my_f1) em = np.average(my_em) print("Their f1 valscore: ", their_f1_score, " em score: ", their_em_score, " on ", test_samples, " samples") print("My f1 val score: ", f1, " em score: ", em, " on ", test_samples, " samples")
def run(load_train_dir, save_train_dir): print(load_train_dir) print(save_train_dir) print("creating session") sess = tf.Session() print("running") print("reading in data") text_file = open("./data/squad/train.span", "r") labels ="\n") text_file.close() num_entries = int( len(labels) / 1000 ) - 1 #take out the /1000 when you run for real. ?? ? ? ?marks are just to remind me to do that #labels = tf.convert_to_tensor(labels) print("num entries = ", num_entries) print("num epochs = ", num_epochs) print("batch size = ", batch_size) print("creating model") input_q_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(batch_size, max_q_words, embed_size), name='input_q_placeholder') input_c_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(batch_size, max_c_words, embed_size), name='input_c_placeholder') start_answer_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(batch_size, max_c_words), name='start_answer_placeholder') end_answer_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(batch_size, max_c_words), name='end_answer_placeholder') mask_q_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, shape=(batch_size, max_q_words), name='mask_q_placeholder') mask_c_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, shape=(batch_size, max_c_words), name='mask_q_placeholder') #batch_num = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape = (1), name='batch_num') #batch_num = batch_num.eval(session = sess) #batch_num = batch_num[0] #batch_num = #indexed_tensor = tf.gather(labels, range(batch_size*batch_num, batch_size*(batch_num+1))) print("reading labels") #start_answer = [] #end_answer = [] start_true = [] end_true = [] #start_index = [] #end_index =[] for i in range( num_entries): #batch_size*batch_num, batch_size*(batch_num+1) #if (i%1 == 0): # print("Label # ", i ," of ", num_entries) nums = labels[i].split() start_true.append(int(nums[0])) end_true.append(int(nums[1])) #start_true.append(start_index) #end_true.append(end_index) start_answer = (tf.one_hot(indices=start_true, depth=max_c_words, dtype=tf.int32).eval(session=sess)) end_answer = (tf.one_hot(indices=end_true, depth=max_c_words, dtype=tf.int32).eval(session=sess)) #start_answer = tf.one_hot(indices = start_true, depth = max_c_words, dtype = tf.int32).eval(session = sess) #end_answer = tf.one_hot(indices = end_true, depth = max_c_words, dtype = tf.int32).eval(session = sess) print("shape of start_true") print(np.shape(start_true)) print("shape of start_answer") print(np.shape(start_answer)) text_file = open("./data/squad/train.ids.question", "r") inputs_q ="\n") text_file.close() print("reading questions") myMatrix_q = [] for i in range(num_entries): #if (i%1000 == 0): # print("Question # ", i ," of ", num_entries) nums = inputs_q[i].split() myArray = [] for j in range(len(nums)): myArray.append(int(nums[j])) myMatrix_q.append(myArray) text_file = open("./data/squad/train.ids.context", "r") inputs_c ="\n") text_file.close() print("reading contexts") myMatrix_c = [] for i in range(num_entries): #if (i%1000 == 0): # print("Context index # ", i ," of ", num_entries) nums = inputs_c[i].split() myArray = [] for j in range(len(nums)): myArray.append(int(nums[j])) myMatrix_c.append(myArray) text_file = open("./data/squad/train.context", "r") inputs_c_text ="\n") text_file.close() #print(inputs_c_text[1]) c_text = [] for i in range(num_entries): #if (i%1000 == 0): # print("Context word # ", i ," of ", num_entries) words = inputs_c_text[i].split(" ") myArray = [] for j in range(len(words)): myArray.append(words[j]) #print("words j") #print(words[j]) #print(myArray) c_text.append(myArray) #print("c_text") #print(c_text) padded_q_inputs, masks_q = zip( *pad_sequences(data=myMatrix_q, max_length=max_q_words)) padded_c_inputs, masks_c = zip( *pad_sequences(data=myMatrix_c, max_length=max_c_words)) print("loading embeddings") embed_path = "./data/squad/glove.trimmed.100.npz" pretrained_embeddings = np.load(embed_path)"Keys")"Initialized embeddings.") pretrained_embeddings = tf.constant(pretrained_embeddings.f.glove) #embedded_q = [] #embedded_c = [] #start_time = time.time() #for i in range(num_entries): #if (i%100 == 0): # elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time # start_time = time.time() # print("Embedding question # ",i, "of ", num_entries, " took ",elapsed_time, "seconds") #embedded_q.append(tf.nn.embedding_lookup(pretrained_embeddings, padded_q_inputs[i]).eval(session = sess)) #embedded_c.append(tf.nn.embedding_lookup(pretrained_embeddings, padded_c_inputs[i]).eval(session = sess)) embedded_q = (tf.nn.embedding_lookup(pretrained_embeddings, padded_q_inputs).eval(session=sess)) embedded_c = (tf.nn.embedding_lookup(pretrained_embeddings, padded_c_inputs).eval(session=sess)) print("Done Embedding") """ print("creating model") input_q_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = (batch_size, max_q_words, embed_size), name='input_q_placeholder') input_c_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = (batch_size, max_c_words, embed_size), name='input_c_placeholder') start_answer_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape = (batch_size, max_c_words), name='start_answer_placeholder') end_answer_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape = (batch_size, max_c_words), name='end_answer_placeholder') mask_q_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, shape = (batch_size, max_q_words), name='mask_q_placeholder') mask_c_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, shape = (batch_size, max_c_words), name='mask_q_placeholder') """ print("encoding") mask_int_q = tf.cast(mask_q_placeholder, tf.int32) srclen_q = tf.reduce_sum(mask_int_q, 1) mask_int_c = tf.cast(mask_c_placeholder, tf.int32) srclen_c = tf.reduce_sum(mask_int_c, 1) scope_q = "scope_q" scope_c = "scope_c" scope_decode = "scope_decode" LSTM_cell_q = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(num_units=hidden_size) LSTM_cell_c = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(num_units=hidden_size) LSTM_cell_decode = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(num_units=hidden_size) print("filtering") normed_q = tf.nn.l2_normalize(input_q_placeholder, dim=2) normed_c = tf.nn.l2_normalize(input_c_placeholder, dim=2) print("input placeholder shape") print(input_q_placeholder.get_shape()) print(normed_q.get_shape()) matrix = tf.matmul(normed_q, normed_c, transpose_b=True) print(matrix.get_shape()) attention = tf.reduce_max(matrix, axis=1) print(attention.get_shape()) attention = tf.expand_dims(attention, axis=2) print(attention.get_shape()) filtered_c = input_c_placeholder * attention print(filtered_c.get_shape()) ###SEGFAULT HAPPENS AFTER HERE print("Building context representation") #These two lines gave segfaults. It was caused by time_major being set to true when it should have been false print("Mask Length Shape") print(srclen_q.get_shape()) outputs_q, _ = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(LSTM_cell_q, LSTM_cell_q, input_q_placeholder, srclen_q, scope=scope_q, time_major=False, dtype=tf.float32) outputs_c, _ = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(LSTM_cell_c, LSTM_cell_c, filtered_c, srclen_c, scope=scope_c, time_major=False, dtype=tf.float32) print( "concat shapes. Why are they still length 100? Because our hidden layer output is size 50 " ) #####SEGFAULT HAPPENS BEFORE HERE q_output_concat = tf.concat(2, outputs_q) print(q_output_concat.get_shape()) c_output_concat = tf.concat(2, outputs_c) print(c_output_concat.get_shape()) print("decoding") print( "This isn't a good way to handle masking. Unless the fact that these are outputs of a masked LSTM takes care of that. It might." ) combined_q_and_c = tf.concat(1, (q_output_concat, c_output_concat)) print(combined_q_and_c.get_shape()) #print("Checking to see if segfault is passed") #avgLoss = tf.reduce_mean(q_output_concat) val, state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell=LSTM_cell_decode, inputs=combined_q_and_c, dtype=tf.float32, scope=scope_decode) val = tf.transpose(val, [1, 0, 2]) #reshape value last_output = tf.gather(val, int(val.get_shape()[0]) - 1) #take only value from last input to LSTM print(last_output.get_shape()) W_s = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([hidden_size, max_c_words])) b_s = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[max_c_words])) W_e = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([hidden_size, max_c_words])) b_e = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[max_c_words])) p_s_true = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(last_output, W_s) + b_s) #starting place probabilities print("shape of p_s_true") print(p_s_true.get_shape()) p_s_false = 1 - p_s_true p_s = tf.pack([p_s_false, p_s_true], axis=2) print("shape of