Пример #1
def test():
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((W, H), 0)
    quadtree = Quadtree((0, 0, W, H))
    triangles = []
    p = (0, 0)
    while True:
        new_triangles = False
        new_point = False
        update = False
        events = pygame.event.get()
        for e in events:
            if e.type == pygame.QUIT:
            elif e.type == pygame.KEYUP and e.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
            elif e.type == pygame.KEYUP and e.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
                new_triangles = True
            elif e.type == pygame.KEYUP and e.key == pygame.K_RETURN:
                new_point = True
            elif e.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
                p = e.pos
                update = True
                print p
        if new_triangles:
            for i in range(N_triangles):
            print "foo"
            triangles = []
            for i in range(N_triangles):
                quadtree.add(i, triangles[-1])
                print triangles[-1]

        if new_point:
            p = get_random_point()

        if new_point or new_triangles or update:
            ids = quadtree.query(p)
            print ids
            for i in range(N_triangles):
                color = GREEN if i in ids else BLUE
                pygame.draw.lines(screen, color, True, triangles[i])
            pygame.draw.line(screen, RED, (p[0]-2, p[1]-2), (p[0]+2, p[1]+2))
            pygame.draw.line(screen, RED, (p[0]-2, p[1]+2), (p[0]+2, p[1]-2))
Пример #2
def capgrids_tree():
    tree = Quadtree((-180, -90, 180, 90))
    keys = {}
    i = 0
    for mapid in range(1, 100):
        mapid = str(mapid)
        for letter in 'abcdefghijklmnop':
            for num in range(1, 10):
                    b = box(mapid, letter + str(num))
                except IndexError:
                v = "%s/%s" % (mapid, (letter + str(num)).capitalize())
                if v not in keys:
                    tree.add(i, b)
                    keys[i] = v
                    i += 1
    return keys, tree
Пример #3
class Map:
	def __init__(self, definition_file, points):
		# Open definition file and background image
		definition = ElementTree.parse(open(definition_file)).getroot()
		map_file = os.path.join(os.path.split(definition_file)[0], definition.attrib['bg'])
		self.background = Image.open(map_file)
		self.north = math.radians(float(definition.attrib['maxlat']))
		self.south = math.radians(float(definition.attrib['minlat']))
		self.west = math.radians(float(definition.attrib['minlon']))
		self.east = math.radians(float(definition.attrib['maxlon']))

		# Store ranges color and distance
		self.ranges = [(float(r.attrib['distance']), 
					(int(r.attrib['red']), int(r.attrib['green']), int(r.attrib['blue']))) 
					for r in definition.getiterator("range")]
		self.width, self.height = self.background.size
		self.points = points

		# Creating top quadtree element
		self.grid = Quadtree(self.north, self.south, self.west, self.east, 6)
		for point in points:

		# Precompute latitude and longitude at each row and column
		self.pixel_lons = [self.west + (self.east-self.west)*(float(i)/float(self.width)) for i in range(self.width)]
		self.pixel_lats = [self.north - (self.north-self.south)*(float(j)/float(self.height)) for j in range(self.height)]

	def generate(self):
		"Generates the output image"
		ranges_image = Image.new('RGB', self.background.size)
		# Create a lists list with the distance from each pixel to its nearest point
		colors = [[self.color(self.distance(i,j)) for i in range(self.width)] for j in range(self.height)]
		# Flatten list
		colors = [item for sublist in colors for item in sublist]

		return Image.blend(ranges_image, self.background.convert('RGB'), 0.5)

	def distance(self, i, j):
		lon = self.pixel_lons[i]
		lat = self.pixel_lats[j]		

		point = Point(lat, lon)

		elements = PriorityQueue()
		elements.put_nowait((self.grid.distance(point), self.grid))
		# We iterate over the priority queue until the nearest element is a point. While it isn't we add its children to the queue.
		while True:
			(distance, elem) = elements.get_nowait()
			#print "Iterating (%d, %d) distance: %f" % (i, j, distance)
			if isinstance(elem, Point):
				return distance
				for child in elem.children:
					elements.put_nowait((child.distance(point), child))

	def color(self, distance):
		"Returns which color represents distance"
		return [c for (d,c) in self.ranges if d>distance][0]
Пример #4
class View(object):
    View class for gaphas.Canvas objects. 

    def __init__(self, canvas=None):
        self._matrix = Matrix()
        self._painter = DefaultPainter(self)
        self._bounding_box_painter = BoundingBoxPainter(self)

