Пример #1
 def test_unitary_to_stinespring(self):
     """Test UnitaryChannel to Stinespring transformation."""
     # Test unitary channels
     for mat in self.unitary_mat:
         chan1 = Stinespring(mat)
         chan2 = Stinespring(UnitaryChannel(chan1))
         self.assertEqual(chan1, chan2)
Пример #2
 def test_operator_to_stinespring(self):
     """Test Operator to Stinespring transformation."""
     # Test unitary channels
     for mat in self.unitary_mat:
         chan1 = Stinespring(mat)
         chan2 = Stinespring(Operator(chan1))
         self.assertEqual(chan1, chan2)
Пример #3
 def test_stinespring_to_unitary(self):
     """Test Stinespring to UnitaryChannel transformation."""
     for mat in self.unitary_mat:
         chan1 = UnitaryChannel(mat)
         chan2 = UnitaryChannel(Stinespring(mat))
             matrix_equal(chan2.data, chan1.data, ignore_phase=True))
     self.assertRaises(QiskitError, UnitaryChannel,
Пример #4
 def test_stinespring_to_operator(self):
     """Test Stinespring to Operator transformation."""
     for mat in self.unitary_mat:
         chan1 = Operator(mat)
         chan2 = Operator(Stinespring(mat))
             matrix_equal(chan2.data, chan1.data, ignore_phase=True))
     self.assertRaises(QiskitError, Operator,
Пример #5
 def test_stinespring_to_chi(self):
     """Test Stinespring to Chi transformation."""
     # Test unitary channels
     for mat, chi in zip(self.unitary_mat, self.unitary_chi):
         chan1 = Chi(chi)
         chan2 = Chi(Stinespring(mat))
         self.assertEqual(chan1, chan2)
     # Test depolarizing channels
     for p in [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]:
         chan1 = Chi(self.depol_chi(p))
         chan2 = Chi(Stinespring(self.depol_stine(p)))
         self.assertEqual(chan1, chan2)
Пример #6
 def test_stinespring_to_ptm(self):
     """Test Stinespring to PTM transformation."""
     # Test unitary channels
     for mat, ptm in zip(self.unitary_mat, self.unitary_ptm):
         chan1 = PTM(ptm)
         chan2 = PTM(Stinespring(mat))
         self.assertEqual(chan1, chan2)
     # Test depolarizing channels
     for p in [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]:
         chan1 = PTM(self.depol_ptm(p))
         chan2 = PTM(Stinespring(self.depol_stine(p)))
         self.assertEqual(chan1, chan2)
Пример #7
 def test_stinespring_to_stinespring(self):
     """Test Stinespring to Stinespring transformation."""
     # Test unitary channels
     for mat in self.unitary_mat:
         chan1 = Stinespring(mat)
         chan2 = Stinespring(chan1)
         self.assertEqual(chan1, chan2)
     # Test depolarizing channels
     for p in [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]:
         chan1 = Stinespring(self.depol_stine(p))
         chan2 = Stinespring(chan1)
         self.assertEqual(chan1, chan2)
Пример #8
 def _stinespring_to_other_single(self, rep, qubits_test_cases,
     """Test single Stinespring to Other evolution."""
     for nq in qubits_test_cases:
         dim = 2**nq
         for _ in range(repetitions):
             rho = self.rand_rho(dim)
             mat = self.rand_matrix(dim**2, dim)
             chan1 = Stinespring(mat)
             rho1 = chan1._evolve(rho)
             chan2 = rep(chan1)
             rho2 = chan2._evolve(rho)
             self.assertAllClose(rho1, rho2)
Пример #9
 def test_superop_to_stinespring(self):
     """Test SuperOp to Stinespring transformation."""
