class ScanModel(Model): points_rewritten = QtCore.pyqtSignal(dict) points_appended = QtCore.pyqtSignal(dict) annotations_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(list) def __init__(self, axes: List[Dict[str, Any]], context: Context): super().__init__(context) self.axes = axes self._annotations = [] self._annotation_schemata = [] self._online_analyses = {} def get_point_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: raise NotImplementedError def get_annotations(self) -> List[Annotation]: return self._annotations def _set_annotation_schemata(self, schemata: List[Dict[str, Any]]): self._annotation_schemata = schemata self._annotations = [] def data_source(spec): kind = spec["kind"] if kind == "fixed": return FixedDataSource(spec["value"]) if kind == "analysis_result": analysis = self._online_analyses.get(spec["analysis_name"], None) if analysis is None: return None return OnlineAnalysisDataSource(analysis, spec["result_key"])"Ignoring unsupported annotation data source type: '%s'", kind) return None def to_data_sources(specs): return {k: data_source(v) for k, v in specs.items()} for schema in schemata: sources = [to_data_sources(schema.get(n)) for n in ("coordinates", "data")] self._annotations.append( Annotation(schema["kind"], schema.get("parameters", {}), *sources)) self.annotations_changed.emit(self._annotations) def _set_online_analyses(self, analysis_schemata: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> None: for a in self._online_analyses.values(): a.stop() self._online_analyses = {} for name, schema in analysis_schemata.items(): kind = schema["kind"] if kind == "named_fit": self._online_analyses[name] = OnlineNamedFitAnalysis(schema, self) else: logger.warning("Ignoring unsupported online analysis type: '%s'", kind) # Rebind annotation schemata to new analysis data sources. self._set_annotation_schemata(self._annotation_schemata)
class Context(QtCore.QObject): """Describes the environment in which a certain plot is displayed. This is the moral equivalent of a container for global variables and should be used only sparsely (i.e. for actual properties of the environment). """ source_id_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) title_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self, set_dataset: Callable[[str, Any], None] = None): super().__init__() self._set_dataset = set_dataset self._title = "" self._source_id = "<unknown>" def get_title(self) -> str: return self._title def set_title(self, title: str) -> None: if self._title != title: self._title = title self.title_changed.emit(title) def get_source_id(self): """Return a short string that helps the user to identify the data source. This is usually based on the run id, and shown in plots for data traceability purposes. """ return self._source_id def set_source_id(self, source_id): if self._source_id != source_id: self._source_id = source_id self.source_id_changed.emit(source_id) def is_online_master(self) -> bool: """Return whether the plot is run in an environment where there is a connection to an ARTIQ master (as opposed to e.g. displaying an offline results file). """ return self._set_dataset is not None def set_dataset(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: """Sets dataset ``key`` to ``value`` on the connected master, if any. See: :meth:`is_online_master`. """ self._set_dataset(key, value)
class Model(QtCore.QObject): channel_schemata_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(dict) def __init__(self, context: Context): super().__init__() self.context = context def get_channel_schemata(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: raise NotImplementedError
class Root(QtCore.QObject): """The root of a plot data tree, i.e. all the data making up a plot displayed in a given window. This is a reference to (at most) one :class:`Model`, but makes it possible to represent situations where the model is not yet known (e.g. because we are still waiting for the experiment to set the top-level metadata datasets), or might change (because we are showing a subscan for a user-selected point). """ model_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object) def get_model(self) -> Union["Model", None]: raise NotImplementedError
class Context(QtCore.QObject): title_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self, set_dataset: Callable[[str, Any], None] = None): super().__init__() self._set_dataset = set_dataset self.title = "" def set_title(self, title: str) -> None: if title != self.title: self.title = title self.title_changed.emit(title) def is_online_master(self) -> bool: return self.set_dataset is not None def set_dataset(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: self._set_dataset(key, value)
class AlternateMenuPlotWidget(ContextMenuPlotWidget): """PlotWidget with context menu for integration with the .container.PlotContainerWidget alternate plot switching functionality.""" alternate_plot_requested = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self, get_alternate_plot_names): super().__init__() self._get_alternate_plot_names = get_alternate_plot_names def build_context_menu(self, builder: ContextMenuBuilder) -> None: alternate_plot_names = self._get_alternate_plot_names() if len(alternate_plot_names) > 1: for name in alternate_plot_names: action = builder.append_action("Show " + name) action.triggered.connect(lambda *args, name=name: self. alternate_plot_requested.emit(name)) builder.ensure_separator()
