def __init__(self, name: str, initial_a: Optional[int] = None, initial_b: Optional[int] = None, scale_a: Optional[float] = None, get_cmd: Optional[str] = "CMD?") -> None: super().__init__(name) self._a = 0 self._b = 0 self._get_cmd = get_cmd self.add_parameter("a", get_parser=int, parameter_class=GroupParameter, docstring="Some succinct description", label="label", unit="SI", initial_value=initial_a, scale=scale_a) self.add_parameter("b", get_parser=int, parameter_class=GroupParameter, docstring="Some succinct description", label="label", unit="SI", initial_value=initial_b) = Group([self.a, self.b], set_cmd="CMD {a}, {b}", get_cmd=get_cmd)
def __init__(self, parent: "Model_372", output_name: str, output_index: int) -> None: super().__init__(parent, output_name, output_index, has_pid=True) # Add more parameters for OUTMODE command # and redefine the corresponding group self.add_parameter('polarity', label='Output polarity', docstring='Specifies output polarity (not ' 'applicable to warm-up heater)', val_mapping=self.POLARITIES, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.add_parameter('use_filter', label='Use filter for readings', docstring='Specifies controlling on unfiltered or ' 'filtered readings', val_mapping={ True: 1, False: 0 }, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.add_parameter('delay', label='Delay', unit='s', docstring='Delay in seconds for setpoint change ' 'during Autoscanning', vals=vals.Ints(0, 255), get_parser=int, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.output_group = Group([ self.mode, self.input_channel, self.powerup_enable, self.polarity, self.use_filter, self.delay ], set_cmd=f'OUTMODE {output_index}, {{mode}}, ' f'{{input_channel}}, ' f'{{powerup_enable}}, {{polarity}}, ' f'{{use_filter}}, {{delay}}', get_cmd=f'OUTMODE? {output_index}') self.P.vals = vals.Numbers(0.0, 1000) self.I.vals = vals.Numbers(0.0, 10000) self.D.vals = vals.Numbers(0, 2500)
def __init__(self, parent: 'B1517A', name: str, **kwargs: Any): super().__init__(parent, name, **kwargs) self._sweep_step_parameters: SweepSteps = \ {"sweep_mode": constants.SweepMode.LINEAR, "sweep_range": constants.VOutputRange.AUTO, "sweep_start": 0.0, "sweep_end": 0.0, "sweep_steps": 1, "current_compliance": None, "power_compliance": None} self.add_parameter(name='sweep_auto_abort', set_cmd=self._set_sweep_auto_abort, get_cmd=self._get_sweep_auto_abort, set_parser=constants.Abort, get_parser=constants.Abort, vals=vals.Enum(*list(constants.Abort)), initial_cache_value=constants.Abort.ENABLED, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" The WM command enables or disables the automatic abort function for the staircase sweep sources and the pulsed sweep source. The automatic abort function stops the measurement when one of the following conditions occurs: - Compliance on the measurement channel - Compliance on the non-measurement channel - Overflow on the AD converter - Oscillation on any channel This command also sets the post measurement condition for the sweep sources. After the measurement is normally completed, the staircase sweep sources force the value specified by the post parameter, and the pulsed sweep source forces the pulse base value. If the measurement is stopped by the automatic abort function, the staircase sweep sources force the start value, and the pulsed sweep source forces the pulse base value after sweep. """)) self.add_parameter(name='post_sweep_voltage_condition', set_cmd=self._set_post_sweep_voltage_condition, get_cmd=self._get_post_sweep_voltage_condition, set_parser=constants.WM.Post, get_parser=constants.WM.Post, vals=vals.Enum(*list(constants.WM.Post)), initial_cache_value=constants.WM.Post.START, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Source output value after the measurement is normally completed. If this parameter is not set, the sweep sources force the start value. """)) self.add_parameter(name='hold_time', initial_value=0.0, vals=vals.Numbers(0, 655.35), unit='s', parameter_class=GroupParameter, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Hold time (in seconds) that is the wait time after starting measurement and before starting delay time for the first step 0 to 655.35 s, with 10 ms resolution. Numeric expression. """)) self.add_parameter(name='delay', initial_value=0.0, vals=vals.Numbers(0, 65.535), unit='s', parameter_class=GroupParameter, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Delay time (in seconds) that is the wait time after starting to force a step output and before starting a step measurement. 