def test_online_devices(self):
        """Test if there are online backends (which are devices).

        If all correct some should exists. NEED internet connection for this.
        # TODO: Jay should we check if we the QX is online before runing.
        qp = QuantumProgram(specs=QPS_SPECS)
        qp.set_api(API_TOKEN, URL)
        online_devices = qp.online_devices()
        # print(online_devices)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(online_devices, list))
    def test_online_devices(self):
        """Test if there are online backends (which are devices).

        If all correct some should exists. NEED internet connection for this.
        # TODO: Jay should we check if we the QX is online before runing.
        qp = QuantumProgram(specs=QPS_SPECS)
        qp.set_api(API_TOKEN, URL)
        online_devices = qp.online_devices()
        # print(online_devices)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(online_devices, list))
Пример #3
ran_qasm = result.get_ran_qasm('Circuit')


# You can use
# `qp.execute(circuits)
# to combine the compile and run in a single step.

out = qp.execute(circuits, backend, wait=2, timeout=240)

## Execute on a Real Device
           Qconfig.config['url'])  # set the APIToken and API url
real_device_backend = [
    backend for backend in qp.online_devices()
    if qp.get_backend_configuration(backend)['n_qubits'] == 5
    and qp.get_backend_status(backend)['available'] == True


for backend in qp.online_devices():
# find and appropriate real device backend that your APIToken has access to run that has 5 qubits and is available
backend = real_device_backend[
    0]  # Backend where you execute your programl in this case, on the real Quatum Chip online
circuits = ['Circuit']  # Group of circuits to execute
shots = 1024  # Number of shots to run the program (experiment); maximum is 8192 shots.