        # Handling selections.
        ### TODO: Move this to a context?
        self._selected_items = set()
        self._focused_item = None
        self._hovered_item = None
        self._dropzone_item = None

        self._qtree = Quadtree()
        self._bounds = Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0)

        self._canvas = None
        if canvas:

    matrix = property(lambda s: s._matrix,
                      doc="Canvas to view transformation matrix")

    def _set_canvas(self, canvas):
        Use view.canvas = my_canvas to set the canvas to be rendered
        in the view.
        if self._canvas:
            self._focused_item = None
            self._hovered_item = None
            self._dropzone_item = None

        self._canvas = canvas

    canvas = property(lambda s: s._canvas, _set_canvas)

    def emit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Placeholder method for signal emission functionality.

    def queue_draw_item(self, *items):
        Placeholder for item redraw queueing.

    def select_item(self, item):
        Select an item. This adds @item to the set of selected items.
        if item not in self._selected_items:
            self.emit('selection-changed', self._selected_items)

    def unselect_item(self, item):
        Unselect an item.
        if item in self._selected_items:
            self.emit('selection-changed', self._selected_items)

    def select_all(self):
        for item in self.canvas.get_all_items():

    def unselect_all(self):
        Clearing the selected_item also clears the focused_item.
        self.focused_item = None
        self.emit('selection-changed', self._selected_items)

    selected_items = property(lambda s: s._selected_items,
                              select_item, unselect_all,
                              "Items selected by the view")

    def _set_focused_item(self, item):
        Set the focused item, this item is also added to the selected_items
        if not item is self._focused_item:
            self.queue_draw_item(self._focused_item, item)

        if item:
        if item is not self._focused_item:
            self._focused_item = item
            self.emit('focus-changed', item)

    def _del_focused_item(self):
        Items that loose focus remain selected.

    focused_item = property(lambda s: s._focused_item,
                            _set_focused_item, _del_focused_item,
                            "The item with focus (receives key events a.o.)")

    def _set_hovered_item(self, item):
        Set the hovered item.
        if item is not self._hovered_item:
            self.queue_draw_item(self._hovered_item, item)
            self._hovered_item = item
            self.emit('hover-changed', item)

    def _del_hovered_item(self):
        Unset the hovered item.

    hovered_item = property(lambda s: s._hovered_item,
                            _set_hovered_item, _del_hovered_item,
                            "The item directly under the mouse pointer")

    def _set_dropzone_item(self, item):
        Set dropzone item.
        if item is not self._dropzone_item:
            self.queue_draw_item(self._dropzone_item, item)
            self._dropzone_item = item
            self.emit('dropzone-changed', item)

    def _del_dropzone_item(self):
        Unset dropzone item.

    dropzone_item = property(lambda s: s._dropzone_item,
            _set_dropzone_item, _del_dropzone_item,
            'The item which can group other items')

    def _set_painter(self, painter):
        Set the painter to use. Painters should implement painter.Painter.
        self._painter = painter

    painter = property(lambda s: s._painter, _set_painter)

    def _set_bounding_box_painter(self, painter):
        Set the painter to use for bounding box calculations.
        self._bounding_box_painter = painter

    bounding_box_painter = property(lambda s: s._bounding_box_painter, _set_bounding_box_painter)

    def get_item_at_point(self, pos, selected=True):
        Return the topmost item located at ``pos`` (x, y).

         - selected: if False returns first non-selected item
        items = self._qtree.find_intersect((pos[0], pos[1], 1, 1))
        for item in self._canvas.sort(items, reverse=True):
            if not selected and item in self.selected_items:
                continue  # skip selected items

            v2i = self.get_matrix_v2i(item)
            ix, iy = v2i.transform_point(*pos)
            if item.point((ix, iy)) < 0.5:
                return item
        return None

    def get_handle_at_point(self, pos, distance=6):
        Look for a handle at ``pos`` and return the
        tuple (item, handle).
        def find(item):
            """ Find item's handle at pos """
            v2i = self.get_matrix_v2i(item)
            d = v2i.transform_distance(distance, 0)[0]
            x, y = v2i.transform_point(*pos)

            for h in item.handles():
                if not h.movable:
                hx, hy = h.pos
                if -d < (hx - x) < d and -d < (hy - y) < d:
                    return h

        # The focused item is the prefered item for handle grabbing
        if self.focused_item:
            h = find(self.focused_item)
            if h:
                return self.focused_item, h

        # then try hovered item
        if self.hovered_item:
            h = find(self.hovered_item)
            if h:
                return self.hovered_item, h

        # Last try all items, checking the bounding box first
        x, y = pos
        items = self.get_items_in_rectangle((x - distance, y - distance, distance * 2, distance * 2), reverse=True)

        found_item, found_h = None, None
        for item in items:
            h = find(item)
            if h:
                return item, h
        return None, None

    def get_port_at_point(self, vpos, distance=10, exclude=None):
        Find item with port closest to specified position.