     # Test unitary channels
     for mat, sop in zip(self.unitary_mat, self.unitary_sop):
         chan1 = Stinespring(mat)
         chan2 = Stinespring(SuperOp(sop))
             matrix_equal(chan2.data[0], chan1.data[0], ignore_phase=True))
     # Test depolarizing channels
     rho = DensityMatrix(np.diag([1, 0]))
     for p in [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]:
         target = rho.evolve(Stinespring(self.depol_stine(p)))
         output = rho.evolve(Stinespring(SuperOp(self.depol_sop(p))))
         self.assertEqual(output, target)
Пример #10
 def test_ptm_to_stinespring(self):
     """Test PTM to Stinespring transformation."""
     # Test unitary channels
     for mat, ptm in zip(self.unitary_mat, self.unitary_ptm):
         chan1 = Kraus(mat)
         chan2 = Kraus(PTM(ptm))
             matrix_equal(chan2.data[0], chan1.data[0], ignore_phase=True))
     # Test depolarizing channels
     rho = np.diag([1, 0])
     for p in [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]:
         targ = Stinespring(self.depol_stine(p))._evolve(rho)
         chan = Stinespring(PTM(self.depol_ptm(p)))
         self.assertAllClose(chan._evolve(rho), targ)
Пример #11
 def test_ptm_to_stinespring(self):
     """Test PTM to Stinespring transformation."""
     # Test unitary channels
     for mat, ptm in zip(self.unitary_mat, self.unitary_ptm):
         chan1 = Kraus(mat)
         chan2 = Kraus(PTM(ptm))
             matrix_equal(chan2.data[0], chan1.data[0], ignore_phase=True))
     # Test depolarizing channels
     rho = DensityMatrix(np.diag([1, 0]))
     for p in [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]:
         target = rho.evolve(Stinespring(self.depol_stine(p)))
         output = rho.evolve(Stinespring(PTM(self.depol_ptm(p))))
         self.assertEqual(output, target)
Пример #12
 def _stinespring_to_other_single(self, rep, qubits_test_cases, repetitions):
     """Test single Stinespring to Other evolution."""
     for nq in qubits_test_cases:
         dim = 2**nq
         for _ in range(repetitions):
             rho = self.rand_rho(dim)
             mat = self.rand_matrix(dim**2, dim)
             chan = Stinespring(mat)
             rho1 = DensityMatrix(rho).evolve(chan).data
             rho2 = DensityMatrix(rho).evolve(rep(chan)).data
             assert_allclose(rho1, rho2)
Пример #13
 def test_stinespring_to_superop(self):
     """Test Stinespring to SuperOp transformation."""
     # Test unitary channels
     for mat, sop in zip(self.unitary_mat, self.unitary_sop):
         chan1 = SuperOp(sop)
         chan2 = SuperOp(Kraus(mat))
         self.assertEqual(chan1, chan2)
     # Test depolarizing channels
     for p in [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]:
         chan1 = SuperOp(self.depol_sop(p))
         chan2 = SuperOp(Stinespring(self.depol_stine(p)))
         self.assertEqual(chan1, chan2)
Пример #14
 def _stinespring_to_other_double(self, rep, qubits_test_cases,
     """Test double Stinespring to Other evolution."""
     for nq in qubits_test_cases:
         dim = 2**nq
         for _ in range(repetitions):
             rho = self.rand_rho(dim)
             mat_l = self.rand_matrix(dim**2, dim)
             mat_r = self.rand_matrix(dim**2, dim)
             chan = Stinespring((mat_l, mat_r))
             rho1 = DensityMatrix(rho).evolve(chan).data
             rho2 = DensityMatrix(rho).evolve(rep(chan)).data
             self.assertAllClose(rho1, rho2)
Пример #15
 def test_superop_to_stinespring(self):
     """Test SuperOp to Stinespring transformation."""
