def vsample(bucket, key, picFormat, startSecond, duration, pattern, resolution=None, rotate=None, interval=None): #准备命令 cmd = "vsample" #组织参数 cmdParams = { "ss": startSecond, "t": duration, "pattern": pattern, } if resolution: cmdParams.update({"s": resolution}) if rotate: cmdParams.update({"rotate": rotate}) if interval: cmdParams.update({"interval": interval}) #执行fop fop = qiniu.build_op(cmd, picFormat, **cmdParams) #默认为空,表示使用公共队列 usePipeline = "" #fop处理结果通知url notifyUrl = None auth = qiniu.Auth(accessKey, secretKey) pfop = qiniu.PersistentFop(auth, bucket, usePipeline, notifyUrl) retData, respInfo = pfop.execute(key, [fop], force=None) if retData != None: print("PersistentId:" + retData["persistentId"]) else: print("Error:") print("--StatusCode:" + str(respInfo.status_code)) print("--Reqid:" + respInfo.req_id) print("--Message:" + respInfo.error)
def vframe(format, offset, width, height, rotate, fromBucket, fromKey, usePipeline="", notifyUrl=None, saveBucket=None, saveKey=None): #prepare fop params = {"offset": offset, "w": width, "h": height, "rotate": rotate} fop = qiniu.build_op("vframe", format, **params) if saveBucket != None and saveKey != None: fop = qiniu.op_save(fop, saveBucket, saveKey) #do pfop auth = qiniu.Auth(accessKey, secretKey) pfop = qiniu.PersistentFop(auth, fromBucket, usePipeline, notifyUrl) retData, respInfo = pfop.execute(fromKey, [fop], force=None) if retData != None: print("PersistentId:" + retData["persistentId"]) else: print("Error:") print("--StatusCode:" + str(respInfo.status_code)) print("--Reqid:" + respInfo.req_id) print("--Message:" + respInfo.error)
def watermark_with_image(srcBucket, srcKey, destFormat, wmImage, wmGravity="NorthEast", saveBucket=None, saveKey=None, usePipeline=None, notifyUrl=None): cmd = "avthumb" params = { "wmImage": qiniu.urlsafe_base64_encode(wmImage), "wmGravity": wmGravity, } fop = qiniu.build_op(cmd, destFormat, **params) #saveas if saveBucket != None and saveKey != None: fop = qiniu.op_save(fop, saveBucket, saveKey) #pfop auth = qiniu.Auth(accessKey, secretKey) pfop = qiniu.PersistentFop(auth, srcBucket, pipeline=usePipeline, notify_url=notifyUrl) retData, respInfo = pfop.execute(srcKey, [fop], force=None) if retData != None: print("PersistentId:" + retData["persistentId"]) else: print("Error:") print("--StatusCode:" + str(respInfo.status_code)) print("--Reqid:" + respInfo.req_id) print("--Message:" + respInfo.error)
def amerge(ufopCmd, srcBucket, srcKey, dstFormat, dstMime, urlBucket, url, duration="first", usePipeline="", notifyUrl=None, saveBucket=None, saveKey=None): #prepare fop fop = "{0}/format/{1}/mime/{2}/bucket/{3}/url/{4}".format( ufopCmd, dstFormat, qiniu.urlsafe_base64_encode(dstMime), qiniu.urlsafe_base64_encode(urlBucket), qiniu.urlsafe_base64_encode(url)) if saveBucket != None and saveKey != None: fop = qiniu.op_save(fop, saveBucket, saveKey) #do pfop auth = qiniu.Auth(accessKey, secretKey) pfop = qiniu.PersistentFop(auth, srcBucket, usePipeline, notifyUrl) retData, respInfo = pfop.execute(srcKey, [fop], force=None) if retData != None: print("PersistentId:" + retData["persistentId"]) else: print("Error:") print("--StatusCode:" + str(respInfo.status_code)) print("--Reqid:" + respInfo.req_id) print("--Message:" + respInfo.error)
