Пример #1
    def _validate_setup(self, skip=None):
        """Validate the current setup and raise an error if something misses to run."""

        if skip is None:
            skip = {}

        required_attributes = {"quantum_instance", "optimizer"}.difference(skip)

        for attr in required_attributes:
            if getattr(self, attr, None) is None:
                raise ValueError(f"The {attr} cannot be None.")

        if self.num_timesteps is not None and self.num_timesteps <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                f"The number of timesteps must be positive but is {self.num_timesteps}."

        if self.ansatz.num_parameters == 0:
            raise QiskitError(
                "The ansatz cannot have 0 parameters, otherwise it cannot be trained."

        if len(self.initial_parameters) != self.ansatz.num_parameters:
            raise QiskitError(
                f"Mismatching number of parameters in the ansatz ({self.ansatz.num_parameters}) "
                f"and the initial parameters ({len(self.initial_parameters)})."
Пример #2
    def FullAccreditation(self, confidence):
        This function computes the bound on variation distance based and
        the confidence interval desired.  This protocol is from [1]
        and fully treats non-Markovian errors

            confidence (float): number between 0 and 1

            dict: dict of postselected target counts
            float: 1-norm bound from noiseless samples
            float: confidence

            QiskitError: If no runs are accepted
                         or confidence is outside of 0,1
        if self._Nacc == 0:
            raise QiskitError("ERROR: Variation distance requires"
                              "at least one accepted run")
        if confidence > 1 or confidence < 0:
            raise QiskitError("ERROR: Confidence must be"
                              "between 0 and 1")
        theta = np.sqrt(np.log(2/(1-confidence))/(2*self._Nruns))
        if self._Nacc/self._Nruns > theta:
            bound = self._g*1.7/(self._Ntraps+1)
            bound = bound/(self._Nacc/self._Nruns-theta)
            bound = bound+1-self._g
            bound = 1
        bound = min(bound, 1)
        return self._counts_accepted, bound, confidence
Пример #3
    def _process_bit_id(self, node):
        """Process an Id or IndexedId node as a bit or register type.

        Return a list of tuples (Register,index).
        # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements
        reg = None
        if node.name in self.dag.qregs:
            reg = self.dag.qregs[node.name]
        elif node.name in self.dag.cregs:
            reg = self.dag.cregs[node.name]
            raise QiskitError("expected qreg or creg name:",
                              "line=%s" % node.line, "file=%s" % node.file)

        if node.type == "indexed_id":
            # An indexed bit or qubit
            return [(reg, node.index)]
        elif node.type == "id":
            # A qubit or qreg or creg
            if not self.bit_stack[-1]:
                # Global scope
                return [(reg, j) for j in range(reg.size)]
                # local scope
                if node.name in self.bit_stack[-1]:
                    return [self.bit_stack[-1][node.name]]
                raise QiskitError("expected local bit name:",
                                  "line=%s" % node.line, "file=%s" % node.file)
        return None
Пример #4
def measure(self, qubit, cbit):
    """Measure quantum bit into classical bit (tuples).
        qubit (QuantumRegister|tuple): quantum register
        cbit (ClassicalRegister|tuple): classical register
        qiskit.Instruction: the attached measure instruction.
        QiskitError: if qubit is not in this circuit or bad format;
            if cbit is not in this circuit or not creg.
    if isinstance(qubit, QuantumRegister) and isinstance(cbit, ClassicalRegister) \
            and len(qubit) == len(cbit):
        instructions = InstructionSet()
        for i in range(qubit.size):
            instructions.add(self.measure((qubit, i), (cbit, i)))
        return instructions
    elif isinstance(qubit, QuantumRegister) and isinstance(
            cbit, ClassicalRegister) and len(qubit) != len(cbit):
        raise QiskitError(
            "qubit (%s) and cbit (%s) should have the same length" %
            (len(qubit), len(cbit)))
    elif not (isinstance(qubit, tuple) and isinstance(cbit, tuple)):
        raise QiskitError(
            "Both qubit <%s> and cbit <%s> should be Registers or formated as tuples. "
            "Hint: You can use subscript eg. cbit[0] to convert it into tuple."
            % (type(qubit).__name__, type(cbit).__name__))

    return self._attach(Measure(qubit, cbit, self))
Пример #5
    def __iadd__(self, other):
        """Append a Result object to current Result object.

