def setupUi(self): self.resize(640, 480) self.verticalLayout = QVBoxLayout(self) self.textEdit = QPlainTextEdit(self) self.closeButton = QPushButton(self) self.copyButton = QPushButton(self) self.verticalLayout.addWidget(self.textEdit) self.horizontalLayout = QHBoxLayout() self.horizontalLayout.setSizeConstraint(QLayout.SetDefaultConstraint) spacerItem = QSpacerItem(40, 20, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Minimum) self.horizontalLayout.addItem(spacerItem) self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.copyButton) self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.closeButton) self.verticalLayout.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout) self.closeButton.clicked.connect(self.reject) font = QFont(CONFIG['text_view_dialog_font'], CONFIG['text_view_dialog_font_size']) font.setStyleHint(QFont.Monospace) self.textEdit.setFont(font) self.closeButton.setText('Close') self.copyButton.setText('Copy to clipboard') self.textEdit.setPlainText(self.text) self.copyButton.clicked.connect(self.copy_text)
def set_header_style(self): fnt = QFont() fnt.setWeight(QFont.Black) self.setFont(fnt) self.setBackground(QBrush(QColor(HEADER_BACKGROUND))) self.setForeground(QBrush(QColor(HEADER_FOREGROUND)))
def get_font(section='appearance', option='font', font_size_delta=0): """Get console font properties depending on OS and user options""" font = FONT_CACHE.get((section, option)) if font is None: families = CONF.get(section, option+"/family", None) if families is None: return QFont() family = get_family(families) weight = QFont.Normal italic = CONF.get(section, option+'/italic', False) if CONF.get(section, option+'/bold', False): weight = QFont.Bold size = CONF.get(section, option+'/size', 9) + font_size_delta font = QFont(family, size, weight) font.setItalic(italic) FONT_CACHE[(section, option)] = font size = CONF.get(section, option+'/size', 9) + font_size_delta font.setPointSize(size) return font
def createInfoLayout(): info_layout = QVBoxLayout() ert = QLabel() ert.setAlignment(Qt.AlignHCenter) title_font = QFont() title_font.setPointSize(40) ert.setFont(title_font) ert.setText("ERT") info_layout.addWidget(ert) info_layout.addStretch(1) ert_title = QLabel() ert_title.setAlignment(Qt.AlignHCenter) ert_title.setText("Ensemble based Reservoir Tool") info_layout.addWidget(ert_title) version = QLabel() version.setAlignment(Qt.AlignHCenter) version.setText( "Versions: ecl:%s res:%s ert:%s" % (ecl.__version__, res.__version__, ert_gui.__version__)) info_layout.addWidget(version) info_layout.addStretch(5) return info_layout
def heightForWidth(self, width, defaultFont=None): """ Find the height for a given width :param float width: Width :param QFont defaultFont: Font, used for the calculation if the text has no font :return: Calculated height """ if defaultFont is None: defaultFont = QFont() font = QFont(self.usedFont(defaultFont), self._desktopwidget) h = 0 if self.__data.layoutAttributes & self.MinimumLayout: (left, right, top, bottom) = self.__data.textEngine.textMargins(font) h = self.__data.textEngine.heightForWidth(font, self.__data.renderFlags, self.__data.text, width + left + right) h -= top + bottom else: h = self.__data.textEngine.heightForWidth(font, self.__data.renderFlags, self.__data.text, width) return h
def add_reprojections(scene, points, projected, inliers, boards, valid_boards, options): marker_font = QFont() marker_font.setPixelSize(options.marker_size * 0.75) frame_table = points._extend(proj=projected.points, inlier=inliers) colors = struct(error_line=(1, 1, 0), outlier=(1, 0, 0), inlier=(0, 1, 0), invalid=(0.5, 0.5, 0)) pens = colors._map(cosmetic_pen, options.line_width) for board, valid_board, board_points in zip(boards, valid_boards, frame_table._sequence(0)): if not valid_board: continue for point, id in zip(board_points._sequence(), board.ids): color_key = 'invalid' if not point.valid else ( 'inlier' if point.inlier else 'outlier') add_marker(scene, point.proj, id, options, pens[color_key], colors[color_key], marker_font) if point.valid: scene.addItem(line(point.proj, point.points, pens.error_line))
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(Console, self).__init__(parent) self.json_decode_warning = None self.widget = QWidget(self) self.console_layout = QVBoxLayout(self.widget) self.widget.setLayout(self.console_layout) self.output_label = QLabel(self.widget) self.output_label.setText("Output") self.output_edit = QTextEdit(self.widget) self.output_edit.setReadOnly(True) self.highlighter = Highlighter(self.output_edit.document()) self.output_edit.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);") self.output_edit.setTextColor(QColor(0, 255, 0)) self.output_edit.setFont(QFont(self.output_edit.currentFont().family(), 10)) self.input_label = QLabel(self.widget) self.input_label.setText("Command") self.input_edit = QLineEdit(self.widget) self.input_edit.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); color: rgb(0, 255, 0)") self.input_edit.setFont(QFont(self.output_edit.currentFont().family(), 10)) self.send_button = QPushButton(self.widget) self.send_button.setObjectName("send_button") self.send_button.setText("Send command") self.console_layout.addWidget(self.output_label) self.console_layout.addWidget(self.output_edit) self.console_layout.addWidget(self.input_label) self.console_layout.addWidget(self.input_edit) self.console_layout.addWidget(self.send_button) self.addContentWidget(self.widget) QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(self)