class _XYSeries(QtCore.QObject): def __init__(self, plot, data_name, data_item, error_bar_name, error_bar_item, plot_left_to_right, fit_spec=None, fit_item=None, fit_pois=[]): super().__init__(plot) self.plot = plot self.data_item = data_item self.data_name = data_name self.error_bar_item = error_bar_item self.error_bar_name = error_bar_name self.plot_left_to_right = plot_left_to_right self.num_current_points = 0 self.fit_obj = None if fit_spec: self._install_fit(fit_spec, fit_item, fit_pois) def update(self, x_data, data): def channel(name): return data.get("ndscan.points.channel_" + name, (False, []))[1] y_data = channel(self.data_name) num_to_show = min(len(x_data), len(y_data)) if self.error_bar_item: y_err = channel(self.error_bar_name) num_to_show = min(num_to_show, len(y_err)) if num_to_show == self.num_current_points: return if self.plot_left_to_right: x_data = np.array(x_data) order = np.argsort(x_data[:num_to_show]) y_data = np.array(y_data) self.data_item.setData(x_data[order], y_data[order]) if self.num_current_points == 0: self.plot.addItem(self.data_item) if self.error_bar_item: y_err = np.array(y_err) self.error_bar_item.setData(x=x_data[order], y=y_data[order], height=y_err[order]) if self.num_current_points == 0: self.plot.addItem(self.error_bar_item) else: self.data_item.setData(x_data[:num_to_show], y_data[:num_to_show]) if self.num_current_points == 0: self.plot.addItem(self.data_item) if self.error_bar_item: self.error_bar_item.setData( x=x_data[:num_to_show], y=y_data[:num_to_show], height=(2 * np.array(y_err[:num_to_show]))) if self.num_current_points == 0: self.plot.addItem(self.error_bar_item) self.num_current_points = num_to_show if self.fit_obj and self.num_current_points >= len( self.fit_obj.parameter_names): self._trigger_recompute_fit.emit() _trigger_recompute_fit = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def _install_fit(self, spec, item, pois): self.fit_type = spec["fit_type"] self.fit_obj = FIT_OBJECTS[self.fit_type] self.fit_item = item self.fit_pois = pois self.fit_item_added = False self.last_fit_params = None self.recompute_fit_limiter = pyqtgraph.SignalProxy( self._trigger_recompute_fit, slot=lambda: asyncio.ensure_future(self._recompute_fit()), rateLimit=30) self.recompute_in_progress = False self.fit_executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) self.redraw_fit_limiter = pyqtgraph.SignalProxy( self.plot.getPlotItem().getViewBox().sigXRangeChanged, slot=self._redraw_fit, rateLimit=30) async def _recompute_fit(self): if self.recompute_in_progress: # Run at most one fit computation at a time. To make sure we don't # leave a few final data points completely disregarded, just # re-emit the signal – even for long fits, repeated checks aren't # expensive, as long as the SignalProxy rate is slow enough. self._trigger_recompute_fit.emit() return self.recompute_in_progress = True xs, ys = self.data_item.getData() y_errs = None if self.error_bar_item: y_errs = self.error_bar_item.opts['height'] / 2 loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.last_fit_params, self.last_fit_errors = await loop.run_in_executor( self.fit_executor, _run_fit, self.fit_type, xs, ys, y_errs) self.redraw_fit_limiter.signalReceived() self.recompute_in_progress = False def _redraw_fit(self, *args): if not self.last_fit_params: return if not self.fit_item_added: self.plot.addItem(self.fit_item, ignoreBounds=True) for f in self.fit_pois: f.add_to_plot(self.plot) self.fit_item_added = True # Choose horizontal range based on currently visible area. view_box = self.plot.getPlotItem().getViewBox() x_range, _ = view_box.state["viewRange"] ext = (x_range[1] - x_range[0]) / 10 x_lims = (x_range[0] - ext, x_range[1] + ext) # Choose number of points based on width of plot on screen (in pixels). fit_xs = np.linspace(*x_lims, view_box.width()) fit_ys = self.fit_obj.fitting_function(fit_xs, self.last_fit_params) self.fit_item.setData(fit_xs, fit_ys) for f in self.fit_pois: f.update(self.last_fit_params, self.last_fit_errors)
class AnnotationDataSource(QtCore.QObject): changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def get(self) -> Any: raise NotImplementedError
class Rolling1DPlotWidget(pyqtgraph.PlotWidget): error = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.series_initialised = False self.series = [] self.point_phase = None self.showGrid(x=True, y=True) self._install_context_menu() def data_changed(self, data, mods): def d(name): return data.get("ndscan." + name, (False, None))[1] if not self.series_initialised: channels_json = d("channels") if not channels_json: return channels = json.loads(channels_json) try: data_names, error_bar_names = extract_scalar_channels(channels) except ValueError as e: self.error.emit(str(e)) for i, data_name in enumerate(data_names): color = SERIES_COLORS[i % len(SERIES_COLORS)] data_item = pyqtgraph.ScatterPlotItem(pen=None, brush=color) error_bar_name = error_bar_names.get(data_name, None) error_bar_item = pyqtgraph.ErrorBarItem( pen=color) if error_bar_name else None self.series.append( _Series(self, data_name, data_item, error_bar_name, error_bar_item, self.num_history_box.value())) if len(data_names) == 1: # If there is only one series, set label/scaling accordingly. # TODO: Add multiple y axis for additional channels. c = channels[data_names[0]] label = c["description"] if not label: label = c["path"].split("/")[-1] setup_axis_item(self.getAxis("left"), label, c["path"], c) self.series_initialised = True # FIXME: Phase check will miss points when using mod buffering - need to # directly read all the data from mods. phase = d("point_phase") if phase is not None and phase != self.point_phase: for s in self.series: s.append(data) self.point_phase = phase def set_history_length(self, n): for s in self.series: s.set_history_length(n) def _install_context_menu(self): self.num_history_box = QtWidgets.QSpinBox() self.num_history_box.setMinimum(1) self.num_history_box.setMaximum(2**16) self.num_history_box.setValue(100) self.num_history_box.valueChanged.connect(self.set_history_length) container = QtWidgets.QWidget() layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() container.setLayout(layout) label = QtWidgets.QLabel("N: ") layout.addWidget(label) layout.addWidget(self.num_history_box) action = QtWidgets.QWidgetAction(self) action.setDefaultWidget(container) separator = QtWidgets.QAction("", self) separator.setSeparator(True) entries = [action, separator] self.plotItem.getContextMenus = lambda ev: entries
class SinglePointModel(Model): point_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object) def get_point(self) -> Union[None, Dict[str, Any]]: raise NotImplementedError