            other (Result): a Result object to append.
            Result: The current object with appended results.
            QiskitError: if the Results cannot be combined.
            'Result addition is deprecated and will be removed in '
            'version 0.7+.', DeprecationWarning)

        this_backend = self.backend_name
        other_backend = other.backend_name
        if this_backend != other_backend:
            raise QiskitError(
                'Result objects from different backends cannot be combined.')

        if not self.success or not other.success:
            raise QiskitError(
                'Can not combine a failed result with another result.')

        return self
    def preparation_circuit(self, op: str, qubit: Qubit) -> QuantumCircuit:
        """Return the preparation circuit on the given qubit

            op: The name of the preparation operator
            qubit: The qubit on which to apply the preparation operator
            QiskitError: In case no preparation data is present in the basis
                or **qubit** is not Qubit
            ValueError: if **op** is not a n name of a preparation operator
                in the basis
            The preparation circuit
        # Error Checking
        if self.preparation is False:
            raise QiskitError("{} is not a preparation basis".format(

        if not isinstance(qubit, Qubit):
            raise QiskitError('Input must be a qubit in a QuantumRegister')

        if op not in self._preparation_labels:
            msg = "Invalid {0} preparation operator label".format(self._name)
            error = "'{}' not in {}".format(op, self._preparation_labels)
            raise ValueError("{0}: {1}".format(msg, error))

        return self._preparation_circuit(op, qubit)
Пример #7
    def signals(self, signals: Union[VectorSignal, List[BaseSignal]]):
        """Set the signals."""

        if signals is None:
            self._signal_params = None
            self._signals = None
            # if signals is a list, instantiate a VectorSignal
            if isinstance(signals, list):
                signals = VectorSignal.from_signal_list(signals)

            # if it isn't a VectorSignal by now, raise an error
            if not isinstance(signals, VectorSignal):
                raise QiskitError("signals specified in unaccepted format.")

            # verify signal length is same as operators
            if len(signals.carrier_freqs) != len(self.operators):
                raise QiskitError(
                    """signals needs to have the same length as

            # internal ops need to be reset if there is a cutoff frequency
            # and carrier_freqs has changed
            if self._signals is not None:
                if (
                    not np.allclose(self._signals.carrier_freqs, signals.carrier_freqs)
                    and self._cutoff_freq is not None

            self._signals = signals
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, param, qargs, circ=None):
        """Create new initialize composite gate."""
        num_qubits = math.log2(len(param))

        # Check if param is a power of 2
        if num_qubits == 0 or not num_qubits.is_integer():
            raise QiskitError("Desired vector not a positive power of 2.")

        self.num_qubits = int(num_qubits)

        # Check if number of desired qubits agrees with available qubits
        if len(qargs) != self.num_qubits:
            raise QiskitError("Number of complex amplitudes do not correspond "
                              "to the number of qubits.")

        # Check if probabilities (amplitudes squared) sum to 1
        if not math.isclose(sum(np.absolute(param) ** 2), 1.0,
            raise QiskitError("Sum of amplitudes-squared does not equal one.")

        super().__init__("init", param, qargs, circ)

        # call to generate the circuit that takes the desired vector to zero
        # remove zero rotations and double cnots
        # invert the circuit to create the desired vector from zero (assuming
        # the qubits are in the zero state)
        # do not set the inverse flag, as this is the actual initialize gate
        # we just used inverse() as a method to obtain it
        self.inverse_flag = False
Пример #9
    def _init_from_bool(self, z, x):
        """Construct pauli from boolean array.

            z (numpy.ndarray): boolean, z vector
            x (numpy.ndarray): boolean, x vector

