def delete_processed_data(self, study, user, callback): """Delete the selected processed data Parameters ---------- study : Study The current study object user : User The current user object callback : function The callback function to call with the results once the processing is done """ pd_id = int(self.get_argument('processed_data_id')) try: Artifact.delete(pd_id) msg = ("Processed data %d has been deleted" % pd_id) msg_level = "success" pd_id = None except Exception as e: msg = ("Couldn't remove processed data %d: %s" % (pd_id, str(e))) msg_level = "danger" callback((msg, msg_level, 'processed_data_tab', pd_id, None))
def approve_study(self, study, user, callback): """Approves the current study if and only if the current user is admin Parameters ---------- study : Study The current study object user : User The current user object callback : function The callback function to call with the results once the processing is done """ if _approve(user.level): pd_id = int(self.get_argument('pd_id')) pd = Artifact(pd_id) pd.visibility = 'private' _propagate_visibility(pd) msg = "Processed data approved" msg_level = "success" else: msg = ("The current user does not have permission to approve " "the processed data") msg_level = "danger" callback((msg, msg_level, "processed_data_tab", pd_id, None))
def setUp(self): uploads_path = get_mountpoint('uploads')[0][1] # Create prep test file to point at self.update_fp = join(uploads_path, '1', 'update.txt') with open(self.update_fp, 'w') as f: f.write("""sample_name\tnew_col\n1.SKD6.640190\tnew_value\n""") self._files_to_remove = [self.update_fp] self._files_to_remove = [] # creating temporal files and artifact # NOTE: we don't need to remove the artifact created cause it's # used to test the delete functionality fd, fp = mkstemp(suffix='_seqs.fna') close(fd) with open(fp, 'w') as f: f.write(">1.sid_r4_0 M02034:17:000000000-A5U18:1:1101:15370:1394 " "1:N:0:1 orig_bc=CATGAGCT new_bc=CATGAGCT bc_diffs=0\n" "GTGTGCCAGCAGCCGCGGTAATACGTAGGG\n") # 4 Demultiplexed filepaths_processed = [(fp, 4)] # 1 for default parameters and input data exp_params = Parameters.from_default_params(DefaultParameters(1), {'input_data': 1}) self.artifact = Artifact.create(filepaths_processed, "Demultiplexed", parents=[Artifact(1)], processing_parameters=exp_params)
def delete_raw_data(self, study, user, callback): """Delete the selected raw data Parameters ---------- study : Study The current study object user : User The current user object callback : function The callback function to call with the results once the processing is done """ raw_data_id = int(self.get_argument('raw_data_id')) prep_template_id = int(self.get_argument('prep_template_id')) try: Artifact.delete(raw_data_id) msg = ("Raw data %d has been deleted from prep_template %d" % (raw_data_id, prep_template_id)) msg_level = "success" except Exception as e: msg = "Couldn't remove raw data %d: %s" % (raw_data_id, str(e)) msg_level = "danger" callback((msg, msg_level, "prep_template_tab", prep_template_id, None))
def test_prep_template_graph_get_req(self): obs = prep_template_graph_get_req(1, '*****@*****.**') exp = {'edge_list': [(1, 3), (1, 2), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6)], 'node_labels': [(1, 'Raw data 1 - FASTQ'), (2, 'Demultiplexed 1 - Demultiplexed'), (3, 'Demultiplexed 2 - Demultiplexed'), (4, 'BIOM - BIOM'), (5, 'BIOM - BIOM'), (6, 'BIOM - BIOM')], 'status': 'success', 'message': ''} self.assertItemsEqual(obs['edge_list'], exp['edge_list']) self.assertItemsEqual(obs['node_labels'], exp['node_labels']) self.assertEqual(obs['status'], exp['status']) self.assertEqual(obs['message'], exp['message']) Artifact(4).visibility = "public" obs = prep_template_graph_get_req(1, '*****@*****.**') exp = {'edge_list': [(1, 2), (2, 4)], 'node_labels': [(1, 'Raw data 1 - FASTQ'), (2, 'Demultiplexed 1 - Demultiplexed'), (4, 'BIOM - BIOM')], 'status': 'success', 'message': ''} self.assertItemsEqual(obs['edge_list'], exp['edge_list']) self.assertItemsEqual(obs['node_labels'], exp['node_labels']) self.assertEqual(obs['status'], exp['status']) self.assertEqual(obs['message'], exp['message']) # Reset visibility of the artifacts for i in range(4, 0, -1): Artifact(i).visibility = "private"
def post(self, preprocessed_data_id): user = self.current_user # make sure user is admin and can therefore actually submit to VAMPS if user.level != 'admin': raise HTTPError(403, "User %s cannot submit to VAMPS!" % msg = '' msg_level = 'success' plugin = Software.from_name_and_version('Qiita', 'alpha') cmd = plugin.get_command('submit_to_VAMPS') artifact = Artifact(preprocessed_data_id) # Check if the artifact is already being submitted to VAMPS is_being_submitted = any( [j.status in ('queued', 'running') for j in]) if is_being_submitted == 'submitting': msg = "Cannot resubmit! Data is already being submitted" msg_level = 'danger' self.display_template(preprocessed_data_id, msg, msg_level) else: params = Parameters.load( cmd, values_dict={'artifact': preprocessed_data_id}) job = ProcessingJob.create(user, params, True) job.submit() self.redirect('/study/description/%s' %
def post(self, preprocessed_data_id): user = self.current_user # make sure user is admin and can therefore actually submit to VAMPS if user.level != 'admin': raise HTTPError(403, "User %s cannot submit to VAMPS!" % msg = '' msg_level = 'success' plugin = Software.from_name_and_version('Qiita', 'alpha') cmd = plugin.get_command('submit_to_VAMPS') artifact = Artifact(preprocessed_data_id) # Check if the artifact is already being submitted to VAMPS is_being_submitted = any([ j.status in ('queued', 'running') for j in ]) if is_being_submitted == 'submitting': msg = "Cannot resubmit! Data is already being submitted" msg_level = 'danger' self.display_template(preprocessed_data_id, msg, msg_level) else: params = Parameters.load( cmd, values_dict={'artifact': preprocessed_data_id}) job = ProcessingJob.create(user, params) job.submit() self.redirect('/study/description/%s' %