0 to 65.535 s, with 0.1 ms resolution. Numeric expression. """)) self.add_parameter(name='step_delay', initial_value=0.0, vals=vals.Numbers(0, 1), unit='s', parameter_class=GroupParameter, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Step delay time (in seconds) that is the wait time after starting a step measurement and before starting to force the next step output. 0 to 1 s, with 0.1 ms resolution. Numeric expression. If this parameter is not set, step delay will be 0. If step delay is shorter than the measurement time, the B1500 waits until the measurement completes, then forces the next step output. """)) self.add_parameter(name='trigger_delay', initial_value=0.0, unit='s', parameter_class=GroupParameter, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Step source trigger delay time (in seconds) that is the wait time after completing a step output setup and before sending a step output setup completion trigger. 0 to the value of ``delay`` s, with 0.1 ms resolution. If this parameter is not set, trigger delay will be 0. """)) self.add_parameter(name='measure_delay', initial_value=0.0, unit='s', vals=vals.Numbers(0, 65.535), parameter_class=GroupParameter, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Step measurement trigger delay time (in seconds) that is the wait time after receiving a start step measurement trigger and before starting a step measurement. 0 to 65.535 s, with 0.1 ms resolution. Numeric expression. If this parameter is not set, measure delay will be 0. """)) self._set_sweep_delays_group = Group( [ self.hold_time, self.delay, self.step_delay, self.trigger_delay, self.measure_delay ], set_cmd='WT ' '{hold_time},' '{delay},' '{step_delay},' '{trigger_delay},' '{measure_delay}', get_cmd=self._get_sweep_delays(), get_parser=self._get_sweep_delays_parser) self.add_parameter(name='sweep_mode', set_cmd=self._set_sweep_mode, get_cmd=self._get_sweep_mode, vals=vals.Enum(*list(constants.SweepMode)), set_parser=constants.SweepMode, snapshot_get=False, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Sweep mode. Note that Only linear sweep (mode=1 or 3) is available for the staircase sweep with pulsed bias. 1: Linear sweep (single stair, start to stop.) 2: Log sweep (single stair, start to stop.) 3: Linear sweep (double stair, start to stop to start.) 4: Log sweep (double stair, start to stop to start.) """)) self.add_parameter(name='sweep_range', set_cmd=self._set_sweep_range, get_cmd=self._get_sweep_range, vals=vals.Enum(*list(constants.VOutputRange)), set_parser=constants.VOutputRange, snapshot_get=False, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Ranging type for staircase sweep voltage output. Integer expression. See Table 4-4 on page 20. The B1500 usually uses the minimum range that covers both start and stop values to force the staircase sweep voltage. However, if you set `power_compliance` and if the following formulas are true, the B1500 uses the minimum range that covers the output value, and changes the output range dynamically (20 V range or above). Range changing may cause 0 V output in a moment. For the limited auto ranging, the instrument never uses the range less than the specified range. - Icomp > maximum current for the output range - Pcomp/output voltage > maximum current for the output range """)) self.add_parameter(name='sweep_start', set_cmd=self._set_sweep_start, get_cmd=self._get_sweep_start, unit='V', vals=vals.Numbers(-25, 25), snapshot_get=False, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Start value of the stair case sweep (in V). For the log sweep, start and stop must have the same polarity. """)) self.add_parameter(name='sweep_end', set_cmd=self._set_sweep_end, get_cmd=self._get_sweep_end, unit='V', vals=vals.Numbers(-25, 25), snapshot_get=False, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Stop value of the DC bias sweep (in V). For the log sweep,start and stop must have the same polarity. """)) self.add_parameter(name='sweep_steps', set_cmd=self._set_sweep_steps, get_cmd=self._get_sweep_steps, vals=vals.Ints(1, 1001), snapshot_get=False, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Number of steps for staircase sweep. Possible values from 1 to 1001""")) self.add_parameter(name='current_compliance', set_cmd=self._set_current_compliance, get_cmd=self._get_current_compliance, unit='A', vals=vals.Numbers(-40, 40), snapshot_get=False, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Current compliance (in A). Refer to Manual 2016. See Table 4-7 on page 24, Table 4-9 on page 26, Table 4-12 on page 27, or Table 4-15 on page 28 for each measurement resource type. If you do not set current_compliance, the previous value is used. Compliance polarity is automatically set to the same polarity as the output value, regardless of the specified Icomp. If the output value is 0, the compliance polarity is positive. If you set Pcomp, the maximum Icomp value for the measurement resource is allowed, regardless of the output range setting. """)) self.add_parameter(name='power_compliance', set_cmd=self._set_power_compliance, get_cmd=self._get_power_compliance, unit='W', vals=vals.Numbers(0.001, 80), snapshot_get=False, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Power compliance (in W). Resolution: 0.001 W. If it is not entered, the power compliance is not set. This parameter is not available for HVSMU. 