Пример #1
def test_symbol():
    expN = OperatorSymbol("expN", hs=1)
    hs1 = LocalSpace("sym1", dimension=10)
    hs2 = LocalSpace("sym2", dimension=5)
    N = Create(hs=hs1) * Destroy(hs=hs1)

    M = Create(hs=hs2) * Destroy(hs=hs2)

    converter1 = {expN: convert_to_qutip(N).expm()}
    expNq = convert_to_qutip(expN, mapping=converter1)

    assert (np.linalg.norm(expNq.data.toarray() -
                           (convert_to_qutip(N).expm().data.toarray())) < 1e-8)

    expNMq = convert_to_qutip(expN * M, mapping=converter1)

    assert (np.linalg.norm(expNMq.data.toarray() - (qutip.tensor(
        convert_to_qutip(N).expm(), convert_to_qutip(M)).data.toarray())) <

    converter2 = {expN: lambda expr: convert_to_qutip(N).expm()}
    expNq = convert_to_qutip(expN, mapping=converter2)

    assert (np.linalg.norm(expNq.data.toarray() -
                           (convert_to_qutip(N).expm().data.toarray())) < 1e-8)

    expNMq = convert_to_qutip(expN * M, mapping=converter1)

    assert (np.linalg.norm(expNMq.data.toarray() - (qutip.tensor(
        convert_to_qutip(N).expm(), convert_to_qutip(M)).data.toarray())) <
Пример #2
def test_custom_localspace_identifier_hash():
    """Test hashes for expressions with different local_identifiers for their
    Hilbert spaces have different hashes"""
    hs1 = LocalSpace(1)
    hs1_custom = LocalSpace(1, local_identifiers={'Destroy': 'b'})
    assert hash(hs1) != hash(hs1_custom)
    a = Destroy(hs=hs1)
    b = Destroy(hs=hs1_custom)
    assert hash(a) != hash(b)
Пример #3
def test_basis_change():
    """Test that we can change the basis of an Expression's Hilbert space
    through substitution"""
    a = Destroy(hs=1)
    assert a.space == LocalSpace('1')
    assert not a.space.has_basis
    subs = {LocalSpace('1'): LocalSpace('1', basis=(-1, 0, 1))}
    b = a.substitute(subs)
    assert str(a) == str(b)
    assert a != b
    assert b.space.dimension == 3
    assert b.space.basis_labels == ('-1', '0', '1')
Пример #4
def test_op_product_space():
    """Test that a product of operators has the correct Hilbert space"""
    a = Destroy(hs=1)
    b = Destroy(hs=2)
    p = a * b
    assert p.space == ProductSpace(LocalSpace(1), LocalSpace(2))
    assert not p.space.has_basis

    hs1 = LocalSpace(1, dimension=3)
    a = a.substitute({LocalSpace(1): hs1})
    p = a * b
    assert p.space == ProductSpace(hs1, LocalSpace(2))
    assert not p.space.has_basis

    hs2 = LocalSpace(2, dimension=2)
    b = b.substitute({LocalSpace(2): hs2})
    p = a * b
    ps = ProductSpace(hs1, hs2)
    assert p.space == ps
    assert p.space.dimension == 6
    assert p.space.basis_labels == ('0,0', '0,1', '1,0', '1,1', '2,0', '2,1')

    hs1_2 = LocalSpace(1, basis=('g', 'e'))
    hs2_2 = LocalSpace(2, basis=('g', 'e'))
    p = p.substitute({hs1: hs1_2, hs2: hs2_2})
    assert p.space.dimension == 4
    assert p.space.basis_labels == ('g,g', 'g,e', 'e,g', 'e,e')

    b = b.substitute({hs2: hs1})
    p = a * b
    assert p.space == hs1
    assert p.space.dimension == 3
    assert p.space.basis_labels == ('0', '1', '2')
Пример #5
    def _diff(self, sym):
        from qalgebra.library.fock_operators import Create, Destroy