def post(self, preprocessed_data_id): # make sure user is admin and can therefore actually submit to VAMPS if self.current_user.level != "admin": raise HTTPError(403, "User %s cannot submit to VAMPS!" % msg = "" msg_level = "success" preprocessed_data = Artifact(preprocessed_data_id) state = preprocessed_data.submitted_to_vamps_status() demux = [path for _, path, ftype in preprocessed_data.get_filepaths() if ftype == "preprocessed_demux"] demux_length = len(demux) if state in ("submitting", "success"): msg = "Cannot resubmit! Current state is: %s" % state msg_level = "danger" elif demux_length != 1: msg = "The study doesn't have demux files or have too many" % state msg_level = "danger" else: channel = job_id = submit(channel, submit_to_VAMPS, int(preprocessed_data_id)) self.render( "compute_wait.html", job_id=job_id, title="VAMPS Submission", completion_redirect="/compute_complete/%s" % job_id, ) return self.display_template(preprocessed_data_id, msg, msg_level)
def artifact_get_prep_req(user_id, artifact_ids): """Returns all prep info sample ids for the given artifact_ids Parameters ---------- user_id : str user making the request artifact_ids : list of int list of artifact ids Returns ------- dict of objects A dictionary containing the artifact information {'status': status, 'message': message, 'data': {artifact_id: [prep info sample ids]} """ samples = {} for aid in sorted(artifact_ids): artifact = Artifact(aid) access_error = check_access(, user_id) if access_error: return access_error samples[aid] = list( chain(*[sorted(pt.keys()) for pt in Artifact(aid).prep_templates])) return {'status': 'success', 'msg': '', 'data': samples}
def post(self, preprocessed_data_id): # make sure user is admin and can therefore actually submit to VAMPS if self.current_user.level != 'admin': raise HTTPError( 403, "User %s cannot submit to VAMPS!" % msg = '' msg_level = 'success' preprocessed_data = Artifact(preprocessed_data_id) state = preprocessed_data.submitted_to_vamps_status() demux = [ path for _, path, ftype in preprocessed_data.get_filepaths() if ftype == 'preprocessed_demux' ] demux_length = len(demux) if state in ('submitting', 'success'): msg = "Cannot resubmit! Current state is: %s" % state msg_level = 'danger' elif demux_length != 1: msg = "The study doesn't have demux files or have too many" % state msg_level = 'danger' else: channel = job_id = submit(channel, submit_to_VAMPS, int(preprocessed_data_id)) self.render('compute_wait.html', job_id=job_id, title='VAMPS Submission', completion_redirect='/compute_complete/%s' % job_id) return self.display_template(preprocessed_data_id, msg, msg_level)
def artifact_delete_req(artifact_id, user_id): """Deletes the artifact Parameters ---------- artifact_id : int Artifact being acted on user_id : str The user requesting the action Returns ------- dict Status of action, in the form {'status': status, 'message': msg} status: status of the action, either success or error message: Human readable message for status """ pd = Artifact(int(artifact_id)) access_error = check_access(, user_id) if access_error: return access_error try: Artifact.delete(int(artifact_id)) except QiitaDBArtifactDeletionError as e: return {'status': 'error', 'message': str(e)} return {'status': 'success', 'message': ''}
def write_demux_files(self, prep_template, generate_hdf5=True): """Writes a demux test file to avoid duplication of code""" fna_fp = join(self.temp_dir, 'seqs.fna') demux_fp = join(self.temp_dir, 'demux.seqs') if generate_hdf5: with open(fna_fp, 'w') as f: f.write(FASTA_EXAMPLE) with File(demux_fp, "w") as f: to_hdf5(fna_fp, f) else: with open(demux_fp, 'w') as f: f.write('') if prep_template.artifact is None: ppd = Artifact.create([(demux_fp, 6)], "Demultiplexed", prep_template=prep_template) else: params = Parameters.from_default_params( DefaultParameters(1), {'input_data':}) ppd = Artifact.create([(demux_fp, 6)], "Demultiplexed", parents=[prep_template.artifact], processing_parameters=params) return ppd
def copy_raw_data(prep_template, artifact_id): """Creates a new raw data by copying from artifact_id Parameters ---------- prep_template : qiita_db.metadata_template.prep_template.PrepTemplate The template to attach the artifact artifact_id : int The id of the artifact to duplicate Returns ------- dict of {str: str} A dict of the form {'status': str, 'message': str} """ from qiita_db.artifact import Artifact status = 'success' msg = '' try: Artifact.copy(Artifact(artifact_id), prep_template) except Exception as e: # We should hit this exception rarely (that's why it is an # exception) since at this point we have done multiple checks. # However, it can occur in weird cases, so better let the GUI know # that this failed return {'status': 'danger', 'message': "Error creating artifact: %s" % str(e)} return {'status': status, 'message': msg}
def test_check_artifact_access(self): # "Study" artifact a = Artifact(1) # The user has access u = User('*****@*****.**') check_artifact_access(u, a) # Admin has access to everything admin = User('*****@*****.**') check_artifact_access(admin, a) # Demo user doesn't have access demo_u = User('*****@*****.**') with self.assertRaises(HTTPError): check_artifact_access(demo_u, a) # "Analysis" artifact a = Artifact(8) a.visibility = 'private' check_artifact_access(u, a) check_artifact_access(admin, a) with self.assertRaises(HTTPError): check_artifact_access(demo_u, a) check_artifact_access(User('*****@*****.**'), a) a.visibility = 'public' check_artifact_access(demo_u, a)
def write_demux_files(self, prep_template, generate_hdf5=True): """Writes a demux test file to avoid duplication of code""" fna_fp = join(self.temp_dir, 'seqs.fna') demux_fp = join(self.temp_dir, 'demux.seqs') if generate_hdf5: with open(fna_fp, 'w') as f: f.write(FASTA_EXAMPLE) with File(demux_fp, "w") as f: to_hdf5(fna_fp, f) else: with open(demux_fp, 'w') as f: f.write('') if prep_template.artifact is None: ppd = Artifact.create( [(demux_fp, 6)], "Demultiplexed", prep_template=prep_template, can_be_submitted_to_ebi=True, can_be_submitted_to_vamps=True) else: params = Parameters.from_default_params( DefaultParameters(1), {'input_data':}) ppd = Artifact.create( [(demux_fp, 6)], "Demultiplexed", parents=[prep_template.artifact], processing_parameters=params, can_be_submitted_to_ebi=True, can_be_submitted_to_vamps=True) return ppd