def add_series(self, chan_info): glw = self.findChild(pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget) new_plot = glw.addPlot(row=len(self.rasters), col=0) # Appearance settings my_theme = THEMES[self.plot_config['theme']] self.plot_config['color_iterator'] = ( self.plot_config['color_iterator'] + 1) % len( my_theme['pencolors']) pen_color = QColor( my_theme['pencolors'][self.plot_config['color_iterator']]) # Create PlotCurveItem for latest spikes (bottom row) and slower-updating old spikes (upper rows) pcis = [] for pci_ix in range(2): pci = pg.PlotCurveItem(parent=new_plot, connect='pairs') pci.setPen(pen_color) new_plot.addItem(pci) pcis.append(pci) # Create text for displaying firing rate. Placeholder text is channel label. frate_annotation = pg.TextItem(text=chan_info['label'], color=(255, 255, 255)) frate_annotation.setPos(0, self.plot_config['y_range']) my_font = QFont() my_font.setPointSize(24) frate_annotation.setFont(my_font) new_plot.addItem(frate_annotation) # Store information self.rasters[chan_info['label']] = { 'plot': new_plot, 'old': pcis[0], 'latest': pcis[1], 'line_ix': len(self.rasters), 'chan_id': chan_info['chan'], 'frate_item': frate_annotation } self.clear()
def __init__(self, obj, obj_name='', attr_cols=None, parent=None): """ Constructor :param obj: any Python object or variable :param obj_name: name of the object as it will appear in the root node If empty, no root node will be drawn. :param attr_cols: list of AttributeColumn definitions :param parent: the parent widget """ super(TreeModel, self).__init__(parent) self._attr_cols = attr_cols self.regular_font = QFont() # Font for members (non-functions) # Font for __special_attributes__ self.special_attribute_font = QFont() self.special_attribute_font.setItalic(False) self.regular_color = QBrush(QColor(ima.MAIN_FG_COLOR)) self.callable_color = QBrush(QColor( ima.MAIN_FG_COLOR)) # for functions, methods, etc. # The following members will be initialized by populateTree # The rootItem is always invisible. If the obj_name # is the empty string, the inspectedItem # will be the rootItem (and therefore be invisible). # If the obj_name is given, an # invisible root item will be added and the # inspectedItem will be its only child. # In that case the inspected item will be visible. self._inspected_node_is_visible = None self._inspected_item = None self._root_item = None self.populateTree(obj, obj_name=obj_name)
def editor_bot(qtbot): """Editorstack pytest fixture.""" text = (" 123\n" "line 1\n" "line 2\n" "line 3\n" "line 4") # a newline is added at end editor_stack = EditorStack(None, []) # Fix the area of the selection font = QFont("Courier New") font.setPointSize(10) editor_stack.set_default_font(font) editor_stack.setMinimumWidth(400) editor_stack.setMinimumHeight(400) editor_stack.set_find_widget(Mock()) editor_stack.set_io_actions(Mock(), Mock(), Mock(), Mock()) finfo =, ""), "utf-8", text), ""), "utf-8", text), ""), "utf-8", text), ""), "utf-8", text) main = MainMock(editor_stack) # Hide GUI # qtbot.addWidget(main) # return main, editor_stack, finfo.editor, qtbot # Show GUI yield main, editor_stack, finfo.editor, qtbot main.destroy()
def __init__(self, parent, statusbar, icon=None): """Status bar widget base.""" super(StatusBarWidget, self).__init__(parent) # Variables self.value = None # Widget self._status_bar = statusbar self._icon = None self._pixmap = None self._icon_size = QSize(16, 16) # Should this be adjustable? self.label_icon = QLabel() self.label_value = QLabel() # Layout setup layout = QHBoxLayout(self) layout.setSpacing(0) # Reduce space between icon and label layout.addWidget(self.label_icon) layout.addWidget(self.label_value) layout.addSpacing(20) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) # Widget setup self.set_icon(icon) # See spyder-ide/spyder#9044. self.text_font = QFont(QFont().defaultFamily(), weight=QFont.Normal) self.label_value.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight) self.label_value.setFont(self.text_font) # Setup statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self) self.set_value('') self.update_tooltip()
def qwtUnscaleFont(painter): if painter.font().pixelSize() >= 0: return dpix, dpiy = get_screen_resolution() pd = painter.device() if pd.logicalDpiX() != dpix or pd.logicalDpiY() != dpiy: pixelFont = QFont(painter.font(), QApplication.desktop()) pixelFont.setPixelSize(QFontInfo(pixelFont).pixelSize()) painter.setFont(pixelFont)
def add_point_markers(scene, points, board, color, options): marker_font = QFont() marker_font.setPixelSize(options.marker_size * 0.75) pen = cosmetic_pen(color, options.line_width) corners = points.points[points.valid] for corner, id in zip(corners, board.ids[points.valid]): add_marker(scene, corner, id, options, pen, color, marker_font)
def __init__(self, parent=None): """Constructor.""" QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self, parent) self.abbreviator = Abbreviator() self.testresults = [] try: self.monospace_font = parent.window().editor.get_plugin_font() except AttributeError: # If run standalone for testing self.monospace_font = QFont("Courier New") self.monospace_font.setPointSize(10)
def qwtUnscaleFont(painter): if painter.font().pixelSize() >= 0: return screenResolution = qwtScreenResolution() pd = painter.device() if (pd.logicalDpiX() != screenResolution.width() or pd.logicalDpiY() != screenResolution.height()): pixelFont = QFont(painter.font(), QApplication.desktop()) pixelFont.setPixelSize(QFontInfo(pixelFont).pixelSize()) painter.setFont(pixelFont)
def get_code_block(): if is_pygments and IS_SCINTILLA: #self.enter_data = QSyntaxHighlighting() enter_data = SimplePythonEditorWidget() else: enter_data = QTextEditAdd() font = QFont() font.setFamily('Courier') enter_data.setFont(font) return enter_data