p_s") print(p_s.get_shape()) p_e_true = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(last_output, W_e) + b_e) #ending place probabilities p_e_false = 1 - p_e_true p_e = tf.pack([p_e_false, p_e_true], axis=2) a_s = tf.argmax(p_s_true, axis=1) a_e = tf.argmax(p_e_true, axis=1) a_e = tf.maximum(a_s, a_e) print("shape of a_s") print(a_s.get_shape()) print("label shape") print(start_answer_placeholder.get_shape()) l1 = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=p_s, labels=start_answer_placeholder) l2 = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=p_e, labels=end_answer_placeholder) loss = l1 + l2 print("shape of loss") print(loss.get_shape()) loss_by_question = tf.reduce_sum(loss, axis=1) print("shape of loss_by_question") print(loss_by_question.get_shape()) avgLoss = tf.reduce_mean(loss_by_question) #print("shape of avgLoss") #print(avgLoss.get_shape()) train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(avgLoss) tf.global_variables_initializer().run(session=sess) print("training") num_batches = int(np.floor(num_entries / batch_size)) print("num batches: ", num_batches) print("Creating saver") saver = tf.train.Saver() for j in range(num_epochs): #epochs batch_error_total = 0 print("epoch %d of %d" % (j + 1, num_epochs)) print("not shuffling yet") for i in range(num_batches): if (i % 100 == 0): print("Batch # ", i, " of ", num_batches) batch_q = embedded_q[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size] batch_c = embedded_c[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size] batch_mask_q = masks_q[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size] batch_mask_c = masks_c[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size] start_batch = [] end_batch = [] for k in range(batch_size): start_batch.append(start_answer[i * batch_size + k]) end_batch.append(end_answer[i * batch_size + k]) _, batch_error = [train_step, avgLoss], feed_dict={ input_q_placeholder: batch_q, input_c_placeholder: batch_c, start_answer_placeholder: start_batch, end_answer_placeholder: end_batch, mask_q_placeholder: batch_mask_q, mask_c_placeholder: batch_mask_c }) batch_error_total += float(batch_error) / num_batches avg_train_error = batch_error_total print("epoch %d has average training error of %f" % (j + 1, avg_train_error)) print("saving"), 'my-model') print("Evaluating EM and f1 scores") test_samples = np.minimum(num_entries, batch_size) em = 0 f1 = 0 num_pred = 0 num_true = 0 num_same = 0 test_q = embedded_q[0:test_samples] test_c = embedded_c[0:test_samples] batch_mask_q = masks_q[0:test_samples] batch_mask_c = masks_c[0:test_samples] start_pred, end_pred = [a_s, a_e], feed_dict={ input_q_placeholder: test_q, input_c_placeholder: test_c, mask_q_placeholder: batch_mask_q, mask_c_placeholder: batch_mask_c }) em = 0 f1 = 0 their_f1 = [] their_em = [] for i in range(test_samples): #Their Evaluation p = c_text[i] #print(p) #print("length p = ", len(p)) #p = np.asarray(p) #print("start pred = ", start_pred[i]) #print("end pred = ", end_pred[i]) #start = np.minimum(start_pred[i], len(p)-1) #end = np.minimum(end_pred[i], len(p)-1) answer = p[start_pred[i]:end_pred[i] + 1] answer = ' '.join(answer) #print("predicted answer = ", answer) #print("start true = ", start_true[i]) #print("end true = ", end_true[i]) true_answer = p[start_true[i]:end_true[i] + 1] true_answer = ' '.join(true_answer) #print("true answer = ", true_answer) their_f1.append(f1_score(answer, true_answer)) em_one = exact_match_score(answer, true_answer) their_em.append(em_one) #if (em_one == 1): #print(start_true[i]) #print("My answer: ", answer) #print("True answer: ", true_answer) #My evaluation if ((start_pred[i] == start_true[i]) and (end_pred[i] == end_true[i])): em = em + 1 / test_samples if ((start_pred[i] > end_true[i]) or (start_true[i] > end_pred[i])): overlap = 0 else: overlap_1 = end_true[i] - start_pred[i] + 1 overlap_2 = end_pred[i] - start_true[i] + 1 overlap = np.min([overlap_1, overlap_2]) num_pred = num_pred + end_pred[i] - start_pred[i] + 1 num_true = num_true + end_true[i] - start_true[i] + 1 num_same = num_same + overlap precision = num_same / num_pred recall = num_same / num_true if (num_same != 0): #print("precision + recall = ", precision+recall) f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall) their_f1_score = np.average(their_f1) their_em_score = np.average(their_em) print("Their f1 score: ", their_f1_score, " em score: ", their_em_score, " on ", test_samples, " samples") print("My f1 score: ", f1, " em score: ", em, " on ", test_samples, " samples")