        List of items to be ignored can be specified with `exclude`

        Tuple is returned

        - found item
        - closest, connectable port
        - closest point on found port (in view coordinates)

            Position specified in view coordinates.
            Max distance from point to a port (default 10)
            Set of items to ignore.
        v2i = self.get_matrix_v2i
        vx, vy = vpos

        max_dist = distance
        port = None
        glue_pos = None
        item = None

        rect = (vx - distance, vy - distance, distance * 2, distance * 2)
        items = self.get_items_in_rectangle(rect, reverse=True)
        for i in items:
            if i in exclude:
            for p in i.ports():
                if not p.connectable:

                ix, iy = v2i(i).transform_point(vx, vy)
                pg, d = p.glue((ix, iy))

                if d >= max_dist:

                item = i
                port = p

                # transform coordinates from connectable item space to view
                # space
                i2v = self.get_matrix_i2v(i).transform_point
                glue_pos = i2v(*pg)

        return item, port, glue_pos

    def get_items_in_rectangle(self, rect, intersect=True, reverse=False):
        Return the items in the rectangle 'rect'.
        Items are automatically sorted in canvas' processing order.
        if intersect:
            items = self._qtree.find_intersect(rect)
            items = self._qtree.find_inside(rect)
        return self._canvas.sort(items, reverse=reverse)

    def select_in_rectangle(self, rect):
        Select all items who have their bounding box within the
        rectangle @rect.
        items = self._qtree.find_inside(rect)
        map(self.select_item, items)

    def zoom(self, factor):
        Zoom in/out by factor @factor.
        # TODO: should the scale factor be clipped?
        self._matrix.scale(factor, factor)

        # Make sure everything's updated
        #map(self.update_matrix, self._canvas.get_all_items())
        self.request_update((), self._canvas.get_all_items())

    def set_item_bounding_box(self, item, bounds):
        Update the bounding box of the item.

        ``bounds`` is in view coordinates.

        Coordinates are calculated back to item coordinates, so matrix-only
        updates can occur.
        v2i = self.get_matrix_v2i(item).transform_point
        ix0, iy0 = v2i(bounds.x, bounds.y)
        ix1, iy1 = v2i(bounds.x1, bounds.y1)
        self._qtree.add(item=item, bounds=bounds, data=Rectangle(ix0, iy0, x1=ix1, y1=iy1))

    def get_item_bounding_box(self, item):
        Get the bounding box for the item, in view coordinates.
        return self._qtree.get_bounds(item)

    bounding_box = property(lambda s: s._bounds)

    def update_bounding_box(self, cr, items=None):
        Update the bounding boxes of the canvas items for this view, in 
        canvas coordinates.
        painter = self._bounding_box_painter
        if items is None:
            items = self.canvas.get_all_items()

        # The painter calls set_item_bounding_box() for each rendered item.

        # Update the view's bounding box with the rest of the items
        self._bounds = Rectangle(*self._qtree.soft_bounds)

    def paint(self, cr):

    def get_matrix_i2v(self, item):
        Get Item to View matrix for ``item``.
        if self not in item._matrix_i2v:
        return item._matrix_i2v[self]

    def get_matrix_v2i(self, item):
        Get View to Item matrix for ``item``.
        if self not in item._matrix_v2i:
        return item._matrix_v2i[self]

    def update_matrix(self, item):
        Update item matrices related to view.
            i2v = item._matrix_i2c.multiply(self._matrix)
        except AttributeError:
            # Fall back to old behaviour
            i2v = item._matrix_i2c * self._matrix

        item._matrix_i2v[self] = i2v

        v2i = Matrix(*i2v)
        item._matrix_v2i[self] = v2i

    def _clear_matrices(self):
        Clear registered data in Item's _matrix{i2c|v2i} attributes.
        for item in self.canvas.get_all_items():
                del item._matrix_i2v[self]
                del item._matrix_v2i[self]
            except KeyError:
Пример #5
class View(object):
    View class for gaphas.Canvas objects. 
    def __init__(self, canvas=None):
        self._matrix = Matrix()
        self._painter = DefaultPainter(self)
        self._bounding_box_painter = BoundingBoxPainter(self)

