Пример #1
def test_linear_ts():
    compute a first approximation to the TS.
    # Read the Molecule from file
    cnc = Molecule('test/test_files/C-N-C.mol', 'mol')

    # User define Settings
    settings = Settings()
    settings.functional = "pbe"
    settings.basis = "SZ"

    constraint1 = Distance(1, 5)
    constraint2 = Distance(3, 4)

    # scan input
    pes = PES(cnc, constraints=[constraint1, constraint2],
              offset=[2.3, 2.3], get_current_values=False,
              nsteps=2, stepsize=[0.1, 0.1])

    # returns a set of results object containing the output of
    # each point in the scan
    lt = pes.scan([dftb, adf], settings)

    # Gets the object presenting the molecule
    # with the maximum energy calculated from the scan
    apprTS = select_max(lt, "energy")

    # Run the TS optimization, using the default TS template
    ts = run(apprTS)

    expected_energy = -3.219708290363864

    assert abs(ts.energy - expected_energy) < 0.02
Пример #2
def create_cp2k_settings(mol: Molecule) -> Settings:
    """Create CP2K general settings."""
    # Set path for basis set
    path_basis = pkg_resources.resource_filename("nanoqm",
    path_potential = pkg_resources.resource_filename("nanoqm",

    # Settings specifics
    s = Settings()
    s.basis = "DZVP-MOLOPT-SR-GTH"
    s.potential = "GTH-PBE"
    s.cell_parameters = 25
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.subsys.cell.periodic = 'none'
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.basis_set_file_name = path_basis
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.potential_file_name = path_potential

    # functional
    s.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.xc["xc_functional pbe"] = {}

    # Generate kinds for the atom types
    elements = [x.symbol for x in mol.atoms]
    kinds = generate_kinds(elements, s.basis, s.potential)

    # Update the setting with the kinds
    s.specific = s.specific + kinds

    return s
Пример #3
def test_opt_orca():
    Test Orca input generation and run functions.
    h2o = Molecule('test/test_files/h2o.xyz', 'xyz', charge=0, multiplicity=1)

    h2o_geometry = dftb(templates.geometry, h2o)

    s = Settings()
    # generic keyword "basis" must be present in the generic dictionary
    s.basis = "sto_dzp"
    # "specific" allows the user to apply specific keywords for a
    # package that are not in a generic dictionary
    # s.specific.adf.basis.core = "large"

    r = templates.singlepoint.overlay(s)
    h2o_singlepoint = orca(r, h2o_geometry.molecule)

    dipole = h2o_singlepoint.dipole

    final_result = run(dipole, n_processes=1)

    expected_dipole = [0.82409, 0.1933, -0.08316]
    diff = sqrt(sum((x - y) ** 2 for x, y in zip(final_result,
    print("Expected dipole computed with Orca 3.0.3 is:", expected_dipole)
    print("Actual dipole is:", final_result)

    assert diff < 1e-2
Пример #4
def test_opt_orca():
    """Test Orca input generation and run functions."""
    h2o = Molecule(PATH_MOLECULES / "h2o.xyz", 'xyz', charge=0, multiplicity=1)

    h2o_geometry = dftb(templates.geometry, h2o)

    s = Settings()
    # generic keyword "basis" must be present in the generic dictionary
    s.basis = "sto_dzp"
    # s.specific.adf.basis.core = "large"

    r = templates.singlepoint.overlay(s)
    h2o_singlepoint = orca(r, h2o_geometry.molecule)

    dipole = h2o_singlepoint.dipole

    final_result = run(dipole, n_processes=1)

    expected_dipole = [0.82409, 0.1933, -0.08316]
    diff = sqrt(sum((x - y)**2 for x, y in zip(final_result, expected_dipole)))
        f"Expected dipole computed with Orca 3.0.3 is: {expected_dipole}")
    logger.info(f"Actual dipole is: {final_result}")

    assertion.lt(diff, 1e-2)
Пример #5
def test_opt_orca():
    Test Orca input generation and run functions.
    h2o = Molecule('test/test_files/h2o.xyz', 'xyz', charge=0, multiplicity=1)

    h2o_geometry = dftb(templates.geometry, h2o)

    s = Settings()
    # generic keyword "basis" must be present in the generic dictionary
    s.basis = "sto_dzp"
    # "specific" allows the user to apply specific keywords for a
    # package that are not in a generic dictionary
    # s.specific.adf.basis.core = "large"

    r = templates.singlepoint.overlay(s)
    h2o_singlepoint = orca(r, h2o_geometry.molecule)

    dipole = h2o_singlepoint.dipole

    final_result = run(dipole, n_processes=1)

    expected_dipole = [0.82409, 0.1933, -0.08316]
    diff = sqrt(sum((x - y)**2 for x, y in zip(final_result, expected_dipole)))
    print("Expected dipole computed with Orca 3.0.3 is:", expected_dipole)
    print("Actual dipole is:", final_result)

    assert diff < 1e-2
Пример #6
def prepare_cp2k_settings(geometry, work_dir):
    Fills in the parameters for running a single job in CP2K.