class Image2DPlotWidget(pyqtgraph.PlotWidget): error = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self, x_schema, y_schema, set_dataset): super().__init__() self.x_schema = x_schema self.y_schema = y_schema self.set_dataset = set_dataset self.plot = None def setup_axis(schema, location): path = schema["path"] if not path: path = "/" identity_string = schema["param"]["fqn"] + "@" + path return setup_axis_item(self.getAxis(location), schema["param"]["description"], identity_string, schema["param"]["spec"]) self.x_unit_suffix, self.x_data_to_display_scale = \ setup_axis(x_schema, "bottom") self.y_unit_suffix, self.y_data_to_display_scale = \ setup_axis(y_schema, "left") self.crosshair = LabeledCrosshairCursor(self, self, self.x_unit_suffix, self.x_data_to_display_scale, self.y_unit_suffix, self.y_data_to_display_scale) self.showGrid(x=True, y=True) def data_changed(self, datasets, mods): def d(name): return datasets.get("ndscan." + name, (False, None))[1] if not self.plot: channels_json = d("channels") if not channels_json: return channels = json.loads(channels_json) try: data_names, _ = extract_scalar_channels(channels) except ValueError as e: self.error.emit(str(e)) if not data_names: self.error.emit("No scalar result channels to display") hints_for_channels = { name: channels[name].get("display_hints", {}) for name in data_names } self._install_context_menu(data_names) def bounds(schema): return (schema.get(n, None) for n in ("min", "max", "increment")) image_item = pyqtgraph.ImageItem() self.addItem(image_item) self.plot = _ImagePlot(image_item, data_names[0], *bounds(self.x_schema), *bounds(self.y_schema), hints_for_channels) self.plot.data_changed(datasets) def _install_context_menu(self, data_names): entries = [] x_datasets = extract_linked_datasets(self.x_schema["param"]) y_datasets = extract_linked_datasets(self.y_schema["param"]) for d, axis in chain(zip(x_datasets, repeat("x")), zip(y_datasets, repeat("y"))): action = QtWidgets.QAction("Set '{}' from crosshair".format(d), self) action.triggered.connect( lambda *a, d=d: self._set_dataset_from_crosshair(d, axis)) entries.append(action) if len(x_datasets) == 1 and len(y_datasets) == 1: action = QtWidgets.QAction("Set both from crosshair".format(d), self) def set_both(): self._set_dataset_from_crosshair(x_datasets[0], "x") self._set_dataset_from_crosshair(y_datasets[0], "y") action.triggered.connect(set_both) entries.append(action) def append_separator(): separator = QtWidgets.QAction("", self) separator.setSeparator(True) entries.append(separator) if entries: append_separator() self.channel_menu_group = QtWidgets.QActionGroup(self) first_action = None for name in data_names: action = QtWidgets.QAction(name, self) if not first_action: first_action = action action.setCheckable(True) action.setActionGroup(self.channel_menu_group) action.triggered.connect( lambda *a, name=name: self.plot.activate_channel(name)) entries.append(action) if first_action: first_action.setChecked(True) append_separator() self.plotItem.getContextMenus = lambda ev: entries def _set_dataset_from_crosshair(self, dataset, axis): if not self.crosshair: logger.warning( "Plot not initialised yet, ignoring set dataset request") return self.set_dataset( dataset, self.crosshair.last_x if axis == "x" else self.crosshair.last_y)
class XY1DPlotWidget(SubplotMenuPlotWidget): error = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) ready = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, model: ScanModel, get_alternate_plot_names): super().__init__(model.context, get_alternate_plot_names) self.model = model self.model.channel_schemata_changed.connect(self._initialise_series) self.model.points_appended.connect(self._update_points) self.model.annotations_changed.connect(self._update_annotations) # FIXME: Just re-set values instead of throwing away everything. def rewritten(points): self._initialise_series(self.model.get_channel_schemata()) self._update_points(points) self.model.points_rewritten.connect(rewritten) self.selected_point_model = SelectPointFromScanModel(self.model) self.annotation_items = [] self.series = [] x_schema = self.model.axes[0] self.x_param_spec = x_schema["param"]["spec"] self.x_unit_suffix, self.x_data_to_display_scale = setup_axis_item( self.getAxis("bottom"), [(x_schema["param"]["description"], format_param_identity(x_schema), None, self.x_param_spec)]) self.y_unit_suffix = None self.y_data_to_display_scale = None self.crosshair = None self._highlighted_spot = None self.showGrid(x=True, y=True) view_box = self.getPlotItem().getViewBox() self.source_label = add_source_id_label(view_box, self.model.context) view_box.scene().sigMouseClicked.connect(self._handle_scene_click) def _initialise_series(self, channels): # Remove all currently shown items and any extra axes added. for s in self.series: s.remove_items() self.series.clear() self._clear_annotations() self.reset_y_axes() try: data_names, error_bar_names = extract_scalar_channels(channels) except ValueError as e: self.error.emit(str(e)) return series_idx = 0 axes = group_channels_into_axes(channels, data_names) for names in axes: axis, view_box = self.new_y_axis() info = [] for name in names: color = SERIES_COLORS[series_idx % len(SERIES_COLORS)] data_item = pyqtgraph.ScatterPlotItem(pen=None, brush=color, size=6) data_item.sigClicked.connect(self._point_clicked) error_bar_item = None error_bar_name = error_bar_names.get(name, None) if error_bar_name: error_bar_item = pyqtgraph.ErrorBarItem(pen=color) self.series.append( _XYSeries(view_box, name, data_item, error_bar_name, error_bar_item, False)) channel = channels[name] label = channel["description"] if not label: label = channel["path"].split("/")[-1] info.append((label, channel["path"], color, channel)) series_idx += 1 suffix, scale = setup_axis_item(axis, info) if self.y_unit_suffix is None: # FIXME: Add multiple lines to the crosshair. self.y_unit_suffix = suffix self.y_data_to_display_scale = scale if self.crosshair is None: # FIXME: Reinitialise crosshair as necessary on schema changes. self.crosshair = LabeledCrosshairCursor( self, self.getPlotItem(), self.x_unit_suffix, self.x_data_to_display_scale, self.y_unit_suffix, self.y_data_to_display_scale) self.subscan_roots = create_subscan_roots(self.selected_point_model) # Make sure we put back annotations (if they haven't changed but the points # have been rewritten, there might not be an annotations_changed event). self._update_annotations() self.ready.emit() def _update_points(self, points): x_data = points["axis_0"] # Compare length to zero instead of