            Pauli: self

            QiskitError: if z or x are None or the length of z and x are different.
        if z is None:
            raise QiskitError("z vector must not be None.")
        if x is None:
            raise QiskitError("x vector must not be None.")
        if len(z) != len(x):
            raise QiskitError("length of z and x vectors must be "
                              "the same. (z: {} vs x: {})".format(len(z), len(x)))

        z = _make_np_bool(z)
        x = _make_np_bool(x)
        self._z = z
        self._x = x

        return self
Пример #10
def _format_registers(
        *registers: Union[Qubit, QuantumRegister]) -> List[Qubit]:
    """Return a list of qubit QuantumRegister tuples.

        registers: Any nonzero number of qubits or
        quantum registers, all unique
         QiskitError: If no qubits/registers were passed
            or non-unique qubits passed
        A flat list of all qubits passed.
    if not registers:
        raise QiskitError('No registers are being measured!')
    qubits = []
    for tuple_element in registers:
        if isinstance(tuple_element, QuantumRegister):
            for j in range(tuple_element.size):
    # Check registers are unique
    if len(qubits) != len(set(qubits)):
        raise QiskitError('Qubits to be measured are not unique!')
    return qubits
    def measurement_circuit(self, op: str,
                            qubit: Qubit,
                            clbit: Clbit
                            ) -> QuantumCircuit:
        """Return the measurement circuit on the given qubit and clbit

            op: The name of the measurement operator
            qubit: The qubit on which to apply the measurement operator
            clbit: The classical bit that will hold the measurement result
            QiskitError: In case no measurement data is present in the basis
                or **qubit**/**clbit** are not Qubit/Clbit
            ValueError: if **op** is not a n name of a measurement operator
                in the basis
            The measurement circuit
        # Error Checking
        if self.measurement is False:
            raise QiskitError(
                "{} is not a measurement basis".format(self._name))

        if not isinstance(qubit, Qubit):
            raise QiskitError('Input must be a qubit in a QuantumRegister')

        if not isinstance(clbit, Clbit):
            raise QiskitError('Input must be a bit in a ClassicalRegister')

        if op not in self._measurement_labels:
            msg = "Invalid {0} measurement operator label".format(self._name)
            error = "'{0}' != {1}".format(op, self._measurement_labels)
            raise ValueError("{0}: {1}".format(msg, error))

        return self._measurement_circuit(op, qubit, clbit)
Пример #12
    def single_protocol_run(self, results, postp_list, v_zero):
        DEPRECATED-Single protocol run of accreditation protocol
            results (Result): results of the quantum job
            postp_list (list): list of strings used to post-process outputs
            v_zero (int): position of target

            QiskitError: If the number of circuits is inconsistent or
                         if there are not at least 3 traps or
                         if the data is not single shot
        self._Nruns = self._Nruns + 1
        self.flag = 'accepted'

        # Check that correct number of traps is input
        if self._Nruns == 1:
            self._Ntraps = len(postp_list)-1
            if len(postp_list)-1 != self._Ntraps:
                raise QiskitError("ERROR: Run protocol with the"
                                  "same number of traps")

        if self._Ntraps < 3:
            raise QiskitError("ERROR: run the protocol with at least 3 traps")
        allcounts = []
        for ind, postp in enumerate(postp_list):

            # Classical postprocessing
            # check single shot and extract string
            counts = results.get_counts(ind)
            counts = QOTPCorrectCounts(counts, postp)
            shots = 0
            countstring = None
            for countstring, val in counts.items():
                shots += val
            if shots != 1 or countstring is None:
                raise QiskitError("ERROR: not single shot data")
        for k, count in enumerate(allcounts):
            if k != v_zero:
                # Check if trap returns correct output
                if count != '0' * len(count):
                    self.flag = 'rejected'
                output_target = count
        if self.flag == 'accepted':
            self._Nacc += 1
            if output_target in self._counts_accepted.keys():
                self._counts_accepted[output_target] += 1
                self._counts_accepted[output_target] = 1
        self.outputs = self._counts_accepted
        self.num_runs = self._Nruns
        self.N_acc = self._Nacc
Пример #13
    def subset_fitter(self, qubit_sublist):
        """Return a fitter object that is a subset of the qubits in the original list.

