def cal_period_rate(sec_data, by='month'): # 计算周期收益率 start_date = sec_data.index.min().date() end_date = sec_data.index.max().date() # 构造周期列表 periods = [] # 年周期 if by == 'year': for year in range(start_date.year, end_date.year + 1): p = '%(year)s' % dict(year=year) periods.append((p, p)) # 月周期 elif by == 'month': for year in range(start_date.year, end_date.year + 1): for month in range(1, 13): if year >= end_date.year and month > end_date.month: break p = '%(year)s-%(month)02d' % dict(year=year, month=month) periods.append((p, p)) # 周周期 elif by == 'week': week_start = start_date while week_start < end_date: week_end = week_start + datetime.timedelta( days=(6 - week_start.weekday())) periods.append((week_start, week_end)) week_start = week_end + datetime.timedelta(days=1) else: print('Invalid period') # 计算周期收益率 period_rate = {'period': [], 'rate': []} for p_pair in periods: tmp_data = sec_data[p_pair[0]:p_pair[1]] if len(tmp_data) == 0: continue else: period_rate['period'].append(p_pair[0]) period_rate['rate'].append( cal_HPR(data=tmp_data, start=None, end=None, dim='Close')) period_rate = pd.DataFrame(period_rate) period_rate = util.df_2_timeseries(df=period_rate, time_col='period') return period_rate
def back_test(signal, cash=0, stock=0, start_date=None, end_date=None, trading_fee=3, stop_profit=0.1, stop_loss=0.6, mode='earning', print_trading=True, plot_trading=True): # 获取指定期间的信号 signal = signal[start_date:end_date] original_cash = cash # 记录交易 record = { 'date': [], 'action': [], 'holding': [], 'price': [], 'cash': [], 'total': [] } # 以盈利模式进行回测 if mode == 'earning': # 获取买入信号 buy_signals = signal.query('signal == "b"').index.tolist() selling_date = signal.index.min() # 从第一次买入信号开始交易 for date in buy_signals: # 信号的第二天开始操作 tmp_data = signal[date:][1:] if (len(tmp_data) < 2) or (date < selling_date): continue # 买入(开盘价) if stock == 0 and cash > 0: buying_date = tmp_data.index.min() buying_price = tmp_data.loc[buying_date, 'Open'] stock = math.floor((cash - trading_fee) / buying_price) if stock > 0: cash = cash - stock * buying_price - trading_fee total = (cash + stock * buying_price) # 记录交易信息 record['date'].append( record['action'].append('b') record['holding'].append(stock) record['price'].append(buying_price) record['cash'].append(cash) record['total'].append(total) # 打印交易记录 if print_trading: print(, '买入 %(stock)s, 价格%(price)s, 流动资金%(cash)s, 总值%(total)s' % dict(stock=stock, price=buying_price, cash=cash, total=total)) else: print(, '买入 %(stock)s' % dict(stock=stock)) # 卖出(如果有持仓) if stock > 0: for index, row in tmp_data.iterrows(): selling_date = index selling_price = row['Close'] # 收益卖出(收盘价) if ((selling_price - buying_price) / buying_price) > stop_profit: cash = cash + selling_price * stock - trading_fee stock = 0 total = cash if print_trading: print(, '止盈, 价格%(price)s, 流动资金%(cash)s, 总值%(total)s' % dict(price=selling_price, cash=cash, total=total)) # 记录交易信息 record['date'].append( record['action'].append('s') record['holding'].append(stock) record['price'].append(selling_price) record['cash'].append(cash) record['total'].append(cash) break # 止损卖出(收盘价) elif ((selling_price - buying_price) / buying_price) < -stop_loss: cash = cash + selling_price * stock - trading_fee stock = 0 total = cash if print_trading: print(, '止损, 价格%(price)s, 流动资金%(cash)s, 总值%(total)s' % dict(price=selling_price, cash=cash, total=total)) # 记录交易信息 record['date'].append( record['action'].append('s') record['holding'].append(stock) record['price'].append(selling_price) record['cash'].append(cash) record['total'].append(total) break # 以信号模式进行回测 elif mode == 'signal': # 去除冲突的信号 buy_sell_signals = signal.query('signal != "n"') trading_signals = [] last_signal = 'n' for index, row in buy_sell_signals.iterrows(): current_signal = row['signal'] if current_signal == last_signal: continue else: trading_signals.append(index) last_signal = current_signal # 开始交易 for date in trading_signals: if date == signal.index.max(): print('信号于', date, '发出') break # 信号的第二天交易 tmp_signal = signal.loc[date, 'signal'] tmp_data = signal[date:][1:] trading_date = tmp_data.index.min() # 以开盘价买入 if tmp_signal == 'b': buying_price = signal.loc[trading_date, 'Open'] stock = math.floor((cash - trading_fee) / buying_price) if stock > 0: cash = cash - stock * buying_price - trading_fee total = (cash + stock * buying_price) if print_trading: print(, '买入 %(stock)s, 价格%(price)s, 流动资金%(cash)s, 总值%(total)s' % dict(stock=stock, price=buying_price, cash=cash, total=total)) # 记录交易信息 record['date'].append( record['action'].append('b') record['holding'].append(stock) record['price'].append(buying_price) record['cash'].append(cash) record['total'].append(total) else: print(, '买入 %(stock)s' % dict(stock=stock)) # 以收盘价卖出 elif tmp_signal == 's': if stock > 0: selling_price = signal.loc[trading_date, 'Close'] cash = cash + selling_price * stock - trading_fee stock = 0 total = cash + stock * selling_price if print_trading: print(, '卖出, 价格%(price)s, 流动资金%(cash)s, 总值%(total)s' % dict(price=selling_price, cash=cash, total=total)) # 记录交易信息 record['date'].append( record['action'].append('s') record['holding'].append(stock) record['price'].append(selling_price) record['cash'].append(cash) record['total'].append(total) else: print('invalid signal %s' % tmp_signal) # 未定义的模式 else: print('mode [%s] not found' % mode) # 记录最新数据 current_date = signal.index.max() current_price = signal.loc[current_date, 'Close'] total = cash + stock * current_price record['date'].append( record['action'].append(signal.loc[current_date, 'signal']) record['holding'].append(stock) record['price'].append(current_price) record['cash'].append(cash) record['total'].append(total) if print_trading: print(, '当前, 价格%(price)s, 总值%(total)s' % dict(price=current_price, total=total)) # 将记录转化为时序数据 record = util.df_2_timeseries(pd.DataFrame(record), time_col='date') # 画出回测图 if plot_trading: buying_points = record.query('action == "b"') selling_points = record.query('action == "s"') f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 3)) plt.plot(signal[['Close']]) plt.scatter(buying_points.index, buying_points.price, c='green') plt.scatter(selling_points.index, selling_points.price, c='red') total_value_data = pd.merge(signal[['Close']], record[['cash', 'holding', 'action']], how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True) total_value_data.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True) total_value_data['original'] = original_cash total_value_data['total'] = total_value_data[ 'Close'] * total_value_data['holding'] + total_value_data['cash'] total_value_data[['total', 'original']].plot(figsize=(20, 3)) return record
