def play(self, resume=False): self.status = "Switching to Player..." import player = app struct, cells_by_id, columns_by_id = save(self.scene, resume=resume) window = player.MainWindow(playtest=True) window.setWindowModality(qt.ApplicationModal) window.setWindowState(self.windowState()) window.setGeometry(self.geometry()) windowcloseevent = window.closeEvent def closeevent(e): windowcloseevent(e) for it in window.scene.all(player.Cell): cells_by_id[].revealed_resume = it.kind is not Cell.unknown window.closeEvent = closeevent window.load(struct) app.processEvents() window.view.setSceneRect(self.view.sceneRect()) window.view.setTransform(self.view.transform()) window.view.horizontalScrollBar().setValue( self.view.horizontalScrollBar().value()) delta = window.view.mapTo(window.central_widget, QPoint(0, 0)) window.view.verticalScrollBar().setValue( self.view.verticalScrollBar().value() + delta.y()) self.status = "Done", 1
def first_visible_row(self): geom = self.viewport().geometry() for y in range(, (self.spacing() * 2) +, 5): for x in range(geom.left(), (self.spacing() * 2) + geom.left(), 5): ans = self.indexAt(QPoint(x, y)).row() if ans > -1: return ans
def last_visible_row(self): geom = self.viewport().geometry() for y in range(geom.bottom(), geom.bottom() - 2 * self.spacing(), -5): for x in range(geom.left(), (self.spacing()*2) + geom.left(), 5): ans = self.indexAt(QPoint(x, y)).row() if ans > -1: item_width = self.delegate.item_size.width() + 2*self.spacing() return ans + (geom.width() // item_width)
def number_of_columns(self): # Number of columns currently visible in the grid if self._ncols is None: dpr = self.device_pixel_ratio width = int(dpr * self.delegate.cover_size.width()) height = int(dpr * self.delegate.cover_size.height()) step = max(10, self.spacing()) for y in range(step, 2 * height, step): for x in range(step, 2 * width, step): i = self.indexAt(QPoint(x, y)) if i.isValid(): for x in range(self.viewport().width() - step, self.viewport().width() - width, -step): j = self.indexAt(QPoint(x, y)) if j.isValid(): self._ncols = j.row() - i.row() + 1 return self._ncols return self._ncols
def delayed(): window.load(struct) window.view.setSceneRect(self.view.sceneRect()) window.view.setTransform(self.view.transform()) window.view.horizontalScrollBar().setValue(self.view.horizontalScrollBar().value()) delta = window.view.mapTo(window.central_widget, QPoint(0, 0)) window.view.verticalScrollBar().setValue(self.view.verticalScrollBar().value()+delta.y()) self.status = "Done", 1
def do_layout(self, rect, apply_geometry=False): left, top, right, bottom = self.getContentsMargins() erect = rect.adjusted(left, top, -right, -bottom) x, y = erect.x(), erect.y() line_height = 0 def layout_spacing(wid, horizontal=True): ans = self.smart_spacing(horizontal) if ans != -1: return ans if wid is None: return 0 return QSizePolicy.ControlType.PushButton, QSizePolicy.ControlType.PushButton, Qt.Orientation.Horizontal if horizontal else Qt.Orientation.Vertical) lines, current_line = [], [] gmap = {} for item in self.items: isz, wid = item.sizeHint(), item.widget() hs, vs = layout_spacing(wid), layout_spacing(wid, False) next_x = x + isz.width() + hs if next_x - hs > erect.right() and line_height > 0: x = erect.x() y = y + line_height + vs next_x = x + isz.width() + hs lines.append((line_height, current_line)) current_line = [] line_height = 0 if apply_geometry: gmap[item] = x, y, isz x = next_x line_height = max(line_height, isz.height()) current_line.append((item, isz.height())) lines.append((line_height, current_line)) if apply_geometry: for line_height, items in lines: for item, item_height in items: x, wy, isz = gmap[item] if item_height < line_height: wy += (line_height - item_height) // 2 item.setGeometry(QRect(QPoint(x, wy), isz)) return y + line_height - rect.y() + bottom
def drag_data(self): m = self.model() db = m.db selected = self.get_selected_ids() ids = ' '.join(map(str, selected)) md = QMimeData() md.setData('application/calibre+from_library', ids.encode('utf-8')) fmt = prefs['output_format'] def url_for_id(i): try: ans = db.format_path(i, fmt, index_is_id=True) except: ans = None if ans is None: fmts = db.formats(i, index_is_id=True) if fmts: fmts = fmts.split(',') else: fmts = [] for f in fmts: try: ans = db.format_path(i, f, index_is_id=True) except: ans = None if ans is None: ans = db.abspath(i, index_is_id=True) return QUrl.fromLocalFile(ans) md.setUrls([url_for_id(i) for i in selected]) drag = QDrag(self) col = self.selectionModel().currentIndex().column() try: md.column_name = self.column_map[col] except AttributeError: md.column_name = 'title' drag.setMimeData(md) cover = self.drag_icon(m.cover(self.currentIndex().row()), len(selected) > 1) drag.setHotSpot(QPoint(-15, -15)) drag.setPixmap(cover) return drag
def popup(self, select_first=True): if self.disable_popup: return p = self m = p.model() widget = self.parent() if widget is None: return screen = widget.screen().availableGeometry() h = (p.sizeHintForRow(0) * min(self.max_visible_items, m.rowCount()) + 3) + 3 hsb = p.horizontalScrollBar() if hsb and hsb.isVisible(): h += hsb.sizeHint().height() rh = widget.height() pos = widget.mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, widget.height() - 2)) w = min(widget.width(), screen.width()) if (pos.x() + w) > (screen.x() + screen.width()): pos.setX(screen.x() + screen.width() - w) if pos.x() < screen.x(): pos.setX(screen.x()) top = pos.y() - rh - + 2 bottom = screen.bottom() - pos.y() h = max(h, p.minimumHeight()) if h > bottom: h = min(max(top, bottom), h) if top > bottom: pos.setY(pos.y() - h - rh + 2) p.setGeometry(pos.x(), pos.y(), w, h) if (tweaks['preselect_first_completion'] and select_first and not self.currentIndex().isValid() and self.model().rowCount() > 0): self.setCurrentIndex(self.model().index(0)) if not p.isVisible():