        This is only a partial implementation of the ``subset_fitter`` method since only
        mitigation patterns of length 1 are supported. This corresponds to patterns of the
        form ``[[0], [1], [2], ...]``. Note however, that such patterns are a good first
        approximation to mitigate readout errors on large quantum circuits.

            qubit_sublist (list): must be a subset of qubit_list

            TensoredMeasFitter: A new fitter that has the calibration for a
                subset of qubits

            QiskitError: If the calibration matrix is not initialized
            QiskitError: If the mit pattern is not a tensor of single-qubit
                measurement error mitigation.
            QiskitError: If a qubit in the given ``qubit_sublist`` is not in the list of
                qubits in the mit. pattern.
        if self._cal_matrices is None:
            raise QiskitError("Calibration matrices are not initialized.")

        if qubit_sublist is None:
            raise QiskitError("Qubit sublist must be specified.")

        if not all(len(tensor) == 1 for tensor in self._mit_pattern):
            raise QiskitError(
                f"Each element in the mit pattern should have length 1. Found {self._mit_pattern}."

        supported_qubits = set(tensor[0] for tensor in self._mit_pattern)
        for qubit in qubit_sublist:
            if qubit not in supported_qubits:
                raise QiskitError(
                    f"Qubit {qubit} is not in the mit pattern {self._mit_pattern}."

        new_mit_pattern = [[idx] for idx in qubit_sublist]
        new_substate_labels_list = [
            self._substate_labels_list[idx] for idx in qubit_sublist

        new_fitter = TensoredMeasFitter(

        new_fitter.cal_matrices = [
            self._cal_matrices[idx] for idx in qubit_sublist

        return new_fitter
Пример #14
def mcrx(self, theta, q_controls, q_target, use_basis_gates=False):
    Apply Multiple-Controlled X rotation gate

        self (QuantumCircuit): The QuantumCircuit object to apply the mcrx gate on.
        theta (float): angle theta
        q_controls (list(Qubit)): The list of control qubits
        q_target (Qubit): The target qubit
        use_basis_gates (bool): use u1, u2, u3, cx, id

        QiskitError: parameter errors

    # check controls
    if isinstance(q_controls, QuantumRegister):
        control_qubits = list(q_controls)
    elif isinstance(q_controls, list):
        control_qubits = q_controls
        raise QiskitError(
            'The mcrx gate needs a list of qubits or a quantum register for controls.'

    # check target
    if isinstance(q_target, Qubit):
        target_qubit = q_target
        raise QiskitError('The mcrx gate needs a single qubit as target.')

    all_qubits = control_qubits + [target_qubit]


    n_c = len(control_qubits)
    if n_c == 1:  # cu3
                   -pi / 2,
                   pi / 2,
        theta_step = theta * (1 / (2**(n_c - 1)))
                             -pi / 2,
                             pi / 2,
Пример #15
 def _verify_parameters(self, lengths, num_samples):
     """Verify input correctness, raise QiskitError if needed"""
     if any(length <= 0 for length in lengths):
         raise QiskitError(
             f"The lengths list {lengths} should only contain "
             "positive elements.")
     if len(set(lengths)) != len(lengths):
         raise QiskitError(f"The lengths list {lengths} should not contain "
                           "duplicate elements.")
     if num_samples <= 0:
         raise QiskitError(f"The number of samples {num_samples} should "
                           "be positive.")
Пример #16
    def _delay_gate(self, qubit_state: dict, delay: float, t2hahn: float,
                    frequency: float) -> dict:
        Apply delay gate to the qubit. From the delay time we can calculate the probability
        that an error has accrued.
            qubit_state(dict): The state of the qubit before operating the gate.
            delay(float): The time in which there are no operation on the qubit.
            t2hahn(float): The T2 parameter of the backhand for probability calculation.
            frequency(float): The frequency of the qubit for phase calculation.

            dict: The state of the qubit after operating the gate.