0.001 to 2 for MPSMU/HRSMU, 0.001 to 20 for HPSMU, 0.001 to 40 for HCSMU, 0.001 to 80 for dual HCSMU, 0.001 to 3 for MCSMU, 0.001 to 100 for UHVU """))
def __init__(self, parent: 'B1520A', name: str, **kwargs: Any): super().__init__(parent, name, **kwargs) self.add_parameter(name='sweep_auto_abort', set_cmd=self._set_sweep_auto_abort, get_cmd=self._get_sweep_auto_abort, set_parser=constants.Abort, get_parser=constants.Abort, vals=vals.Enum(*list(constants.Abort)), initial_cache_value=constants.Abort.ENABLED, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" enables or disables the automatic abort function for the CV (DC bias) sweep measurement (MM18) and the pulsed bias sweep measurement (MM20). The automatic abort function stops the measurement when one of the following conditions occurs: - NULL loop unbalance condition - IV amplifier saturation condition - Overflow on the AD converter """)) self.add_parameter(name='post_sweep_voltage_condition', set_cmd=self._set_post_sweep_voltage_condition, get_cmd=self._get_post_sweep_voltage_condition, set_parser=constants.WMDCV.Post, get_parser=constants.WMDCV.Post, vals=vals.Enum(*list(constants.WMDCV.Post)), initial_cache_value=constants.WMDCV.Post.START, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" This command also sets the post measurement condition of the MFCMU. After the measurement is normally completed, the DC bias sweep source forces the value specified by the post parameter, and the pulsed bias sweep source forces the pulse base value. If the measurement is stopped by the automatic abort function, the DC bias sweep source forces the start value, and the pulsed bias sweep source forces the pulse base value after sweep. """)) self.add_parameter(name='hold_time', initial_value=0.0, vals=vals.Numbers(0, 655.35), unit='s', parameter_class=GroupParameter, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Hold time (in seconds) that is the wait time after starting measurement and before starting delay time for the first step 0 to 655.35, with 10 ms resolution. Numeric expression. """)) self.add_parameter(name='delay', initial_value=0.0, vals=vals.Numbers(0, 65.535), unit='s', parameter_class=GroupParameter, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Delay time (in seconds) that is the wait time after starting to force a step output and before starting a step measurement. 0 to 65.535, with 0.1 ms resolution. Numeric expression. """)) self.add_parameter(name='step_delay', initial_value=0.0, vals=vals.Numbers(0, 1), unit='s', parameter_class=GroupParameter, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Step delay time (in seconds) that is the wait time after starting a step measurement and before starting to force the next step output. 0 to 1, with 0.1 ms resolution. Numeric expression. If this parameter is not set, step delay will be 0. If step delay is shorter than the measurement time, the B1500 waits until the measurement completes, then forces the next step output. """)) self.add_parameter(name='trigger_delay', initial_value=0.0, unit='s', parameter_class=GroupParameter, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Step source trigger delay time (in seconds) that is the wait time after completing a step output setup and before sending a step output setup completion trigger. 0 to the value of ``delay``, with 0.1 ms resolution. Numeric expression. If this parameter is not set, trigger delay will be 0. """)) self.add_parameter(name='measure_delay', initial_value=0.0, unit='s', vals=vals.Numbers(0, 65.535), parameter_class=GroupParameter, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Step measurement trigger delay time (in seconds) that is the wait time after receiving a start step measurement trigger and before starting a step measurement. 