Пример #1
    def test_context_menu_added_for_scripted_plot_with_errors(self):
        self.ax.plot([0, 15000], [0, 15000], label='MyLabel')
        self.ax.errorbar([0, 15000], [0, 14000],
                         yerr=[10, 10000],
                         label='MyLabel 2')
        self.ax.containers[0][2][0].axes.creation_args = [{'errorevery': 1}]

        main_menu = QMenu()
        # QMenu always seems to have 1 child when empty,
        # but just making sure the count as expected at this point in the test
        self.assertEqual(1, len(main_menu.children()))

        # plot above doesn't have errors, nor is a MantidAxes
        # so no context menu will be added
        self.interactor.add_error_bars_menu(main_menu, self.ax)

        added_menu = main_menu.children()[1]

        # actions should have been added now, which for this case are only `Show all` and `Hide all`
            any(FigureInteraction.SHOW_ERROR_BARS_BUTTON_TEXT == child.text()
                for child in added_menu.children()))
            any(FigureInteraction.HIDE_ERROR_BARS_BUTTON_TEXT == child.text()
                for child in added_menu.children()))
Пример #2
    def test_context_menu_does_not_include_plot_type_if_plot_has_one_line(self):
        fig, self.ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection': 'mantid'})
        self.ax.errorbar([0, 1], [0, 1], capsize=1)

        main_menu = QMenu()
        # QMenu always seems to have 1 child when empty,
        # but just making sure the count as expected at this point in the test
        self.assertEqual(1, len(main_menu.children()))

        self.interactor._add_plot_type_option_menu(main_menu, self.ax)

        # Number of children should remain unchanged
        self.assertEqual(1, len(main_menu.children()))
Пример #3
    def test_context_menu_includes_plot_type_if_plot_has_multiple_lines(self):
        fig, self.ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection': 'mantid'})
        self.ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1])
        self.ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1])

        main_menu = QMenu()
        # QMenu always seems to have 1 child when empty,
        # but just making sure the count as expected at this point in the test
        self.assertEqual(1, len(main_menu.children()))

        self.interactor._add_plot_type_option_menu(main_menu, self.ax)

        added_menu = main_menu.children()[1]
        self.assertEqual(added_menu.children()[0].text(), "Plot Type")
Пример #4
    def test_context_menu_not_added_for_scripted_plot_without_errors(self):
        self.ax.plot([0, 15000], [0, 15000], label='MyLabel')
        self.ax.plot([0, 15000], [0, 14000], label='MyLabel 2')

        main_menu = QMenu()
        # QMenu always seems to have 1 child when empty,
        # but just making sure the count as expected at this point in the test
        self.assertEqual(1, len(main_menu.children()))

        # plot above doesn't have errors, nor is a MantidAxes
        # so no context menu will be added
        self.interactor.add_error_bars_menu(main_menu, self.ax)

        # number of children should remain unchanged
        self.assertEqual(1, len(main_menu.children()))
Пример #5
    def test_scripted_plot_line_without_label_handled_properly(self):
        # having the special nolabel is usually present on lines with errors,
        # but sometimes can be present on lines without errors, this test covers that case
        self.ax.plot([0, 15000], [0, 15000], label='_nolegend_')
        self.ax.plot([0, 15000], [0, 15000], label='_nolegend_')

        main_menu = QMenu()
        # QMenu always seems to have 1 child when empty,
        # but just making sure the count as expected at this point in the test
        self.assertEqual(1, len(main_menu.children()))

        # plot above doesn't have errors, nor is a MantidAxes
        # so no context menu will be added for error bars
        self.interactor.add_error_bars_menu(main_menu, self.ax)

        # number of children should remain unchanged
        self.assertEqual(1, len(main_menu.children()))
Пример #6
    def test_add_error_bars_menu(self):
        main_menu = QMenu()
        self.errors_manager.add_error_bars_menu(main_menu, self.ax)

        # Check the expected sub-menu with buttons is added
        added_menu = main_menu.children()[1]
            any(FigureErrorsManager.SHOW_ERROR_BARS_BUTTON_TEXT == child.text() for child in added_menu.children()))
            any(FigureErrorsManager.HIDE_ERROR_BARS_BUTTON_TEXT == child.text() for child in added_menu.children()))
Пример #7
    def test_add_error_bars_menu(self):
        self.ax.errorbar([0, 15000], [0, 14000], yerr=[10, 10000], label='MyLabel 2')
        main_menu = QMenu()
        self.interactor.add_error_bars_menu(main_menu, self.ax)

        # Check the expected sub-menu with buttons is added
        added_menu = main_menu.children()[1]
            any(FigureInteraction.SHOW_ERROR_BARS_BUTTON_TEXT == child.text() for child in added_menu.children()))
            any(FigureInteraction.HIDE_ERROR_BARS_BUTTON_TEXT == child.text() for child in added_menu.children()))