            QiskitError: Raised if the frequency is 'None' or if the qubit isn't in the XY plane.
        if frequency is None:
            raise QiskitError(
                "Delay gate supported only if the qubit is on the XY plane.")
        new_qubit_state = qubit_state
        if qubit_state["XY plane"]:
            prob_noise = 1 - (np.exp(-delay / t2hahn))
            if self._rng.random() < prob_noise:
                if self._rng.random() < 0.5:
                    new_qubit_state = {
                        "XY plane": False,
                        "ZX plane": True,
                        "Theta": 0,
                    new_qubit_state = {
                        "XY plane": False,
                        "ZX plane": True,
                        "Theta": np.pi,
                phase = frequency * delay
                new_theta = qubit_state["Theta"] + phase
                new_theta = new_theta % (2 * np.pi)
                new_qubit_state = {
                    "XY plane": True,
                    "ZX plane": False,
                    "Theta": new_theta
            if not isclose(qubit_state["Theta"], np.pi) and not isclose(
                    qubit_state["Theta"], 0):
                raise QiskitError(
                    "Delay gate supported only if the qubit is on the XY plane."
        return new_qubit_state
Пример #17
    def _qubit_initialization(self, nqubits: int) -> List[dict]:
        Initialize the list of qubits state. If initialization error is provided to the backend it will
        use it to determine the initialized state.
            nqubits(int): the number of qubits in the circuit.

            List[dict]: A list of dictionary which each dictionary contain the qubit state in the format
                        {"XY plane": (bool), "ZX plane": (bool), "Theta": float}

            QiskitError: Raised if initialization_error type isn't 'None'', 'float' or a list of 'float'
                         with length of number of the qubits.
            ValueError: Raised if the initialization error is negative.
        qubits_sates = [{} for _ in range(nqubits)]
        # Making an array with the initialization error for each qubit.
        initialization_error = self._initialization_error
        if isinstance(initialization_error, float) or initialization_error is None:
            initialization_error_arr = [initialization_error for _ in range(nqubits)]
        elif isinstance(initialization_error, list):
            if len(initialization_error) == 1:
                initialization_error_arr = [initialization_error[0] for _ in range(nqubits)]
            elif len(initialization_error) == nqubits:
                initialization_error_arr = initialization_error
                raise QiskitError(
                    f"The length of the list {initialization_error} isn't the same as the number "
                    "of qubits."
            raise QiskitError("Initialization error type isn't a list or float")

        for err in initialization_error_arr:
            if not isinstance(err, float):
                raise QiskitError("Initialization error type isn't a list or float")
            if err < 0:
                raise ValueError("Initialization error value can't be negative.")

        for qubit in range(nqubits):
            if initialization_error_arr[qubit] is not None and (
                self._rng.random() < initialization_error_arr[qubit]
                qubits_sates[qubit] = {"XY plane": False, "ZX plane": True, "Theta": np.pi}
                qubits_sates[qubit] = {
                    "XY plane": False,
                    "ZX plane": True,
                    "Theta": 0,
        return qubits_sates
Пример #18
def ucz(self, angle_list, q_controls, q_target):
    """Attach a uniformly controlled (also called multiplexed gates) Rz rotation gate to a circuit.

    The decomposition is base on https://arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/0406176.pdf by Shende et al.

        angle_list (list[numbers): list of (real) rotation angles [a_0,...,a_{2^k-1}]
        q_controls (QuantumRegister|list[Qubit]): list of k control qubits
            (or empty list if no controls). The control qubits are ordered according to their
            significance in increasing order: For example if q_controls=[q[1],q[2]]
            (with q = QuantumRegister(2)), the rotation Rz(a_0)is performed if q[1] and q[2]
            are in the state zero, the rotation  Rz(a_1) is performed if q[1] is in
            the state one and q[2] is in the state zero, and so on
        q_target (QuantumRegister|Qubit): target qubit, where we act on with
            the single-qubit rotation gates

        QuantumCircuit: the uniformly controlled rotation gate is attached to the circuit.