0 to 65.535, with 0.1 ms resolution. Numeric expression. If this parameter is not set, measure delay will be 0. """)) self._set_sweep_delays_group = Group( [ self.hold_time, self.delay, self.step_delay, self.trigger_delay, self.measure_delay ], set_cmd='WTDCV ' '{hold_time},' '{delay},' '{step_delay},' '{trigger_delay},' '{measure_delay}', get_cmd=self._get_sweep_delays(), get_parser=self._get_sweep_delays_parser) self.add_parameter(name='sweep_mode', initial_value=constants.SweepMode.LINEAR, vals=vals.Enum(*list(constants.SweepMode)), set_parser=constants.SweepMode, parameter_class=GroupParameter, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Sweep mode. 1: Linear sweep (single stair, start to stop.) 2: Log sweep (single stair, start to stop.) 3: Linear sweep (double stair, start to stop to start.) 4: Log sweep (double stair, start to stop to start.) """)) self.add_parameter(name='sweep_start', initial_value=0.0, unit='V', vals=vals.Numbers(-25, 25), parameter_class=GroupParameter, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Start value of the DC bias sweep (in V). For the log sweep, start and stop must have the same polarity. """)) self.add_parameter(name='sweep_end', initial_value=0.0, unit='V', vals=vals.Numbers(-25, 25), parameter_class=GroupParameter, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Stop value of the DC bias sweep (in V). For the log sweep, start and stop must have the same polarity. """)) self.add_parameter(name='sweep_steps', initial_value=1, vals=vals.Ints(1, 1001), parameter_class=GroupParameter, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Number of steps for staircase sweep. Possible values from 1 to 1001""")) self.add_parameter(name='_chan', initial_value=self.parent.channels[0], parameter_class=GroupParameter) self._set_sweep_steps_group = Group( [ self._chan, self.sweep_mode, self.sweep_start, self.sweep_end, self.sweep_steps ], set_cmd='WDCV ' '{_chan},' '{sweep_mode},' '{sweep_start},' '{sweep_end},' '{sweep_steps}', get_cmd=self._get_sweep_steps(), get_parser=self._get_sweep_steps_parser)
def __init__( self, parent: "qcodes.instrument_drivers.Keysight.keysightb1500.KeysightB1500", name: Optional[str], slot_nr: int, **kwargs: Any, ): super().__init__(parent, name, slot_nr, **kwargs) self.channels = (ChNr(slot_nr), ) self.setup_fnc_already_run = False self._ranging_mode: constants.RangingMode = constants.RangingMode.AUTO self._measurement_range_for_non_auto: Optional[int] = None self.add_parameter(name="voltage_dc", unit="V", set_cmd=self._set_voltage_dc, get_cmd=self._get_voltage_dc, snapshot_get=False) self.add_parameter(name="voltage_ac", unit="V", set_cmd=self._set_voltage_ac, get_cmd=self._get_voltage_ac, snapshot_get=False) self.add_parameter(name="frequency", unit="Hz", set_cmd=self._set_frequency, get_cmd=self._get_frequency, snapshot_get=False) self.add_parameter(name="capacitance", get_cmd=self._get_capacitance, snapshot_value=False) self.add_submodule('correction', Correction(self, 'correction')) self.add_parameter(name="phase_compensation_mode", set_cmd=self._set_phase_compensation_mode, get_cmd=None, set_parser=constants.ADJ.Mode, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" This parameter selects the MFCMU phase compensation mode. This command initializes the MFCMU. The available modes are captured in :class:`constants.ADJ.Mode`: - 0: Auto mode. Initial setting. - 1: Manual mode. - 2: Load adaptive mode. For mode=0, the KeysightB1500 sets the compensation data automatically. For mode=1, execute the :meth:`phase_compensation` method ( the ``ADJ?`` command) to perform the phase compensation and set the compensation data. For mode=2, the KeysightB1500 performs the phase compensation before every measurement. It is useful when there are wide load fluctuations by changing the bias and so on.""")) self.add_submodule('cv_sweep', CVSweeper(self, 'cv_sweep')) self.add_parameter(name='adc_coef', initial_value=1, parameter_class=GroupParameter, vals=vals.Ints(1, 1023), docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Coefficient used to define the number of averaging samples or the averaging time. Integer expression. - For mode=0: 1 to 1023. Initial setting/default setting is 2. - For mode=2: 1 to 100. Initial setting/default setting is 1. """)) self.add_parameter(name='adc_mode', initial_value=constants.ACT.Mode.PLC, parameter_class=GroupParameter, vals=vals.Enum(*list(constants.ACT.Mode)), set_parser=constants.ACT.Mode, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Sets the number of averaging samples or the averaging time set to the A/D converter of the MFCMU ``constants.ACT.Mode.AUTO``: Auto mode. Defines the number of averaging samples given by the following formula. Then initial averaging is the number of averaging samples automatically set by the B1500 and you cannot change. Number of averaging samples = N x initial averaging ``constants.ACT.Mode.PLC``: Power line cycle (PLC) mode. Defines the averaging