using `not x_data` for NumPy array # compatibility. if len(x_data) == 0: return for s in self.series: s.update(x_data, points) def _clear_annotations(self): for item in self.annotation_items: item.remove() self.annotation_items.clear() def _update_annotations(self): self._clear_annotations() def channel_ref_to_series_idx(ref): for i, s in enumerate(self.series): if "channel_" + s.data_name == ref: return i return 0 def make_curve_item(series_idx): color = FIT_COLORS[series_idx % len(FIT_COLORS)] pen = pyqtgraph.mkPen(color, width=3) return pyqtgraph.PlotCurveItem(pen=pen) annotations = self.model.get_annotations() for a in annotations: if a.kind == "location": if set(a.coordinates.keys()) == set(["axis_0"]): associated_series_idx = max( channel_ref_to_series_idx(chan) for chan in a.parameters.get("associated_channels", [None])) color = FIT_COLORS[associated_series_idx % len(FIT_COLORS)] vb = self.series[associated_series_idx].view_box line = VLineItem(a.coordinates["axis_0"],"axis_0_error", None), vb, color, self.x_data_to_display_scale, self.x_unit_suffix) self.annotation_items.append(line) continue if a.kind == "curve": associated_series_idx = None for series_idx, series in enumerate(self.series): match_coords = set( ["axis_0", "channel_" + series.data_name]) if set(a.coordinates.keys()) == match_coords: associated_series_idx = series_idx break if associated_series_idx is not None: curve = make_curve_item(associated_series_idx) series = self.series[associated_series_idx] vb = series.view_box item = CurveItem( a.coordinates["axis_0"], a.coordinates["channel_" + series.data_name], vb, curve) self.annotation_items.append(item) continue if a.kind == "computed_curve": function_name = a.parameters.get("function_name", None) if ComputedCurveItem.is_function_supported(function_name): associated_series_idx = max( channel_ref_to_series_idx(chan) for chan in a.parameters.get("associated_channels", [None])) x_limits = [ self.x_param_spec.get(n, None) for n in ("min", "max") ] curve = make_curve_item(associated_series_idx) vb = self.series[associated_series_idx].view_box item = ComputedCurveItem(function_name,, vb, curve, x_limits) self.annotation_items.append(item) continue"Ignoring annotation of kind '%s' with coordinates %s", a.kind, list(a.coordinates.keys())) def build_context_menu(self, builder): x_schema = self.model.axes[0] if self.model.context.is_online_master(): for d in extract_linked_datasets(x_schema["param"]): action = builder.append_action( "Set '{}' from crosshair".format(d)) action.triggered.connect( lambda: self._set_dataset_from_crosshair_x(d)) builder.ensure_separator() super().build_context_menu(builder) def _set_dataset_from_crosshair_x(self, dataset_key): if not self.crosshair: logger.warning( "Plot not initialised yet, ignoring set dataset request") return self.model.context.set_dataset(dataset_key, self.crosshair.last_x) def _highlight_spot(self, spot): if self._highlighted_spot is not None: self._highlighted_spot.resetPen() self._highlighted_spot = None if spot is not None: spot.setPen("y", width=2) self._highlighted_spot = spot def _point_clicked(self, scatter_plot_item, spot_items): if not spot_items: # No points clicked – events don't seem to emitted in this case anyway. self._background_clicked() return # Arbitrarily choose the first element in the list if multiple spots # overlap; the user can always zoom in if that is undesired. spot = spot_items[0] self._highlight_spot(spot) self.selected_point_model.set_source_index(spot.index()) def _background_clicked(self): self._highlight_spot(None) self.selected_point_model.set_source_index(None) def _handle_scene_click(self, event): if not event.isAccepted(): # Event not handled yet, so background/… was clicked instead of a point. self._background_clicked()
class Image2DPlotWidget(AlternateMenuPlotWidget): error = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) ready = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, model: ScanModel, get_alternate_plot_names): super().__init__(get_alternate_plot_names) self.model = model self.model.channel_schemata_changed.connect(self._initialise_series) self.model.points_appended.connect( lambda p: self._update_points(p, False)) self.model.points_rewritten.connect( lambda p: self._update_points(p, True)) self.data_names = [] self.x_schema, self.y_schema = self.model.axes self.plot = None def setup_axis(schema, location): param = schema["param"] return setup_axis_item( self.getAxis(location), [(param["description"], format_param_identity(schema), None, param["spec"])]) self.x_unit_suffix, self.x_data_to_display_scale = \ setup_axis(self.x_schema, "bottom") self.y_unit_suffix, self.y_data_to_display_scale = \ setup_axis(self.y_schema, "left") self.crosshair = LabeledCrosshairCursor(self, self.getPlotItem(), self.x_unit_suffix, self.x_data_to_display_scale, self.y_unit_suffix, self.y_data_to_display_scale) self.showGrid(x=True, y=True) self.source_label = add_source_id_label( self.getPlotItem().getViewBox(), self.model.context) def _initialise_series(self, channels): if self.plot is not None: self.removeItem(self.plot.image_item) self.plot = None try: self.data_names, _ = extract_scalar_channels(channels) except ValueError as e: self.error.emit(str(e)) if not self.data_names: self.error.emit("No scalar result channels to display") hints_for_channels = { name: channels[name].get("display_hints", {}) for name in self.data_names } def bounds(schema): return (schema.get(n, None) for n in ("min", "max", "increment")) image_item = pyqtgraph.ImageItem() self.addItem(image_item) self.plot = _ImagePlot(image_item, self.data_names[0], *bounds(self.x_schema), *bounds(self.y_schema), hints_for_channels) self.ready.emit() def _update_points(self, points, invalidate): if self.plot: self.plot.data_changed(points, invalidate_previous=invalidate) def build_context_menu(self, builder): if self.model.context.is_online_master(): x_datasets = extract_linked_datasets(self.x_schema["param"]) y_datasets = extract_linked_datasets(self.y_schema["param"]) for d, axis in chain(zip(x_datasets, repeat("x")), zip(y_datasets, repeat("y"))): action = builder.append_action( "Set '{}' from crosshair".format(d)) action.triggered.connect(lambda *a, axis=axis, d=d: ( self._set_dataset_from_crosshair(d, axis))) if len(x_datasets) == 1 and len(y_datasets) == 1: action = builder.append_action("Set both from crosshair") def set_both(): self._set_dataset_from_crosshair(x_datasets[0], "x") self._set_dataset_from_crosshair(y_datasets[0], "y") action.triggered.connect(set_both) builder.ensure_separator() self.channel_menu_group = QtWidgets.QActionGroup(self) for name in self.data_names: action = builder.append_action(name) action.setCheckable(True) action.setActionGroup(self.channel_menu_group) action.setChecked(name == self.plot.active_channel_name) action.triggered.connect( lambda *a, name=name: self.plot.activate_channel(name)) builder.ensure_separator() super().build_context_menu(builder) def _set_dataset_from_crosshair(self, dataset, axis): if not self.crosshair: logger.warning( "Plot not initialised yet, ignoring set dataset request") return self.model.context.set_dataset( dataset, self.crosshair.last_x if axis == "x" else self.crosshair.last_y)
class Rolling1DPlotWidget(AlternateMenuPlotWidget): error = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) ready = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, model: SinglePointModel, get_alternate_plot_names): super().__init__(get_alternate_plot_names) self.model = model self.model.channel_schemata_changed.connect(self._initialise_series) self.model.point_changed.connect(self._append_point) self.series = [] self._history_length = 1024 self.showGrid(x=True, y=True) self.source_label = add_source_id_label( self.getPlotItem().getViewBox(), self.model.context) def _initialise_series(self): for s in self.series: s.remove_items() self.series.clear() channels = self.model.get_channel_schemata() try: data_names, error_bar_names = extract_scalar_channels(channels) except ValueError as e: self.error.emit(str(e)) return series_idx = 0 axes = group_channels_into_axes(channels, data_names) for names in axes: axis, view_box = self.new_y_axis() info = [] for name in names: color = SERIES_COLORS[series_idx % len(SERIES_COLORS)] data_item = pyqtgraph.ScatterPlotItem(pen=None, brush=color, size=6) error_bar_item = None error_bar_name = error_bar_names.get(name, None) if error_bar_name: error_bar_item = pyqtgraph.ErrorBarItem(pen=color) self.series.append( _Series(view_box, name, data_item, error_bar_name, error_bar_item, self._history_length)) channel = channels[name] label = channel["description"] if not label: label = channel["path"].split("/")[-1] info.append((label, channel["path"], color, channel)) series_idx += 1 setup_axis_item(axis, info) self.ready.emit() def _append_point(self, point): for s in self.series: s.append(point) def set_history_length(self, n): self._history_length = n for s in self.series: s.set_history_length(n) def build_context_menu(self, builder): if self.model.context.is_online_master(): # If no new data points are coming in, setting the history size wouldn't do # anything. # TODO: is_online_master() should really be something like # SinglePointModel.ever_updates(). num_history_box = QtWidgets.QSpinBox() num_history_box.setMinimum(1) num_history_box.setMaximum(2**16) num_history_box.setValue(self._history_length) num_history_box.valueChanged.connect(self.set_history_length) container = QtWidgets.QWidget() layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() container.setLayout(layout) label = QtWidgets.QLabel("N: ") layout.addWidget(label) layout.addWidget(num_history_box) action = builder.append_widget_action() action.setDefaultWidget(container) builder.ensure_separator() super().build_context_menu(builder)
class ScanModel(Model): points_rewritten = QtCore.pyqtSignal(dict) points_appended = QtCore.pyqtSignal(dict) annotations_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(list) def __init__(self, axes: List[Dict[str, Any]], schema_revision: int, context: Context): super().__init__(schema_revision, context) self.axes = axes self._annotations = [] self._annotation_schemata = [] self._online_analyses = {} def get_point_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: raise NotImplementedError def get_annotations(self) -> List[Annotation]: return self._annotations def get_analysis_result_source( self, name: str) -> Optional[AnnotationDataSource]: raise NotImplementedError # # TODO: Having these as elaborate implementation in the base class leaves a bit of a # bad aftertaste, although it's slightly hard to qualify why it should be bad # design. # def _set_annotation_schemata(self, schemata: List[Dict[str, Any]]): """Replace annotations with ones created according to the given schemata. This will be called by concrete subclasses once/whenever they have received the annotation metadata. """ self._annotation_schemata = schemata self._annotations = [] def data_source(spec): kind = spec["kind"] if kind == "fixed": return FixedDataSource(spec["value"]) # `online_result` was called `analysis_result` prior to revision 2, with # identical semantics; analysis results proper didn't exit. if kind == "online_result" or (self.schema_revision < 2 and kind == "analysis_result"): analysis = self._online_analyses.get(spec["analysis_name"], None) if analysis is None: return None return OnlineAnalysisDataSource(analysis, spec["result_key"]) if kind == "analysis_result": name = spec["name"] source = self.get_analysis_result_source(name) if source is None:"Analysis result data source not found: %s", name) return source "Ignoring unsupported annotation data source type: '%s'", kind) return None def to_data_sources(specs): return {k: data_source(v) for k, v in specs.items()} for schema in schemata: sources = [ to_data_sources(schema.get(n)) for n in ("coordinates", "data") ] if any(s is None for t in sources for s in t.values()): logger.warning("Ignoring analysis, not all data found: %s", schema) continue self._annotations.append( Annotation(schema["kind"], schema.get("parameters", {}), *sources)) self.annotations_changed.emit(self._annotations) def _set_online_analyses( self, analysis_schemata: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> None: """Create and hook up online analyses from the given schema. This will be called by concrete subclasses once/whenever they have received the schema metadata. """ for a in self._online_analyses.values(): a.stop() self._online_analyses = {} for name, schema in analysis_schemata.items(): kind = schema["kind"] if kind == "named_fit": self._online_analyses[name] = OnlineNamedFitAnalysis( schema, self) else: logger.warning( "Ignoring unsupported online analysis type: '%s'", kind) # Rebind annotation schemata to new analysis data sources. self._set_annotation_schemata(self._annotation_schemata)