def test_patch_artifact_ajax_handler(self): a = Artifact(1) self.assertEqual(, 'Raw data 1') arguments = {'op': 'replace', 'path': '/name/', 'value': 'NEW_NAME'} response = self.patch('/artifact/1/', data=arguments) self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) self.assertEqual(, 'NEW_NAME') = 'Raw data 1'
def test_download(self): # check success response = self.get('/download/1') self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) self.assertEqual(response.body.decode('ascii'), ( "This installation of Qiita was not equipped with nginx, so it " "is incapable of serving files. The file you attempted to " "download is located at raw_data/1_s_G1_L001_sequences.fastq.gz")) self.assertEqual( response.headers['Content-Disposition'], "attachment; filename=1_1_s_G1_L001_sequences.fastq.gz") # other tests to validate the filename response = self.get('/download/2') self.assertEqual( response.headers['Content-Disposition'], "attachment; filename=1_1_s_G1_L001_sequences_barcodes.fastq.gz") response = self.get('/download/3') self.assertEqual( response.headers['Content-Disposition'], "attachment; filename=2_1_seqs.fna") response = self.get('/download/18') self.assertEqual( response.headers['Content-Disposition'], "attachment; filename=1_prep_1_19700101-000000.txt") response = self.get('/download/22') self.assertEqual( response.headers['Content-Disposition'], "attachment; filename=7_biom_table.biom") # failure response = self.get('/download/1000') self.assertEqual(response.code, 403) # directory a = Artifact(1) fd, fp = mkstemp(suffix='.html') close(fd) with open(fp, 'w') as f: f.write('\n') self._clean_up_files.append(fp) dirpath = mkdtemp() fd, fp2 = mkstemp(suffix='.txt', dir=dirpath) close(fd) with open(fp2, 'w') as f: f.write('\n') self._clean_up_files.append(dirpath) a.set_html_summary(fp, support_dir=dirpath) for x in a.filepaths: if x['fp_type'] == 'html_summary_dir': break response = self.get('/download/%d' % x['fp_id']) self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) fp_name = basename(fp2) dirname = basename(dirpath) self.assertEqual(response.body.decode('ascii'), "- 1 /protected/FASTQ/1/%s/%s FASTQ/1/%s/%s\n" % ( dirname, fp_name, dirname, fp_name))
def artifact_patch_request(user_id, req_op, req_path, req_value=None, req_from=None): """Modifies an attribute of the artifact Parameters ---------- user_id : str The id of the user performing the patch operation req_op : str The operation to perform on the artifact req_path : str The prep information and attribute to patch req_value : str, optional The value that needs to be modified req_from : str, optional The original path of the element Returns ------- dict of {str, str} A dictionary with the following keys: - status: str, whether if the request is successful or not - message: str, if the request is unsuccessful, a human readable error """ if req_op == 'replace': req_path = [v for v in req_path.split('/') if v] if len(req_path) != 2: return {'status': 'error', 'message': 'Incorrect path parameter'} artifact_id = req_path[0] attribute = req_path[1] # Check if the user actually has access to the artifact artifact = Artifact(artifact_id) access_error = check_access(, user_id) if access_error: return access_error if not req_value: return {'status': 'error', 'message': 'A value is required'} if attribute == 'name': = req_value return {'status': 'success', 'message': ''} else: # We don't understand the attribute so return an error return {'status': 'error', 'message': 'Attribute "%s" not found. ' 'Please, check the path parameter' % attribute} else: return {'status': 'error', 'message': 'Operation "%s" not supported. ' 'Current supported operations: replace' % req_op}
def test_artifact_patch_request(self): a = Artifact(1) test_user = User('*****@*****.**') self.assertEqual(, 'Raw data 1') artifact_patch_request(test_user, 1, 'replace', '/name/', req_value='NEW_NAME') self.assertEqual(, 'NEW_NAME') # Reset the name = 'Raw data 1' # No access with self.assertRaises(QiitaHTTPError): artifact_patch_request(User('*****@*****.**'), 1, 'replace', '/name/', req_value='NEW_NAME') # Incorrect path parameter with self.assertRaises(QiitaHTTPError): artifact_patch_request(test_user, 1, 'replace', '/name/wrong/', req_value='NEW_NAME') # Missing value with self.assertRaises(QiitaHTTPError): artifact_patch_request(test_user, 1, 'replace', '/name/') # Wrong attribute with self.assertRaises(QiitaHTTPError): artifact_patch_request(test_user, 1, 'replace', '/wrong/', req_value='NEW_NAME') # Wrong operation with self.assertRaises(QiitaHTTPError): artifact_patch_request(test_user, 1, 'add', '/name/', req_value='NEW_NAME') # Changing visibility self.assertEqual(a.visibility, 'private') artifact_patch_request(test_user, 1, 'replace', '/visibility/', req_value='sandbox') self.assertEqual(a.visibility, 'sandbox') # Admin can change to private artifact_patch_request(User('*****@*****.**'), 1, 'replace', '/visibility/', req_value='private') self.assertEqual(a.visibility, 'private') # Test user can't change to private with self.assertRaises(QiitaHTTPError): artifact_patch_request(test_user, 1, 'replace', '/visibility/', req_value='private') # Unkown req value with self.assertRaises(QiitaHTTPError): artifact_patch_request(test_user, 1, 'replace', '/visibility/', req_value='wrong')
