Пример #1
    def test_combine_map_label_cols(self):
        """combine_map_label_cols: Combine two or more columns from the \
mapping file"""
        self.combinecolorby = ['Day', 'Type']


        obs = combine_map_label_cols(self.combinecolorby, self.mapping)

        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
Пример #2
    def test_combine_map_label_cols(self):
        """combine_map_label_cols: Combine two or more columns from the \
mapping file"""
        self.combinecolorby = ['Day', 'Type']

        exp = [["Sample-ID", "Day", "Type", "Day&&Type"],
               ["Sample1", "Day1", "Soil", "Day1Soil"],
               ["Sample2", "Day1", "Soil", "Day1Soil"],
               ["Sample3", "Day1", "Soil", "Day1Soil"]]

        obs = combine_map_label_cols(self.combinecolorby, self.mapping)

        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
Пример #3
def main():
    option_parser, opts, args = parse_command_line_parameters(**script_info)

    mapping_fp = opts.mapping_fp
    mapping_category = opts.mapping_category
    otu_table_fp = opts.otu_table_fp
    output_fp = opts.output_fp
    normalize = opts.normalize

    # define a function that returns the bin a sample shouldbe placed into
    bin_function = lambda id_, sample_metadata:\
    # parse the sample metadata and add it to the OTU table (we assume that
    # sample metadata is not already present in the table)
    mapping, headers, comments = parse_mapping_file(open(mapping_fp, 'U'))

    # added in ability to combine metadata columns and summarize based on the
    # new combined category
    if '&&' in mapping_category:
        new_mapping = []
        for i in range(len(mapping)):
        # Create an array using multiple columns from mapping file
        combinecolorby = mapping_category.split('&&')
        mapping = combine_map_label_cols(combinecolorby, new_mapping)

    sample_metadata = mapping_file_to_dict(mapping, headers)
    with biom_open(otu_table_fp, 'U') as biom_file:
        table = parse_biom_table(biom_file)
    # create a new OTU table where samples are binned based on their return
    # value from bin_function
    result = table.collapse(bin_function,

    # normalize the result if requested by the user
    if normalize:
        result.norm(axis='sample', inplace=True)

    # write a new BIOM file
    write_biom_table(result, output_fp)
Пример #4
def main():
    option_parser, opts, args = parse_command_line_parameters(**script_info)

    mapping_fp = opts.mapping_fp
    mapping_category = opts.mapping_category
    otu_table_fp = opts.otu_table_fp
    output_fp = opts.output_fp
    normalize = opts.normalize

    # define a function that returns the bin a sample shouldbe placed into
    bin_function = lambda id_, sample_metadata:\
    # parse the sample metadata and add it to the OTU table (we assume that
    # sample metadata is not already present in the table)
    mapping, headers, comments = parse_mapping_file(open(mapping_fp, 'U'))

    # added in ability to combine metadata columns and summarize based on the
    # new combined category
    if '&&' in mapping_category:
        new_mapping = []
        for i in range(len(mapping)):
        # Create an array using multiple columns from mapping file
        combinecolorby = mapping_category.split('&&')
        mapping = combine_map_label_cols(combinecolorby, new_mapping)

    sample_metadata = mapping_file_to_dict(mapping, headers)
    with biom_open(otu_table_fp, 'U') as biom_file:
        table = parse_biom_table(biom_file)
    # create a new OTU table where samples are binned based on their return
    # value from bin_function
    result = table.collapse(bin_function, norm=False, min_group_size=1,

    # normalize the result if requested by the user
    if normalize:
        result.norm(axis='sample', inplace=True)

    # write a new BIOM file
    write_biom_table(result, output_fp)