def cal_period_rate_risk(data, dim='value', by='month'): """ Calculate rate and risk in a specfic period :param data: original OHLCV data :param dim: price dim to calculate :param by: by which period: year/month/week :returns: periodical return and risk :raises: none """ # calculate the change rate by day data = ta_util.cal_change_rate(df=data, target_col=dim, periods=1) # get start/end date, construct period list start_date = data.index.min().date() end_date = data.index.max().date() periods = [] # by year if by == 'year': for year in range(start_date.year, end_date.year + 1): p = '%(year)s' % dict(year=year) periods.append((p, p)) # by month elif by == 'month': for year in range(start_date.year, end_date.year + 1): for month in range(1, 13): if year >= end_date.year and month > end_date.month: break p = '%(year)s-%(month)02d' % dict(year=year, month=month) periods.append((p, p)) # by week elif by == 'week': week_start = start_date while week_start < end_date: week_end = week_start + datetime.timedelta( days=(6 - week_start.weekday())) periods.append((week_start, week_end)) week_start = week_end + datetime.timedelta(days=1) else: print('Invalid period') # calculate the risk/return for the period period_rate = { 'period': [], 'start': [], 'end': [], 'HPR': [], 'EAR': [], 'APR': [], 'CCR': [], 'daily_rate_mean': [], 'daily_rate_std': [] } for p_pair in periods: tmp_data = data[p_pair[0]:p_pair[1]] if len(tmp_data) <= 1: continue else: period_rate['period'].append(p_pair[0]) period_rate['start'].append(p_pair[0]) period_rate['end'].append(p_pair[1]) period_rate['HPR'].append( cal_HPR(data=tmp_data, start=None, end=None, dim='Close')) period_rate['EAR'].append( cal_EAR(data=tmp_data, start=None, end=None, dim='Close')) period_rate['APR'].append( cal_APR(data=tmp_data, start=None, end=None, dim='Close')) period_rate['CCR'].append( cal_CCR(data=tmp_data, start=None, end=None, dim='Close')) period_rate['daily_rate_mean'].append(tmp_data.rate.mean()) period_rate['daily_rate_std'].append(tmp_data.rate.std()) period_rate = pd.DataFrame(period_rate) period_rate = util.df_2_timeseries(df=period_rate, time_col='period') return period_rate
def download_stock_data_from_tiger(sec_code, time_col='time', quote_client=None, download_limit=1200, start_date=None, end_date=None, file_path='drive/My Drive/stock_data_us/', file_format='.csv', is_return=False, is_print=True): # 构建股票数据文件名 filename = file_path + sec_code + file_format # 下载开始 stage = 'downloading_started' try: # 查看是否已存在下载好的文件, 若有则读取, 若没有则初始化 stage = 'loading_existed_data' data = pd.DataFrame() if os.path.exists(filename): data = read_stock_data(sec_code, file_path=file_path, file_format=file_format, time_col='Date') # 记录原始数据记录数, 更新下载起始日期 init_len = len(data) if init_len > 0: start_date = util.time_2_string(data.index.max(), date_format='%Y-%m-%d') # 从老虎API下载数据 stage = 'downloading_new_data' # 将开始结束时间转化为时间戳 if start_date is not None: begin_time = round( time.mktime(util.string_2_time(start_date).timetuple()) * 1000) else: begin_time = 0 if end_date is not None: end_time = round( time.mktime(util.string_2_time(end_date).timetuple()) * 1000) else: end_time = round(time.time() * 1000) # 开始下载数据 tmp_len = download_limit new_data = pd.DataFrame() while tmp_len >= download_limit: tmp_data = quote_client.get_bars([sec_code], begin_time=begin_time, end_time=end_time, limit=download_limit) tmp_len = len(tmp_data) new_data = tmp_data.append(new_data) end_time = int(tmp_data.time.min()) # 处理下载的数据 stage = 'processing_new_data' if len(new_data) > 0: new_data.drop('symbol', axis=1, inplace=True) new_data[time_col] = new_data[time_col].apply( lambda x: util.timestamp_2_time(x).date()) new_data.rename(columns={ 'open': 'Open', 'high': 'High', 'low': 'Low', 'close': 'Close', 'volume': 'Volume', 'time': 