Пример #1
    def convert(
        operator: OperatorBase,
        params: Optional[Union[ParameterVector, ParameterExpression,
                               List[ParameterExpression]]] = None
    ) -> OperatorBase:
            operator: The operator we are taking the gradient of.
            params: The parameters we are taking the gradient with respect to.

            An operator whose evaluation yields the NaturalGradient.

            TypeError: If ``operator`` does not represent an expectation value or the quantum
                state is not ``CircuitStateFn``.
            ValueError: If ``params`` contains a parameter not present in ``operator``.
        if not isinstance(operator[-1], CircuitStateFn):
            raise TypeError(
                'Please make sure that the operator for which you want to compute '
                'Quantum Fisher Information represents an expectation value or a '
                'loss function and that the quantum state is given as '
        if not isinstance(params, Iterable):
            params = [params]
        # Instantiate the gradient
        grad = Gradient(self._grad_method,
                        epsilon=self._epsilon).convert(operator, params)
        # Instantiate the QFI metric which is used to re-scale the gradient
        metric = self._qfi_method.convert(operator[-1], params) * 0.25

        # Define the function which compute the natural gradient from the gradient and the QFI.
        def combo_fn(x):
            c = np.real(x[0])
            a = np.real(x[1])
            if self.regularization:
                # If a regularization method is chosen then use a regularized solver to
                # construct the natural gradient.
                nat_grad = NaturalGradient._regularized_sle_solver(
                    a, c, regularization=self.regularization)
                    # Try to solve the system of linear equations Ax = C.
                    nat_grad = np.linalg.solve(a, c)
                except np.linalg.LinAlgError:  # singular matrix
                    nat_grad = np.linalg.lstsq(a, c)[0]
            return np.real(nat_grad)

        # Define the ListOp which combines the gradient and the QFI according to the combination
        # function defined above.
        return ListOp([grad, metric], combo_fn=combo_fn)
Пример #2
    def convert(
        operator: OperatorBase,
        params: Optional[Union[ParameterVector, ParameterExpression,
                               List[ParameterExpression]]] = None
    ) -> OperatorBase:
            operator: The operator we are taking the gradient of.
            params: The parameters we are taking the gradient with respect to.

            An operator whose evaluation yields the NaturalGradient.

            TypeError: If ``operator`` does not represent an expectation value or the quantum
                state is not ``CircuitStateFn``.
            ValueError: If ``params`` contains a parameter not present in ``operator``.
        if not isinstance(operator[-1], CircuitStateFn):
            raise TypeError(
                'Please make sure that the operator for which you want to compute '
                'Quantum Fisher Information represents an expectation value or a '
                'loss function and that the quantum state is given as '
        if not isinstance(params, Iterable):
            params = [params]
        grad = Gradient(self._grad_method,
                        epsilon=self._epsilon).convert(operator, params)
        metric = self._qfi_method.convert(operator[-1], params) * 0.25

        def combo_fn(x):
            c = np.real(x[0])
            a = np.real(x[1])
            if self.regularization:
                nat_grad = NaturalGradient._regularized_sle_solver(
                    a, c, regularization=self.regularization)
                    nat_grad = np.linalg.solve(a, c)
                except np.linalg.LinAlgError:  # singular matrix
                    nat_grad = np.linalg.lstsq(a, c)[0]
            return np.real(nat_grad)

        return ListOp([grad, metric], combo_fn=combo_fn)
Пример #3
    def get_hessian(self,
                    operator: OperatorBase,
                    params: Optional[Union[Tuple[ParameterExpression, ParameterExpression],
                                           List[Tuple[ParameterExpression, ParameterExpression]]]]
                    = None
                    ) -> OperatorBase:
        """Get the Hessian for the given operator w.r.t. the given parameters

            operator: Operator w.r.t. which we take the Hessian.
            params: Parameters w.r.t. which we compute the Hessian.

            Operator which represents the gradient w.r.t. the given params.

            ValueError: If ``params`` contains a parameter not present in ``operator``.
            AquaError: If the coefficient of the operator could not be reduced to 1.
                        AquaError: If the differentiation of a combo_fn requires JAX but the package
                        is not installed.
            TypeError: If the operator does not include a StateFn given by a quantum circuit
            TypeError: If the parameters were given in an unsupported format.
            Exception: Unintended code is reached

        def is_coeff_c(coeff, c):
            if isinstance(coeff, ParameterExpression):
                expr = coeff._symbol_expr
                return expr == c
            return coeff == c

        if isinstance(params, (ParameterVector, list)):
            # Case: a list of parameters were given, compute the Hessian for all param pairs
            if all(isinstance(param, ParameterExpression) for param in params):
                return ListOp(
                    [ListOp([self.get_hessian(operator, (p0, p1)) for p1 in params])
                     for p0 in params])
            # Case: a list was given containing tuples of parameter pairs.
            # Compute the Hessian entries corresponding to these pairs of parameters.
            elif all(isinstance(param, tuple) for param in params):
                return ListOp(
                    [self.get_hessian(operator, param_pair) for param_pair in params])

        # If a gradient is requested w.r.t a single parameter, then call the
        # Gradient().get_gradient method.
        if isinstance(params, ParameterExpression):
            return Gradient(grad_method=self._hess_method).get_gradient(operator, params)

        if (not isinstance(params, tuple)) or (not len(params) == 2):
            raise TypeError("Parameters supplied in unsupported format.")