        QiskitError: if the list number of control qubits does not correspond to
            the provided number of single-qubit unitaries; if an input is of
            the wrong type

    if isinstance(q_controls, QuantumRegister):
        q_controls = q_controls[:]
    if isinstance(q_target, QuantumRegister):
        q_target = q_target[:]
        if len(q_target) == 1:
            q_target = q_target[0]
            raise QiskitError(
                "The target qubit is a QuantumRegister containing"
                " more than one qubits.")
    # Check if q_controls has type "list"
    if not isinstance(angle_list, list):
        raise QiskitError("The angles must be provided as a list.")
    num_contr = math.log2(len(angle_list))
    if num_contr < 0 or not num_contr.is_integer():
        raise QiskitError(
            "The number of controlled rotation gates is not a non-negative"
            " power of 2.")
    # Check if number of control qubits does correspond to the number of rotations
    if num_contr != len(q_controls):
        raise QiskitError(
            "Number of controlled rotations does not correspond to the number"
            " of control-qubits.")
    return self.append(UCZ(angle_list), [q_target] + q_controls, [])
Пример #19
    def plot_calibration(self, ax=None, show_plot=True):
        Plot the calibration matrix (2D color grid plot)

            show_plot (bool): call plt.show()


        if self._cal_matrix is None:
            raise QiskitError("Cal matrix has not been set")

        if not HAS_MATPLOTLIB:
            raise ImportError('The function plot_rb_data needs matplotlib. '
                              'Run "pip install matplotlib" before.')

        if ax is None:
            ax = plt.gca()

        axim = ax.matshow(self._cal_matrix, cmap=plt.cm.binary, clim=[0, 1])

        if show_plot:
Пример #20
    def readout_fidelity(self, cal_index=0, label_list=None):
        Based on the results output the readout fidelity, which is the average
        of the diagonal entries in the calibration matrices

            cal_index: readout fidelity of which sub cal?
            label_list (list of lists on states):
            Returns the average fidelity over of the groups of states.
            If None then each state used in the construction of the
            calibration matrices forms a group of size 1

            readout fidelity (assignment fidelity)

        Additional Information:
            The on-diagonal elements of the calibration matrices are the
            probabilities of measuring state 'x' given preparation of state

        if self._cal_matrices is None:
            raise QiskitError("Cal matrix has not been set")

        if label_list is None:
            label_list = [[label] for label in

        tmp_fitter = CompleteMeasFitter(None,
        tmp_fitter.cal_matrix = self.cal_matrices[cal_index]
        return tmp_fitter.readout_fidelity(label_list)
Пример #21
    def plot_calibration(self, ax=None, show_plot=True):
        Plot the calibration matrix (2D color grid plot)

            show_plot (bool): call plt.show()


        if self._cal_matrix is None:
            raise QiskitError("Cal matrix has not been set")

        if not HAS_MATPLOTLIB:
            raise ImportError('The function plot_rb_data needs matplotlib. '
                              'Run "pip install matplotlib" before.')

        if ax is None:
            ax = plt.gca()

        axim = ax.matshow(self._cal_matrix, cmap=plt.cm.binary, clim=[0, 1])
        ax.set_xlabel('Prepared State')
        ax.set_ylabel('Measured State')

        if show_plot:
Пример #22
    def _apply(self, si: BaseSignal, sq: BaseSignal) -> BaseSignal:
            si: In phase signal
            sq: Quadrature signal.

            The up-converted signal.

            QiskitError: if the carriers frequencies of I and Q differ.