'Date' }, inplace=True) new_data['Adj Close'] = new_data['Close'] time_col = 'Date' new_data = util.df_2_timeseries(df=new_data, time_col=time_col) # 附上已有数据 data = data.append(new_data, sort=False) # 去重,保存数据 stage = 'saving_data' data = data.reset_index().drop_duplicates(subset=time_col, keep='last') data.sort_values(by=time_col, ) data.to_csv(filename, index=False) # 对比记录数量变化 if is_print: final_len = len(data) diff_len = final_len - init_len print( '[From Tiger]%(sec_code)s: %(first_date)s - %(latest_date)s, 新增记录 %(diff_len)s/%(final_len)s, ' % dict(diff_len=diff_len, final_len=final_len, first_date=data[time_col].min().date(), latest_date=data[time_col].max().date(), sec_code=sec_code)) except Exception as e: print(sec_code, stage, e) # 返回数据 if is_return: data = util.df_2_timeseries(data, time_col=time_col) return data
def read_stock_data(sec_code, time_col, file_path='drive/My Drive/stock_data_us/', file_format='.csv', source='google_drive', start_date=None, end_date=None, drop_cols=[], drop_na=False, sort_index=True): try: # 从 Google drive中读取股票数据 if source == 'google_drive': # 构建文件名 filename = file_path + sec_code + file_format if not os.path.exists(filename): print(filename, ' not exists') data = pd.DataFrame() else: # 读取数据 stage = 'reading_from_google_drive' if file_format == '.csv': data = pd.read_csv(filename, encoding='utf8', engine='python') elif file_format == '.xlsx': data = pd.read_excel(filename) # 转化为时间序列 stage = 'transforming_to_timeseries' data = util.df_2_timeseries(df=data, time_col=time_col) # 处理异常数据 stage = 'handling_invalid_data' # 删除指定列 data.drop(drop_cols, axis=1, inplace=True) # 删除NA列 if drop_na: data.dropna(axis=1, inplace=True) # 重新排序index if sort_index: data.sort_index(inplace=True) # 从网络上下载股票数据 elif source == 'web': # 下载数据 stage = 'reading_from_pandas_datareader' data = web.DataReader(sec_code, 'yahoo', start=start_date, end=end_date) else: print('source %s not found' % source) data = pd.DataFrame() except Exception as e: print(sec_code, stage, e) data = pd.DataFrame() return data[start_date:end_date]
def download_stock_data_from_yahoo(sec_code, time_col='Date', start_date=None, end_date=None, file_path='drive/My Drive/stock_data_us/', file_format='.csv', is_return=False, is_print=True): # 构建股票数据文件名 filename = file_path + sec_code + file_format # 下载开始 stage = 'downloading_started' try: # 查看是否已存在下载好的文件, 若有则读取, 若没有则初始化 stage = 'loading_existed_data' data = pd.DataFrame() if os.path.exists(filename): data = read_stock_data(sec_code, file_path=file_path, file_format=file_format, time_col=time_col) # 记录原始数据记录数, 更新下载的起始日期 init_len = len(data) if init_len > 0: start_date = util.time_2_string(data.index.max(), date_format='%Y-%m-%d') # 下载更新新下载的数据并保存 stage = 'appending_new_data' tmp_data = web.DataReader(sec_code, 'yahoo', start=start_date, end=end_date) if len(tmp_data) > 0: data = data.append(tmp_data, sort=False) # 保存数据 stage = 'saving_data' data = data.reset_index().drop_duplicates(subset=time_col, keep='last') data.to_csv(filename, index=False) # 对比记录数量变化 if is_print: final_len = len(data) diff_len = final_len - init_len print( '%(sec_code)s: %(first_date)s - %(latest_date)s, 新增记录 %(diff_len)s/%(final_len)s, ' % dict(diff_len=diff_len, final_len=final_len, first_date=data[time_col].min().date(), latest_date=data[time_col].max().date(), sec_code=sec_code)) except Exception as e: print(sec_code, stage, e) # 返回数据 if is_return: data = util.df_2_timeseries(data, time_col=time_col) return data