def galaxy_extra(self, id=None, *args, **kwargs): from pyqlb.nstats.well import above_min_amplitude_peaks from qtools.lib.mplot import galaxy_extracluster, cleanup, render as plt_render from qtools.lib.nstats.peaks import extracluster_peaks response.content_type = 'image/png' qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) self.__set_threshold_context(qlwell) channel_idx = int(request.params.get("channel", 0)) peaks = above_min_amplitude_peaks(qlwell) threshold = c.vic_threshold if channel_idx == 1 else c.fam_threshold extra_data = extracluster_peaks(qlwell, channel_idx, threshold=threshold) extra_peaks, rain_boundaries, width_gates = extra_data pos, midhigh, midlow, neg = rain_boundaries min_gate, max_gate = width_gates title = 'GalaxyEX - %s, %s, %s' % (, c.well.well_name, 'VIC' if channel_idx == 1 else 'FAM') fig = galaxy_extracluster(title, peaks, channel_idx, threshold, min_gate, max_gate, pos, midhigh, midlow, neg, extra_peaks, min_amplitude_excluded=True) imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def air_hist(self, id=None, channel_num=0, *args, **kwargs): from qtools.lib.nstats.peaks import gap_air from pyqlb.nstats.well import accepted_peaks from pyqlb.nstats.peaks import color_uncorrected_peaks, channel_amplitudes, peak_times from qtools.lib.mplot import air_hist, cleanup, render as plt_render qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) self.__set_threshold_context(qlwell) c.channel_num = int(channel_num) threshold = c.vic_threshold if c.channel_num == 1 else c.fam_threshold cutoff = request.params.get('cutoff', 500) # can detect air on either channel (especially if VICs super low) # but always report VIC amplitude air_drops = gap_air(qlwell, c.channel_num, threshold=threshold) uncorrected_air = color_uncorrected_peaks(air_drops, qlwell.color_compensation_matrix) # count number of accepted peak times air_drop_times = peak_times(air_drops) accepted_times = peak_times(accepted_peaks(qlwell)) num_air_accepted = len([t for t in air_drop_times if t in accepted_times]) # always gate on VIC air_amps = channel_amplitudes(uncorrected_air, 1) title = 'Air Droplet Histogram - %s, %s (%s)' % (, c.well.well_name, 'VIC' if c.channel_num == 1 else 'FAM') fig = air_hist(title, air_amps, cutoff=cutoff, num_accepted=num_air_accepted) response.content_type = 'image/png' imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def galaxy_disperse_revb(self, id=None, *args, **kwargs): from pyqlb.nstats.well import above_min_amplitude_peaks from qtools.lib.mplot import galaxy_polydisperse_revb, cleanup, render as plt_render, empty_fig from qtools.lib.nstats.peaks import revb_polydisperse_peaks response.content_type = 'image/png' qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) self.__set_threshold_context(qlwell) channel_idx = int(request.params.get("channel", 0)) peaks = above_min_amplitude_peaks(qlwell) threshold = c.vic_threshold if channel_idx == 1 else c.fam_threshold title = 'GalaxyPDB - %s, %s, %s' % (, c.well.well_name, 'VIC' if channel_idx == 1 else 'FAM') if hasattr(qlwell, 'sum_amplitude_bins') and len(qlwell.sum_amplitude_bins) > 0: polydisperse_data = revb_polydisperse_peaks(qlwell, channel_idx, threshold=threshold) poly_peaks, rain_boundaries, mean_amplitudes = polydisperse_data pos_peaks, midhigh_peaks, midlow_peaks, neg_peaks = poly_peaks pos, midhigh, midlow, neg = rain_boundaries fam_mean, vic_mean = mean_amplitudes fig = galaxy_polydisperse_revb(title, peaks, channel_idx, threshold, pos, midhigh, midlow, neg, pos_peaks, midhigh_peaks, midlow_peaks, neg_peaks, min_amplitude_excluded=True, sum_amplitude_bins=qlwell.sum_amplitude_bins, other_channel_mean=fam_mean if channel_idx == 1 else vic_mean) else: fig = empty_fig() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, title=title) ax.text(0.33,0.5, "No amplitude bins for this well.") imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def svilen(self, id=None, *args, **kwargs): from pyqlb.nstats.well import accepted_peaks from pyqlb.nstats.peaks import cluster_2d, peak_times, fam_widths from pyqlb.factory import QLNumpyObjectFactory from qtools.lib.mplot import svilen, cleanup, render as plt_render qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) self.