        # By this point, it's only one parameter tuple
        p_0 = params[0]
        p_1 = params[1]

        # Handle Product Rules
        if not is_coeff_c(operator._coeff, 1.0):
            # Separate the operator from the coefficient
            coeff = operator._coeff
            op = operator / coeff
            # Get derivative of the operator (recursively)
            d0_op = self.get_hessian(op, p_0)
            d1_op = self.get_hessian(op, p_1)
            # ..get derivative of the coeff
            d0_coeff = self.parameter_expression_grad(coeff, p_0)
            d1_coeff = self.parameter_expression_grad(coeff, p_1)

            dd_op = self.get_hessian(op, params)
            dd_coeff = self.parameter_expression_grad(d0_coeff, p_1)

            grad_op = 0
            # Avoid creating operators that will evaluate to zero
            if dd_op != ~Zero @ One and not is_coeff_c(coeff, 0):
                grad_op += coeff * dd_op
            if d0_op != ~Zero @ One and not is_coeff_c(d1_coeff, 0):
                grad_op += d1_coeff * d0_op
            if d1_op != ~Zero @ One and not is_coeff_c(d0_coeff, 0):
                grad_op += d0_coeff * d1_op
            if not is_coeff_c(dd_coeff, 0):
                grad_op += dd_coeff * op

            if grad_op == 0:
                return ~Zero @ One

            return grad_op

        # Base Case, you've hit a ComposedOp!
        # Prior to execution, the composite operator was standardized and coefficients were
        # collected. Any operator measurements were converted to Pauli-Z measurements and rotation
        # circuits were applied. Additionally, all coefficients within ComposedOps were collected
        # and moved out front.
        if isinstance(operator, ComposedOp):

            if not is_coeff_c(operator.coeff, 1.):
                raise AquaError('Operator pre-processing failed. Coefficients were not properly '
                                'collected inside the ComposedOp.')

            # Do some checks to make sure operator is sensible
            # TODO enable compatibility with sum of CircuitStateFn operators
            if not isinstance(operator[-1], CircuitStateFn):
                raise TypeError(
                    'The gradient framework is compatible with states that are given as '

            return self.hess_method.convert(operator, params)

        # This is the recursive case where the chain rule is handled
        elif isinstance(operator, ListOp):
            # These operators correspond to (d_op/d θ0,θ1) for op in operator.oplist
            # and params = (θ0,θ1)
            dd_ops = [self.get_hessian(op, params) for op in operator.oplist]

            # Note that this check to see if the ListOp has a default combo_fn
            # will fail if the user manually specifies the default combo_fn.
            # I.e operator = ListOp([...], combo_fn=lambda x:x) will not pass this check and
            # later on jax will try to differentiate it and fail.
            # An alternative is to check the byte code of the operator's combo_fn against the
            # default one.
            # This will work but look very ugly and may have other downsides I'm not aware of
            if operator.combo_fn == ListOp([]).combo_fn:
                return ListOp(oplist=dd_ops)
            elif isinstance(operator, SummedOp):
                return SummedOp(oplist=dd_ops)
            elif isinstance(operator, TensoredOp):
                return TensoredOp(oplist=dd_ops)

            # These operators correspond to (d g_i/d θ0)•(d g_i/d θ1) for op in operator.oplist
            # and params = (θ0,θ1)
            d1d0_ops = ListOp([ListOp([Gradient(grad_method=self._hess_method).convert(op, param)
                                       for param in params], combo_fn=np.prod) for
                               op in operator.oplist])

            if operator.grad_combo_fn:
                first_partial_combo_fn = operator.grad_combo_fn
                if _HAS_JAX:
                    second_partial_combo_fn = jit(grad(lambda x: first_partial_combo_fn(x)[0],
                    raise AquaError(
                        'This automatic differentiation function is based on JAX. Please '
                        'install jax and use `import jax.numpy as jnp` instead of '
                        '`import numpy as np` when defining a combo_fn.')
                if _HAS_JAX:
                    first_partial_combo_fn = jit(grad(operator.combo_fn, holomorphic=True))
                    second_partial_combo_fn = jit(grad(lambda x: first_partial_combo_fn(x)[0],
                    raise AquaError(
                        'This automatic differentiation function is based on JAX. Please install '
                        'jax and use `import jax.numpy as jnp` instead of `import numpy as np` when'
                        'defining a combo_fn.')

            # For a general combo_fn F(g_0, g_1, ..., g_k)
            # dF/d θ0,θ1 = sum_i: (∂F/∂g_i)•(d g_i/ d θ0,θ1) + (∂F/∂^2 g_i)•(d g_i/d θ0)•(d g_i/d
            # θ1)

            # term1 = (∂F/∂g_i)•(d g_i/ d θ0,θ1)
            term1 = ListOp([ListOp(operator.oplist, combo_fn=first_partial_combo_fn),
                            ListOp(dd_ops)], combo_fn=lambda x: np.dot(x[1], x[0]))
            # term2 = (∂F/∂^2 g_i)•(d g_i/d θ0)•(d g_i/d θ1)
            term2 = ListOp([ListOp(operator.oplist, combo_fn=second_partial_combo_fn), d1d0_ops],
                           combo_fn=lambda x: np.dot(x[1], x[0]))

            return SummedOp([term1, term2])

        elif isinstance(operator, StateFn):
            if not operator.is_measurement:
                return self.hess_method.convert(operator, params)

                raise TypeError('The computation of Hessians is only supported for Operators which '
                                'represent expectation values or quantum states.')

            raise TypeError('The computation of Hessians is only supported for Operators which '
                            'represent expectation values.')