time given by the following formula. Averaging time = N / power line frequency """)) self._adc_group = Group([self.adc_mode, self.adc_coef], set_cmd='ACT {adc_mode},{adc_coef}', get_cmd=self._get_adc_mode(), get_parser=self._get_adc_mode_parser) self.add_parameter(name='ranging_mode', set_cmd=self._set_ranging_mode, vals=vals.Enum(*list(constants.RangingMode)), set_parser=constants.RangingMode, get_cmd=None, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Specifies the measurement range or the measurement ranging type of the MFCMU. In the initial setting, the auto ranging is set. The range changing occurs immediately after the trigger (that is, during the measurements). Possible ranging modes are autorange and fixed range. """)) self.add_parameter(name='measurement_range_for_non_auto', set_cmd=self._set_measurement_range_for_non_auto, get_cmd=None, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Measurement range. Needs to set when ``ranging_mode`` is set to PLC. The value should be integer 0 or more. 50 ohm, 100 ohm, 300 ohm, 1 kilo ohm, 3 kilo ohm, 10 kilo ohm, 30 kilo ohm, 100 kilo ohm, and 300 kilo ohm are selectable. Available measurement ranges depend on the output signal frequency set by the FC command.""")) self.add_parameter(name="measurement_mode", get_cmd=None, set_cmd=self._set_measurement_mode, set_parser=MM.Mode, vals=vals.Enum(*list(MM.Mode)), docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Set measurement mode for this module. It is recommended for this parameter to use values from :class:`.constants.MM.Mode` enumeration. Refer to the documentation of ``MM`` command in the programming guide for more information. """)) self.add_parameter( name='impedance_model', set_cmd=self._set_impedance_model, get_cmd=None, vals=vals.Enum(*list(constants.IMP.MeasurementMode)), set_parser=constants.IMP.MeasurementMode, initial_value=constants.IMP.MeasurementMode.Cp_D, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" The IMP command specifies the parameter measured by the MFCMU. Look at the ``constants.IMP.MeasurementMode`` for all the modes. """)) self.add_parameter(name='ac_dc_volt_monitor', set_cmd=self._set_ac_dc_volt_monitor, get_cmd=None, vals=vals.Ints(0, 1), initial_value=False, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" This command enables or disables the data monitor and data output of the MFCMU AC voltage and DC voltage. 0: Disables the data monitor and output. Initial setting. 1: Enables the data monitor and output. """)) self.add_parameter(name='cv_sweep_voltages', get_cmd=self._cv_sweep_voltages, unit='V', label='Voltage', docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" Outputs the tuple of voltages to sweep. sweep_start, sweep_end and sweep_step functions are used to define the values of voltages. There are possible modes; linear sweep, log sweep, linear 2 way sweep and log 2 way sweep. The output of sweep_mode method is used to decide which mode to use. """)) self.add_parameter(name='run_sweep', parameter_class=CVSweepMeasurement, docstring=textwrap.dedent(""" This is MultiParameter. Running the sweep runs the measurement on the list of values of cv_sweep_voltages. The output is a primary parameter (for ex Capacitance) and a secondary parameter (for ex Dissipation) both of whom use the same setpoint cv_sweep_voltages. The impedance_model defines exactly what will be the primary and secondary parameter. The default case is Capacitance and Dissipation. """))
def __init__(self, parent: "Model_336", name: str, channel: str): super().__init__(parent, name, channel) # Parameters related to Input Type Parameter Command (INTYPE) self.add_parameter('sensor_type', label='Input sensor type', docstring='Specifies input sensor type', val_mapping={ 'disabled': 0, 'diode': 1, 'platinum_rtd': 2, 'ntc_rtd': 3 }, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.add_parameter('auto_range_enabled', label='Autoranging', docstring='Specifies if autoranging is enabled. ' 'Does not apply for diode sensor type', val_mapping={ False: 0, True: 1 }, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.add_parameter('range', label='Range', docstring='Specifies input range when autorange is ' 'not enabled. If autorange is on, the ' 'returned value corresponds to the ' 'currently auto-selected range. The list ' 'of available ranges depends on the ' 'chosen sensor type: diode 0-1, platinum ' 'RTD 0-6, NTC RTD 0-8. Refer to the page ' '136 of the manual for the lookup table', vals=vals.Numbers(0, 8), parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.add_parameter('compensation_enabled', label='Compensation enabled', docstring='Specifies input compensation. Reversal ' 'for thermal EMF compensation if input ' 'is resistive, room compensation if ' 'input is thermocouple. Always 0 if input ' 'is a diode', val_mapping={ False: 0, True: 1 }, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.add_parameter('units', label='Preferred units', docstring='Specifies the preferred units parameter ' 'for sensor readings and for the control ' 'setpoint (kelvin, celsius, or sensor)', val_mapping={ 'kelvin': 1, 'celsius': 2, 'sensor': 3 }, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.output_group = Group([ self.sensor_type, self.auto_range_enabled, self.range, self.compensation_enabled, self.units ], set_cmd=f'INTYPE {self._channel}, ' f'{{sensor_type}}, ' f'{{auto_range_enabled}}, {{range}}, ' f'{{compensation_enabled}}, ' f'{{units}}', get_cmd=f'INTYPE? {self._channel}')
def __init__(self, name: str, address: str, terminator: str = '\n', **kwargs: Any): """ Create an instance of the instrument. Args: name: Name of the instrument instance address: Visa-resolvable instrument address. """ super().__init__(name, address, terminator=terminator, **kwargs) idn = self.IDN.get() self.has_firmware_a_02_10_or_above = version.parse( convert_legacy_version_to_supported_version( idn["firmware"])) >= version.parse( convert_legacy_version_to_supported_version("A.02.10")) self.has_option_001 = '001' in self._options() self._dc_bias_v_level_range: Union[Numbers, Enum] if self.has_option_001: self._v_level_range = Numbers(0, 20) self._i_level_range = Numbers(0, 0.1) self._imp_range = Enum(0.1, 1, 10, 100, 300, 1000, 3000, 10000, 30000, 100000) self._dc_bias_v_level_range = Numbers(-40, 40) else: self._v_level_range = Numbers(0, 2) self._i_level_range = Numbers(0, 0.02) self._imp_range = Enum(1, 10, 100, 300, 1000, 3000, 10000, 30000, 100000) self._dc_bias_v_level_range = Enum(0, 1.5, 2) self._measurement_pair = MeasurementPair( "CPD", ("capacitance", "dissipation_factor"), ("F", "")) self.add_parameter( "frequency", get_cmd=":FREQuency?", set_cmd=":FREQuency {}", get_parser=float, unit="Hz", vals=Numbers(20, 2E6), docstring="Gets and sets the frequency for normal measurement.") self.add_parameter( "current_level", get_cmd=self._get_current_level, set_cmd=self._set_current_level, unit="A", vals=self._i_level_range, docstring="Gets and sets the current level for measurement signal." ) self.add_parameter( "voltage_level", get_cmd=self._get_voltage_level, set_cmd=self._set_voltage_level, unit="V", vals=self._v_level_range, docstring="Gets and sets the AC bias voltage level for measurement " "signal.") self.add_parameter("measurement_function", get_cmd=":FUNCtion:IMPedance?", set_cmd=self._set_measurement) self.add_parameter( "range", get_cmd=":FUNCtion:IMPedance:RANGe?", set_cmd=self._set_range, unit='Ohm', vals=self._imp_range, docstring="Selects the impedance measurement range, also turns " "the auto range function OFF.") self.add_parameter( "imp_autorange_enabled", get_cmd=":FUNCtion:IMPedance:RANGe:AUTO?", set_cmd=":FUNCtion:IMPedance:RANGe:AUTO {}", val_mapping=create_on_off_val_mapping(on_val="1", off_val="0"), docstring="Enables the auto-range for impedance measurement.") self.add_parameter( "dc_bias_enabled", get_cmd=":BIAS:STATe?", set_cmd=":BIAS:STATe {}", vals=Bool(), val_mapping=create_on_off_val_mapping(on_val="1", off_val="0"), docstring="Enables DC bias. DC bias is automatically turned " "off after recalling the state from memory.") self.add_parameter( "dc_bias_voltage_level", get_cmd=":BIAS:VOLTage:LEVel?", set_cmd=":BIAS:VOLTage:LEVel {}", get_parser=float, unit="V", vals=self._dc_bias_v_level_range, docstring="Sets the DC bias voltage. Setting does not " "implicitly turn the DC bias ON.") self.add_parameter("meas_time_mode", val_mapping={ "short": "SHOR", "medium": "MED", "long": "LONG" }, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.add_parameter("averaging_rate", vals=Ints(1, 256), parameter_class=GroupParameter, get_parser=int, docstring="Averaging rate for the measurement.") self._aperture_group = Group( [self.meas_time_mode, self.averaging_rate], set_cmd=":APERture {meas_time_mode},{averaging_rate}", get_cmd=":APERture?") if self.has_firmware_a_02_10_or_above: self.add_parameter( "dc_bias_autorange_enabled", get_cmd=":BIAS:RANGe:AUTO?", set_cmd=":BIAS:RANGe:AUTO {}", vals=Bool(), val_mapping=create_on_off_val_mapping(on_val="1", off_val="0"), docstring="Enables DC Bias range AUTO setting. When DC bias " "range is fixed (not AUTO), '#' is displayed in " "the BIAS field of the display.") self.add_parameter( "signal_mode", initial_value=None, vals=Enum("Voltage", "Current", None), parameter_class=ManualParameter, docstring="This parameter tracks the signal mode which is being " "set.") self.add_submodule("_correction", Correction4980A(self, "correction")) self._set_signal_mode_on_driver_initialization() self.connect_message()
