def _main(args): # import pydm # app = QApplication([]) # app = pydm.PyDMApplication() app = QApplication([]) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) from import splash from xicam.core import msg if args.verbose in sys.argv: QErrorMessage.qtHandler() # start splash in subprocess splash_proc = QProcess() # splash_proc.started.connect(lambda: print('started splash')) # splash_proc.finished.connect(lambda: print('finished splashing')) log_file = msg.file_handler.baseFilename initial_length = os.path.getsize(log_file) splash_proc.start(sys.executable, [splash.__file__, log_file, str(initial_length)]) from import XicamMainWindow mainwindow = XicamMainWindow() while splash_proc.state() != QProcess.NotRunning: app.processEvents() # splash_proc.waitForFinished() # splash = splash.XicamSplashScreen(args=args) return sys.exit(app.exec_())
def _main(args, exec=True): global mainwindow, splash_proc, show_check_timer # import pydm # app = QApplication([]) # app = pydm.PyDMApplication() app = QApplication.instance() or QApplication([]) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) from import splash from xicam.core import msg if getattr(args, 'verbose', False): QErrorMessage.qtHandler() # start splash in subprocess splash_proc = QProcess() # splash_proc.started.connect(lambda: print('started splash')) # splash_proc.finished.connect(lambda: print('finished splashing')) log_file = msg.file_handler.baseFilename initial_length = os.path.getsize(log_file) splash_proc.start(sys.executable, [splash.__file__, log_file, str(initial_length)]) show_check_timer = QTimer() show_check_timer.timeout.connect(check_show_mainwindow) show_check_timer.start(100) from import XicamMainWindow mainwindow = XicamMainWindow() if exec: return app.exec_() else: return mainwindow
def request_linelists(self, *args, **kwargs): self.waverange = self._find_wavelength_range() self.linelists = ingest(self.waverange) if len(self.linelists) == 0: error_dialog = QErrorMessage() error_dialog.showMessage('Units conversion not possible. ' 'Or, no line lists in internal library ' 'match wavelength range.') error_dialog.exec_()
def loadPatientDetails(self): try: with open('data.txt') as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) self.nameInput.setText(data["Name"]) self.ageInput.setText(data["Age"]) except: error_dialog = QErrorMessage() error_dialog.showMessage('Could not load patient data') error_dialog.exec_()
def on_ventSetButton_clicked(self): airVol = self.widget.tidalVolume.currentText() breaths_per_min = self.widget.respirationRate.currentText() ie_ratio = self.widget.inhaleExhaleRatio.currentText().split(":")[1] command = "{\"airVol\": %i, \"breathsPerMinute\": %i, \"ieRate\": %i}" % ( int(airVol), int(breaths_per_min), int(ie_ratio)) try: self.s.write(bytes(command.encode())) except: error_dialog = QErrorMessage() error_dialog.showMessage('Failed to set vent values, try again!') error_dialog.exec_()
def savePatientDetails(self): try: data = {} data["Name"] = self.nameInput.text() data["Age"] = self.ageInput.text() with open("data.txt", "w") as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile) except: error_dialog = QErrorMessage() error_dialog.showMessage('Could not save patient data') error_dialog.exec_() print("Could not set name")
def _lineList_selection_change(self, index): # ignore first element in drop down. It contains # the "Select line list" message. if index > 0 and hasattr(self.hub, 'plot_widget') and self.hub.plot_widget.spectral_axis_unit: line_list = linelist.get_from_cache(index - 1) try: self._get_waverange_from_dialog(line_list) if self.wave_range[0] and self.wave_range[1]: self._build_view(line_list, 0, waverange=self.wave_range) self.line_list_selector.setCurrentIndex(0) except UnitConversionError as err: error_dialog = QErrorMessage() error_dialog.showMessage('Units conversion not possible.') error_dialog.exec_()
def _lineList_selection_change(self, index): # ignore first element in drop down. It contains # the "Select line list" message. if index > 0: line_list = linelist.get_from_cache(index - 1) try: self._get_waverange_from_dialog(line_list) global wave_range if wave_range[0] and wave_range[1]: self._build_view(line_list, 0, waverange=wave_range) self.line_list_selector.setCurrentIndex(0) except UnitConversionError as err: error_dialog = QErrorMessage() error_dialog.showMessage('Units conversion not possible.') error_dialog.exec_()
def _save_callback(self, event=None): if len(self.animation.key_frames) < 2: error_dialog = QErrorMessage() error_dialog.showMessage( f"You need at least two key frames to generate \ an animation. Your only have {len(self.animation.key_frames)}") error_dialog.exec_() else: filters = ( "Video files (*.mp4 *.gif *.mov *.avi *.mpg *.mpeg *.mkv *.wmv)" ";;Folder of PNGs (*)" # sep filters with ";;" ) filename, _filter = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, "Save animation", str(Path.home()), filters) if filename: self.animation.animate(filename)
def main(): app = QApplication(sys.argv) if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): iconPath = os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, 'Icon.ico') else: iconPath = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname('__file__'), '../icons/Icon.ico')) if os.path.exists(iconPath): app.setWindowIcon(QIcon(iconPath)) form = PyPolarmap(app) # setup the error handler global e_dialog e_dialog = QErrorMessage(form) e_dialog.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.WindowModal) font = QFont() font.setFamily("Consolas") font.setPointSize(8) e_dialog.setFont(font) app.exec_()
app = QApplication(sys.argv) if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): icon_path = os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, 'Icon.ico') else: icon_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname('__file__'), '../icons/Icon.ico')) if os.path.exists(icon_path): app.setWindowIcon(QIcon(icon_path)) return app, Preferences(QSettings("3ll3d00d", "qvibe-analyser")) if __name__ == '__main__': app, prefs = make_app() form = QVibe(app, prefs) # setup the error handler e_dialog = QErrorMessage(form) e_dialog.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.WindowModal) font = QFont() font.setFamily("Consolas") font.setPointSize(8) e_dialog.setFont(font) # add the exception handler so we can see the errors in a QErrorMessage sys._excepthook = sys.excepthook def dump_exception_to_log(exctype, value, tb): import traceback print(exctype, value, tb) global e_dialog if e_dialog is not None: formatted = traceback.format_exception(etype=exctype, value=value,
def message(self, message): error = QErrorMessage(self) error.showMessage(message)
def showMessage(self, message: str, type: Any = None) -> None: message = self.template % (html.escape(message)) QErrorMessage.showMessage(self, message, type)
def __init__(self, parent: Optional[QWidget] = None): QErrorMessage.__init__(self, parent) self.resize(self.w, self.h)