class XY1DPlotWidget(pyqtgraph.PlotWidget): error = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self, x_schema, set_dataset): super().__init__() self.set_dataset = set_dataset self.series_initialised = False self.series = [] path = x_schema["path"] if not path: path = "/" identity_string = x_schema["param"]["fqn"] + "@" + path self.x_unit_suffix, self.x_data_to_display_scale = setup_axis_item( self.getAxis("bottom"), x_schema["param"]["description"], identity_string, x_schema["param"]["spec"]) self._install_context_menu(x_schema) self.crosshair = None self.showGrid(x=True, y=True) def data_changed(self, data, mods): def d(name): return data.get("ndscan." + name, (False, None))[1] if not self.series_initialised: channels_json = d("channels") if not channels_json: return channels = json.loads(channels_json) try: data_names, error_bar_names = extract_scalar_channels(channels) except ValueError as e: self.error.emit(str(e)) # KLUDGE: We rely on fit specs to be set before channels in order # for them to be displayed at all. fit_specs = json.loads(d("auto_fit") or "[]") for i, name in enumerate(data_names): color = SERIES_COLORS[i % len(SERIES_COLORS)] data_item = pyqtgraph.ScatterPlotItem(pen=None, brush=color, size=5) error_bar_name = error_bar_names.get(name, None) error_bar_item = pyqtgraph.ErrorBarItem( pen=color) if error_bar_name else None # TODO: Multiple fit specs, error bars from other channels. fit_spec = None fit_item = None fit_pois = [] for spec in fit_specs: if spec["data"]["x"] != "axis_0": continue if spec["data"]["y"] != "channel_" + name: continue e = spec["data"].get("y_err", None) if e and e != ("channel_" + error_bar_name): continue fit_spec = spec fit_color = FIT_COLORS[i % len(FIT_COLORS)] pen = pyqtgraph.mkPen(fit_color, width=3) fit_item = pyqtgraph.PlotCurveItem(pen=pen) for p in spec.get("pois", []): # TODO: Support horizontal lines, points, ... if p.get("x", None): fit_pois.append( _VLineFitPOI(p["x"], fit_color, self.x_data_to_display_scale, self.x_unit_suffix)) break self.series.append( _XYSeries(self, name, data_item, error_bar_name, error_bar_item, False, fit_spec, fit_item, fit_pois)) if len(data_names) == 1: # If there is only one series, set label/scaling accordingly. # TODO: Add multiple y axis for additional channels. c = channels[data_names[0]] label = c["description"] if not label: label = c["path"].split("/")[-1] # TODO: Change result channel schema and move properties accessed here # into "spec" field to match parameters? self.y_unit_suffix, self.y_data_to_display_scale = setup_axis_item( self.getAxis("left"), label, c["path"], c) else: self.y_unit_suffix = "" self.y_data_to_display_scale = 1.0 self.crosshair = LabeledCrosshairCursor( self, self, self.x_unit_suffix, self.x_data_to_display_scale, self.y_unit_suffix, self.y_data_to_display_scale) self.series_initialised = True x_data = d("points.axis_0") if not x_data: return for s in self.series: s.update(x_data, data) def _install_context_menu(self, x_schema): entries = [] for d in extract_linked_datasets(x_schema["param"]): action = QtWidgets.QAction("Set '{}' from crosshair".format(d), self) action.triggered.connect( lambda: self._set_dataset_from_crosshair_x(d)) entries.append(action) if entries: separator = QtWidgets.QAction("", self) separator.setSeparator(True) entries.append(separator) self.plotItem.getContextMenus = lambda ev: entries def _set_dataset_from_crosshair_x(self, dataset): if not self.crosshair: logger.warning( "Plot not initialised yet, ignoring set dataset request") return self.set_dataset(dataset, self.crosshair.last_x)
class Root(QtCore.QObject): model_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object) def get_model(self) -> Union["Model", None]: raise NotImplementedError
class XY1DPlotWidget(SubplotMenuPlotWidget): error = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) ready = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, model: ScanModel, get_alternate_plot_names): super().__init__(model.context, get_alternate_plot_names) self.model = model self.model.channel_schemata_changed.connect(self._initialise_series) self.model.points_appended.connect(self._update_points) self.model.annotations_changed.connect(self._update_annotations) # FIXME: Just re-set values instead of throwing away everything. def rewritten(points): self._initialise_series(self.model.get_channel_schemata()) self._update_points(points) self.model.points_rewritten.connect(rewritten) self.selected_point_model = SelectPointFromScanModel(self.model) self.subscan_roots = {} self.annotation_items = [] self.series = [] x_schema = self.model.axes[0] path = x_schema["path"] if not path: path = "/" identity_string = x_schema["param"]["fqn"] + "@" + path self.x_unit_suffix, self.x_data_to_display_scale = setup_axis_item( self.getAxis("bottom"), [(x_schema["param"]["description"], identity_string, None, x_schema["param"]["spec"])]) self.crosshair = None self._highlighted_spot = None self.showGrid(x=True, y=True) self.getPlotItem().getViewBox().scene().sigMouseClicked.connect( self._handle_scene_click) def _initialise_series(self, channels): for s in self.series: s.remove_items() self.series.clear() try: data_names, error_bar_names = extract_scalar_channels(channels) except ValueError as e: self.error.emit(str(e)) return colors = [SERIES_COLORS[i % len(SERIES_COLORS)] for i in range(len(data_names))] for i, (name, color) in enumerate(zip(data_names, colors)): data_item = pyqtgraph.ScatterPlotItem(pen=None, brush=color, size=6) data_item.sigClicked.connect(self._point_clicked) error_bar_name = error_bar_names.get(name, None) error_bar_item = pyqtgraph.ErrorBarItem( pen=color) if error_bar_name else None self.series.append( _XYSeries(self, name, data_item, error_bar_name, error_bar_item, False)) # If there is only one series, set unit/scale