        # Check compatibility of the input signals
        if si.carrier_freq != sq.carrier_freq:
            raise QiskitError("IQ mixer requires the same sideband frequencies for I and Q.")

        phi_i, phi_q = si.phase, sq.phase
        wp, wm = self._lo + si.carrier_freq, self._lo - si.carrier_freq
        wp *= 2 * np.pi
        wm *= 2 * np.pi

        def mixer_func(t):
            """Function of the IQ mixer."""
            osc_i = np.cos(wp * t + phi_i) + np.cos(wm * t + phi_i)
            osc_q = np.cos(wp * t + phi_q - np.pi / 2) + np.cos(wm * t + phi_q + np.pi / 2)
            return si.envelope_value(t) * osc_i / 2 + sq.envelope_value(t) * osc_q / 2

        return Signal(mixer_func, carrier_freq=0, phase=0)
Пример #23
    def from_label(cls, label):
        r"""Take pauli string to construct pauli.

        The qubit index of pauli label is q_{n-1} ... q_0.
        E.g., a pauli is $P_{n-1} \otimes ... \otimes P_0$

            label (str): pauli label

            Pauli: the constructed pauli

            QiskitError: invalid character in the label
        z = np.zeros(len(label), dtype=np.bool)
        x = np.zeros(len(label), dtype=np.bool)
        for i, char in enumerate(label):
            if char == 'X':
                x[-i - 1] = True
            elif char == 'Z':
                z[-i - 1] = True
            elif char == 'Y':
                z[-i - 1] = True
                x[-i - 1] = True
            elif char != 'I':
                raise QiskitError("Pauli string must be only consisted of 'I', 'X', "
                                  "'Y' or 'Z' but you have {}.".format(char))
        return cls(z=z, x=x)
Пример #24
    def _apply(self, signal: BaseSignal) -> BaseSignal:
        Applies a transformation on a signal, such as a convolution,
        low pass filter, etc. Once a convolution is applied the signal
        can longer have a carrier as the carrier is part of the signal
        value and gets convolved.

            signal: A signal or list of signals to which the
                    transfer function will be applied.

            signal: The transformed signal or list of signals.

            QiskitError: if the signal is not pwc.
        if isinstance(signal, PiecewiseConstant):
            # Perform a discrete time convolution.
            dt = signal.dt
            func_samples = Array([self._func(dt * i) for i in range(signal.duration)])
            func_samples = func_samples / sum(func_samples)
            sig_samples = Array([signal.value(dt * i) for i in range(signal.duration)])

            convoluted_samples = list(np.convolve(func_samples, sig_samples))

            return PiecewiseConstant(dt, convoluted_samples, carrier_freq=0.0, phase=0.0)
            raise QiskitError("Transfer function not defined on input.")
Пример #25
    def evaluate(self, time: float, in_frame_basis: bool = False) -> Array:
        """Evaluate the model in array format.

            time: Time to evaluate the model
            in_frame_basis: Whether to evaluate in the basis in which the frame
                            operator is diagonal

            Array: the evaluated model

            QiskitError: If model cannot be evaluated.

        if self._signals is None:
            raise QiskitError("""GeneratorModel cannot be evaluated without signals.""")

        sig_vals = self._signals.value(time)

        # evaluate the linear combination in the frame basis with cutoffs,
        # then map into the frame
        op_combo = self._evaluate_in_frame_basis_with_cutoffs(sig_vals)
        return self.frame.generator_into_frame(
            time, op_combo, operator_in_frame_basis=True, return_in_frame_basis=in_frame_basis
Пример #26
def complete_meas_cal(
        qubit_list: List[int] = None,
        qr: List[QuantumRegister] = None,
        cr: List[ClassicalRegister] = None,
        circlabel: str = '') -> Tuple[List[QuantumCircuit], List[str]]:
    Return a list of measurement calibration circuits for the full
    Hilbert space.