    :param geometry: Molecular geometry stored as String
    :type geometry: plams.Molecule
    :param files: Tuple containing the IO files to run the calculations
    :type files: nameTuple
    :parameter settings: Dictionary contaning the data to
    fill in the template
    :type  settings: ~qmflows.Settings
    :parameter work_dir: Name of the Working folder
    :type      work_dir: String
    :param wfn_restart_job: Path to *.wfn cp2k file use as restart file.
    :type wfn_restart_job: String
    :param cp2k_config:  Parameters required by cp2k.
    :type cp2k_config: Dict
   :returns: ~qmflows.Settings
    # Input/Output Files
    file_MO = join(work_dir, 'mo_coeffs.out')

    # create Settings for the Cp2K Jobs
    cp2k_args = Settings()
    cp2k_args.basis = "DZVP-MOLOPT-SR-GTH"
    cp2k_args.potential = "GTH-PBE"
    cp2k_args.cell_parameters = [12.74] * 3
    dft = cp2k_args.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft
    dft.scf.added_mos = 20
    dft.scf.eps_scf = 1e-3
    dft["print"]["mo"]["mo_index_range"] = "7 46"
    dft.scf.diagonalization.jacobi_threshold = 1e-5

    # Atom basis
    cp2k_args.specific.cp2k.force_eval.subsys.kind["C"]["BASIS_SET"] = "DZVP-MOLOPT-SR-GTH-q4"
    cp2k_args.specific.cp2k.force_eval.subsys.kind["C"]["POTENTIAL"] = "GTH-PBE-q4"
    cp2k_args.specific.cp2k.force_eval.subsys.kind["H"]["BASIS_SET"] = "DZVP-MOLOPT-SR-GTH-q1"
    cp2k_args.specific.cp2k.force_eval.subsys.kind["H"]["POTENTIAL"] = "GTH-PBE-q1"

    # Functional
    # cp2k_args.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.xc["xc_functional"]["pbe"]["scale_x"] = 0.75
    # cp2k_args.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft.xc["xc_functional"]["pbe"]["scale_c"] = 1.0

    # copy the basis and potential to a tmp file
        shutil.copy(join('test/test_files', f), work_dir)
    # Cp2k configuration files

    force = cp2k_args.specific.cp2k.force_eval
    force.dft.basis_set_file_name = join(work_dir, 'BASIS_MOLOPT')
    force.dft.Basis_set_file_name = join(work_dir, 'BASIS_ADMM_MOLOPT')
    force.dft.potential_file_name = join(work_dir, 'GTH_POTENTIALS')
    force.dft['print']['mo']['filename'] = file_MO
    cp2k_args.specific.cp2k['global']['project'] = 'ethylene'

    return templates.singlepoint.overlay(cp2k_args)
Пример #7
def main():

    # Current Work Directory
    cwd = os.getcwd()

    # ========== Fill in the following variables
    # Varaible to define the Path ehere the Cp2K jobs will be computed
    scratch = "/path/to/scratch"
    project_name = 'My_awesome_project'  # name use to create folders

    # Path to the basis set used by Cp2k
    basisCP2K = "/Path/to/CP2K/BASIS_MOLOPT"
    potCP2K = "/Path/to/CP2K/GTH_POTENTIALS"

    path_to_trajectory = 'Path/to/trajectory/in/XYZ'

    # Number of MO used to compute the coupling
    nHOMO = None
    couplings_range = None

    # Basis
    basis = "DZVP-MOLOPT-SR-GTH"

    # Algorithm to compute the NAC
    algorithm = 'levine'

    # Integation step used for the dynamics (femtoseconds)
    dt = 1

    # ============== End of User definitions ===================================

    cp2k_args = Settings()
    cp2k_args.basis = basis

    # Results folder
    results_dir = join(cwd, 'total_results')
    if not os.path.exists(results_dir):

    # Merge all the HDF5 files
    file_hdf5 = merge_hdf5(scratch, project_name, cwd, results_dir)

    # compute missing couplings
    script_name = "merge_data.py"

    write_python_script(scratch, 'total_results', path_to_trajectory,
                        project_name, basisCP2K, potCP2K, cp2k_args,
                        Settings(), 0, script_name, file_hdf5, nHOMO,
                        couplings_range, algorithm, dt)