def list_options_handler_get_req(command_id, artifact_id=None): """Returns the available default parameters set for the given command Parameters ---------- command_id : int The command id artifact_id : int, optional The artifact id so to limit options based on how it has already been processed Returns ------- dict of objects A dictionary containing the commands information {'status': str, 'message': str, 'options': list of dicts of {'id: str', 'name': str, 'values': dict of {str: str}}} """ def _helper_process_params(params): return dumps({k: str(v).lower() for k, v in params.items()}, sort_keys=True) command = Command(command_id) rparamers = command.required_parameters.keys() eparams = [] if artifact_id is not None: artifact = Artifact(artifact_id) for job in jstatus = job.status outputs = job.outputs if job.status == 'success' else None # this ignore any jobs that weren't successful or are in # construction, or the results have been deleted [outputs == {}] if jstatus not in {'success', 'in_construction'} or outputs == {}: continue params = job.parameters.values.copy() for k in rparamers: del params[k] eparams.append(_helper_process_params(params)) options = [{ 'id':, 'name':, 'values': p.values } for p in command.default_parameter_sets if _helper_process_params(p.values) not in eparams] return { 'status': 'success', 'message': '', 'options': options, 'req_options': command.required_parameters, 'opt_options': command.optional_parameters }
def test_artifact_post_req(self): # Create new prep template to attach artifact to pt = npt.assert_warns(QiitaDBWarning, PrepTemplate.create, pd.DataFrame({'new_col': { '1.SKD6.640190': 1 }}), Study(1), '16S') self._files_to_remove.extend([fp for _, fp in pt.get_filepaths()]) new_artifact_id = get_count('qiita.artifact') + 1 filepaths = { 'raw_forward_seqs': 'uploaded_file.txt', 'raw_barcodes': 'update.txt' } obs = artifact_post_req('*****@*****.**', filepaths, 'FASTQ', 'New Test Artifact', exp = {'status': 'success', 'message': ''} self.assertEqual(obs, exp) obs = r_client.get('prep_template_%d' % self.assertIsNotNone(obs) redis_info = loads(r_client.get(loads(obs)['job_id'])) while redis_info['status_msg'] == 'Running': sleep(0.05) redis_info = loads(r_client.get(loads(obs)['job_id'])) # Instantiate the artifact to make sure it was made and # to clean the environment a = Artifact(new_artifact_id) self._files_to_remove.extend([fp for _, fp, _ in a.filepaths]) # Test importing an artifact # Create new prep template to attach artifact to pt = npt.assert_warns(QiitaDBWarning, PrepTemplate.create, pd.DataFrame({'new_col': { '1.SKD6.640190': 1 }}), Study(1), '16S') self._files_to_remove.extend([fp for _, fp in pt.get_filepaths()]) new_artifact_id_2 = get_count('qiita.artifact') + 1 obs = artifact_post_req('*****@*****.**', {}, 'FASTQ', 'New Test Artifact 2',, new_artifact_id) exp = {'status': 'success', 'message': ''} self.assertEqual(obs, exp) obs = r_client.get('prep_template_%d' % self.assertIsNotNone(obs) redis_info = loads(r_client.get(loads(obs)['job_id'])) while redis_info['status_msg'] == 'Running': sleep(0.05) redis_info = loads(r_client.get(loads(obs)['job_id'])) # Instantiate the artifact to make sure it was made and # to clean the environment a = Artifact(new_artifact_id_2) self._files_to_remove.extend([fp for _, fp, _ in a.filepaths])
def artifact_status_put_req(artifact_id, user_id, visibility): """Set the status of the artifact given Parameters ---------- artifact_id : int Artifact being acted on user_id : str The user requesting the action visibility : {'sandbox', 'awaiting_approval', 'private', 'public'} What to change the visibility to Returns ------- dict Status of action, in the form {'status': status, 'message': msg} status: status of the action, either success or error message: Human readable message for status """ if visibility not in get_visibilities(): return {'status': 'error', 'message': 'Unknown visibility value: %s' % visibility} pd = Artifact(int(artifact_id)) sid = access_error = check_access(sid, user_id) if access_error: return access_error user = User(str(user_id)) status = 'success' msg = 'Artifact visibility changed to %s' % visibility # Set the approval to private if needs approval and admin if visibility == 'private': if not qiita_config.require_approval: pd.visibility = 'private' # Set the approval to private if approval not required elif user.level == 'admin': pd.visibility = 'private' # Trying to set approval without admin privileges else: status = 'error' msg = 'User does not have permissions to approve change' else: pd.visibility = visibility LogEntry.create('Warning', '%s changed artifact %s (study %d) to %s' % ( user_id, artifact_id, sid, visibility)) return {'status': status, 'message': msg}
def test_get_artifact_summary_handler(self): a = Artifact(1) # Add a summary to the artifact fd, fp = mkstemp(suffix=".html") close(fd) with open(fp, 'w') as f: f.write('<b>HTML TEST - not important</b>\n') a = Artifact(1) a.set_html_summary(fp) self._files_to_remove.extend([fp, a.html_summary_fp[1]]) summary = relpath(a.html_summary_fp[1], qiita_config.base_data_dir) response = self.get('/artifact/html_summary/%s' % summary) self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) self.assertEqual(response.body, '<b>HTML TEST - not important</b>\n')
def display_template(self, preprocessed_data_id, msg, msg_level): """Simple function to avoid duplication of code""" preprocessed_data_id = int(preprocessed_data_id) try: preprocessed_data = Artifact(preprocessed_data_id) except QiitaDBUnknownIDError: raise HTTPError( 404, "Artifact %d does not exist!" % preprocessed_data_id) else: user = self.current_user if user.level != 'admin': raise HTTPError( 403, "No permissions of admin, " "get/VAMPSSubmitHandler: %s!" % prep_template = PrepTemplate(preprocessed_data.prep_template) sample_template = SampleTemplate( study = Study( stats = [('Number of samples', len(prep_template)), ('Number of metadata headers', len(sample_template.categories()))] demux = [ path for _, path, ftype in preprocessed_data.get_filepaths() if ftype == 'preprocessed_demux' ] demux_length = len(demux) if not demux_length: msg = ("Study does not appear to have demultiplexed " "sequences associated") msg_level = 'danger' elif demux_length > 1: msg = ("Study appears to have multiple demultiplexed files!") msg_level = 'danger' elif demux_length == 1: demux_file = demux[0] demux_file_stats = demux_stats(demux_file) stats.append(('Number of sequences', demux_file_stats.n)) msg_level = 'success' self.render('vamps_submission.html', study_title=study.title, stats=stats, message=msg,, level=msg_level, preprocessed_data_id=preprocessed_data_id)