def generate_answers(sess, dataset, rev_vocab, train_dir, embed_path): """ Loop over the dev or test dataset and generate answer. Note: output format must be answers[uuid] = "real answer" You must provide a string of words instead of just a list, or start and end index In main() function we are dumping onto a JSON file will take the output JSON along with the original JSON file and output a F1 and EM You must implement this function in order to submit to Leaderboard. :param sess: active TF session :param model: a built QASystem model :param rev_vocab: this is a list of vocabulary that maps index to actual words :return: """ #ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(train_dir) #v2_path = ckpt.model_checkpoint_path + ".index""Reading model parameters from %s" % ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) #model.saver.restore(session, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) print(len(rev_vocab)) print(type(rev_vocab)) print(rev_vocab[0]) print(type(rev_vocab[0])) max_q_words = 60 # longest sequence to parse max_c_words = 250 batch_size = 70 embed_size = 100 new_saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('./train/my-model-final2.meta') print(tf.train.latest_checkpoint('./')) new_saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint('./train'))"Reading model parameters from my-model-final2.meta") a_e = tf.get_collection('vars2')[0] a_s = tf.get_collection('vars2')[1] input_q_placeholder = tf.get_collection('vars2')[2] input_c_placeholder = tf.get_collection('vars2')[3] mask_q_placeholder = tf.get_collection('vars2')[4] mask_c_placeholder = tf.get_collection('vars2')[5] context_data, question_data, question_uuid_data = dataset print("num uuids") print(len(question_uuid_data)) print("uuid example") print(question_uuid_data[0]) num_questions = int(len(context_data)) # ? ? ? remove the /50 when running for real print("num_questions = ", num_questions) num_batches = int(num_questions/batch_size) question_int = [] context_int = [] for i in range (num_questions): q1 = question_data[i] q1 = q1.split(" ") q1_int = [int(x) for x in q1] question_int.append(q1_int) c1 = context_data[i] c1 = c1.split(" ") c1_int = [int(x) for x in c1] context_int.append(c1_int) pretrained_embeddings= np.load(embed_path) pretrained_embeddings = tf.constant(pretrained_embeddings.f.glove) padded_q_inputs, masks_q = zip(*pad_sequences(data = question_int, max_length = max_q_words)) #possible this will exceed memory allotment with unseen error and require batching padded_c_inputs, masks_c = zip(*pad_sequences(data = context_int, max_length = max_c_words)) print("embedding") embedded_q = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(pretrained_embeddings, padded_q_inputs).eval(session = sess) embedded_c = (tf.nn.embedding_lookup(pretrained_embeddings, padded_c_inputs).eval(session = sess)) answers = [] start_index = [] end_index = [] for i in range(num_batches): if (i%100 == 0): print("Batch # ", i ," of ", num_batches) batch_mask_q = masks_q[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size] batch_mask_c = masks_c[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size] batch_q = embedded_q[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size] batch_c = embedded_c[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size] a_s_, a_e_ =[a_s, a_e], feed_dict={input_q_placeholder: batch_q, input_c_placeholder: batch_c, mask_q_placeholder: batch_mask_q, mask_c_placeholder: batch_mask_c}) start_index.extend(a_s_) #was append but extend makes more sense end_index.extend(a_e_) #print(start_index) #print(len(start_index)) answer_list = [] #print("num_questions: ", num_questions) #print("num end_indexes: ", len(end_index)) #print("num start_indexes: ", len(start_index)) answers = {} print('here 1') for j in range(len(end_index)): #print("length of context: ", len(context_int[j])) #print("end_index: ", end_index[j]) answer_ids = context_int[j][start_index[j] : end_index[j]+1] #print(answer_ids) answer_words = [] for i in range(len(answer_ids)): answer_words.append(rev_vocab[answer_ids[i]]) answer_words = ' '.join(answer_words) #answer_list.append(answer_words) uuid = question_uuid_data[j] answers[uuid] = answer_words #print(len(answer_list)) #print(answer_list[0]) #print(answer_words) #print(type(answer_words)) print('here 2') #for loop finding the answer in each context based on each start and end index #print(answers[question_uuid_data[0]]) return answers