    # Script using SLURM
    write_slurm_script(scratch, results_dir, script_name)
Пример #8
def example_FDE_fragments():
    # For the purpose of the example, define xyz files here:
    xyz1 = io.StringIO('''3

    O         0.00000000000000     -2.29819386240000      1.63037963360000
    H        -0.76925379540000     -2.28223123190000      2.22684542850000
    H         0.76925379540000     -2.28223123190000      2.22684542850000''')

    xyz2 = io.StringIO('''3

    O         0.00000000000000      2.29819386240000      1.63037963360000
    H        -0.76925379540000      2.28223123190000      2.22684542850000
    H         0.76925379540000      2.28223123190000      2.22684542850000''')

    xyz3 = io.StringIO('''3

    O         0.00000000000000      0.00000000000000     -0.26192472620000
    H         0.00000000000000      0.77162768440000      0.34261631290000
    H         0.00000000000000     -0.77162768440000      0.34261631290000''')

    # Read the Molecule from file
    m_h2o_1 = Molecule()
    m_h2o_1.readxyz(xyz1, 1)
    m_h2o_2 = Molecule()
    m_h2o_2.readxyz(xyz2, 1)
    m_mol = Molecule()
    m_mol.readxyz(xyz3, 1)

    settings = Settings()
    settings.basis = 'SZ'
    settings.specific.adf.nosymfit = ''

    # Prepare first water fragment
    r_h2o_1 = adf(templates.singlepoint.overlay(settings), m_h2o_1, job_name="h2o_1")

    # Prepare second water fragment
    r_h2o_2 = adf(templates.singlepoint.overlay(settings), m_h2o_2, job_name="h2o_2")

    frags = gather(schedule(Fragment)(r_h2o_1, m_h2o_1, isfrozen=True),
                   schedule(Fragment)(r_h2o_2, m_h2o_2, isfrozen=True),
                   Fragment(None, m_mol))

    job_fde = adf_fragmentsjob(templates.singlepoint. overlay(settings), frags,

    # Perform FDE job and get dipole
    # This gets the dipole moment of the active subsystem only
    dipole_fde = run(job_fde.dipole)

    print('FDE dipole:', dipole_fde)

    return dipole_fde
Пример #9
def cp2k_input(
        range_orbitals, cell_parameters, cell_angles, added_mos,
        basis="DZVP-MOLOPT-SR-GTH", potential="GTH-PBE"):
    # create ``Settings`` for the Cp2K Jobs.
    # Main Cp2k Jobs
    cp2k_args = Settings()
    cp2k_args.basis = fun_format(basis)
    cp2k_args.potential = fun_format(potential)
    cp2k_args.cell_parameters = cell_parameters
    cp2k_args.cell_angles = cell_angles
    main_dft = cp2k_args.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft
    main_dft.scf.added_mos = added_mos
    main_dft.scf.max_scf = 40
    main_dft.scf.eps_scf = 5e-4
    main_dft['print']['mo']['mo_index_range'] = '"{} {}"'.format(*range_orbitals)
    cp2k_args.specific.cp2k.force_eval.subsys.cell.periodic = fun_format('None')

    # Setting to calculate the wave function used as guess
    cp2k_OT = Settings()
    cp2k_OT.basis = fun_format(basis)
    cp2k_OT.potential = fun_format(potential)
    cp2k_OT.cell_parameters = cell_parameters
    cp2k_OT.cell_angles = cell_angles
    ot_dft = cp2k_OT.specific.cp2k.force_eval.dft
    ot_dft.scf.scf_guess = fun_format('atomic')
    ot_dft.scf.ot.minimizer = fun_format('DIIS')
    ot_dft.scf.ot.n_diis = 7
    ot_dft.scf.ot.preconditioner = fun_format('FULL_SINGLE_INVERSE')
    ot_dft.scf.added_mos = 0
    ot_dft.scf.eps_scf = 1e-06
    ot_dft.scf.scf_guess = fun_format('restart')
    cp2k_OT.specific.cp2k.force_eval.subsys.cell.periodic = fun_format('None')

    return cp2k_args, cp2k_OT
Пример #10
def example_freqs():
    This examples illustrates the possibility to use different packages interchangeably.
    Analytical frequencies are not available for B3LYP in ADF
    This workflow captures the resulting error and submits the same job to ORCA.
    # Generate water molecule
    water = molkit.from_smiles('[OH2]', forcefield='mmff')

