def __init__(self): = sTools() self.benchmart_start = time.clock() self.__read_config() mysql_db = self.config['mysql']['stock'] self.mysql = sMysql(mysql_db['host'], mysql_db['user'], mysql_db['password'], mysql_db['dbname'])
def main_while(abc): i = 1 tools = sTools() today = tools.d_date('%Y%m%d') today = 20160226 while True: # print i #os.system('php /htdocs/soga/trader/index.php Base daily_stock_list') _st_data = mysql.getRecord("select chg from s_stock_list where dateline= %s" % today) unixtime ="%s") print unixtime #sys.exit() for i in range(len(_st_data)): chg = _st_data[i][0] #print chg #sys.exit() if chg <= -5: _type = 1 elif chg > -5 and chg <= -3: _type = 2 elif chg > -3 and chg <= 0: _type = 3 elif chg > 0 and chg <= 3: _type = 4 elif chg > 3 and chg <= 7: _type = 5 else: _type = 6 _has = mysql.fetch_one("select * from s_status where s_t=%s" % unixtime) #print res #sys.exit() _where = "s_t=%s" % unixtime _field = "t_%s" % _type res = {'s_t': unixtime, _field: 1} #print res #sys.exit() if _has is not None: mysql.dbQuery('update s_status set %s=%s+1 where %s' % (_field, _field, _where)) else: mysql.dbInsert('s_status', res) time.sleep(65)
arr['run_script'] = "php /htdocs/soga/trader/index.php XueQiu get_xq_user_from_follows %s " return arr def get_xq_title(params): arr = {} arr['sql'] = "SELECT user_id FROM user_xq WHERE original_count>30 and followers_count >=80 ORDER BY original_count DESC" arr['limit'] = 15 arr['run_script'] = "php /htdocs/soga/trader/index.php XueQiu get_xq_title %s " return arr if __name__ == '__main__': mysql = sMysql('', 'root', '1234asdf', 'stock') spider = SpiderEngine() sTools = sTools() print sys.argv function = eval(sys.argv[1]) params = 0 if (len(sys.argv) == 3): params = sys.argv[2] #build params script = function(params) run_worker_template(script) sys.exit()
def __init__(self, name, setting): self.bk_start = time.clock() print sys.argv = sTools() self.init(setting)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import pandas import hashlib import math from settings import * from quant.core.DB import sMysql from import sTools tools = sTools() class Average(object): def __init__(self): self.mysql = sMysql(MYSQL_DB['host'], MYSQL_DB['user'], MYSQL_DB['password'], MYSQL_DB['dbname']) def getChuQuan(self, s_code): '''获取历史除权数据,重写open and s_code in('sh600365')''' chuQuan = pandas.read_sql("select s_code,dateline,factor from s_stock_fuquan where 1 and s_code in('%s') order by dateline DESC" % s_code, self.mysql.db) _chQ = {} _fa = 1 #只有一条记录的特殊处理 if len(chuQuan) == 1: print chuQuan.iloc[0].dateline _chQ[s_code] = [] _chQ[s_code].append({'start': 0, 'end': chuQuan.iloc[0].dateline, 'factor': chuQuan.iloc[0].factor}) _chQ[s_code].append({'start': chuQuan.iloc[0].dateline, 'end': tools.d_date('%Y%m%d'), 'factor': 1}) else: for i in range(len(chuQuan)):
def main_elasticsearch(): es = Elasticsearch(host="localhost", port="9200") tools = sTools() today = tools.d_date('%Y%m%d') #today = 20160112 #print today #sys.exit() data = mysql.getRecord("select * from s_stock_list where dateline=%s " % today) tags = mysql.getRecord("select s_code,category_name from s_stock_cate_list where 1") tags_list = {} for i in range(len(tags)): if tags[i][0] not in tags_list.keys(): tags_list[tags[i][0]] = [tags[i][1]] else: tags_list[tags[i][0]].append(tags[i][1]) i = 1 for row in data: row = list(row) tagss = '' if row[2] in tags_list.keys(): tags_ids = tags_list[row[2]] tagss = ','.join(list(set(tags_ids))) #取财务指标 s_code = row[2] #s_code = 'sh600836' tes = mysql.fetch_one("select * from s_company_finance where code=%s order by reportdate desc limit 1" % s_code[2:]) if tes is None: tes = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] average = mysql.fetch_one("select * from s_stock_average where s_code ='%s' and dateline=%s" % (s_code, today)) if average is None: average = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] doc = { 's_code': s_code, 'name': row[6], 'tagss': tagss, 'last_close': row[8], 'open': row[9], 'close': row[10], 'high': row[11], 'low': row[12], 'chg': row[13], 'chg_m': row[14], 'volumes': row[15]/100, 'amount': row[16]/10000, 'now_zf': row[17], 'turnover': row[18], 'run_market': row[19]/100000000, 'all_market': row[20]/100000000, 'reportdate': tes[2], 'basiceps': tes[3], # 基本每股收益 'epsweighted': tes[4], # 每股收益(加权) 'epsdiluted': tes[5], # 每股收益(摊薄) 'naps': tes[6], # 每股净资产 'opercashpershare': tes[7], # 每股现金流 'peropecashpershare': tes[8], # 每股经营性现金流 'netassgrowrate': tes[9], # 净资产增长率(%) 'netincgrowrate': tes[13], # 净利润增长率(%) 'salegrossprofitrto': tes[15], # 销售毛利率 'on_ma5': average[4], 'on_ma10': average[5], 'on_ma20': average[6], 'on_ma30': average[7], 'on_ma60': average[8], } #print doc #sys.exit() es.index(index="stock8", doc_type='info', id=i, body=doc) #sys.exit() i += 1 es.indices.refresh(index="stock8")