def updateRowData(self, r, path): it0 = QTableWidgetItem('%s ' % '/'.join(path.split('/')[:-1])) it0.setFont(QFont("Courier")) self._tb.setItem(r, 0, it0) it1 = QTableWidgetItem('%s ' % path.split('/')[-1]) it1.parent = self ft = QFont("Courier") ft.setWeight(QFont.Bold) it1.setFont(ft) self._tb.setItem(r, 1, it1) node = self._model.nodeFromPath(path) if node: it1 = QTableWidgetItem( it1.parent = self it2 = QTableWidgetItem( it2.parent = self val = if val == HIDEVALUE: val = QIcon(QPixmap(":/images/icons/data-array-large.png")) it3 = QTableWidgetItem(val, '') else: it3 = QTableWidgetItem(val) it3.setFont(QFont("Courier")) it3.parent = self it1.setFont(QFont("Courier")) it2.setFont(QFont("Courier")) it3.setFont(QFont("Courier")) self._tb.setItem(r, 2, it1) self._tb.setItem(r, 3, it2) self._tb.setItem(r, 4, it3)
def set_layout(self): """Set layout for default widgets.""" # Icon if self.show_icon: self._icon = self.get_icon() self._pixmap = None self._icon_size = QSize(16, 16) # Should this be adjustable? self.label_icon = QLabel() self.set_icon() # Label if self.show_label: self.label_value = QLabel() self.set_value('') # See spyder-ide/spyder#9044. self.text_font = QFont(QFont().defaultFamily(), weight=QFont.Normal) self.label_value.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter) self.label_value.setFont(self.text_font) # Custom widget if self.CUSTOM_WIDGET_CLASS: if not issubclass(self.CUSTOM_WIDGET_CLASS, QWidget): raise SpyderAPIError( 'Any custom status widget must subclass QWidget!') self.custom_widget = self.CUSTOM_WIDGET_CLASS(self._parent) # Spinner if self.show_spinner: self.spinner = create_waitspinner(size=14, parent=self) self.spinner.hide() # Layout setup layout = QHBoxLayout(self) layout.setSpacing(0) # Reduce space between icon and label if self.show_icon: layout.addWidget(self.label_icon) if self.show_label: layout.addWidget(self.label_value) if self.custom_widget: layout.addWidget(self.custom_widget) if self.show_spinner: layout.addWidget(self.spinner) if is_dark_interface(): layout.addSpacing(0) else: layout.addSpacing(10) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.setAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter) # Setup self.update_tooltip()
def populate_tree(self): """Create each item (and associated data) in the tree""" if not len( warn_item = QTreeWidgetItem(self) warn_item.setData(0, Qt.DisplayRole, "No results to show.") warn_item.setFirstColumnSpanned(True) warn_item.setTextAlignment(0, Qt.AlignCenter) font = warn_item.font(0) font.setStyle(QFont.StyleItalic) warn_item.setFont(0, font) return try: monospace_font = self.window().editor.get_plugin_font() except AttributeError: # If run standalone for testing monospace_font = QFont("Courier New") monospace_font.setPointSize(10) for testcase in testcase_item = QTreeWidgetItem(self) testcase_item.setData( 1, Qt.DisplayRole, "{0}.{1}".format( testcase.get("classname"), testcase.get("name"))) testcase_item.setData( 3, Qt.DisplayRole, float(testcase.get("time")) * 1e3) if len(testcase): test_error = testcase[0] status = test_error.tag testcase_item.setData(0, Qt.DisplayRole, status) color = COLORS[status] for col in range(self.columnCount()): testcase_item.setBackground(col, color) type_ = test_error.get("type") message = test_error.get("message") if type_ and message: text = "{0}: {1}".format(type_, message) elif type_: text = type_ else: text = message testcase_item.setData(2, Qt.DisplayRole, text) text = test_error.text if text: for line in text.rstrip().split("\n"): error_content_item = QTreeWidgetItem(testcase_item) error_content_item.setData( 0, Qt.DisplayRole, line) error_content_item.setFirstColumnSpanned(True) error_content_item.setFont(0, monospace_font) else: testcase_item.setData(0, Qt.DisplayRole, "ok")
def set_font(self, font): self.fontSize = font.pointSize() self.homename_label.setFont(font) self.rooms_label.setFont(font) self.posteddate_label.setFont(font) self.description_label.setFont(font) self.title_label.setFont( QFont(, self.fontSize + 3, QFont.DemiBold)) self.price_label.setFont( QFont(, self.fontSize + 3, QFont.DemiBold))
def changeEvent(self, event): if event.type() == QEvent.FontChange: fontsize = # labels self.lb_machsht.label.setStyleSheet('QLabel{font-size: ' + str(fontsize + 35) + 'pt;}') self.lb_curr.setStyleSheet('QLabel{background-color: ' + self.app_color + ';' 'font-size: ' + str(fontsize + 35) + 'pt;}') self.lb_lifetime.setStyleSheet('QLabel{font-size: ' + str(fontsize + 35) + 'pt;}') self.tune_mon.lb_tunefrach.setStyleSheet('QLabel{font-size: ' + str(fontsize + 35) + 'pt;}') self.tune_mon.lb_tunefracv.setStyleSheet('QLabel{font-size: ' + str(fontsize + 35) + 'pt;}') self._gbox_siriusintlk.setStyleSheet('QGroupBox{font-size: ' + str(fontsize + 2) + 'pt;' 'font-weight: bold;}') self._gbox_injsyssts.setStyleSheet('QGroupBox{font-size: ' + str(fontsize + 2) + 'pt;' 'font-weight: bold;}') self._gbox_sofbloop.setStyleSheet('QGroupBox{font-size: ' + str(fontsize + 2) + 'pt;' 'font-weight: bold;}') self._gbox_bbbloop.setStyleSheet('QGroupBox{font-size: ' + str(fontsize + 2) + 'pt;' 'font-weight: bold;}') # graph graph_fontsize = fontsize + 2 for ax in self.curr_graph.getPlotItem().axes.values(): sty = ax['item'].labelStyle sty['font-size'] = str(graph_fontsize) + 'pt' ax['item'].setLabel(text=None, **sty) font = QFont() font.setPointSize(graph_fontsize) self.curr_graph.plotItem.getAxis('bottom').setStyle( tickTextOffset=5, autoExpandTextSpace=False, tickTextWidth=80, tickFont=font) self.curr_graph.plotItem.getAxis('left').setStyle( tickTextOffset=5, autoExpandTextSpace=False, tickTextWidth=80, tickFont=font) self.ensurePolished()
def addPathEntry(self, parent, path, state, top=False): it = QTreeWidgetItem(parent, (path, )) ft = QFont(OCTXT._Table_Font) if top: ft.setBold(True) it.setFont(0, ft) if state == CGM.CHECK_FAIL: it.setIcon(0, self.IC(QW.I_C_SFL)) if state == CGM.CHECK_WARN: it.setIcon(0, self.IC(QW.I_C_SWR)) return it