def __init__(self, parent: "LakeshoreBase", output_name: str, output_index: int, has_pid: bool = True): super().__init__(parent, output_name) self.INVERSE_RANGES: Dict[int, str] = { v: k for k, v in self.RANGES.items() } self._has_pid = has_pid self._output_index = output_index self.add_parameter('mode', label='Control mode', docstring='Specifies the control mode', val_mapping=self.MODES, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.add_parameter('input_channel', label='Input channel', docstring='Specifies which measurement input to ' 'control from (note that only ' 'measurement inputs are available)', parameter_class=GroupParameter, **self._input_channel_parameter_kwargs) self.add_parameter('powerup_enable', label='Power-up enable on/off', docstring='Specifies whether the output remains on ' 'or shuts off after power cycle.', val_mapping={ True: 1, False: 0 }, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.output_group = Group( [self.mode, self.input_channel, self.powerup_enable], set_cmd=f'OUTMODE {output_index}, {{mode}}, ' f'{{input_channel}}, ' f'{{powerup_enable}}', get_cmd=f'OUTMODE? {output_index}') # Parameters for Closed Loop PID Parameter Command if self._has_pid: self.add_parameter('P', label='Proportional (closed-loop)', docstring='The value for closed control loop ' 'Proportional (gain)', vals=vals.Numbers(0, 1000), get_parser=float, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.add_parameter('I', label='Integral (closed-loop)', docstring='The value for closed control loop ' 'Integral (reset)', vals=vals.Numbers(0, 1000), get_parser=float, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.add_parameter('D', label='Derivative (closed-loop)', docstring='The value for closed control loop ' 'Derivative (rate)', vals=vals.Numbers(0, 1000), get_parser=float, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.pid_group = Group([self.P, self.I, self.D], set_cmd=f'PID {output_index}, ' f'{{P}}, {{I}}, {{D}}', get_cmd=f'PID? {output_index}') self.add_parameter( 'output_range', label='Heater range', docstring='Specifies heater output range. The range ' 'setting has no effect if an output is in ' 'the `Off` mode, and does not apply to ' 'an output in `Monitor Out` mode. ' 'An output in `Monitor Out` mode is ' 'always on.', val_mapping=self.RANGES, set_cmd=f'RANGE {output_index}, {{}}', get_cmd=f'RANGE? {output_index}') self.add_parameter('output', label='Output', unit='% of heater range', docstring='Specifies heater output in percent of ' 'the current heater output range.\n' 'Note that when the heater is off, ' 'this parameter will return the value ' 'of 0.005.', get_parser=float, get_cmd=f'HTR? {output_index}', set_cmd=False) self.add_parameter('setpoint', label='Setpoint value (in sensor units)', docstring='The value of the setpoint in the ' 'preferred units of the control loop ' 'sensor (which is set via ' '`input_channel` parameter)', vals=vals.Numbers(0, 400), get_parser=float, set_cmd=f'SETP {output_index}, {{}}', get_cmd=f'SETP? {output_index}') # Additional non-Visa parameters self.add_parameter('range_limits', set_cmd=None, get_cmd=None, vals=vals.Sequence(vals.Numbers(0, 400), require_sorted=True, length=len(self.RANGES) - 1), label='Temperature limits for output ranges', unit='K', docstring='Use this parameter to define which ' 'temperature corresponds to which output ' 'range; then use the ' '`set_range_from_temperature` method to ' 'set the output range via temperature ' 'instead of doing it directly') self.add_parameter('wait_cycle_time', set_cmd=None, get_cmd=None, vals=vals.Numbers(0, 100), label='Waiting cycle time', docstring='Time between two readings when waiting ' 'for temperature to equilibrate', unit='s') self.wait_cycle_time(0.1) self.add_parameter('wait_tolerance', set_cmd=None, get_cmd=None, vals=vals.Numbers(0, 100), label='Waiting tolerance', docstring='Acceptable tolerance when waiting for ' 'temperature to equilibrate', unit='') self.wait_tolerance(0.1) self.add_parameter( 'wait_equilibration_time', set_cmd=None, get_cmd=None, vals=vals.Numbers(0, 100), label='Waiting equilibration time', docstring='Duration during which temperature has to ' 'be within tolerance', unit='s') self.wait_equilibration_time(0.5) self.add_parameter('blocking_t', label='Setpoint value with blocking until it is ' 'reached', docstring='Sets the setpoint value, and input ' 'range, and waits until it is reached. ' 'Added for compatibility with Loop. Note ' 'that if the setpoint value is in ' 'a different range, this function may ' 'wait forever because that setpoint ' 'cannot be reached within the current ' 'range.', vals=vals.Numbers(0, 400), set_cmd=self._set_blocking_t, snapshot_exclude=True)
