Пример #1
def test_map():
    p = Product((Range(4), "x"), (Range(4), "y"))
    f = Function("f").takes(p.type, "p").returns(Int()).code("return p.x + p.y;")
    result = Qit().run(p.iterate().take(6).map(f).take(4))
    assert result == [0, 1, 2, 3]
    result = Qit().run(p.generate().map(f).take(4))
    assert all(x >= 0 and x <= 8 for x in result)
Пример #2
def test_product_generator_iterator_variables():
    x = Variable(Int(), "x")
    y = Variable(Int(), "x")

    p = Product((Range(x), "x"), (Range(y), "y"))

    assert set() == set(p.get_variables())
    assert {x, y} == set(p.iterate().get_variables())
    assert {x, y} == set(p.generate().get_variables())
Пример #3
def test_random_product():
    p = Product("P", (Range(2), "x"), (Range(2), "y"))
    q = Product("Q", (p, "p1"), (p, "p2"))
    c = Qit()
    result = c.run(q.generate().take(100).collect())
    assert len(result) == 100
    for ((a, b), (c, d)) in result:
        assert a >= 0 and a < 2
        assert b >= 0 and b < 2
        assert c >= 0 and c < 2
        assert d >= 0 and d < 2