Пример #1
#$  max_events 75000
#$  njobs 30
#$  endset
#$ set
#$  mz 250
#$  max_events 75000
#$  njobs 300
#$  endset
#$ set
#$  mz 150
#$  max_events 75000
#$  njobs 500
#$  endset

import qondor, seutils, svjqondor, os.path as osp
cmssw = qondor.init_cmssw()

mz = int(qondor.get_var('mz'))
max_events = int(qondor.get_var('max_events'))

offset = 2000  # apply an offset to the part to generate new events
part = qondor.get_proc_id(
) + 1 + offset  # proc_id starts at 0, runSVJ expects starting at 1

physics = {
    'year': 2018,
    'mz': mz,
    'mdark': 20.,
    'rinv': 0.3,
    'boost': 1000.,
Пример #2
    ['*_RU_*', '*FNAL*', '*IFCA*', '*KIPT*', 'T3_IT_Trieste', 'T2_TR_METU', 'T2_US_Vanderbilt', 'T2_PK_NCP']

# For each background, submit 50 jobs
for bkg in bkgs:
    # Skip anything except qcd (for Sara), remove this line if you want to do all bkgs
    if not 'qcd' in bkg.lower(): continue
    for i in range(50):
        submit(bkg=bkg, i_file=i, transfer_files=['~/CMSSW_10_2_21_latest_el7_treemaker.tar.gz'])
"""# endsubmit

import qondor, seutils, os.path as osp

# Download the TreeMaker tarball and extract it
cmssw = qondor.init_cmssw(

bkg = qondor.scope.bkg
i_file = qondor.scope.i_file
scenario = bkg.split('.', 1)[0]
year = 2000 + int(scenario[-2:])

# Run the TreeMaker ntupler
    'cd TreeMaker/Production/test',
    'cmsRun runMakeTreeFromMiniAOD_cfg.py'
    ' nstart={}'
    ' nfiles=1'
    ' outfile=outfile'
    ' scenario={}'