__set_threshold_context(qlwell) well_path = self.__well_path() # oh shit factory = QLNumpyObjectFactory() raw_well = factory.parse_well(well_path) crap, crap, gold, crap = cluster_2d(accepted_peaks(qlwell), c.fam_threshold, c.vic_threshold) times = peak_times(gold) widths = fam_widths(gold) title = "VIC+/FAM- droplet traces (accepted events)" ranges = [(int(t-(w*2)), int(t+(w*2))) for t, w in zip(times, widths)] if c.fam_threshold == 0 or c.vic_threshold == 0: ranges = [] title = "%s (no events in quadrant)" % title elif len(ranges) > 100: ranges = ranges[:100] title = "%s (truncated at first 100)" % title fig = svilen(title, raw_well.samples, ranges, widths) response.content_type = 'image/png' imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def bscore_trend(self, id=None, *args, **kwargs): from qtools.lib.mplot import plot_bscore_rolling_window, cleanup, render as plt_render response.content_type = 'image/png' qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) fig = plot_bscore_rolling_window(qlwell, title="%s - %s" % (, c.well.well_name)) imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def conc_trend(self, id=None, channel_num=0, *args, **kwargs): from qtools.lib.mplot import plot_conc_rolling_window, cleanup, render as plt_render response.content_type = 'image/png' c.channel_num = int(channel_num) qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) chan = 'FAM' if c.channel_num == 0 else 'VIC' fig = plot_conc_rolling_window(qlwell, c.channel_num, title="%s - %s (%s)" % (, c.well.well_name, chan)) imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def galaxy_sum_bins(self, id=None, *args, **kwargs): from qtools.lib.mplot import galaxy_sum_width_bins, cleanup, render as plt_render response.content_type = 'image/png' qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) self.__set_threshold_context(qlwell) title = 'Sum Amps/Width Bins - %s, %s' % (, c.well.well_name) fig = galaxy_sum_width_bins(title, qlwell) imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def noreject(self, id=None, *args, **kwargs): from qtools.lib.mplot import plot_gated_types, cleanup, render as plt_render response.content_type = 'image/png' qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) self.__set_threshold_context(qlwell) max_amplitudes = [self.form_result['max_fam_amplitude'], self.form_result['max_vic_amplitude']] fig = plot_gated_types(qlwell, max_amplitudes=max_amplitudes) response.content_type = 'image/png' imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def nds(self, id=None, *args, **kwargs): from pyqlb.nstats.well import above_min_amplitude_peaks, NARROW_NORMALIZED_DROPLET_SPACING from qtools.lib.mplot import nds, cleanup, render as plt_render qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) title = 'NDS Histogram - %s - %s' % (, c.well.well_name) ok_peaks = above_min_amplitude_peaks(qlwell) fig = nds(title, ok_peaks, NARROW_NORMALIZED_DROPLET_SPACING) response.content_type = 'image/png' imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def outliers(self, id=None, *args, **kwargs): from qtools.lib.nstats.peaks import total_events_amplitude_vals from qtools.lib.mplot import plot_cluster_outliers, cleanup, render as plt_render qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) means0,stds0 = total_events_amplitude_vals(qlwell,0) means1,stds1 = total_events_amplitude_vals(qlwell,1) title = 'Outliers - Well:%s FAM:(Mean: %.0f, Stdev:%.0f) \n VIC/HEX:(Mean: %.0f, Stdev: %.0f)' % (c.well.well_name,means0,stds0,means1,stds1) peaks = qlwell.peaks fig = plot_cluster_outliers(title, peaks) response.content_type = 'image/png' imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def width(self, id=None, *args, **kwargs): from qtools.lib.mplot import plot_widths, cleanup, render as plt_render response.content_type = 'image/png' qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) # assume widths are same on channel 0 as on 1 fig = plot_widths(qlwell.peaks, min_width_gate=qlwell.channels[0].statistics.min_width_gate, max_width_gate=qlwell.channels[0].statistics.max_width_gate, max_width=20, background_rgbs=self.__get_1d_background_rgbs(qlwell)) imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def amptime(self, id=None, channel_num=0, *args, **kwargs): from qtools.lib.mplot import amptime, cleanup, render as plt_render response.content_type = 'image/png' c.channel_num = int(channel_num) qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) self.__set_threshold_context(qlwell) peaks = qlwell.peaks title = 'Intensity/Time - %s - %s, %s' % (, c.well.well_name, 'VIC' if c.channel_num == 1 else 'FAM') fig = amptime(title, peaks, c.vic_threshold if c.channel_num == 1 else c.fam_threshold, c.channel_num) response.content_type = 'image/png' imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def air_plot(self, id=None, channel_num=0, *args, **kwargs): from qtools.lib.nstats.peaks import gap_air from qtools.lib.mplot import airtime, cleanup, render as plt_render qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) self.__set_threshold_context(qlwell) c.channel_num = int(channel_num) threshold = c.vic_threshold if c.channel_num == 1 else c.fam_threshold #cutoff = request.params.get('cutoff', 500) air_drops = gap_air(qlwell, c.channel_num, threshold=threshold) title = 'Air - %s - %s, %s' % (, c.well.well_name, 'VIC' if c.channel_num == 1 else 'FAM') fig = airtime(title, qlwell.peaks, air_drops, c.vic_threshold if c.channel_num == 1 else c.fam_threshold, c.channel_num) response.content_type = 'image/png' imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def amphist(self, id=None, channel_num=0, *args, **kwargs): from qtools.lib.mplot import plot_amp_hist, cleanup, render as plt_render from pyqlb.nstats.well import accepted_peaks response.content_type = 'image/png' c.channel_num = int(channel_num) qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) self.__set_threshold_context(qlwell) peaks = accepted_peaks(qlwell) fig = plot_amp_hist(peaks, title='%s - %s' % (, c.well.well_name), channel_num=c.channel_num, threshold=(c.vic_threshold if c.channel_num == 1 else c.fam_threshold)) imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def cluster(self, id=None, *args, **kwargs): from qtools.lib.mplot import plot_threshold_2d, cleanup, render as plt_render from qtools.lib.nstats.peaks import accepted_peaks response.content_type = 'image/png' qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) self.__set_threshold_context(qlwell) max_amplitudes = [self.form_result['max_fam_amplitude'], self.form_result['max_vic_amplitude']] boundaries = (-2000,-2000,max_amplitudes[1],max_amplitudes[0]) # to emulate current behavior -- include gated events peaks = accepted_peaks(qlwell) fig = plot_threshold_2d(peaks, thresholds=(c.fam_threshold, c.vic_threshold), boundaries=boundaries) response.content_type = 'image/png' imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def temporal(self, id=None, channel_num=0, *args, **kwargs): from qtools.lib.mplot import temporal, cleanup, render as plt_render response.content_type = 'image/png' qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) self.