    # Pre-optimize the water molecule
    opt_water = dftb(templates.geometry, water, job_name="dftb_geometry")

    jobs = []

    # Generate freq jobs for 3 functionals
    for functional in ['pbe', 'b3lyp', 'blyp']:
        s = Settings()
        s.basis = 'DZ'
        s.functional = functional
        # Try to perform the jobs with adf or orca, take result from  first successful calculation
        freqjob = find_first_job(is_successful, [adf, orca],

    # Run workflow
    results = run(gather(*jobs), n_processes=1)

    # extrac results
    freqs = [r.frequencies[-3:] for r in results]
    functionals = ['pbe', 'b3lyp', 'blyp']

    # Print the result
    table = [
        "{:10s}{:10.3f}{:10.3f}{:10.3f}\n".format(fun, *fs)
        for fun, fs in zip(functionals, freqs)

    return freqs
Пример #11
def example_freqs():
    This examples illustrates the possibility to use different packages interchangeably.
    Analytical frequencies are not available for B3LYP in ADF
    This workflow captures the resulting error and submits the same job to ORCA.
    # Generate water molecule
    water = molkit.from_smiles('[OH2]', forcefield='mmff')

    # Pre-optimize the water molecule
    opt_water = dftb(templates.geometry, water, job_name="dftb_geometry")

    jobs = []

    # Generate freq jobs for 3 functionals
    for functional in ['pbe', 'b3lyp', 'blyp']:
        s = Settings()
        s.basis = 'DZ'
        s.functional = functional
        # Try to perform the jobs with adf or orca, take result from  first successful calculation
        freqjob = find_first_job(is_successful, [adf, orca], templates.freq.overlay(s),
                                 opt_water.molecule, job_name=functional)

    # Run workflow
    results = run(gather(*jobs), n_processes=1)

    # extrac results
    freqs = [r.frequencies[-3:] for r in results]
    functionals = ['pbe', 'b3lyp', 'blyp']

    # Print the result
    table = ["{:10s}{:10.3f}{:10.3f}{:10.3f}\n".format(fun, *fs)
             for fun, fs in zip(functionals, freqs)]

    return freqs
Пример #12
    'methylthiophene': 'CC1=C(C=CS1)C#C'

# transform the string into a format understandable by Qmflows
molecules = {name: from_smiles(smile) for name, smile in smiles.items()}

# Used DFTB to optimize the geometries
dftb_jobs = {
    name: dftb(templates.geometry, mol, job_name='dftb_{}'.format(name))
    for name, mol in molecules.items()
optimized_mols = {name: job.molecule for name, job in dftb_jobs.items()}

# Settings for ADF SAOP single point calculation
s = Settings()
s.basis = 'DZP'
s.specific.adf.basis.core = None
s.specific.adf.xc.model = 'saop'
s.specific.adf.scf.converge = 1e-6
s.specific.adf.symmetry = 'nosym'

# single point calculations using the SAOP functional
singlepoints = [
    adf(s, mol, job_name='adf_{}'.format(name))
    for name, mol in optimized_mols.items()

# Filter results with H**O-LUMO gap lower than 3 eV
candidates = filter_homo_lumo_lower_than(gather(*singlepoints), 3)

# Optimize the selected candidates
Пример #13
def bond_distance(r1, r2):
    return sqrt(sum((x - y)**2 for x, y in zip(r1, r2)))

# ========== =============


# Read the Molecule from file
cnc = Molecule('C-N-C.mol', 'mol')

# User define Settings
settings = Settings()
settings.functional = "pbe"
settings.basis = "TZ2P"

constraint1 = "dist 1 5"
constraint2 = "dist 3 4"

# scan input
scan = {
    'constraint': [constraint1, constraint2],
    'surface': {
        'nsteps': 6,
        'start': [2.3, 2.3],
        'stepsize': [0.1, 0.1]
Пример #14
# ========== =============

def bond_distance(r1, r2):
    return sqrt(sum((x - y)**2 for x, y in zip(r1, r2)))

# ========== =============

# Read the Molecule from file
cnc = Molecule('C-N-C.mol', 'mol')

# User define Settings
settings = Settings()
settings.functional = "pbe"
settings.basis = "SZ"

constraint1 = Distance(0, 4)
constraint2 = Distance(2, 3)

# scan input
pes = PES(cnc,
          constraints=[constraint1, constraint2],
          offset=[2.3, 2.3],
          stepsize=[0.1, 0.1])

# returns a set of results object containing the output of
# each point in the scan