     # Test unitary channels
     for mat, sop in zip(self.unitary_mat, self.unitary_sop):
         chan1 = Stinespring(mat)
         chan2 = Stinespring(SuperOp(sop))
             matrix_equal(chan2.data[0], chan1.data[0], ignore_phase=True))
     # Test depolarizing channels
     rho = np.diag([1, 0])
     for p in [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]:
         targ = Stinespring(self.depol_stine(p))._evolve(rho)
         chan = Stinespring(SuperOp(self.depol_sop(p)))
         self.assertAllClose(chan._evolve(rho), targ)
Пример #16
 def test_kraus_to_stinespring(self):
     """Test Kraus to Stinespring transformation."""
     # Test unitary channels
     for mat in self.unitary_mat:
         chan1 = Stinespring(mat)
         chan2 = Stinespring(Kraus(mat))
             matrix_equal(chan2.data[0], chan1.data[0], ignore_phase=True))
     # Test depolarizing channels
     rho = np.diag([1, 0])
     for p in [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]:
         targ = Stinespring(self.depol_stine(p))._evolve(rho)
         chan = Stinespring(Kraus(self.depol_kraus(p)))
         self.assertAllClose(chan._evolve(rho), targ)
 def test_stinespring_transpose(self):
     """Test transpose of Stinespring matrices is correct."""
     mats = self.unitaries
     chans = [Stinespring(mat) for mat in mats]
     self._compare_transpose_to_operator(chans, mats)
Пример #18
 def test_stinespring_subtract_other_rep(self):
     """Test subtraction of Stinespring matrices is correct."""
     chan = Stinespring(self.UI)
Пример #19
 def test_stinespring_add_other_rep(self):
     """Test addition of Stinespring matrices is correct."""
     chan = Stinespring(self.UI)
 def test_stinespring_compose_other_reps(self):
     """Test compose of Stinespring works with other reps."""
     chan = Stinespring(self.UI)
 def test_stinespring_compose(self):
     """Test compose of Stinespring matrices is correct."""
     mats = [self.UI, self.UX, self.UY, self.UZ, self.UH]
     chans = [Stinespring(mat) for mat in mats]
     self._compare_compose_to_operator(chans, mats)
 def test_stinespring_expand_other_reps(self):
     """Test expand of Stinespring works with other reps."""
     chan = Stinespring(self.UI)
 def test_stinespring_expand_random(self):
     """Test expand of Stinespring matrices is correct."""
     mats = [self.rand_matrix(2, 2) for _ in range(4)]
     chans = [Stinespring(Operator(mat)) for mat in mats]
     self._compare_expand_to_operator(chans, mats)
 def test_stinespring_tensor_other_reps(self):
     """Test tensor of Stinespring works with other reps."""
     chan = Stinespring(self.UI)
Пример #25
 def test_stinespring_compose(self):
     """Test compose of Stinespring matrices is correct."""
     mats = [self.matI, self.matX, self.matY, self.matZ, self.matH]
     chans = [Stinespring(mat) for mat in mats]
     self._compare_compose_to_unitary(chans, mats)
Пример #26
 def test_stinespring_compose_random(self):
     """Test compose of Stinespring matrices is correct."""
     mats = [self.rand_matrix(4, 4) for _ in range(4)]
     chans = [Stinespring(UnitaryChannel(mat)) for mat in mats]
     self._compare_compose_to_unitary(chans, mats)
 def test_stinespring_adjoint(self):
     """Test adjoint of Stinespring matrices is correct."""
     mats = self.unitaries
     chans = [Stinespring(mat) for mat in mats]
     self._compare_adjoint_to_operator(chans, mats)
 def test_stinespring_adjoint_random(self):
     """Test adjoint of Stinespring matrices is correct."""
     mats = [self.rand_matrix(4, 4) for _ in range(4)]
     chans = [Stinespring(Operator(mat)) for mat in mats]
     self._compare_adjoint_to_operator(chans, mats)
Пример #29
 def test_stinespring_conjugate(self):
     """Test conjugate of Stinespring matrices is correct."""
     mats = self.unitaries
     chans = [Stinespring(mat) for mat in mats]
     self._compare_conjugate_to_unitary(chans, mats)