__set_threshold_context(qlwell) channel = int(request.params.get("channel", 0)) if not request.params.get('threshold', None): threshold = c.vic_threshold if channel == 1 else c.fam_threshold else: threshold = float(request.params.get('threshold')) title = 'Temporal Width Lite - %s - %s' % (, c.well.well_name) fig = temporal(title, qlwell.peaks, threshold, qlwell.channels[channel].statistics.min_width_gate, qlwell.channels[channel].statistics.max_width_gate, channel) imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def galaxy(self, id=None, channel_num=0, *args, **kwargs): from qtools.lib.nstats.peaks import above_min_amplitude_peaks from pyqlb.nstats.well import well_static_width_gates qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) self.__set_threshold_context(qlwell) channel_idx = int(request.params.get("channel", 0)) from qtools.lib.mplot import galaxy, cleanup, render as plt_render peaks = above_min_amplitude_peaks(qlwell) title = 'Galaxy Lite - %s - %s, %s' % (, c.well.well_name, 'VIC' if channel_idx == 1 else 'FAM') threshold = c.vic_threshold if channel_idx == 1 else c.fam_threshold min_width_gate, max_width_gate = well_static_width_gates(qlwell) fig = galaxy(title, peaks, threshold, min_width_gate, max_width_gate, channel_idx) response.content_type = 'image/png' imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def widthbin(self, id=None, *args, **kwargs): from qtools.lib.nstats.peaks import above_min_amplitude_peaks from qtools.lib.mplot import plot_cluster_widthbins, cleanup, render as plt_render qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) title = 'Width Bins - %s, %s' % (, c.well.well_name) min_gate = qlwell.channels[0].statistics.min_width_gate max_gate = qlwell.channels[0].statistics.max_width_gate peaks = above_min_amplitude_peaks(qlwell) fam_threshold = qlwell.channels[0].statistics.threshold vic_threshold = qlwell.channels[1].statistics.threshold fig = plot_cluster_widthbins(title, peaks, qlwell.sum_amplitude_bins, min_gate, max_gate, fam_threshold=fam_threshold, vic_threshold=vic_threshold) response.content_type = 'image/png' imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def cluster2d(self, id=None, *args, **kwargs): from qtools.lib.mplot import plot_cluster_2d, cleanup, render as plt_render from qtools.lib.nstats.peaks import accepted_peaks response.content_type = 'image/png' qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) self.__set_threshold_context(qlwell) max_amplitudes = [self.form_result['max_fam_amplitude'], self.form_result['max_vic_amplitude']] boundaries = (-2000,-2000,max_amplitudes[1],max_amplitudes[0]) # to emulate current behavior -- include gated events peaks = accepted_peaks(qlwell) threshold_fallback = qlwell.clustering_method == QLWell.CLUSTERING_TYPE_THRESHOLD fig = plot_cluster_2d(peaks, thresholds=(c.fam_threshold, c.vic_threshold), boundaries=boundaries, use_manual_clusters=not well_channel_automatic_classification(qlwell), highlight_thresholds=threshold_fallback) response.content_type = 'image/png' imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def galaxy_extra_region(self, id=None, *args, **kwargs): from pyqlb.nstats.well import above_min_amplitude_peaks from qtools.lib.mplot import graph_extracluster_by_region, cleanup, render as plt_render from qtools.lib.nstats.peaks import revb_extracluster_peaks_by_region response.content_type = 'image/png' qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) self.__set_threshold_context(qlwell) channel_idx = int(request.params.get("channel", 0)) peaks = above_min_amplitude_peaks(qlwell) threshold = c.vic_threshold if channel_idx == 1 else c.fam_threshold extra_data = revb_extracluster_peaks_by_region(qlwell, channel_idx, threshold=threshold) peaks_by_region, rain_gates, means = extra_data title = "GalaxyEXR - %s, %s, %s" % (, c.well.well_name, 'VIC' if channel_idx == 1 else 'FAM') fig = graph_extracluster_by_region(title, peaks, channel_idx, threshold, peaks_by_region, rain_gates, sum_amplitude_bins=qlwell.sum_amplitude_bins, other_channel_mean=means[channel_idx]) imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def threshold(self, id=None, show_only_gated=True, *args, **kwargs): from qtools.lib.mplot import plot_fam_vic_peaks, cleanup, render as plt_render from qtools.lib.nstats.peaks import accepted_peaks response.content_type = 'image/png' qlwell = self.