        hs = self.space
        if sym in hs.free_symbols:
            return StateDerivative(self, derivs={sym: 1})
            return (self._ampl * Create(hs=hs) -
                    self._ampl.conjugate() * Destroy(hs=hs)).diff(sym) * self
Пример #6
def test_commutator_oder():
    """Test anti-commutativity of commutators"""
    hs = LocalSpace("0")
    A = OperatorSymbol('A', hs=hs)
    B = OperatorSymbol('B', hs=hs)
    assert Commutator.create(B, A) == -Commutator(A, B)
    a = Destroy(hs=hs)
    a_dag = Create(hs=hs)
    assert Commutator.create(a, a_dag) == -Commutator.create(a_dag, a)
def test_scalar_coeff_cc():
    """Test that we can find complex conjugates in a sum of
    hs_1 = LocalSpace('q1', basis=('g', 'e'))
    hs_2 = LocalSpace('q2', basis=('g', 'e'))
    kappa = Symbol('kappa', real=True)
    a1 = Destroy(hs=hs_1)
    a2 = Destroy(hs=hs_2)

    jc_expr = (I / 2 * (2 * kappa * (a1.dag() * a2) - 2 * kappa *
                        (a1 * a2.dag())))

    simplified = rewrite_with_operator_pm_cc(jc_expr)
    assert simplified == I * kappa * OperatorPlusMinusCC(a1.dag() * a2,
    expanded = simplified.doit()
    assert expanded == I * kappa * (a1.dag() * a2 - a1 * a2.dag())
Пример #8
def test_substitute_sub_expr(H_JC):
    """Test that we can replace non-atomic sub-expressions"""
    hil_a = LocalSpace('A')
    hil_b = LocalSpace('B')
    omega_a, omega_b, g = symbols('omega_a, omega_b, g')
    a = Destroy(hs=hil_a)
    a_dag = a.dag()
    b = Destroy(hs=hil_b)
    b_dag = b.dag()
    n_op_a = OperatorSymbol('n', hs=hil_a)
    n_op_b = OperatorSymbol('n', hs=hil_b)
    x_op = OperatorSymbol('x', hs=H_JC.space)
    mapping = {
        a_dag * a: n_op_a,
        b_dag * b: n_op_b,
        (a_dag * b + b_dag * a): x_op + x_op.dag(),
    H2_expected = (omega_a * n_op_a + omega_b * n_op_b + 2 * g *
                   (x_op + x_op.dag()))

    H2 = H_JC.substitute(mapping)
    assert H2 == H2_expected

    H2 = substitute(H_JC, mapping)
    assert H2 == H2_expected
Пример #9
def H_JC():
    hil_a = LocalSpace('A')
    hil_b = LocalSpace('B')
    a = Destroy(hs=hil_a)
    a_dag = a.dag()
    b = Destroy(hs=hil_b)
    b_dag = b.dag()
    omega_a, omega_b, g = symbols('omega_a, omega_b, g')
    H = (omega_a * a_dag * a + omega_b * b_dag * b + 2 * g *
         (a_dag * b + b_dag * a))
    return H
Пример #10
def test_equal_hash():
    """Test that expressions with and equal hash or not equal, and that they
    can be used as dictionary keys"""
    a = Destroy(hs="0")
    expr1 = -a
    expr2 = -2 * a
    h1 = hash(expr1)
    h2 = hash(expr2)
    # expr1 and expr2 just happen to have a hash collision for the current
    # implementation of the the hash function. This does not mean that they
    # are not distinguishable!
    assert h1 == h2  # this is the point of the test
    assert expr1 != expr2
    d = {}
    d[expr1] = 1
    d[expr2] = 2
    assert d[expr1] == 1
    assert d[expr2] == 2
def test_simple_cc():
    """Test that we can find complex conjugates in a sum directly"""
    hs_c = LocalSpace('c', dimension=3)
    hs_q = LocalSpace('q1', basis=('g', 'e'))
    Delta_1 = Symbol('Delta_1')
    Omega_1 = Symbol('Omega_1')
    g_1 = Symbol('g_1')
    a = Destroy(hs=hs_c)
    a_dag = Create(hs=hs_c)
    sig_p = LocalSigma('e', 'g', hs=hs_q)
    sig_m = LocalSigma('g', 'e', hs=hs_q)
    coeff = (-I / 2) * (Omega_1 * g_1 / Delta_1)
    jc_expr = coeff * (a * sig_p - a_dag * sig_m)