    If the circuit contains :math:`n` qubits, then :math:`2^n` calibration circuits
    are created, each of which creates a basis state.

        qubit_list: A list of qubits to perform the measurement correction on.
           If `None`, and qr is given then assumed to be performed over the entire
           qr. The calibration states will be labelled according to this ordering (default `None`).

        qr: Quantum registers. If `None`, one is created (default `None`).

        cr: Classical registers. If `None`, one is created(default `None`).

        circlabel: A string to add to the front of circuit names for
            unique identification(default ' ').

        A list of QuantumCircuit objects containing the calibration circuits.

        A list of calibration state labels.

    Additional Information:
        The returned circuits are named circlabel+cal_XXX
        where XXX is the basis state,
        e.g., cal_1001.

        Pass the results of these circuits to the CompleteMeasurementFitter

        QiskitError: if both `qubit_list` and `qr` are `None`.


    if qubit_list is None and qr is None:
        raise QiskitError("Must give one of a qubit_list or a qr")

    # Create the registers if not already done
    if qr is None:
        qr = QuantumRegister(max(qubit_list) + 1)

    if qubit_list is None:
        qubit_list = range(len(qr))

    nqubits = len(qubit_list)

    # labels for 2**n qubit states
    state_labels = count_keys(nqubits)

    cal_circuits, _ = tensored_meas_cal([qubit_list], qr, cr, circlabel)

    return cal_circuits, state_labels
Пример #27
def benchmark_circuits(backend, circuits, shots=1):
    """Return average execution time for a list of circuits.

        backend (Backend): A qiskit backend object.
        circuits list(QuantumCircuit): a list of quantum circuits.
        shots (int): Number of shots for each circuit.

        float: The total execution time for all circuits divided by the
        number of circuits.

        QiskitError: If the simulation execution fails.
    qobj = qiskit.compile(circuits, backend, shots=shots)
    start_time = time.time()
    result = backend.run(qobj).result()
    end_time = time.time()
    if isinstance(circuits, QuantumCircuit):
        average_time = end_time - start_time
        average_time = (end_time - start_time) / len(circuits)
    if result.status != 'COMPLETED':
        raise QiskitError("Simulation failed. Status: " + result.status)
    return average_time
    def measurement_matrix(self, label: str,
                           outcome: Union[str, int]
                           ) -> np.array:
        """Return the measurement matrix for a given measurement operator
        and expected outcome.

            label: Name of the measurement element.
            outcome: The expected outcome: 0 or 1 or '0' or '1'.
            QiskitError: If the TomographyBasis has no measurement data
            ValueError: if **label** does not describe an element of the
                measurement data, or if **outcome** is not a valid outcome.
            The measurement matrix.
        if self.measurement is False:
            raise QiskitError("{} is not a measurement basis".format(

        # Check input is valid for this basis
        if label not in self._measurement_labels:
            msg = "Invalid {0} measurement operator label".format(self._name)
            error = "'{}' not in {}".format(label, self._measurement_labels)
            raise ValueError("{0}: {1}".format(msg, error))

        # Check outcome is valid for this measurement
        allowed_outcomes = [0, 1, '0', '1']
        if outcome not in allowed_outcomes:
            error = "'{}' not in {}".format(outcome, allowed_outcomes)
            raise ValueError('Invalid measurement outcome: {}'.format(error))

        return self._measurement_matrix(label, outcome)
 def time_quantum_volume(self, qobj, noise_model):
     result = self.backend.run(
     if result.status != 'COMPLETED':
         raise QiskitError("Simulation failed. Status: " + result.status)
Пример #30
    def preparation_circuit(self, op, qubit):
        """Return the preparation circuits."""
        # Error Checking
        if self.preparation is False:
            raise QiskitError("{} is not a preparation basis".format(

        if not isinstance(qubit, Qubit):
            raise QiskitError('Input must be a qubit in a QuantumRegister')

        if op not in self._preparation_labels:
            msg = "Invalid {0} preparation operator label".format(self._name)
            error = "'{}' not in {}".format(op, self._preparation_labels)
            raise ValueError("{0}: {1}".format(msg, error))

        return self._preparation_circuit(op, qubit)