def __init__(self): super(PreprocessParameters, self).__init__() self.parameter = Parameter(name='params', type='group', children=[{'name': "Preprocess method", 'values': ['Kohler_EMSC','Rubberband'], 'value': 'Kohler_EMSC', 'type': 'list'}, {'name': "Anchor points", 'value': '400, 4000', 'type': 'str'}, {'name': "Fitting regions", 'value': '[(650, 750),(1780, 2680),(3680, 4000)]', 'type': 'str'}, {'name': "Interp method", 'value': 'linear', 'values': ['linear', 'quadratic', 'cubic'], 'type': 'list'} ]) self.setParameters(self.parameter, showTop=False) self.setIndentation(0) self.parameter.child('Interp method').hide() self.parameter.child('Anchor points').hide() # change Fonts self.fontSize = 12 font = QFont("Helvetica [Cronyx]", self.fontSize) boldFont = QFont("Helvetica [Cronyx]", self.fontSize, QFont.Bold) self.header().setFont(font) for item in self.listAllItems(): if hasattr(item, 'widget'): item.setFont(0, boldFont) item.widget.setFont(font) item.displayLabel.setFont(font) item.widget.setMaximumHeight(40) # init params dict self.argMap = {"Anchor points": 'anchors', "Interp method": 'kind', "Fitting regions": 'w_regions' } # set self.processArgs to default value self.processArgs = {} for child in self.parameter.childs: if == "Anchor points": self.processArgs['anchors'] = '400, 4000' elif == "Interp method": self.processArgs['kind'] = 'linear' elif == "Fitting regions": self.processArgs['w_regions'] = '[(650, 750), (1780, 2680), (3680, 4000)]' # connect signals self.parameter.child('Preprocess method').sigValueChanged.connect(self.updateMethod) for name in self.argMap.keys(): self.parameter.child(name).sigValueChanged.connect(partial(self.updateParam, name))
def render__label_qfont(self, qfont: QFont): self.cfg.render.label_font = attr.evolve( self.cfg.render.label_font, # Font file selection, bold=qfont.bold(), italic=qfont.italic(), # Font size size=qfont.pointSizeF(), # QFont implementation details toString=qfont.toString(), )
def load_from_config(self): # Appearance page self.darkThemeDefaultCheckBox.setChecked(CONFIG['dark_theme_default']) self.loggerTableFont.setCurrentFont(QFont(CONFIG['logger_table_font'])) self.loggerTableFontSize.setValue(CONFIG['logger_table_font_size']) self.textViewFont.setCurrentFont(QFont( CONFIG['text_view_dialog_font'])) self.textViewFontSize.setValue(CONFIG['text_view_dialog_font_size']) self.loggerTableRowHeight.setValue(CONFIG['logger_row_height']) self.excIndicationComboBox.setCurrentIndex( CONFIG['exception_indication']) self.timeFormatLine.setText(CONFIG['time_format_string']) self.timeFormatLine.setValidator(self.time_format_validator) self.timeFormatLine.textChanged.connect(self.time_format_valid) # Search self.searchOpenDefaultCheckBox.setChecked( CONFIG['search_open_default']) self.searchRegexDefaultCheckBox.setChecked( CONFIG['search_regex_default']) self.searchCaseSensitiveDefaultCheckBox.setChecked( CONFIG['search_casesensitive_default']) self.searchWildcardDefaultCheckBox.setChecked( CONFIG['search_wildcard_default']) # Server page self.listenHostLine.setText(CONFIG['listen_host']) self.listenPortLine.setValidator(QIntValidator(0, 65535, self)) self.listenPortLine.setText(str(CONFIG['listen_port'])) self.singleTabCheckBox.setChecked(CONFIG['single_tab_mode_default']) self.extraModeCheckBox.setChecked(CONFIG['extra_mode_default']) self.useSystemProxyCheckBox.setChecked(CONFIG['use_system_proxy']) if MSGPACK_SUPPORT: self.serializationFormatCombo.addItem("msgpack") if CBOR_SUPPORT: self.serializationFormatCombo.addItem("cbor") i = self.serializationFormatCombo.findText( CONFIG['default_serialization_format']) if i != -1: self.serializationFormatCombo.setCurrentIndex(i) # Advanced page self.logLevelLine.setValidator(QIntValidator(0, 1000, self)) self.logLevelLine.setText(str(CONFIG['console_logging_level'])) self.benchmarkCheckBox.setChecked(CONFIG['benchmark']) self.benchmarkIntervalLine.setValidator( QDoubleValidator(0, 1000, 9, self)) self.benchmarkIntervalLine.setText(str(CONFIG['benchmark_interval'])) self.lightThemeNativeCheckBox.setChecked( CONFIG['light_theme_is_native']) self.server_restart_needed = False
def font(self, prefix, size): """Returns QFont corresponding to the given prefix and size Arguments --------- prefix: str prefix string of the loaded font size: int size for the font """ font = QFont(self.fontname[prefix]) font.setPixelSize(size) return font
def set_data(self, data: List[dict], headers: Optional[List[str]] = None): """Set the data in the table, given a list of dicts. Parameters ---------- data : List[dict] A list of dicts where each dict in the list is a row, and each key in the dict is a header, by default None. (call set_data later to add data) headers : list of str, optional If provided, will be used in order as the headers of the table. All items in ``headers`` must be present in at least one of the dicts. by default headers will be the set of all keys in all dicts in ``source`` """ if not isinstance(data, list) or any( not isinstance(i, dict) for i in data ): raise ValueError("'data' argument must be a list of dicts") nrows = len(data) _headers = sorted(set().union(*data)) if headers: for h in headers: if h not in _headers: raise ValueError( trans._( "Argument 'headers' got item '{h}', which was not found in any of the items in 'data'".format( h=h ) ) ) _headers = headers self.setRowCount(nrows) self.setColumnCount(len(_headers)) for row, elem in enumerate(data): for key, value in elem.items(): value = value or '' try: col = _headers.index(key) except ValueError: continue item = QTableWidgetItem(value) # underline links if email_pattern.match(value) or url_pattern.match(value): font = QFont() font.setUnderline(True) item.setFont(font) self.setItem(row, col, item) self.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(_headers) self.resize_to_fit()