accordingly. # TODO: Add multiple y axes for additional channels. def axis_info(i): c = channels[data_names[i]] label = c["description"] if not label: label = c["path"].split("/")[-1] return label, c["path"], colors[i], c self.y_unit_suffix, self.y_data_to_display_scale = setup_axis_item( self.getAxis("left"), [axis_info(i) for i in range(len(data_names))]) if self.crosshair is None: # FIXME: Reinitialise crosshair as necessary on schema changes. self.crosshair = LabeledCrosshairCursor( self, self.getPlotItem(), self.x_unit_suffix, self.x_data_to_display_scale, self.y_unit_suffix, self.y_data_to_display_scale) self.subscan_roots = create_subscan_roots(self.selected_point_model) self.ready.emit() def _update_points(self, points): x_data = points["axis_0"] # Compare length to zero instead of using `not x_data` for NumPy array # compatibility. if len(x_data) == 0: return for s in self.series: s.update(x_data, points) def _update_annotations(self): for item in self.annotation_items: item.remove() self.annotation_items.clear() def series_idx(ref): for i, s in enumerate(self.series): if "channel_" + s.data_name == ref: return i return 0 def make_curve_item(series_idx): color = FIT_COLORS[series_idx % len(FIT_COLORS)] pen = pyqtgraph.mkPen(color, width=3) return pyqtgraph.PlotCurveItem(pen=pen) annotations = self.model.get_annotations() for a in annotations: if a.kind == "location": if set(a.coordinates.keys()) == set(["axis_0"]): idx = max( series_idx(chan) for chan in a.parameters.get("associated_channels", [None])) color = FIT_COLORS[idx % len(FIT_COLORS)] line = VLineItem(a.coordinates["axis_0"],"axis_0_error", None), self.getPlotItem(), color, self.x_data_to_display_scale, self.x_unit_suffix) self.annotation_items.append(line) continue if a.kind == "curve": idx = None for i, s in enumerate(self.series): match_coords = set(["axis_0", "channel_" + s.data_name]) if set(a.coordinates.keys()) == match_coords: idx = i break if idx is not None: curve = make_curve_item(idx) item = CurveItem(a.coordinates["axis_0"], a.coordinates["channel_" + s.data_name], self.getPlotItem(), curve) self.annotation_items.append(item) continue if a.kind == "computed_curve": function_name = a.parameters.get("function_name", None) if ComputedCurveItem.is_function_supported(function_name): idx = max( series_idx(chan) for chan in a.parameters.get("associated_channels", [])) curve = make_curve_item(idx) item = ComputedCurveItem(function_name,, self.getPlotItem(), curve) self.annotation_items.append(item) continue"Ignoring annotation of kind '%s' with coordinates %s", a.kind, list(a.coordinates.keys())) def build_context_menu(self, builder): x_schema = self.model.axes[0] if self.model.context.is_online_master(): for d in extract_linked_datasets(x_schema["param"]): action = builder.append_action("Set '{}' from crosshair".format(d)) action.triggered.connect(lambda: self._set_dataset_from_crosshair_x(d)) builder.ensure_separator() super().build_context_menu(builder) def _set_dataset_from_crosshair_x(self, dataset_key): if not self.crosshair: logger.warning("Plot not initialised yet, ignoring set dataset request") return self.model.context.set_dataset(dataset_key, self.crosshair.last_x) def _highlight_spot(self, spot): if self._highlighted_spot is not None: self._highlighted_spot.resetPen() self._highlighted_spot = None if spot is not None: spot.setPen("y", width=2) self._highlighted_spot = spot def _point_clicked(self, scatter_plot_item, spot_items): if not spot_items: # No points clicked – events don't seem to emitted in this case anyway. self._background_clicked() return # Arbitrarily choose the first element in the list if multiple spots # overlap; the user can always zoom in if that is undesired. spot = spot_items[0] self._highlight_spot(spot) self.selected_point_model.set_source_index(spot.index()) def _background_clicked(self): self._highlight_spot(None) self.selected_point_model.set_source_index(None) def _handle_scene_click(self, event): if not event.isAccepted(): # Event not handled yet, so background/… was clicked instead of a point. self._background_clicked()
class OnlineAnalysis(QtCore.QObject): updated = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def stop(self): pass
class OnlineNamedFitAnalysis(OnlineAnalysis): _trigger_recompute_fit = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, schema: Dict[str, Any], parent_model): super().__init__() self._schema = schema self._model = parent_model self._fit_type = self._schema["fit_type"] self._fit_obj = FIT_OBJECTS[self._fit_type] self._last_fit_params = None self._last_fit_errors = None self._recompute_fit_limiter = SignalProxy( self._trigger_recompute_fit, slot=lambda: asyncio.ensure_future(self._recompute_fit()), rateLimit=30) self._recompute_in_progress = False self._fit_executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) self._model.points_rewritten.connect(self._update) self._model.points_appended.connect(self._update) self._update() def stop(self): self._model.points_rewritten.disconnect(self._update) self._model.points_appended.disconnect(self._update) self._fit_executor.shutdown(wait=False) def get_data(self): if self._last_fit_params is None: return {} result = self._last_fit_params.copy() for key, value in self._last_fit_errors.items(): error_key = key + "_error" if error_key in result: raise ValueError( "Fit error key name collides with result: ''".format( error_key)) result[error_key] = value return result def _update(self): data = self._model.get_point_data() self._source_data = {} for param_key, source_key in self._schema["data"].items(): self._source_data[param_key] = data.get(source_key, []) num_points = min(len(v) for v in self._source_data.values()) if num_points < len(self._fit_obj.parameter_names): return for key, value in self._source_data.items(): self._source_data[key] = value[:num_points] self._trigger_recompute_fit.emit() async def _recompute_fit(self): if self._recompute_in_progress: # Run at most one fit computation at a time. To make sure we don't # leave a few final data points completely disregarded, just # re-emit the signal – even for long fits, repeated checks aren't # expensive, as long as the SignalProxy rate is slow enough. self._trigger_recompute_fit.emit() return self._recompute_in_progress = True # oitg.fitting currently only supports 1D fits, but this could/should be # changed. xs = self._source_data["x"] ys = self._source_data["y"] y_errs = self._source_data.get("y_err", None) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._last_fit_params, self._last_fit_errors = await loop.run_in_executor( self._fit_executor, _run_fit, self._fit_type, xs, ys, y_errs) self._recompute_in_progress = False self.updated.emit()
