def update_sample_template(self, study, user, callback):
        """Update a sample template from the POST method

        study : Study
            The current study object
        user : User
            The current user object
        callback : function
            The callback function to call with the results once the processing
            is done

            If the sample template file does not exists
        # If we are on this function, the argument "sample_template" must
        # defined. If not, let tornado raise its error
        sample_template = self.get_argument('sample_template')

        # Define here the message and message level in case of success
        msg = "The sample template '%s' has been updated" % sample_template
        msg_level = "success"
        # Get the uploads folder
        _, base_fp = get_mountpoint("uploads")[0]
        # Get the path of the sample template in the uploads folder
        fp_rsp = join(base_fp, str(, sample_template)

        if not exists(fp_rsp):
            # The file does not exist, fail nicely
            raise HTTPError(400, "This file doesn't exist: %s" % fp_rsp)
            with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warns:
                # deleting previous uploads and inserting new one
                st = SampleTemplate(
                df = load_template_to_dataframe(fp_rsp)

                # join all the warning messages into one. Note that this info
                # will be ignored if an exception is raised
                if warns:
                    msg = '\n'.join(set(str(w.message) for w in warns))
                    msg_level = 'warning'

        except (TypeError, QiitaDBColumnError, QiitaDBExecutionError,
                QiitaDBDuplicateError, IOError, ValueError, KeyError,
                CParserError, QiitaDBDuplicateHeaderError, QiitaDBError) as e:
            # Some error occurred while processing the sample template
            # Show the error to the user so they can fix the template
            msg = html_error_message % ('updating the sample template:',
                                        basename(fp_rsp), str(e))
            msg = convert_text_html(msg)
            msg_level = "danger"
        callback((msg, msg_level, None, None, None))
Пример #2
    def update_sample_template(self, study, user, callback):
        """Update a sample template from the POST method

        study : Study
            The current study object
        user : User
            The current user object
        callback : function
            The callback function to call with the results once the processing
            is done

            If the sample template file does not exists
        # If we are on this function, the argument "sample_template" must
        # defined. If not, let tornado raise its error
        sample_template = self.get_argument('sample_template')

        # Define here the message and message level in case of success
        msg = "The sample template '%s' has been updated" % sample_template
        msg_level = "success"
        # Get the uploads folder
        _, base_fp = get_mountpoint("uploads")[0]
        # Get the path of the sample template in the uploads folder
        fp_rsp = join(base_fp, str(, sample_template)

        if not exists(fp_rsp):
            # The file does not exist, fail nicely
            raise HTTPError(400, "This file doesn't exist: %s" % fp_rsp)
            with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warns:
                # deleting previous uploads and inserting new one
                st = SampleTemplate(
                df = load_template_to_dataframe(fp_rsp)

                # join all the warning messages into one. Note that this info
                # will be ignored if an exception is raised
                if warns:
                    msg = '\n'.join(set(str(w.message) for w in warns))
                    msg_level = 'warning'

        except (TypeError, QiitaDBColumnError, QiitaDBExecutionError,
                QiitaDBDuplicateError, IOError, ValueError, KeyError,
                CParserError, QiitaDBDuplicateHeaderError, QiitaDBError) as e:
            # Some error occurred while processing the sample template
            # Show the error to the user so they can fix the template
            msg = html_error_message % ('updating the sample template:',
                                        basename(fp_rsp), str(e))
            msg = convert_text_html(msg)
            msg_level = "danger"
        callback((msg, msg_level, None, None, None))
Пример #3
def update_sample_template(study_id, fp):
    """Updates a sample template

    study_id : int
        Study id whose template is going to be updated
    fp : str
        The file path to the template file

    dict of {str: str}
        A dict of the form {'status': str, 'message': str}
    import warnings
    from os import remove
    from qiita_db.metadata_template.util import load_template_to_dataframe
    from qiita_db.metadata_template.sample_template import SampleTemplate

    msg = ''
    status = 'success'

        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warns:
            # deleting previous uploads and inserting new one
            st = SampleTemplate(study_id)
            df = load_template_to_dataframe(fp)

            # join all the warning messages into one. Note that this info
            # will be ignored if an exception is raised
            if warns:
                msg = '\n'.join(set(str(w.message) for w in warns))
                status = 'warning'
    except Exception as e:
            status = 'danger'
            msg = str(e)

    return {'status': status, 'message': msg}
Пример #4
def update_sample_template(study_id, fp):
    """Updates a sample template

    study_id : int
        Study id whose template is going to be updated
    fp : str
        The file path to the template file

    dict of {str: str}
        A dict of the form {'status': str, 'message': str}
    import warnings
    from os import remove
    from qiita_db.metadata_template.util import load_template_to_dataframe
    from qiita_db.metadata_template.sample_template import SampleTemplate

    msg = ''
    status = 'success'

        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warns:
            # deleting previous uploads and inserting new one
            st = SampleTemplate(study_id)
            df = load_template_to_dataframe(fp)

            # join all the warning messages into one. Note that this info
            # will be ignored if an exception is raised
            if warns:
                msg = '\n'.join(set(str(w.message) for w in warns))
                status = 'warning'
    except Exception as e:
            status = 'danger'
            msg = str(e)

    return {'status': status, 'message': msg}
Пример #5
                        AND table_name LIKE 'sample_%%'
                        AND table_name NOT IN (
                            'prep_template', 'prep_template_sample')
                    GROUP BY table_name"""
        # note that we are looking for those columns with duplicated names in
        # the headers
        TRN.add(sql, [tuple(set(cols_sample))])
        for table, columns in dict(TRN.execute_fetchindex()).items():
            # [1] the format is table_# so taking the #
            st = SampleTemplate(int(table.split('_')[1]))
            # getting just the columns of interest
            st_df = st.to_dataframe()[columns]
            # converting to datetime
            for col in columns:
                st_df[col] = st_df[col].apply(transform_date)

if cols_prep:
    with TRN:
        # a few notes: just getting the preps with duplicated values; ignoring
        # column 'sample_id' and tables 'study_sample', 'prep_template',
        # 'prep_template_sample'
        sql = """SELECT table_name, array_agg(column_name::text)
                    FROM information_schema.columns
                    WHERE column_name IN %s
                        AND table_name LIKE 'prep_%%'
                        AND table_name NOT IN (
                            'prep_template', 'prep_template_sample')
                    GROUP BY table_name"""
        # note that we are looking for those columns with duplicated names in
        # the headers
Пример #6
                        AND table_name LIKE 'sample_%%'
                        AND table_name NOT IN (
                            'prep_template', 'prep_template_sample')
                    GROUP BY table_name"""
        # note that we are looking for those columns with duplicated names in
        # the headers
        TRN.add(sql, [tuple(set(cols_sample))])
        for table, columns in viewitems(dict(TRN.execute_fetchindex())):
            # [1] the format is table_# so taking the #
            st = SampleTemplate(int(table.split('_')[1]))
            # getting just the columns of interest
            st_df = st.to_dataframe()[columns]
            # converting to datetime
            for col in columns:
                st_df[col] = st_df[col].apply(transform_date)

if cols_prep:
    with TRN:
        # a few notes: just getting the preps with duplicated values; ignoring
        # column 'sample_id' and tables 'study_sample', 'prep_template',
        # 'prep_template_sample'
        sql = """SELECT table_name, array_agg(column_name::text)
                    FROM information_schema.columns
                    WHERE column_name IN %s
                        AND table_name LIKE 'prep_%%'
                        AND table_name NOT IN (
                            'prep_template', 'prep_template_sample')
                    GROUP BY table_name"""
        # note that we are looking for those columns with duplicated names in
        # the headers