def get(self, analysis_id): analysis_id = int(analysis_id.split("/")[0]) analysis = Analysis(analysis_id) check_analysis_access(self.current_user, analysis) jobres = defaultdict(list) for jobject in results = [] for res in jobject.results: name = basename(res) if name.startswith('index'): name = basename(dirname(res)).replace('_', ' ') results.append((res, name)) jobres[jobject.datatype].append((jobject.command[0], results)) dropped_samples = analysis.dropped_samples dropped = defaultdict(list) for proc_data_id, samples in viewitems(dropped_samples): if not samples: continue proc_data = Artifact(proc_data_id) data_type = proc_data.data_type dropped[data_type].append( (, len(samples), ', '.join(samples))) self.render("analysis_results.html", analysis_id=analysis_id, jobres=jobres,, dropped=dropped, basefolder=get_db_files_base_dir())
def get(self): # Format sel_data to get study IDs for the processed data sel_data = defaultdict(dict) proc_data_info = {} sel_samps = self.current_user.default_analysis.samples for aid, samples in viewitems(sel_samps): a = Artifact(aid) sel_data[][aid] = samples # Also get processed data info processing_parameters = a.processing_parameters if processing_parameters is None: params = None algorithm = None else: cmd = processing_parameters.command params = processing_parameters.values if 'reference' in params: ref = Reference(params['reference']) del params['reference'] params['reference_name'] = params['reference_version'] = ref.version algorithm = '%s (%s)' % (, proc_data_info[aid] = { 'processed_date': str(a.timestamp), 'algorithm': algorithm, 'data_type': a.data_type, 'params': params } self.render("analysis_selected.html", sel_data=sel_data, proc_info=proc_data_info)
def post(self, study_id, prep_id): study = self.safe_get_study(study_id) if study is None: return prep_id = to_int(prep_id) try: p = PrepTemplate(prep_id) except QiitaDBUnknownIDError:'Preparation not found', 404) return if p.study_id !='Preparation ID not associated with the study', 409) return artifact_deets = json_decode(self.request.body) _, upload = get_mountpoint('uploads')[0] base = os.path.join(upload, study_id) filepaths = [(os.path.join(base, fp), fp_type) for fp, fp_type in artifact_deets['filepaths']] try: art = Artifact.create(filepaths, artifact_deets['artifact_type'], artifact_deets['artifact_name'], p) except QiitaError as e:, 406) return self.write({'id':}) self.set_status(201) self.finish()
def artifact_post_req(user, artifact_id): """Deletes the artifact Parameters ---------- user : qiita_db.user.User The user requesting the action artifact_id : int Id of the artifact being deleted """ artifact_id = int(artifact_id) artifact = Artifact(artifact_id) check_artifact_access(user, artifact) analysis = artifact.analysis if analysis: # Do something when deleting in the analysis part to keep track of it redis_key = "analysis_%s" % else: pt_id = artifact.prep_templates[0].id redis_key = PREP_TEMPLATE_KEY_FORMAT % pt_id qiita_plugin = Software.from_name_and_version('Qiita', 'alpha') cmd = qiita_plugin.get_command('delete_artifact') params = Parameters.load(cmd, values_dict={'artifact': artifact_id}) job = ProcessingJob.create(user, params) r_client.set(redis_key, dumps({'job_id':, 'is_qiita_job': True})) job.submit()
def test_artifact_post_req(self): # Create new prep template to attach artifact to pt = npt.assert_warns( QiitaDBWarning, PrepTemplate.create, pd.DataFrame({'new_col': {'1.SKD6.640190': 1}}), Study(1), '16S') self._files_to_remove.extend([fp for _, fp in pt.get_filepaths()]) filepaths = {'raw_forward_seqs': 'uploaded_file.txt', 'raw_barcodes': 'update.txt'} obs = artifact_post_req( '*****@*****.**', filepaths, 'FASTQ', 'New Test Artifact', exp = {'status': 'success', 'message': ''} self.assertEqual(obs, exp) wait_for_prep_information_job( # Test importing an artifact # Create new prep template to attach artifact to pt = npt.assert_warns( QiitaDBWarning, PrepTemplate.create, pd.DataFrame({'new_col': {'1.SKD6.640190': 1}}), Study(1), '16S') self._files_to_remove.extend([fp for _, fp in pt.get_filepaths()]) obs = artifact_post_req( '*****@*****.**', {}, 'Demultiplexed', 'New Test Artifact 2',, 3) exp = {'status': 'success', 'message': ''} self.assertEqual(obs, exp) wait_for_prep_information_job( # Instantiate the artifact to make sure it was made and # to clean the environment a = Artifact( self._files_to_remove.extend([fp for _, fp, _ in a.filepaths])
def process_artifact_handler_get_req(artifact_id): """Returns the information for the process artifact handler Parameters ---------- artifact_id : int The artifact to be processed Returns ------- dict of str A dictionary containing the artifact information {'status': str, 'message': str, 'name': str, 'type': str} """ artifact = Artifact(artifact_id) return { 'status': 'success', 'message': '', 'name':, 'type': artifact.artifact_type, 'study_id': }
def post(self, preprocessed_data_id): user = self.current_user # make sure user is admin and can therefore actually submit to EBI if user.level != 'admin': raise HTTPError(403, reason="User %s cannot submit to EBI!" % submission_type = self.get_argument('submission_type') if submission_type not in ['ADD', 'MODIFY']: raise HTTPError(403, reason="User: %s, %s is not a recognized " "submission type" % (, submission_type)) study = Artifact(preprocessed_data_id).study state = study.ebi_submission_status if state == 'submitting': message = "Cannot resubmit! Current state is: %s" % state self.display_template(preprocessed_data_id, message, 'danger') else: qiita_plugin = Software.from_name_and_version('Qiita', 'alpha') cmd = qiita_plugin.get_command('submit_to_EBI') params = Parameters.load( cmd, values_dict={'artifact': preprocessed_data_id, 'submission_type': submission_type}) job = ProcessingJob.create(user, params, True) r_client.set('ebi_submission_%s' % preprocessed_data_id, dumps({'job_id':, 'is_qiita_job': True})) job.submit() level = 'success' message = 'EBI submission started. Job id: %s' % self.redirect("%s/study/description/%d?level=%s&message=%s" % ( qiita_config.portal_dir,, level, url_escape(message)))