def min_url(self, filename): q = QiniuClass.Auth(self._access_key, self._secret_key) #要缩略的文件所在的空间和文件名。 from_bucket_name = 'user-img' to_bucket_name = 'min-img' from_key = filename to_key = 'min_' + from_key self.min_delete(to_key) #pipeline是使用的队列名称,不设置代表不使用私有队列,使用公有队列。 pipeline = '' #要进行缩略的操作。 fops = 'imageView2/1/w/50/h/50/q/100|imageslim' saveas_key = QiniuClass.urlsafe_base64_encode(to_bucket_name + ':' + to_key) fops = fops + '|saveas/' + saveas_key pfop = QiniuClass.PersistentFop(q, from_bucket_name, pipeline) ops = [] ops.append(fops) ret, info = pfop.execute(from_key, ops, 1) print(info) new_src = '' new_url = urljoin(new_src, to_key) #map要缩略的文件所在的空间和文件名。 from_bucket_name = 'min-img' to_bucket_name = 'min-img' map_from_key = 'st_out.png' map_to_key = 'map_' + from_key self.min_delete(map_to_key) #pipeline是使用的队列名称,不设置代表不使用私有队列,使用公有队列。 pipeline = '' #要进行缩略的操作。 bg_img = QiniuClass.urlsafe_base64_encode(new_url) fops = 'imageView2/2/w/65/h/90/q/75|watermark/1/image/' + bg_img + '/dissolve/100/gravity/North/dx/0/dy/5|imageslim' print(fops) saveas_key = QiniuClass.urlsafe_base64_encode(to_bucket_name + ':' + map_to_key) fops = fops + '|saveas/' + saveas_key pfop = QiniuClass.PersistentFop(q, from_bucket_name, pipeline) ops = [] ops.append(fops) ret, info = pfop.execute(map_from_key, ops, 1) print(info) return urljoin(new_src, map_to_key)
def avthumb_m3u8(type, dstFormat): #准备命令 cmd = "avthumb/m3u8" if type == "wifi": segtime = "10" videoBitRate = "440k" elif type == "3g": segtime = "5" videoBitRate = "240k" resolution = "400x244" cmdParams = { "segtime": segtime, "vb": videoBitRate, "s": resolution, "vodec": "libx264", } #结果保存空间名称 saveBucket = "qiniu-lab" if type == "wifi": saveKey = u"七牛云存储视频名片_wifi.m3u8".encode("utf-8") elif type == "3g": saveKey = u"七牛云存储视频名片_3g.m3u8".encode("utf-8") #构建fop指令 fop = qiniu.build_op(cmd, dstFormat, **cmdParams) #指定保存的空间和key,否则将以结果的hash值作为文件名保存 fop = qiniu.op_save(fop, saveBucket, saveKey) #执行fop操作 fromBucket = "qiniu-lab" fromKey = u"七牛云存储视频名片.mp4".encode("utf-8") #默认为空,表示使用公共队列 usePipeline = "" #私有队列,根据你实际情况设置 usePipeline = "fff" #fop处理结果通知url notifyUrl = None auth = qiniu.Auth(accessKey, secretKey) pfop = qiniu.PersistentFop(auth, fromBucket, usePipeline, notifyUrl) retData, respInfo = pfop.execute(fromKey, [fop], force=None) if retData != None: print("PersistentId:" + retData["persistentId"]) else: print("Error:") print("--StatusCode:" + str(respInfo.status_code)) print("--Reqid:" + respInfo.req_id) print("--Message:" + respInfo.error)
def dealwith_img(request): q = qiniu_auth() key = request.GET.get('key') bucket_name = qiniu_config['bucket_name'] # pipeline是使用的队列名称,不设置代表不使用私有队列,使用公有队列。 # pipeline = 'your_pipeline' # 要进行的转换格式操作。 fops = 'imageView2/0/format/webp/interlace/1' # 可以对缩略后的文件进行使用saveas参数自定义命名,当然也可以不指定文件会默认命名并保存在当前空间 saveas_key = qiniu.urlsafe_base64_encode(bucket_name + ':' + key) fops = fops + '|saveas/' + saveas_key # pfop = qiniu.PersistentFop(q, bucket_name, pipeline) pfop = qiniu.PersistentFop(q, bucket_name) ops = [] ops.append(fops) ret, info = pfop.execute(key, ops, 1) assert ret['persistentId'] is not None cdn_flush(key) return HttpResponse(json.dumps('ok'))