class StatusBarWidget(QWidget): """Status bar widget base.""" TIP = None def __init__(self, parent, statusbar, icon=None): """Status bar widget base.""" super(StatusBarWidget, self).__init__(parent) # Variables self.value = None # Widget self._icon = icon self._pixmap = icon.pixmap(QSize(16, 16)) if icon is not None else None self.label_icon = QLabel() if icon is not None else None self.label_value = QLabel() # Widget setup if icon is not None: self.label_icon.setPixmap(self._pixmap) # See spyder-ide/spyder#9044. self.text_font = QFont(get_font(option='font')) self.text_font.setPointSize(self.font().pointSize()) self.text_font.setBold(True) self.label_value.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight) self.label_value.setFont(self.text_font) if self.TIP: self.setToolTip(self.TIP) self.label_value.setToolTip(self.TIP) # Layout layout = QHBoxLayout() if icon is not None: layout.addWidget(self.label_icon) layout.addWidget(self.label_value) layout.addSpacing(20) # Layout setup layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setLayout(layout) # Setup statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self) def set_value(self, value): """Set formatted text value.""" self.value = value if self.isVisible(): self.label_value.setText(value)
def __init__(self, parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent=parent) self.titleLabel = QLabel() font = QFont() font.setPointSize(72) self.titleLabel.setFont(font) self.iconLabel = QLabel() layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self.iconLabel) layout.addWidget(self.titleLabel) print("boom") self.setTitle("Terminal") self.setIcon("terminal")
class StatusBarWidget(QWidget): """Status bar widget base.""" TIP = None def __init__(self, parent, statusbar, icon=None): """Status bar widget base.""" super(StatusBarWidget, self).__init__(parent) # Variables self.value = None # Widget self._icon = icon self._pixmap = icon.pixmap(QSize(16, 16)) if icon is not None else None self.label_icon = QLabel() if icon is not None else None self.label_value = QLabel() # Widget setup if icon is not None: self.label_icon.setPixmap(self._pixmap) self.text_font = QFont(get_font(option='font')) # See Issue #9044 self.text_font.setPointSize(self.font().pointSize()) self.text_font.setBold(True) self.label_value.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight) self.label_value.setFont(self.text_font) if self.TIP: self.setToolTip(self.TIP) self.label_value.setToolTip(self.TIP) # Layout layout = QHBoxLayout() if icon is not None: layout.addWidget(self.label_icon) layout.addWidget(self.label_value) layout.addSpacing(20) # Layout setup layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setLayout(layout) # Setup statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self) def set_value(self, value): """Set formatted text value.""" self.value = value if self.isVisible(): self.label_value.setText(value)
def font(self, prefix, size): """Return a QFont corresponding to the given prefix and size.""" font = QFont() font.setFamily(self.fontname[prefix]) font.setPixelSize(round(size)) if prefix[-1] == 's': # solid style font.setStyleName('Solid') return font
def _resize_widgets(build_popup, visible): output = build_popup.textBrowser_output cmd = build_popup.lineEdit_cmd font = QFont('Monospace' if visible else '') font.setStyleHint(QFont.TypeWriter) metrics = QFontMetrics(font) output.setFont(font) mw = build_popup.min_width = metrics.width(' ' * 80) output.setMinimumSize(QSize(mw, 20*metrics.height())) cmd.setMinimumSize(QSize(metrics.width(' ' * 40), metrics.height()))
def set_font_size(self, font_size): """ Updates the font size of all objects in the PyDialog Parameters ---------- font_size : int the font size """ if self.font_size == font_size: return self.font_size = font_size font = QFont() font.setPointSize(font_size) self.setFont(font)
def test(): import os.path as osp from spyderlib.utils.qthelpers import qapplication app = qapplication(test_time=5) shell = ExternalSystemShell(wdir=osp.dirname(__file__), light_background=False) app.aboutToQuit.connect(shell.finish_process) from qtpy.QtGui import QFont font = QFont() font.setPointSize(10) shell.start_shell(False) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def tuple_to_qfont(tup): """ Create a QFont from tuple: (family [string], size [int], italic [bool], bold [bool]) """ if not isinstance(tup, tuple) or len(tup) != 4 \ or not font_is_installed(tup[0]) \ or not isinstance(tup[1], int) \ or not isinstance(tup[2], bool) \ or not isinstance(tup[3], bool): return None font = QFont() family, size, italic, bold = tup font.setFamily(family) font.setPointSize(size) font.setItalic(italic) font.setBold(bold) return font
def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole): """Override Qt method""" if not index.isValid() or not 0 <= index.row() < len(self._rows): return to_qvariant() row = index.row() column = index.column() # Carefull here with the order, this has to be adjusted manually if self._rows[row] == row: name, unlink, link, fetch = [u'', u'', u'', u''] else: name, unlink, link, fetch = self._rows[row] if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if column == 0: return to_qvariant(name) elif column == 1: return to_qvariant(unlink) elif column == 2: return to_qvariant(link) elif column == 3: return to_qvariant(fetch) elif role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole: if column in [0]: return to_qvariant(int(Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter)) elif column in [1, 2, 3]: return to_qvariant(int(Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter)) elif role == Qt.ForegroundRole: return to_qvariant() elif role == Qt.FontRole: font = QFont() if row in self._bold_rows: font.setBold(True) return to_qvariant(font) else: font.setBold(False) return to_qvariant(font) return to_qvariant()