def get(self): # Format sel_data to get study IDs for the processed data sel_data = defaultdict(dict) proc_data_info = {} sel_samps = self.current_user.default_analysis.samples for pid, samps in viewitems(sel_samps): proc_data = Artifact(pid) sel_data[][pid] = samps # Also get processed data info parameters = proc_data.processing_parameters reference = Reference(parameters.values['reference']) proc_data_info[pid] = { 'processed_date': str(proc_data.timestamp), 'algorithm':, 'reference_name':, 'reference_version': reference.version, 'sequence_filepath': reference.sequence_fp, 'taxonomy_filepath': reference.taxonomy_fp, 'tree_filepath': reference.tree_fp, 'data_type': proc_data.data_type } self.render("analysis_selected.html", sel_data=sel_data, proc_info=proc_data_info)
def post(self, preprocessed_data_id): user = self.current_user # make sure user is admin and can therefore actually submit to VAMPS if user.level != 'admin': raise HTTPError(403, "User %s cannot submit to VAMPS!" % msg = '' msg_level = 'success' study = Artifact(preprocessed_data_id).study study_id = state = study.ebi_submission_status if state == 'submitting': msg = "Cannot resubmit! Current state is: %s" % state msg_level = 'danger' else: channel = job_id = submit(channel, submit_to_VAMPS, int(preprocessed_data_id)) self.render( 'compute_wait.html', job_id=job_id, title='VAMPS Submission', completion_redirect=('/study/description/%s?top_tab=' 'preprocessed_data_tab&sub_tab=%s' % (study_id, preprocessed_data_id))) return self.display_template(preprocessed_data_id, msg, msg_level)
def test_download(self): # check failures response = self.get('/public_artifact_download/') self.assertEqual(response.code, 422) self.assertEqual(response.reason, 'You need to specify an artifact id') response = self.get('/public_artifact_download/?artifact_id=10000') self.assertEqual(response.code, 404) self.assertEqual(response.reason, 'Artifact does not exist') response = self.get('/public_artifact_download/?artifact_id=3') self.assertEqual(response.code, 404) self.assertEqual( response.reason, 'Artifact is not public. If this is ' 'a mistake contact: [email protected]') # check success Artifact(5).visibility = 'public' response = self.get('/public_artifact_download/?artifact_id=5') self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) exp = ('- [0-9]* /protected/processed_data/' '1_study_1001_closed_reference_otu_table.biom ' 'processed_data/1_study_1001_closed_reference_otu_table.biom\n' '- [0-9]* /protected/templates/1_prep_1_[0-9]*-[0-9]*.txt ' 'mapping_files/5_mapping_file.txt') self.assertRegex(response.body.decode('ascii'), exp)
def get(self): artifact_id = self.get_argument("artifact_id", None) if artifact_id is None: raise HTTPError(422, reason='You need to specify an artifact id') else: try: artifact = Artifact(artifact_id) except QiitaDBUnknownIDError: raise HTTPError(404, reason='Artifact does not exist') else: if artifact.visibility != 'public': raise HTTPError(404, reason='Artifact is not public. If ' 'this is a mistake contact: ' '*****@*****.**') else: to_download = self._list_artifact_files_nginx(artifact) if not to_download: raise HTTPError(422, reason='Nothing to download. If ' 'this is a mistake contact: ' '*****@*****.**') else: self._write_nginx_file_list(to_download) zip_fn = '' % ( artifact_id, '%m%d%y-%H%M%S')) self._set_nginx_headers(zip_fn) self.finish()
def artifact_delete_req(artifact_id, user_id): """Deletes the artifact Parameters ---------- artifact_id : int Artifact being acted on user_id : str The user requesting the action Returns ------- dict Status of action, in the form {'status': status, 'message': msg} status: status of the action, either success or error message: Human readable message for status """ pd = Artifact(int(artifact_id)) pt_id = pd.prep_templates[0].id access_error = check_access(, user_id) if access_error: return access_error job_id = safe_submit(user_id, delete_artifact, artifact_id) r_client.set(PREP_TEMPLATE_KEY_FORMAT % pt_id, dumps({'job_id': job_id})) return {'status': 'success', 'message': ''}
def post(self, preprocessed_data_id): user = self.current_user # make sure user is admin and can therefore actually submit to EBI if user.level != 'admin': raise HTTPError(403, "User %s cannot submit to EBI!" % submission_type = self.get_argument('submission_type') if submission_type not in ['ADD', 'MODIFY']: raise HTTPError(403, "User: %s, %s is not a recognized submission " "type" % (, submission_type)) msg = '' msg_level = 'success' study = Artifact(preprocessed_data_id).study study_id = state = study.ebi_submission_status if state == 'submitting': msg = "Cannot resubmit! Current state is: %s" % state msg_level = 'danger' else: channel = job_id = submit(channel, submit_to_ebi, int(preprocessed_data_id), submission_type) self.render('compute_wait.html', job_id=job_id, title='EBI Submission', completion_redirect=('/study/description/%s?top_tab=' 'preprocessed_data_tab&sub_tab=%s' % (study_id, preprocessed_data_id))) return self.display_template(preprocessed_data_id, msg, msg_level)
def artifact_post_req(user, artifact_id): """Deletes the artifact Parameters ---------- user : qiita_db.user.User The user requesting the action artifact_id : int Id of the artifact being deleted """ artifact_id = int(artifact_id) artifact = Artifact(artifact_id) check_artifact_access(user, artifact) analysis = artifact.analysis if analysis: # Do something when deleting in the analysis part to keep track of it redis_key = "analysis_%s" % else: pt_id = artifact.prep_templates[0].id redis_key = PREP_TEMPLATE_KEY_FORMAT % pt_id job_id = safe_submit(, delete_artifact, artifact_id) r_client.set(redis_key, dumps({'job_id': job_id, 'is_qiita_job': False}))