class Rolling1DPlotWidget(AlternateMenuPlotWidget): error = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) ready = QtCore.pyqtSignal() alternate_plot_requested = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self, model: SinglePointModel, get_alternate_plot_names): super().__init__(get_alternate_plot_names) self.model = model self.model.channel_schemata_changed.connect(self._initialise_series) self.model.point_changed.connect(self._append_point) self.series = [] self._history_length = 1024 self.showGrid(x=True, y=True) def _initialise_series(self): for s in self.series: s.remove_items() self.series.clear() channels = self.model.get_channel_schemata() try: data_names, error_bar_names = extract_scalar_channels(channels) except ValueError as e: self.error.emit(str(e)) return colors = [ SERIES_COLORS[i % len(SERIES_COLORS)] for i in range(len(data_names)) ] for i, (data_name, color) in enumerate(zip(data_names, colors)): data_item = pyqtgraph.ScatterPlotItem(pen=None, brush=color) error_bar_name = error_bar_names.get(data_name, None) error_bar_item = pyqtgraph.ErrorBarItem( pen=color) if error_bar_name else None self.series.append( _Series(self, data_name, data_item, error_bar_name, error_bar_item, self._history_length)) def axis_info(i): # If there is only one series, set label/scaling accordingly. # TODO: Add multiple y axis for additional channels. c = channels[data_names[i]] label = c["description"] if not label: label = c["path"].split("/")[-1] return label, c["path"], colors[i], c setup_axis_item(self.getAxis("left"), [axis_info(i) for i in range(len(data_names))]) self.ready.emit() def _append_point(self, point): for s in self.series: s.append(point) def set_history_length(self, n): self._history_length = n for s in self.series: s.set_history_length(n) def build_context_menu(self, builder): if self.model.context.is_online_master(): # If no new data points are coming in, setting the history size wouldn't do # anything. # TODO: is_online_master() should really be something like # SinglePointModel.ever_updates(). num_history_box = QtWidgets.QSpinBox() num_history_box.setMinimum(1) num_history_box.setMaximum(2**16) num_history_box.setValue(self._history_length) num_history_box.valueChanged.connect(self.set_history_length) container = QtWidgets.QWidget() layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() container.setLayout(layout) label = QtWidgets.QLabel("N: ") layout.addWidget(label) layout.addWidget(num_history_box) action = builder.append_widget_action() action.setDefaultWidget(container) builder.ensure_separator() super().build_context_menu(builder)
class OnlineNamedFitAnalysis(OnlineAnalysis): """Implements :class:`ndscan.experiment.default_analysis.OnlineFit`, that is, a fit of a well-known function that is executed repeatedly as new data is coming in. :param schema: The ``ndscan.online_analyses`` schema to implement. :param parent_model: The :class:`~ndscan.plots.model.ScanModel` to draw the data from. The schema is notexpected not to change until :meth:`stop` is called. """ _trigger_recompute_fit = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, schema: Dict[str, Any], parent_model): super().__init__() self._schema = schema self._model = parent_model self._fit_type = self._schema["fit_type"] self._fit_obj = FIT_OBJECTS[self._fit_type] self._constants = self._schema.get("constants", {}) self._initial_values = self._schema.get("initial_values", {}) self._last_fit_params = None self._last_fit_errors = None self._recompute_fit_limiter = SignalProxy( self._trigger_recompute_fit, slot=lambda: asyncio.ensure_future(self._recompute_fit()), rateLimit=30) self._recompute_in_progress = False self._fit_executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) self._model.points_rewritten.connect(self._update) self._model.points_appended.connect(self._update) self._update() def stop(self): self._model.points_rewritten.disconnect(self._update) self._model.points_appended.disconnect(self._update) self._fit_executor.shutdown(wait=False) def get_data(self): if self._last_fit_params is None: return {} result = self._last_fit_params.copy() for key, value in self._last_fit_errors.items(): error_key = key + "_error" if error_key in result: raise ValueError( "Fit error key name collides with result: '{}'".format( error_key)) result[error_key] = value return result def _update(self): data = self._model.get_point_data() self._source_data = {} for param_key, source_key in self._schema["data"].items(): self._source_data[param_key] = data.get(source_key, []) # Truncate the source data to a complete set of points. num_points = min(len(v) for v in self._source_data.values()) if num_points < len(self._fit_obj.parameter_names): # Not enough points yet for the given number of degrees of freedom. return for key, value in self._source_data.items(): self._source_data[key] = value[:num_points] self._trigger_recompute_fit.emit() async def _recompute_fit(self): if self._recompute_in_progress: # Run at most one fit computation at a time. To make sure we don't # leave a few final data points completely disregarded, just # re-emit the signal – even for long fits, repeated checks aren't # expensive, as long as the SignalProxy rate is slow enough. self._trigger_recompute_fit.emit() return self._recompute_in_progress = True # oitg.fitting currently only supports 1D fits, but this could/should be # changed. xs = self._source_data["x"] ys = self._source_data["y"] y_errs = self._source_data.get("y_err", None) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._last_fit_params, self._last_fit_errors = await loop.run_in_executor( self._fit_executor, _run_fit, self._fit_type, xs, ys, y_errs, self._constants, self._initial_values) self._recompute_in_progress = False self.updated.emit()