def font(self, size): font = QFont(self.font_name) font.setPixelSize(size) return font
def font(self, prefix, size): """Return a QFont corresponding to the given prefix and size.""" font = QFont(self.fontname[prefix]) font.setPixelSize(size) return font
def __init__(self, parent=None): QDialog.__init__(self, parent=parent) self._shortcuts_summary_title = _("Spyder Keyboard ShortCuts") # Calculate font and amount of elements in each column according screen size width, height = self.get_screen_resolution() font_size = height / 80 font_size = max(min(font_size, MAX_FONT_SIZE), MIN_FONT_SIZE) shortcuts_column = (height - 8 * font_size) / (font_size +16) # Widgets style = """ QDialog { margin:0px; padding:0px; border-radius: 2px; }""" self.setStyleSheet(style) font_names = QFont() font_names.setPointSize(font_size) font_names.setBold(True) font_keystr = QFont() font_keystr.setPointSize(font_size) font_title = QFont() font_title.setPointSize(font_size+2) font_title.setBold(True) title_label = QLabel(self._shortcuts_summary_title) title_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) title_label.setFont(font_title) # iter over shortcuts and create GroupBox for each context # with shortcuts in a grid columns_layout = QHBoxLayout() added_shortcuts = 0 group = None # group shortcuts by context shortcuts = groupby(sorted(iter_shortcuts()), key=itemgetter(0)) for context, group_shortcuts in shortcuts: for i, (context, name, keystr) in enumerate(group_shortcuts): # start of every column if added_shortcuts == 0: column_layout = QVBoxLayout() # at start of new context add previous context group if i == 0 and added_shortcuts > 0: column_layout.addWidget(group) # create group at start of column or context if added_shortcuts == 0 or i == 0: if context == '_': context = 'Global' group = QGroupBox(context.capitalize()) group.setFont(font_names) group_layout = QGridLayout() group.setLayout(group_layout) # Count space for titles added_shortcuts += 1 # Widgets label_name = QLabel(name.capitalize().replace('_', ' ')) label_name.setFont(font_names) keystr = QKeySequence(keystr).toString(QKeySequence.NativeText) label_keystr = QLabel(keystr) label_keystr.setFont(font_keystr) group_layout.addWidget(label_name, i, 0) group_layout.addWidget(label_keystr, i, 1) added_shortcuts += 1 if added_shortcuts >= shortcuts_column: column_layout.addWidget(group) columns_layout.addLayout(column_layout) added_shortcuts = 0 column_layout.addWidget(group) column_layout.addStretch() # avoid lasts sections to appear too big columns_layout.addLayout(column_layout) # Scroll widget self.scroll_widget = QWidget() self.scroll_widget.setLayout(columns_layout) self.scroll_area = QScrollArea() self.scroll_area.setWidget(self.scroll_widget) # widget setup self.setWindowFlags(Qt.FramelessWindowHint) self.setWindowOpacity(0.95) # layout self._layout = QVBoxLayout() self._layout.addWidget(title_label) self._layout.addWidget(self.scroll_area) self.setLayout(self._layout) self.setGeometry(0, 0, width, height)
def populate_tree(self): """Create each item (and associated data) in the tree""" if not self.stats: warn_item = QTreeWidgetItem(self) warn_item.setData( 0, Qt.DisplayRole, _('No timings to display. ' 'Did you forget to add @profile decorators ?') .format(url=WEBSITE_URL)) warn_item.setFirstColumnSpanned(True) warn_item.setTextAlignment(0, Qt.AlignCenter) font = warn_item.font(0) font.setStyle(QFont.StyleItalic) warn_item.setFont(0, font) return try: monospace_font = self.window().editor.get_plugin_font() except AttributeError: # If run standalone for testing monospace_font = QFont("Courier New") monospace_font.setPointSize(10) for func_info, func_data in self.stats.items(): # Function name and position filename, start_line_no, func_name = func_info func_stats, func_total_time = func_data func_item = QTreeWidgetItem(self) func_item.setData( 0, Qt.DisplayRole, _('{func_name} ({time_ms:.3f}ms) in file "{filename}", ' 'line {line_no}').format( filename=filename, line_no=start_line_no, func_name=func_name, time_ms=func_total_time * 1e3)) func_item.setFirstColumnSpanned(True) func_item.setData(COL_POS, Qt.UserRole, (osp.normpath(filename), start_line_no)) # For sorting by time func_item.setData(COL_TIME, Qt.DisplayRole, func_total_time * 1e3) func_item.setData(COL_PERCENT, Qt.DisplayRole, func_total_time * 1e3) if self.parent().use_colors: # Choose deteministic unique color for the function md5 = hashlib.md5((filename + func_name).encode("utf8")).hexdigest() hue = (int(md5[:2], 16) - 68) % 360 # avoid blue (unreadable) func_color = QColor.fromHsv(hue, 200, 255) else: # Red color only func_color = QColor.fromRgb(255, 0, 0) # Lines of code for line_info in func_stats: line_item = QTreeWidgetItem(func_item) (line_no, code_line, line_total_time, time_per_hit, hits, percent) = line_info self.fill_item( line_item, filename, line_no, code_line, line_total_time, percent, time_per_hit, hits) # Color background if line_total_time is not None: alpha = percent color = QColor(func_color) color.setAlphaF(alpha) # Returns None color = QBrush(color) for col in range(self.columnCount()): line_item.setBackground(col, color) else: for col in range(self.columnCount()): line_item.setForeground(col, CODE_NOT_RUN_COLOR) # Monospace font for code line_item.setFont(COL_LINE, monospace_font)