        # Handling selections.
        ### TODO: Move this to a context?
        self._selected_items = set()
        self._focused_item = None
        self._hovered_item = None
        self._dropzone_item = None

        self._qtree = Quadtree()
        self._bounds = Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0)

        self._canvas = None
        if canvas:

    matrix = property(lambda s: s._matrix,
                      doc="Canvas to view transformation matrix")

    def _set_canvas(self, canvas):
        Use view.canvas = my_canvas to set the canvas to be rendered
        in the view.
        if self._canvas:
            self._focused_item = None
            self._hovered_item = None
            self._dropzone_item = None

        self._canvas = canvas

    canvas = property(lambda s: s._canvas, _set_canvas)

    def emit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Placeholder method for signal emission functionality.

    def queue_draw_item(self, *items):
        Placeholder for item redraw queueing.

    def select_item(self, item):
        Select an item. This adds @item to the set of selected items.
        if item not in self._selected_items:
            self.emit('selection-changed', self._selected_items)

    def unselect_item(self, item):
        Unselect an item.
        if item in self._selected_items:
            self.emit('selection-changed', self._selected_items)

    def select_all(self):
        for item in self.canvas.get_all_items():

    def unselect_all(self):
        Clearing the selected_item also clears the focused_item.
        self.focused_item = None
        self.emit('selection-changed', self._selected_items)

    selected_items = property(lambda s: s._selected_items, select_item,
                              unselect_all, "Items selected by the view")

    def _set_focused_item(self, item):
        Set the focused item, this item is also added to the selected_items
        if not item is self._focused_item:
            self.queue_draw_item(self._focused_item, item)

        if item:
        if item is not self._focused_item:
            self._focused_item = item
            self.emit('focus-changed', item)

    def _del_focused_item(self):
        Items that loose focus remain selected.

    focused_item = property(lambda s: s._focused_item, _set_focused_item,
                            "The item with focus (receives key events a.o.)")

    def _set_hovered_item(self, item):
        Set the hovered item.
        if item is not self._hovered_item:
            self.queue_draw_item(self._hovered_item, item)
            self._hovered_item = item
            self.emit('hover-changed', item)

    def _del_hovered_item(self):
        Unset the hovered item.

    hovered_item = property(lambda s: s._hovered_item, _set_hovered_item,
                            "The item directly under the mouse pointer")

    def _set_dropzone_item(self, item):
        Set dropzone item.
        if item is not self._dropzone_item:
            self.queue_draw_item(self._dropzone_item, item)
            self._dropzone_item = item
            self.emit('dropzone-changed', item)

    def _del_dropzone_item(self):
        Unset dropzone item.

    dropzone_item = property(lambda s: s._dropzone_item, _set_dropzone_item,
                             'The item which can group other items')

    def _set_painter(self, painter):
        Set the painter to use. Painters should implement painter.Painter.
        self._painter = painter

    painter = property(lambda s: s._painter, _set_painter)

    def _set_bounding_box_painter(self, painter):
        Set the painter to use for bounding box calculations.
        self._bounding_box_painter = painter

    bounding_box_painter = property(lambda s: s._bounding_box_painter,

    def get_item_at_point(self, pos, selected=True):
        Return the topmost item located at ``pos`` (x, y).

         - selected: if False returns first non-selected item
        items = self._qtree.find_intersect((pos[0], pos[1], 1, 1))
        for item in self._canvas.sort(items, reverse=True):
            if not selected and item in self.selected_items:
                continue  # skip selected items

            v2i = self.get_matrix_v2i(item)
            ix, iy = v2i.transform_point(*pos)
            if item.point((ix, iy)) < 0.5:
                return item
        return None

    def get_handle_at_point(self, pos, distance=6):
        Look for a handle at ``pos`` and return the
        tuple (item, handle).
        def find(item):
            """ Find item's handle at pos """
            v2i = self.get_matrix_v2i(item)
            d = v2i.transform_distance(distance, 0)[0]
            x, y = v2i.transform_point(*pos)

            for h in item.handles():
                if not h.movable:
                hx, hy = h.pos
                if -d < (hx - x) < d and -d < (hy - y) < d:
                    return h

        # The focused item is the prefered item for handle grabbing
        if self.focused_item:
            h = find(self.focused_item)
            if h:
                return self.focused_item, h

        # then try hovered item
        if self.hovered_item:
            h = find(self.hovered_item)
            if h:
                return self.hovered_item, h

        # Last try all items, checking the bounding box first
        x, y = pos
        items = self.get_items_in_rectangle(
            (x - distance, y - distance, distance * 2, distance * 2),

        found_item, found_h = None, None
        for item in items:
            h = find(item)
            if h:
                return item, h
        return None, None

    def get_port_at_point(self, vpos, distance=10, exclude=None):
        Find item with port closest to specified position.

