Пример #1
def plate_from_qlp(qlbplate):
    Given a QLBPlate, find out what information we can automatically determine
    from the file name and location.
    dirname = qlbplate.file.dirname
    basename = qlbplate.file.basename
    complete_name = basename[:-4] # -- .qlp
    # assign box 2
    boxes = Session.query(Box2).all()
    # TODO: rename as to not contain timestamp?
    # TODO-- this is probably bad (assumes parent directory like Box 2 Alpha 03)
    plate_name = qlbplate.file.dirname.split('/')[-1]
    plate = Plate(name=plate_name, program_version=qlbplate.host_software,
                  run_time=datetime.strptime(qlbplate.host_datetime, '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S') if qlbplate.host_datetime else None)
    for b in boxes:
        if qlbplate.file.dirname.startswith(b.src_dir):
            plate.box2 = b
    return plate