Пример #1
def execute(job_id):
    """Executes a job through the plugin system

    job_id : str
        The id of the job to execute
    # Create the new job
    job = ProcessingJob(job_id)
    job_dir = join(get_work_base_dir(), job.id)
    software = job.command.software
    plugin_start_script = software.start_script
    plugin_env_script = software.environment_script

    # Get the command to start the plugin
    cmd = '%s "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s"' % (
        qiita_config.plugin_launcher, plugin_env_script, plugin_start_script,
        qiita_config.base_url, job.id, job_dir)

    # Start the plugin
    std_out, std_err, return_value = system_call(cmd)
    if return_value != 0:
        # Something wrong happened during the plugin start procedure
        job.status = 'error'
        log = LogEntry.create(
            "Error starting plugin '%s':\nStd output:%s\nStd error:%s"
            % (software.name, std_out, std_err))
        job.log = log