def artifact_status_put_req(artifact_id, user_id, visibility): """Set the status of the artifact given Parameters ---------- artifact_id : int Artifact being acted on user_id : str The user requesting the action visibility : {'sandbox', 'awaiting_approval', 'private', 'public'} What to change the visibility to Returns ------- dict Status of action, in the form {'status': status, 'message': msg} status: status of the action, either success or error message: Human readable message for status """ if visibility not in get_visibilities(): return {'status': 'error', 'message': 'Unknown visiblity value: %s' % visibility} pd = Artifact(int(artifact_id)) access_error = check_access(, user_id) if access_error: return access_error user = User(str(user_id)) status = 'success' msg = 'Artifact visibility changed to %s' % visibility # Set the approval to private if needs approval and admin if visibility == 'private': if not qiita_config.require_approval: pd.visibility = 'private' # Set the approval to private if approval not required elif user.level == 'admin': pd.visibility = 'private' # Trying to set approval without admin privileges else: status = 'error' msg = 'User does not have permissions to approve change' else: pd.visibility = visibility return {'status': status, 'message': msg}
def artifact_summary_post_request(user_id, artifact_id): """Launches the HTML summary generation and returns the job information Parameters ---------- user_id : str The user making the request artifact_id : int or str The artifact id Returns ------- dict of objects A dictionary containing the artifact summary information {'status': str, 'message': str, 'job': list of [str, str, str]} """ artifact_id = int(artifact_id) artifact = Artifact(artifact_id) access_error = check_access(, user_id) if access_error: return access_error # Check if the summary is being generated or has been already generated command = Command.get_html_generator(artifact.artifact_type) jobs = jobs = [j for j in jobs if j.status in ['queued', 'running', 'success']] if jobs: # The HTML summary is either being generated or already generated. # Return the information of that job so we only generate the HTML # once job = jobs[0] else: # Create a new job to generate the HTML summary and return the newly # created job information job = ProcessingJob.create( User(user_id), Parameters.load(command, values_dict={'input_data': artifact_id})) job.submit() return {'status': 'success', 'message': '', 'job': [, job.status, job.step]}
def display_template(self, preprocessed_data_id, msg, msg_level): """Simple function to avoid duplication of code""" preprocessed_data_id = int(preprocessed_data_id) try: preprocessed_data = Artifact(preprocessed_data_id) except QiitaDBUnknownIDError: raise HTTPError(404, "Artifact %d does not exist!" % preprocessed_data_id) else: user = self.current_user if user.level != "admin": raise HTTPError(403, "No permissions of admin, " "get/VAMPSSubmitHandler: %s!" % prep_template = PrepTemplate(preprocessed_data.prep_template) sample_template = SampleTemplate( study = Study( stats = [ ("Number of samples", len(prep_template)), ("Number of metadata headers", len(sample_template.categories())), ] demux = [path for _, path, ftype in preprocessed_data.get_filepaths() if ftype == "preprocessed_demux"] demux_length = len(demux) if not demux_length: msg = "Study does not appear to have demultiplexed " "sequences associated" msg_level = "danger" elif demux_length > 1: msg = "Study appears to have multiple demultiplexed files!" msg_level = "danger" elif demux_length == 1: demux_file = demux[0] demux_file_stats = demux_stats(demux_file) stats.append(("Number of sequences", demux_file_stats.n)) msg_level = "success" self.render( "vamps_submission.html", study_title=study.title, stats=stats, message=msg,, level=msg_level, preprocessed_data_id=preprocessed_data_id, )
def artifact_graph_get_req(artifact_id, direction, user_id): """Creates graphs of ancestor or descendant artifacts from given one Parameters ---------- artifact_id : int Artifact ID to get graph for direction : {'ancestors', 'descendants'} What direction to get the graph in Returns ------- dict of lists of tuples A dictionary containing the edge list representation of the graph, and the node labels. Formatted as: {'status': status, 'message': message, 'edge_list': [(0, 1), (0, 2)...], 'node_labels': [(0, 'label0'), (1, 'label1'), ...]} Notes ----- Nodes are identified by the corresponding Artifact ID. """ access_error = check_access(Artifact(artifact_id), user_id) if access_error: return access_error if direction == 'descendants': G = Artifact(int(artifact_id)).descendants elif direction == 'ancestors': G = Artifact(int(artifact_id)).ancestors else: return { 'status': 'error', 'message': 'Unknown directon %s' % direction } node_labels = [(, ' - '.join([, n.artifact_type])) for n in G.nodes()] return {'edge_list': [(, for n, m in G.edges()], 'node_labels': node_labels, 'status': 'success', 'message': ''}
def test_propagate_visibility(self): a = Artifact(4) a.visibility = 'public' _propagate_visibility(a) self.assertEqual(Artifact(1).visibility, 'public') self.assertEqual(Artifact(2).visibility, 'public') self.assertEqual(Artifact(4).visibility, 'public') a.visibility = 'private' _propagate_visibility(a) self.assertEqual(Artifact(1).visibility, 'private') self.assertEqual(Artifact(2).visibility, 'private') self.assertEqual(Artifact(4).visibility, 'private') a = Artifact(2) a.visibility = 'public' _propagate_visibility(a) self.assertEqual(Artifact(1).visibility, 'private') self.assertEqual(Artifact(2).visibility, 'private') self.assertEqual(Artifact(4).visibility, 'private')