    simplified = rewrite_with_operator_pm_cc(jc_expr)
    assert simplified == coeff * OperatorPlusMinusCC(a * sig_p, sign=-1)
    assert (srepr(simplified.term) ==
            "OperatorPlusMinusCC(OperatorTimes(Destroy(hs=LocalSpace('c', "
            "dimension=3)), LocalSigma('e', 'g', hs=LocalSpace('q1', "
            "basis=('g', 'e')))), sign=-1)")
    expanded = simplified.doit()
    assert expanded == jc_expr
Пример #12
def test_known_commutators():
    """Test that well-known commutators are recognized"""
    fock = LocalSpace("0")
    spin = SpinSpace("0", spin=1)
    a = Destroy(hs=fock)
    a_dag = Create(hs=fock)
    assert Commutator.create(a, a_dag) == IdentityOperator
    assert Commutator.create(a_dag, a) == -IdentityOperator

    assert Commutator.create(LocalSigma(1, 0, hs=fock),
                             LocalSigma(0, 1, hs=fock)) == LocalProjector(
                                 1, hs=fock) - LocalProjector(0, hs=fock)
    assert Commutator.create(LocalSigma(1, 0, hs=fock),
                                 hs=fock)) == (-1 * LocalSigma(1, 0, hs=fock))
    assert Commutator.create(LocalSigma(1, 0, hs=fock),
                             LocalProjector(0, hs=fock)) == LocalSigma(1,
    assert Commutator.create(LocalSigma(1, 0, hs=fock),
                             Create(hs=fock)) == (-sqrt(2) *
                                                  LocalSigma(2, 0, hs=fock))
    assert Commutator.create(Jplus(hs=spin), Jz(hs=spin)) == -Jplus(hs=spin)
Пример #13
def test_substitute_sympy_formula(H_JC):
    """Test that we can replace sympy symbols with other sympy formulas"""
    omega_a, omega_b, g = symbols('omega_a, omega_b, g')
    Delta_a, Delta_b, delta, kappa = symbols('Delta_a, Delta_b, delta, kappa')
    hil_a = LocalSpace('A')
    hil_b = LocalSpace('B')
    a = Destroy(hs=hil_a)
    a_dag = a.dag()
    b = Destroy(hs=hil_b)
    b_dag = b.dag()
    mapping = {omega_a: Delta_a, omega_b: Delta_b, g: kappa / (2 * delta)}
    H2_expected = (Delta_a * a_dag * a + Delta_b * b_dag * b +
                   (kappa / delta) * (a_dag * b + b_dag * a))

    H2 = H_JC.substitute(mapping)
    assert H2 == H2_expected

    H2 = substitute(H_JC, mapping)
    assert H2 == H2_expected
Пример #14
def test_substitute_numvals(H_JC):
    """Test that we can substitute in numbers for scalar coefficients"""
    omega_a, omega_b, g = symbols('omega_a, omega_b, g')

    num_vals = {
        omega_a: 0.2,
        omega_b: 0,
        g: 1,

    hil_a = LocalSpace('A')
    hil_b = LocalSpace('B')
    a = Destroy(hs=hil_a)
    a_dag = a.dag()
    b = Destroy(hs=hil_b)
    b_dag = b.dag()
    H2_expected = 0.2 * a_dag * a + 2 * (a_dag * b + b_dag * a)

    H2 = H_JC.substitute(num_vals)
    assert H2 == H2_expected

    H2 = substitute(H_JC, num_vals)
    assert H2 == H2_expected