Пример #1
    def test_expand_method(self):
        """Test tensor method"""
        samples = 10
        nseed = 444
        for num_qubits_1 in range(1, 5):
            for num_qubits_2 in range(1, 5):
                for i in range(samples):
                    elem1 = random_cnotdihedral(num_qubits_1, seed=nseed + i)
                    elem2 = random_cnotdihedral(num_qubits_2,
                                                seed=nseed + samples + i)
                    circ1 = elem1.to_instruction()
                    circ2 = elem2.to_instruction()
                    value = elem2.expand(elem1)
                    circ = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits_1 + num_qubits_2)
                    qargs = list(range(num_qubits_1))
                    for instr, qregs, _ in circ1.definition:
                        new_qubits = [qargs[tup.index] for tup in qregs]
                        circ.append(instr, new_qubits)
                    qargs = list(
                        range(num_qubits_1, num_qubits_1 + num_qubits_2))
                    for instr, qregs, _ in circ2.definition:
                        new_qubits = [qargs[tup.index] for tup in qregs]
                        circ.append(instr, new_qubits)
                    target = CNOTDihedral(circ)

                    self.assertEqual(target, value,
                                     'Error: expand circuit is not the same')
Пример #2
 def test_dot_method(self):
     """Test dot method"""
     samples = 10
     nseed = 222
     for qubit_num in range(1, 3):
         for i in range(samples):
             elem1 = random_cnotdihedral(qubit_num, seed=nseed + i)
             elem2 = random_cnotdihedral(qubit_num, seed=nseed + samples + i)
             circ1 = elem1.to_circuit()
             circ2 = elem2.to_circuit()
             value = elem1.dot(elem2)
             target = CNOTDihedral(qubit_num)
             target = target.from_circuit(circ2.extend(circ1))
             self.assertEqual(target, value,
                              'Error: composed circuit is not the same')
Пример #3
 def test_compose_method(self):
     """Test compose method"""
     samples = 10
     nseed = 111
     for qubit_num in range(1, 6):
         for i in range(samples):
             elem1 = random_cnotdihedral(qubit_num, seed=nseed + i)
             elem2 = random_cnotdihedral(qubit_num,
                                         seed=nseed + samples + i)
             circ1 = elem1.to_circuit()
             circ2 = elem2.to_circuit()
             value = elem1.compose(elem2)
             target = CNOTDihedral(circ1.extend(circ2))
             self.assertEqual(target, value,
                              'Error: composed circuit is not the same')
Пример #4
    def test_dihedral_random_decompose(self):
        Test that random elements are CNOTDihedral
        and to_circuit and from_circuit methods
        (where num_qubits < 3)
        for qubit_num in range(1, 5):
            for nseed in range(20):
                elem = random_cnotdihedral(qubit_num, seed=nseed)
                                'Error: random element is not CNOTDihedral')
                if qubit_num < 3:
                    test_circ = elem.to_circuit()
                                    'Error: cannot decompose a random '
                                    'CNOTDihedral element to a circuit')
                    new_elem = CNOTDihedral(qubit_num)
                    test_elem = new_elem.from_circuit(test_circ)
                    # Test of to_circuit and from_circuit methods
                    self.assertEqual(elem, test_elem,
                                     'Error: decomposed circuit is not equal '
                                     'to the original circuit')

                    test_gates = elem.to_instruction()
                    self.assertIsInstance(test_gates, qiskit.circuit.Gate,
                                          'Error: cannot decompose a random '
                                          'CNOTDihedral element to a Gate')
                    self.assertEqual(test_gates.num_qubits, test_circ.num_qubits,
                                     'Error: wrong num_qubits in decomposed gates')
                    new_elem1 = CNOTDihedral(qubit_num)
                    test_elem1 = new_elem1.from_circuit(test_gates)
                    # Test of to_instruction and from_circuit methods
                    self.assertEqual(elem, test_elem1,
                                     'Error: decomposed gates are not equal '
                                     'to the original gates')
Пример #5
 def test_conjugate(self):
     """Test transpose method"""
     samples = 10
     nseed = 777
     for qubit_num in range(1, 5):
         for i in range(samples):
             elem = random_cnotdihedral(qubit_num, seed=nseed + i)
             circ = elem.to_circuit()
             value = elem.conjugate().to_operator()
             target = Operator(circ).conjugate()
                             'Error: conjugate circuit is not the same')
Пример #6
 def test_to_matrix(self):
     """Test to_matrix method"""
     samples = 10
     nseed = 888
     for qubit_num in range(1, 5):
         for i in range(samples):
             elem = random_cnotdihedral(qubit_num, seed=nseed + i)
             circ = elem.to_circuit()
             mat = elem.to_matrix()
             self.assertIsInstance(mat, np.ndarray)
             self.assertEqual(mat.shape, 2 * (2**qubit_num, ))
             value = Operator(mat)
             target = Operator(circ)
                 'Error: matrix of the circuit is not the same')
Пример #7
    def test_dihedral_random_decompose(self):
        Test that random elements are CNOTDihedral
        and to_circuit, to_instruction, from_circuit, is_cnotdihedral methods
        for qubit_num in range(1, 9):
            for nseed in range(20):
                elem = random_cnotdihedral(qubit_num, seed=nseed)
                    elem, CNOTDihedral,
                    'Error: random element is not CNOTDihedral')
                                'Error: random element is not CNOTDihedral')

                test_circ = elem.to_circuit()
                    test_circ, 'Error: cannot decompose a random '
                    'CNOTDihedral element to a circuit')
                test_elem = CNOTDihedral(test_circ)
                # Test of to_circuit and from_circuit methods
                    elem, test_elem, 'Error: decomposed circuit is not equal '
                    'to the original circuit')
                # Test that is_cnotdihedral fails if linear part is wrong
                test_elem.linear = np.zeros((qubit_num, qubit_num))
                value = test_elem.is_cnotdihedral()
                                 'Error: is_cnotdihedral is not correct.')

                test_gates = elem.to_instruction()
                    test_gates, qiskit.circuit.Gate,
                    'Error: cannot decompose a random '
                    'CNOTDihedral element to a Gate')
                    test_gates.num_qubits, test_circ.num_qubits,
                    'Error: wrong num_qubits in decomposed gates')
                test_elem1 = CNOTDihedral(test_gates)
                # Test of to_instruction and from_circuit methods
                    elem, test_elem1, 'Error: decomposed gates are not equal '
                    'to the original gates')
Пример #8
 def test_dihedral_random_decompose(self):
     Test that random elements are CNOTDihedral
     and to_circuit and from_circuit methods
     (where num_qubits < 3)
     for qubit_num in range(1, 5):
         for nseed in range(20):
             elem = random_cnotdihedral(qubit_num, seed=nseed)
                             'Error: random element is not CNOTDihedral')
             if qubit_num < 3:
                 test_circ = elem.to_circuit()
                     test_circ, 'Error: cannot decompose a random '
                     'CNOTDihedral element to a circuit')
                 new_elem = CNOTDihedral(qubit_num)
                 test_elem = new_elem.from_circuit(test_circ)
                 # Test of to_circuit and from_circuit methods
                     elem, test_elem,
                     'Error: decomposed circuit is not equal '
                     'to the original circuit')