def point_at(self, frac): return (self.path.pointAtPercent(frac).toPoint() - QPoint(self.rect().center().x(), self.height()))
def do_layout(self, rect, apply_geometry=False): x, y = rect.x(), rect.y() line_height = 0 def layout_spacing(wid, horizontal=True): ans = self.smart_spacing(horizontal) if ans != -1: return ans return QSizePolicy.ControlType.ToolButton, QSizePolicy.ControlType.ToolButton, Qt.Orientation.Horizontal if horizontal else Qt.Orientation.Vertical) lines, current_line = [], [] gmap = {} if apply_geometry: for item in self.items: if isinstance(item, Separator): item.setGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0) def commit_line(): while current_line and isinstance(current_line[-1], Separator): current_line.pop() if current_line: lines.append((line_height, current_line)) for wid in self.items: if not wid.isVisible() or (not current_line and isinstance(wid, Separator)): continue isz = wid.sizeHint() hs, vs = layout_spacing(wid), layout_spacing(wid, False) next_x = x + isz.width() + hs if next_x - hs > rect.right() and line_height > 0: if isinstance(wid, Separator): continue x = rect.x() y = y + line_height + vs next_x = x + isz.width() + hs commit_line() current_line = [] line_height = 0 if apply_geometry: gmap[wid] = x, y, isz x = next_x line_height = max(line_height, isz.height()) current_line.append(wid) commit_line() if apply_geometry: self.applied_geometry = rect for line_height, items in lines: for wid in items: x, wy, isz = gmap[wid] if isz.height() < line_height: wy += (line_height - isz.height()) // 2 if wid.isVisible(): wid.setGeometry(QRect(QPoint(x, wy), isz)) return y + line_height - rect.y()
def do_layout(self, rect, apply_geometry=False): x, y = rect.x(), rect.y() line_height = 0 def layout_spacing(wid, horizontal=True): ans = self.smart_spacing(horizontal) if ans != -1: return ans return QSizePolicy.ControlType.ToolButton, QSizePolicy.ControlType.ToolButton, Qt.Orientation.Horizontal if horizontal else Qt.Orientation.Vertical) lines, current_line = [], [] gmap = {} if apply_geometry: for item in self.items: if isinstance(item, Separator): item.setGeometry(0, 0, 0, 0) def commit_line(): while current_line and isinstance(current_line[-1], Separator): current_line.pop() if current_line: lines.append((line_height, current_line)) groups = [] current_group = Group(self.parent()) for wid in self.items: if not wid.isVisible() or (not current_group and isinstance(wid, Separator)): continue if isinstance(wid, Separator): groups.append(current_group) current_group = Group(self.parent(), wid) else: current_group.add_widget(wid) if current_group: groups.append(current_group) x = rect.x() y = 0 line_height = 0 vs = 0 for group in groups: if current_line and x + group.width >= rect.right(): commit_line() current_line = [] x = rect.x() y += group.height group.leading_separator = None line_height = 0 if group.leading_separator: current_line.append(group.leading_separator) sz = group.leading_separator.sizeHint() gmap[group.leading_separator] = x, y, sz x += sz.width() + group.layout_spacing(group.leading_separator) for item in group.items: wid = item.widget if not vs: vs = group.layout_spacing(wid, False) if apply_geometry: gmap[wid] = x, y, x += item.width + group.layout_spacing(wid) current_line.append(wid) line_height = group.height commit_line() if apply_geometry: self.applied_geometry = rect for line_height, items in lines: for wid in items: x, wy, isz = gmap[wid] if isz.height() < line_height: wy += (line_height - isz.height()) // 2 if wid.isVisible(): wid.setGeometry(QRect(QPoint(x, wy), isz)) return y + line_height - rect.y()
def paintEvent(self, ev): offset = QPoint(0, 0) p = QPainter(self) p.setClipRect(ev.rect()) bottom = self.rect().bottom() if self.results: for i, (prefix, full, text) in enumerate(self.results): size = prefix.size() if offset.y() + size.height() > bottom: break self.max_result = i offset.setX(0) if i in (self.current_result, self.mouse_hover_result): if i != self.current_result: p.setPen(Qt.PenStyle.DotLine) p.drawLine(offset, QPoint(self.width(), offset.y())) p.restore() offset.setY(offset.y() + self.MARGIN // 2) p.drawStaticText(offset, prefix) offset.setX(self.maxwidth + 5) p.drawStaticText(offset, self.divider) offset.setX(offset.x() + int(ceil(self.divider.size().width()))) p.drawStaticText(offset, full) offset.setY(int(offset.y() + size.height() + self.MARGIN // 2)) if i in (self.current_result, self.mouse_hover_result): offset.setX(0) if i != self.current_result: p.setPen(Qt.PenStyle.DotLine) p.drawLine(offset, QPoint(self.width(), offset.y())) p.restore() else: p.drawText(self.rect(), Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter, _('No results found')) p.end()
def _show_menu(self, x, y): m = self.contextMenu() if m is not None: m.exec_(QPoint(x, y))