        List of items to be ignored can be specified with `exclude`

        Tuple is returned

        - found item
        - closest, connectable port
        - closest point on found port (in view coordinates)

            Position specified in view coordinates.
            Max distance from point to a port (default 10)
            Set of items to ignore.
        v2i = self.get_matrix_v2i
        vx, vy = vpos

        max_dist = distance
        port = None
        glue_pos = None
        item = None

        rect = (vx - distance, vy - distance, distance * 2, distance * 2)
        items = self.get_items_in_rectangle(rect, reverse=True)
        for i in items:
            if i in exclude:
            for p in i.ports():
                if not p.connectable:

                ix, iy = v2i(i).transform_point(vx, vy)
                pg, d = p.glue((ix, iy))

                if d >= max_dist:

                item = i
                port = p

                # transform coordinates from connectable item space to view
                # space
                i2v = self.get_matrix_i2v(i).transform_point
                glue_pos = i2v(*pg)

        return item, port, glue_pos

    def get_items_in_rectangle(self, rect, intersect=True, reverse=False):
        Return the items in the rectangle 'rect'.
        Items are automatically sorted in canvas' processing order.
        if intersect:
            items = self._qtree.find_intersect(rect)
            items = self._qtree.find_inside(rect)
        return self._canvas.sort(items, reverse=reverse)

    def select_in_rectangle(self, rect):
        Select all items who have their bounding box within the
        rectangle @rect.
        items = self._qtree.find_inside(rect)
        map(self.select_item, items)

    def zoom(self, factor):
        Zoom in/out by factor @factor.
        # TODO: should the scale factor be clipped?
        self._matrix.scale(factor, factor)

        # Make sure everything's updated
        #map(self.update_matrix, self._canvas.get_all_items())
        self.request_update((), self._canvas.get_all_items())

    def set_item_bounding_box(self, item, bounds):
        Update the bounding box of the item.

        ``bounds`` is in view coordinates.

        Coordinates are calculated back to item coordinates, so matrix-only
        updates can occur.
        v2i = self.get_matrix_v2i(item).transform_point
        ix0, iy0 = v2i(bounds.x, bounds.y)
        ix1, iy1 = v2i(bounds.x1, bounds.y1)
                        data=Rectangle(ix0, iy0, x1=ix1, y1=iy1))

    def get_item_bounding_box(self, item):
        Get the bounding box for the item, in view coordinates.
        return self._qtree.get_bounds(item)

    bounding_box = property(lambda s: s._bounds)

    def update_bounding_box(self, cr, items=None):
        Update the bounding boxes of the canvas items for this view, in 
        canvas coordinates.
        painter = self._bounding_box_painter
        if items is None:
            items = self.canvas.get_all_items()

        # The painter calls set_item_bounding_box() for each rendered item.
        painter.paint(Context(cairo=cr, items=items, area=None))

        # Update the view's bounding box with the rest of the items
        self._bounds = Rectangle(*self._qtree.soft_bounds)

    def paint(self, cr):
            Context(cairo=cr, items=self.canvas.get_all_items(), area=None))

    def get_matrix_i2v(self, item):
        Get Item to View matrix for ``item``.
        if self not in item._matrix_i2v:
        return item._matrix_i2v[self]

    def get_matrix_v2i(self, item):
        Get View to Item matrix for ``item``.
        if self not in item._matrix_v2i:
        return item._matrix_v2i[self]

    def update_matrix(self, item):
        Update item matrices related to view.
            i2v = item._matrix_i2c.multiply(self._matrix)
        except AttributeError:
            # Fall back to old behaviour
            i2v = item._matrix_i2c * self._matrix

        item._matrix_i2v[self] = i2v

        v2i = Matrix(*i2v)
        item._matrix_v2i[self] = v2i

    def _clear_matrices(self):
        Clear registered data in Item's _matrix{i2c|v2i} attributes.
        for item in self.canvas.get_all_items():
                del item._matrix_i2v[self]
                del item._matrix_v2i[self]
            except KeyError:
Пример #6
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-d', type=int, action='store',
            dest='data_num', help='choose which data set to use')
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
        print 'Command e.g.: python findNearPlace.py -d 0(1,2)'