def request_approval(self, study, user, callback): """Changes the status of the current study to "awaiting_approval" Parameters ---------- study : Study The current study object user : User The current user object callback : function The callback function to call with the results once the processing is done """ pd_id = int(self.get_argument('pd_id')) pd = Artifact(pd_id) pd.visibility = 'awaiting_approval' _propagate_visibility(pd) msg = "Processed data sent to admin for approval" msg_level = "success" callback((msg, msg_level, "processed_data_tab", pd_id, None))
def make_public(self, study, user, callback): """Makes the current study public Parameters ---------- study : Study The current study object user : User The current user object callback : function The callback function to call with the results once the processing is done """ pd_id = int(self.get_argument('pd_id')) pd = Artifact(pd_id) pd.visibility = 'public' _propagate_visibility(pd) msg = "Processed data set to public" msg_level = "success" callback((msg, msg_level, "processed_data_tab", pd_id, None))
def make_sandbox(self, study, user, callback): """Reverts the current study to the 'sandbox' status Parameters ---------- study : Study The current study object user : User The current user object callback : function The callback function to call with the results once the processing is done """ pd_id = int(self.get_argument('pd_id')) pd = Artifact(pd_id) pd.visibility = 'sandbox' _propagate_visibility(pd) msg = "Processed data reverted to sandbox" msg_level = "success" callback((msg, msg_level, "processed_data_tab", pd_id, None))
def artifact_summary_post_request(user, artifact_id): """Launches the HTML summary generation and returns the job information Parameters ---------- user : qiita_db.user.User The user making the request artifact_id : int or str The artifact id Returns ------- dict of objects A dictionary containing the job summary information {'job': [str, str, str]} """ artifact_id = int(artifact_id) artifact = Artifact(artifact_id) check_artifact_access(user, artifact) # Check if the summary is being generated or has been already generated command = Command.get_html_generator(artifact.artifact_type) jobs = jobs = [j for j in jobs if j.status in ['queued', 'running', 'success']] if jobs: # The HTML summary is either being generated or already generated. # Return the information of that job so we only generate the HTML # once - Magic number 0 -> we are ensuring that there is only one # job generating the summary, so we can use the index 0 to access to # that job job = jobs[0] else: # Create a new job to generate the HTML summary and return the newly # created job information job = ProcessingJob.create(user, Parameters.load( command, values_dict={'input_data': artifact_id}), True) job.submit() return {'job': [, job.status, job.step]}
def get(self): user = self.current_user if user.level != 'admin': raise HTTPError(403, 'User %s is not admin' % self.current_user) studies = defaultdict(list) for artifact in Artifact.iter_by_visibility('awaiting_approval'): studies[].append( parsed_studies = [(, s.title,, pds) for s, pds in viewitems(studies)] self.render('admin_approval.html', study_info=parsed_studies)
def test_download(self): # check success response = self.get('/download/1') self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) self.assertEqual(response.body, ( "This installation of Qiita was not equipped with nginx, so it " "is incapable of serving files. The file you attempted to " "download is located at raw_data/1_s_G1_L001_sequences.fastq.gz")) # failure response = self.get('/download/1000') self.assertEqual(response.code, 403) # directory a = Artifact(1) fd, fp = mkstemp(suffix='.html') close(fd) with open(fp, 'w') as f: f.write('\n') self._clean_up_files.append(fp) dirpath = mkdtemp() fd, fp2 = mkstemp(suffix='.txt', dir=dirpath) close(fd) with open(fp2, 'w') as f: f.write('\n') self._clean_up_files.append(dirpath) a.set_html_summary(fp, support_dir=dirpath) for fp_id, _, fp_type in a.filepaths: if fp_type == 'html_summary_dir': break response = self.get('/download/%d' % fp_id) self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) fp_name = basename(fp2) dirname = basename(dirpath) self.assertEqual( response.body, "- 1 /protected/FASTQ/1/%s/%s FASTQ/1/%s/%s\n" % (dirname, fp_name, dirname, fp_name))
def create_raw_data(artifact_type, prep_template, filepaths, name=None): """Creates a new raw data Needs to be dispachable because it moves large files Parameters ---------- artifact_type: str The artifact type prep_template : qiita_db.metadata_template.prep_template.PrepTemplate The template to attach the artifact filepaths : list of (str, str) The list with filepaths and their filepath types name : str, optional The name of the new artifact Returns ------- dict of {str: str} A dict of the form {'status': str, 'message': str} """ from qiita_db.artifact import Artifact status = 'success' msg = '' try: Artifact.create(filepaths, artifact_type, name=name, prep_template=prep_template) except Exception as e: # We should hit this exception rarely (that's why it is an # exception) since at this point we have done multiple checks. # However, it can occur in weird cases, so better let the GUI know # that this failed return {'status': 'danger', 'message': "Error creating artifact: %s" % str(e)} return {'status': status, 'message': msg}
def delete_artifact(artifact_id): """Deletes an artifact from the system Parameters ---------- artifact_id : int The artifact to delete Returns ------- dict of {str: str} A dict of the form {'status': str, 'message': str} """ from qiita_db.artifact import Artifact status = 'success' msg = '' try: Artifact.delete(artifact_id) except Exception as e: status = 'danger' msg = str(e) return {'status': status, 'message': msg}
def artifact_types_get_req(): """Gets artifact types and descriptions available Returns ------- dict of objects {'status': status, 'message': message, 'types': [[str, str], ...]} types holds type and description of the artifact type, in the form [[artifact_type, description], ...] """ return {'status': 'success', 'message': '', 'types': Artifact.types()}