class TestDataModel(QAbstractItemModel): """ Model class storing test results for display. Test results are stored as a list of TestResults in the property `self.testresults`. Every test is exposed as a child of the root node, with extra information as second-level nodes. As in every model, an iteem of data is identified by its index, which is a tuple (row, column, id). The id is TOPLEVEL_ID for top-level items. For level-2 items, the id is the index of the test in `self.testresults`. Signals ------- sig_summary(str) Emitted with new summary if test results change. """ sig_summary = Signal(str) def __init__(self, parent=None): """Constructor.""" QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self, parent) self.abbreviator = Abbreviator() self.testresults = [] try: self.monospace_font = parent.window().editor.get_plugin_font() except AttributeError: # If run standalone for testing self.monospace_font = QFont("Courier New") self.monospace_font.setPointSize(10) @property def testresults(self): """List of test results.""" return self._testresults @testresults.setter def testresults(self, new_value): """Setter for test results.""" self.beginResetModel() self.abbreviator = Abbreviator( for res in new_value) self._testresults = new_value self.endResetModel() self.emit_summary() def add_testresults(self, new_tests): """ Add new test results to the model. Arguments --------- new_tests : list of TestResult """ firstRow = len(self.testresults) lastRow = firstRow + len(new_tests) - 1 for test in new_tests: self.abbreviator.add( self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), firstRow, lastRow) self.testresults.extend(new_tests) self.endInsertRows() self.emit_summary() def update_testresults(self, new_results): """ Update some test results by new results. The tests in `new_results` should already be included in `self.testresults` (otherwise a `KeyError` is raised). This function replaces the existing results by `new_results`. Arguments --------- new_results: list of TestResult """ idx_min = idx_max = None for new_result in new_results: for (idx, old_result) in enumerate(self.testresults): if == self.testresults[idx] = new_result if idx_min is None: idx_min = idx_max = idx else: idx_min = min(idx_min, idx) idx_max = max(idx_max, idx) break else: raise KeyError('test not found') if idx_min is not None: self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(idx_min, 0), self.index(idx_max, len(HEADERS) - 1)) self.emit_summary() def index(self, row, column, parent=QModelIndex()): """ Construct index to given item of data. If `parent` not valid, then the item of data is on the top level. """ if not self.hasIndex(row, column, parent): # check bounds etc. return QModelIndex() if not parent.isValid(): return self.createIndex(row, column, TOPLEVEL_ID) else: testresult_index = parent.row() return self.createIndex(row, column, testresult_index) def data(self, index, role): """ Return data in `role` for item of data that `index` points to. If `role` is `DisplayRole`, then return string to display. If `role` is `TooltipRole`, then return string for tool tip. If `role` is `FontRole`, then return monospace font for level-2 items. If `role` is `BackgroundRole`, then return background color. If `role` is `TextAlignmentRole`, then return right-aligned for time. If `role` is `UserRole`, then return location of test as (file, line). """ if not index.isValid(): return None row = index.row() column = index.column() id = index.internalId() if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if id != TOPLEVEL_ID: return self.testresults[id].extra_text[index.row()] elif column == STATUS_COLUMN: return self.testresults[row].status elif column == NAME_COLUMN: return self.abbreviator.abbreviate(self.testresults[row].name) elif column == MESSAGE_COLUMN: return self.testresults[row].message elif column == TIME_COLUMN: time = self.testresults[row].time return '' if time is None else '{:.2f}'.format(time * 1e3) elif role == Qt.ToolTipRole: if id == TOPLEVEL_ID and column == NAME_COLUMN: return self.testresults[row].name elif role == Qt.FontRole: if id != TOPLEVEL_ID: return self.monospace_font elif role == Qt.BackgroundRole: if id == TOPLEVEL_ID: testresult = self.testresults[row] return COLORS[testresult.category] elif role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole: if id == TOPLEVEL_ID and column == TIME_COLUMN: return Qt.AlignRight elif role == Qt.UserRole: if id == TOPLEVEL_ID: testresult = self.testresults[row] return (testresult.filename, testresult.lineno) else: return None def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=Qt.DisplayRole): """Return data for specified header.""" if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole: return HEADERS[section] else: return None def parent(self, index): """Return index to parent of item that `index` points to.""" if not index.isValid(): return QModelIndex() id = index.internalId() if id == TOPLEVEL_ID: return QModelIndex() else: return self.index(id, 0) def rowCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()): """Return number of rows underneath `parent`.""" if not parent.isValid(): return len(self.testresults) if parent.internalId() == TOPLEVEL_ID and parent.column() == 0: return len(self.testresults[parent.row()].extra_text) return 0 def columnCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()): """Return number of rcolumns underneath `parent`.""" if not parent.isValid(): return len(HEADERS) else: return 1 def sort(self, column, order): """Sort model by `column` in `order`.""" def key_time(result): return result.time or -1 self.beginResetModel() reverse = order == Qt.DescendingOrder if column == STATUS_COLUMN: self.testresults.sort(key=attrgetter('category', 'status'), reverse=reverse) elif column == NAME_COLUMN: self.testresults.sort(key=attrgetter('name'), reverse=reverse) elif column == MESSAGE_COLUMN: self.testresults.sort(key=attrgetter('message'), reverse=reverse) elif