    para = parser.parse_args()
    if para.data_num == 0:
        location_infile = settings["ROOT_PATH"] + settings["SRC_DATA_FILE1_1"]
        nearplace_outfile = settings["ROOT_PATH"] + settings["NEAR_PLACE_FILE1"]
    elif para.data_num == 1:
        location_infile = settings["ROOT_PATH"] + settings["SRC_DATA_FILE2_1"]
        nearplace_outfile = settings["ROOT_PATH"] + settings["NEAR_PLACE_FILE2"]
    elif para.data_num == 2:
        location_infile = settings["ROOT_PATH"] + settings["SRC_DATA_FILE3_3"]
        nearplace_outfile = settings["ROOT_PATH"] + settings["NEAR_PLACE_FILE3"]
        print 'Invalid choice of data set'

    loc_latlng = {}
        for entry in csv.reader(open(location_infile, 'rU')):
            pid, lat, lng = int(entry[0]), float(entry[2]), float(entry[3])
            loc_latlng[pid] = (lat, lng)
        print entry

    # directly scanning all POIs to get answer, which is too slow
    '''writer = csv.writer(open(nearplace_outfile, "w"), lineterminator="\r\n")
    pids = loc_latlng.keys()
    for i in xrange(len(pids)):
        pid1 = pids[i]
        near_place = []
        for j in xrange(len(pids)):
            pid2 = pids[j]
            dis = distance.distance(loc_latlng[pid1], loc_latlng[pid2]).miles
            if dis < settings["DISTANCE_THRESHOLD"]:
        writer.writerow([pid1] + near_place)
        print i'''

    # quad tree
    index_extent = (-90, -180, 90, 180)
    index = Quadtree(index_extent)
    for pid in loc_latlng:
        index.add(pid, loc_latlng[pid])

    for pid in loc_latlng:
        start_time = time.clock()
        pid_set = findNearPlaceByQuadtree(loc_latlng,
        end_time = time.clock()
        print "Time Cost: %f(s)" % (end_time-start_time)
        print len(pid_set)
Пример #7
class Map:
    def __init__(self, definition_file, points):
        # Open definition file and background image
        definition = ElementTree.parse(open(definition_file)).getroot()
        map_file = os.path.join(
            os.path.split(definition_file)[0], definition.attrib['bg'])
        self.background = Image.open(map_file)

        self.north = math.radians(float(definition.attrib['maxlat']))
        self.south = math.radians(float(definition.attrib['minlat']))
        self.west = math.radians(float(definition.attrib['minlon']))
        self.east = math.radians(float(definition.attrib['maxlon']))

        # Store ranges color and distance
        self.ranges = [(float(r.attrib['distance']), (int(r.attrib['red']),
                       for r in definition.getiterator("range")]

        self.width, self.height = self.background.size
        self.points = points

        # Creating top quadtree element
        self.grid = Quadtree(self.north, self.south, self.west, self.east, 6)
        for point in points:

        # Precompute latitude and longitude at each row and column
        self.pixel_lons = [
            self.west + (self.east - self.west) *
            (float(i) / float(self.width)) for i in range(self.width)
        self.pixel_lats = [
            self.north - (self.north - self.south) *
            (float(j) / float(self.height)) for j in range(self.height)

    def generate(self):
        "Generates the output image"

        ranges_image = Image.new('RGB', self.background.size)

        # Create a lists list with the distance from each pixel to its nearest point
        colors = [[self.color(self.distance(i, j)) for i in range(self.width)]
                  for j in range(self.height)]
        # Flatten list
        colors = [item for sublist in colors for item in sublist]

        return Image.blend(ranges_image, self.background.convert('RGB'), 0.5)

    def distance(self, i, j):
        lon = self.pixel_lons[i]
        lat = self.pixel_lats[j]

        point = Point(lat, lon)

        elements = PriorityQueue()
        elements.put_nowait((self.grid.distance(point), self.grid))
        # We iterate over the priority queue until the nearest element is a point. While it isn't we add its children to the queue.
        while True:
            (distance, elem) = elements.get_nowait()
            #print "Iterating (%d, %d) distance: %f" % (i, j, distance)
            if isinstance(elem, Point):
                return distance
                for child in elem.children:
                    elements.put_nowait((child.distance(point), child))

    def color(self, distance):
        "Returns which color represents distance"
        return [c for (d, c) in self.ranges if d > distance][0]