__qlwell_from_threshold_form(id) self.__set_threshold_context(qlwell) max_amplitudes = [self.form_result['max_fam_amplitude'], self.form_result['max_vic_amplitude']] # to emulate current behavior -- include gated events if show_only_gated != 'False': peaks = accepted_peaks(qlwell) else: peaks = qlwell.peaks fig = plot_fam_vic_peaks(peaks, thresholds=(c.fam_threshold, c.vic_threshold), max_amplitudes=max_amplitudes, background_rgbs=self.__get_1d_background_rgbs(qlwell)) response.content_type = 'image/png' imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def dg_trend(self, prop, view, dg_id): from qtools.lib.mplot import dg_vacuum_time, dg_vacuum_runs, dg_pressure_time, dg_pressure_runs, dg_spike_runs, dg_spike_time from qtools.lib.mplot import cleanup, render as plt_render if id is None: abort(404) dg = Session.query(DropletGenerator).get(int(dg_id)) if not dg: abort(404) func_map = dict([(('vacuum', 'time'), dg_vacuum_time), (('vacuum', 'runs'), dg_vacuum_runs), (('pressure', 'time'), dg_pressure_time), (('pressure', 'runs'), dg_pressure_runs), (('spike', 'runs'), dg_spike_runs), (('spike', 'time'), dg_spike_time)]) good_runs = get_good_dg_runs(int(dg_id)) fig = func_map[(prop, view)](, good_runs) response.content_type = 'image/png' imgdata = plt_render(fig, dpi=72) cleanup(fig) return imgdata
def fft(self, id=None): from qtools.lib.mplot import cleanup, render as plt_render # make it better? if not deps_loaded: abort(500) if not id: abort(404) well = Session.query(QLBWell).get(id) if not well: abort(404) file = well.file if not file: abort(404) storage = QLStorageSource(config) path = storage.qlbwell_path(well) wellobj = get_well(path) fam_samples = wellobj.samples[:,0][::FFT_DOWNSAMPLE].astype('float') vic_samples = wellobj.samples[:,1][::FFT_DOWNSAMPLE].astype('float') # normalize to 0->1 fam_samples /= np.max(fam_samples) vic_samples /= np.max(vic_samples) Sf = np.fft.fft(fam_samples) numpy.fft.fftpack._fft_cache = {} ff = np.fft.fftfreq(len(Sf), d=FFT_DOWNSAMPLE/wellobj.data_acquisition_params.sample_rate) # only consider positive half of frequency domain, normalize by num of samples Yf = abs(Sf[0:len(ff)/2])/len(fam_samples) # make X-axis in terms of Hz Wf = int((len(ff)/2)/max(ff)) # group by 1 Hz Sv = np.fft.fft(vic_samples) numpy.fft.fftpack._fft_cache = {} fv = np.fft.fftfreq(len(Sv), d=FFT_DOWNSAMPLE/wellobj.data_acquisition_params.sample_rate) Yv = abs(Sv[0:len(fv)/2])/len(vic_samples) Wv = int((len(fv)/2)/max(fv)) # group by 1 Hz # find peaks fam_peak_indices = fft.find_peak_indices(Yf, Wf*2) # group by 2Hz vic_peak_indices = fft.find_peak_indices(Yv, Wv*2) # group by 2Hz ftops = ff.take(fam_peak_indices)[0:10] vtops = fv.take(vic_peak_indices)[0:10] fig = plt.figure() fig.set_figwidth(8) fig.set_figheight(6) plt.subplot(211) plt.title('FAM Channel FFT (0-150Hz)') plt.plot(ff[0:len(ff)/2], Yf) plt.axis([-10, 150, -0.002, 0.04]) plt.text(70, 0.03, "Top Peaks (2 Hz windows):", weight='bold') for i, val in enumerate(ftops): plt.text(70 if i < 5 else 90, 0.027-(0.003*(i % 5)), "%.2f" % val, size=10) # todo render text func? plt.subplot(212) plt.title('VIC Channel FFT (0-150Hz)') plt.plot(fv[0:len(fv)/2], Yv) plt.axis([-10, 150, -0.002, 0.04]) plt.text(70, 0.03, "Top Peaks (2 Hz windows):", weight='bold') for i, val in enumerate(vtops): plt.text(70 if i < 5 else 90, 0.027-(0.003*(i % 5)), "%.2f" % val, size=10) # fft leaves cache-- not good for threaded server imgdata = self.__render(fig) cleanup(fig) del fig, wellobj, fam_samples, vic_samples, Sf, ff, Yf, Wf, Sv, fv, Yv, Wv, ftops, vtops gc.collect() return imgdata