def __init__(self, parent: "Model_372", name: str, channel: str): super().__init__(parent, name, channel) # Parameters related to Input Channel Parameter Command (INSET) self.add_parameter('enabled', label='Enabled', docstring='Specifies whether the input/channel is ' 'enabled or disabled. At least one ' 'measurement input channel must be ' 'enabled. If all are configured to ' 'disabled, channel 1 will change to ' 'enabled.', val_mapping={ True: 1, False: 0 }, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.add_parameter('dwell', label='Dwell', docstring='Specifies a value for the autoscanning ' 'dwell time.', unit='s', get_parser=int, vals=vals.Numbers(1, 200), parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.add_parameter('pause', label='Change pause time', docstring='Specifies a value for ' 'the change pause time', unit='s', get_parser=int, vals=vals.Numbers(3, 200), parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.add_parameter('curve_number', label='Curve', docstring='Specifies which curve the channel uses: ' '0 = no curve, 1 to 59 = standard/user ' 'curves. Do not change this parameter ' 'unless you know what you are doing.', get_parser=int, vals=vals.Numbers(0, 59), parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.add_parameter('temperature_coefficient', label='Change pause time', docstring='Sets the temperature coefficient that ' 'will be used for temperature control if ' 'no curve is selected (negative or ' 'positive). Do not change this parameter ' 'unless you know what you are doing.', val_mapping={ 'negative': 1, 'positive': 2 }, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.output_group = Group([ self.enabled, self.dwell, self.pause, self.curve_number, self.temperature_coefficient ], set_cmd=f'INSET {self._channel}, ' f'{{enabled}}, {{dwell}}, {{pause}}, ' f'{{curve_number}}, ' f'{{temperature_coefficient}}', get_cmd=f'INSET? {self._channel}') # Parameters related to Input Setup Command (INTYPE) self.add_parameter('excitation_mode', label='Excitation mode', docstring='Specifies excitation mode', val_mapping={ 'voltage': 0, 'current': 1 }, parameter_class=GroupParameter) # The allowed values for this parameter change based on the value of # the 'excitation_mode' parameter. Moreover, there is a table in the # manual that assigns the numbers to particular voltage/current ranges. # Once this parameter is heavily used, it can be implemented properly # (i.e. using val_mapping, and that val_mapping is updated based on the # value of 'excitation_mode'). At the moment, this parameter is added # only because it is a part of a group. self.add_parameter('excitation_range_number', label='Excitation range number', docstring='Specifies excitation range number ' '(1-12 for voltage excitation, 1-22 for ' 'current excitation); refer to the manual ' 'for the table of ranges', get_parser=int, vals=vals.Numbers(1, 22), parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.add_parameter('auto_range', label='Auto range', docstring='Specifies auto range setting', val_mapping={ 'off': 0, 'current': 1 }, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.add_parameter('range', label='Range', val_mapping={ '2.0 mOhm': 1, '6.32 mOhm': 2, '20.0 mOhm': 3, '63.2 mOhm': 4, '200 mOhm': 5, '632 mOhm': 6, '2.00 Ohm': 7, '6.32 Ohm': 8, '20.0 Ohm': 9, '63.2 Ohm': 10, '200 Ohm': 11, '632 Ohm': 12, '2.00 kOhm': 13, '6.32 kOhm': 14, '20.0 kOhm': 15, '63.2 kOhm': 16, '200 kOhm': 17, '632 kOhm': 18, '2.0 MOhm': 19, '6.32 MOhm': 20, '20.0 MOhm': 21, '63.2 MOhm': 22 }, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.add_parameter('current_source_shunted', label='Current source shunt', docstring='Current source either not shunted ' '(excitation on), or shunted ' '(excitation off)', val_mapping={ False: 0, True: 1 }, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.add_parameter('units', label='Preferred units', docstring='Specifies the preferred units parameter ' 'for sensor readings and for the control ' 'setpoint (kelvin or ohms)', val_mapping={ 'kelvin': 1, 'ohms': 2 }, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.output_group = Group([ self.excitation_mode, self.excitation_range_number, self.auto_range, self.range, self.current_source_shunted, self.units ], set_cmd=f'INTYPE {self._channel}, ' f'{{excitation_mode}}, ' f'{{excitation_range_number}}, ' f'{{auto_range}}, {{range}}, ' f'{{current_source_shunted}}, ' f'{{units}}', get_cmd=f'INTYPE? {self._channel}')