column == TIME_COLUMN: self.testresults.sort(key=key_time, reverse=reverse) self.endResetModel() def summary(self): """Return summary for current results.""" def n_test_or_tests(n): test_or_tests = _('test') if n == 1 else _('tests') return '{} {}'.format(n, test_or_tests) if not len(self.testresults): return _('No results to show.') counts = Counter(res.category for res in self.testresults) if all(counts[cat] == 0 for cat in (Category.FAIL, Category.OK, Category.SKIP)): txt = n_test_or_tests(counts[Category.PENDING]) return _('collected {}').format(txt) msg = _('{} failed').format(n_test_or_tests(counts[Category.FAIL])) msg += _(', {} passed').format(counts[Category.OK]) if counts[Category.SKIP]: msg += _(', {} other').format(counts[Category.SKIP]) if counts[Category.PENDING]: msg += _(', {} pending').format(counts[Category.PENDING]) return msg def emit_summary(self): """Emit sig_summary with summary for current results.""" self.sig_summary.emit(self.summary())
def initialize_editor(self): self.editor = QsciScintilla() # self.editor.cursorPositionChanged.connect(self.e) # self.editor.copyAvailable.connect(self.e) # self.editor.indicatorClicked.connect(self.e) # self.editor.indicatorReleased.connect(self.e) # self.editor.linesChanged.connect(self.e) # self.editor.marginClicked.connect(self.e) # self.editor.modificationAttempted.connect(self.e) # self.editor.modificationChanged.connect(self.e) # self.editor.selectionChanged.connect(self.e) # self.editor.textChanged.connect(self.e) # self.editor.userListActivated.connect(self.e) if self.editor.__class__.__name__ == "LineTextWidget": return # When using PySide without QSciScintilla # define the font to use font = QFont() font.setFamily("Consolas") font.setFixedPitch(True) font.setPointSize(10) # the font metrics here will help # building the margin width later fm = QFontMetrics(font) # set the default font of the self.editor # and take the same font for line numbers self.editor.setFont(font) self.editor.setMarginsFont(font) # Line numbers # conventionnaly, margin 0 is for line numbers self.editor.setMarginWidth(0, fm.width("00000") + 5) self.editor.setMarginLineNumbers(0, True) self.editor.setTabWidth(4) # Folding visual : we will use boxes self.editor.setFolding(QsciScintilla.BoxedTreeFoldStyle) self.editor.setAutoIndent(True) # Braces matching self.editor.setBraceMatching(QsciScintilla.SloppyBraceMatch) # Editing line color self.editor.setCaretLineVisible(True) self.editor.setCaretLineBackgroundColor(QColor("#CDA869")) # Margins colors # line numbers margin self.editor.setMarginsBackgroundColor(QColor("#333333")) self.editor.setMarginsForegroundColor(QColor("#CCCCCC")) # folding margin colors (foreground,background) self.editor.setFoldMarginColors(QColor("#99CC66"), QColor("#333300")) # Choose a lexer self.lexer = QsciLexerPython() self.lexer.setDefaultFont(font) # Set the length of the string before the editor tries to autocomplete # In practise this would be higher than 1 # But its set lower here to make the autocompletion more obvious self.editor.setAutoCompletionThreshold(1) # Tell the editor we are using a QsciAPI for the autocompletion self.editor.setAutoCompletionSource(QsciScintilla.AcsAPIs) self.editor.setLexer(self.lexer) self.editor.setCallTipsStyle(QsciScintilla.CallTipsContext) # self.editor.setCallTipsVisible(0) # Create an API for us to populate with our autocomplete terms self.api = QsciAPIs(self.lexer) # Compile the api for use in the lexer self.api.prepare()
def __init__(self, hub, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.hub = hub self.wave_range = (None, None) loadUi(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "ui", "linelists_window.ui"), self) # QtDesigner can't add a combo box to a tool bar... self.line_list_selector = QComboBox() self.line_list_selector.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed) self.line_list_selector.setMinimumWidth(230) self.line_list_selector.setToolTip("Select line list from internal library") self.main_toolbar.addWidget(self.line_list_selector) # QtDesigner creates tabbed widgets with 2 tabs, and doesn't allow # removing then in the designer itself. Remove in here then. while self.tab_widget.count() > 0: self.tab_widget.removeTab(0) # Local references for often used objects. self.plot_window = self.hub.plot_window # Request that line lists be read from wherever are they sources. if not hasattr(self, 'linelists'): self._request_linelists() # Populate line list selector with internal line lists model = self.line_list_selector.model() item = QStandardItem("Select line list") font = QFont("Monospace") font.setStyleHint(QFont.TypeWriter) font.setPointSize(12) item.setFont(font) model.appendRow(item) for description in linelist.descriptions(): item = QStandardItem(str(description)) item.setFont(font) model.appendRow(item) self.line_labels_plotter = LineLabelsPlotter(self) # Connect controls to appropriate signals. self.draw_button.clicked.connect( lambda:self.line_labels_plotter._plot_linelists( table_views=self._get_table_views(), panes=self._get_panes(), units=self.hub.plot_widget.spectral_axis_unit, caller=self.line_labels_plotter)) self.erase_button.clicked.connect(lambda:self.erase_linelabels.emit(self.plot_window.plot_widget)) self.dismiss_button.clicked.connect(self.dismiss_linelists_window.emit) self.actionOpen.triggered.connect(lambda:self._open_linelist_file(file_name=None)) self.actionExport.triggered.connect(lambda:self._export_to_file(file_name=None)) self.line_list_selector.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._lineList_selection_change) self.tab_widget.tabCloseRequested.connect(self._on_tab_close) self.hub.plot_window.window_removed.connect(self.dismiss_linelists_window.emit)